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    14 Jan: Research team in retro sci-fi military complex in Colombia

    by , 02-14-2021 at 10:59 PM (272 Views)
    non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

    I am part of a weird team doing some research on some underground complex. The place is made of rammed earth, seems ancient, yet these are like top secret military facilities. There is some kind of tech or being which was found, not sure if on these undergrounds or somewhere else. This being or thing can alter matter, reality or at least our perception of it. I just joined in and I am watching and listening to a couple older researchers on the team, discussing their latest experiences and how it relates to some memory from their life together (they are a couple). Strangely, the guy is the sociologist whom (in RL) sold me my house and she is some americam actress (can't remember whom). They send me on a test. I don't know exactly what is going on, but they send me through a sort of maze and I encounter strange people. First I see a strange man and a mirror. He points to the mirror and I start swelling like a balloon. I am sure it is a trick, but then I look at my body and I am actually swelling like a balloon and feeling it. First reaction, I freak out, but then I recall it's likely an illusion somehow and I laugh, not afraid. And indeed it stops. Then I continue walking deep into the maze and I encounter a very tall man who grabs me. A pair of extra arms come out from his mid section of the body and wrap around me. I also freak out, but then again remeber it is all a trick somehow and indeed the man reveals itself to be a person on top of another and not some kind of monster. Then it even fades away revealing the illusion is even deeper and all is just mentally induced from the beggining to end. They were testing what kind of weird fears would manifest and how I would get out of it.
    They then walk me outside to a pateo with grass and lots of people having some kind of networking party, with a corner where children are beinf entertained by a theather play. I notice everyone is dressed like the 50s and there is a retro sci-fi kind of vibe to this whole place.
    There are some planes in the distance or something causing a bit of a noise and people want to go outside and check what's going on. So many of them head for the doors that cnnect directly to the entrance of this building. Outside there is a short staircase leading to a very large square. Around this square are colonial style buildings. I see the locals and realize "this is somewhere in latin america". Then notice flags hanging in several poles in the surrounding buildings and realize it's in Colombia. So there were really planes coming towards this town. And they attack. So we are advised to go back to the complex, close the doors and go to the underground levels again
    DarkestDarkness likes this.

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