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    Visions in the Dark

    Lucid Dreams in red.
    Non-Lucid Dreams in blue.
    Dream Conversations in purple.
    Comments in black.

    My spelling and grammar are terrible. Expect mistakes.
    Thank you for reading!

    1. Lost in England

      by , 11-17-2011 at 04:59 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      I'm in England in a busy downtown disctrict. I have no idea how I got there but I know that I must get to the airport so I can get home. I wander the street for a long time but I cannot find my way out of the downtown area and seem to be going in circles. A red double decker bus comes along and I get on it, thinking it will take me to the airport, but instead it goes toa huge shopping mall and drops everyone off.

      I go into the shopping mall and wander around a bit. I pass a two storey McDonald's resturant that is closed and dark. There is a museum in the center of the mall that is showing ancient chinese art. Some of the art are sculptures of giant leaves done in jade and a green crystal stone, though some of the leaves are missing peices like parts of them have corroded or rusted off like it was made of metal.

      When I leave the museum I am in the basement floor of the mall and for some reason I am in my pajamas. I am feeling hungry and head for the food court, which is on the far side of the basement floor of the mall. Many of the fast food resturants are places I have never heard of serving food I have either never seen before or do not like. There is a Burger King and a Diary Queen, but they are closed for some reason.

      I order a hot drink from one of the resturants (coffee I think?) and as I am waiting for it to be prepared I see my dad and my eldest brother appear in line for the same resturant. I am happy to see them and hope that they will take me home. At first they don't respond to me, then later say that they are not here for me and we get into an argument about something.

      I cannot remember how this dream ends, but I woke up feeling so upset that I was nauseated.
    2. Open Concept Aircraft

      by , 11-17-2011 at 10:02 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I'm on a large commercial passenger plane dressed as a stewardess but sitting in one of the seats like a passenger. The plane has no walls between the cockpit or the bathroom and everyone can see everyone doing everything. Instead of a second officer beside the pilot, that seat is the toilet; you have to go and sit beside the pilot at the front of the plane to relieve yourself and all of the passengers can see you because there are no walls.

      The plane is high in the air over an ocean. I am sitting in my seat drinking champagne from a crystal stemware. I drink a lot and eventually have to go to the bathroom. No one else on the plane has tried because they are too embarassed and are trying to hold it. I know I can't wait that long and go up to the toilet and relieve myself. I am not filled with anxiety or embarassment like I would in a similar situation in waking life.

      The pilot strikes up a conversation with me and orders me more champangne. The toilet seats turns into a regular pilots seat and a curtain appears and divides the passenger area and pilots area. The pilot says he is bored and for a while our conversation goes on and I cannot remember what was said, but at the end of the dream I kneeling beside the pilot's chair fellating the pilot.
    3. Banned from the forum

      by , 11-16-2011 at 07:54 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      Before I went to bed I made some joking comments on an internet forum that I frequent. I had this dream afterwards:

      I am on the forum and necieve a notification that someone has responded to the comments I made earlier. I go to the thread and find that people didn't find my comments funny and are attacking me and putting me down. I reply and point out that these comments were made in the Off-Topic forum and were not meant to be taken seriously. A few people reply angrily and someone says that they have reported me to a Moderator. The moderator replies to the thread and tells everyone to calm the fuck down and stop taking my joking comments so seriously. Then the Moderator bans me anyway, which upsets me, because I have a lot of online friends on that forum and the thought of not being able to interact with them anymore causes me distress.

      I think this dream is a reflection of the anxieties I often have of being criticised and abandoned.
    4. School and the T-Rex

      by , 11-13-2011 at 02:37 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am in a city I do not recognize. I live there and I am going to high school still, but I do not have a family and I live in a communal bording house for kids and young adults with no place else to go. I am at school and the teacher gives us a big assignment to do were we have to submit a thesis on something (but I cannot remember what now) but a lot of the young teens in my class are lazy and uninterested and do not bother to do the work. One of the stipulations of the assignment is that it must be hand written on lined paper, and not printed out from a computer.

      It takes me only one night to get my assignment done but as the due date approatches I notice that my only friends in my school has barely done hers at all and I offer to help her with it. The little bit she has done is on the computer and I start ccopying what she has written on lined paper until I get to were her assignment ends and I give it back to her. I tell her I cannot finish writing it out until she finishes her assignment. My friend becomes angry and bullies me to finish the assignment for her and eventually I cave in and agree because she is my only friend and I do not want to lose her, because then I would be truly alone.

      I am walking outside the next day. It is saturday and there is no school. I am feeling angry and resentful about always doing my work on time and the teacher's not caring since they don't care that the other students barely ever do their work. I pass a resturant that is in a large shopping plaza and on the inside are all my fellow classmates and my teachers and they are all eating great food. There is slices of roast beef covered in melted cheese; racks of juicy ribs; all kinds of potato side dishes, like mashed, boiled and spiced, and scalloped; and all sorts of vegetables and desserts.

      I assume this is a school thing that I didn't know about but when I go into the resturant I am told that they are really sorry but there is no food left because they didn't know they would need an extra place for me. I went over to my teacher and asked why I wasn't told about this and why there was no food for me, and my teacher responded that they had asked my one friend to tell me and it wasn't their fault if she had neglected to do so. I do not create a scene even though on the inside I feel like exploding. I quietly and calmly walk back to the bording house, take my friends assignment that I was doing for her, and rip it up and throw the peices all over her room.

      I look in the fridge and there is nothing I can make a meal with, just a carton of milk and some apples. I head back to he shopping center to my food for myself because I have a little bit of money. People I pass on the street say that some dinosaurs have escaped from the zoo and are headed our way, but even though I know dinosaurs are real in my dream world, I don't care because I am too miserable.

      In the grocery store my goal is to buy ground beef for tacos, because tacos are my favourite food and I think it will cheer me up a little, but I am tempted to buy many other things that I can just barely afford, including cartons of cigarettes, which are laying in a basket near the check out line and are on sale. I am so tempted my some things that I start contemplating trying to steal things, but I know it is wrong and before my thoughts become actions I can hear people screaming outside. When I look out the window I can see a huge Tyrannasaurus Rex stomping around the parking lot and attacking cars and eating people. I leave the grocery store and head into the shopping mall without buying anything at all because people are panicking and running into the grocery store to get away from the dinosaur and it is complete chaos.

      People in the mall are also panicking, which others are calmly walking around. I am not scared for some reason, though I feel very tired and slightly annoyed. Vendors in stores start putting up hand written sale signs on a lot of their goods, hoping people will buy items on sale in their panic. I think this is stupid and keep walking through the mall.

      I find a little girl crying in the center of the plaza and she says she can't find her mother. I ask where she last saw her mother and the little girl responds that her mother went to get some lunch and told her daughter to stay put. I ask the little girl if she knows what food stall in the food court her mother went to and the little girl says she does know which one and what it looks like, but does not know how to get there. I offer to take her and we push past panicking people who are flooding into the mall trying to escape the rampaging T-Rex but I do not tell the little girl what is going on outside. She is more interested in finding her mother anyway.

      We pass many interesting stores, including a shoe store with high heel boots made in Africa, an all natural scented candle store, and an interactive information booth on nature and geography around the world. The little girl and I find the food court and she points out the fast food place her mother went to. It is an Italian food place but the sign says Siesta Teisto, or something like that, which sounds Spanish to me. The little girl thanks me and runs into the store and when I go inside to see if she has found her mother, absolutely no one is there, not even the cooks or cashiers.

      I head back to towards the main plaza in the mall but can get there because there are so many people who have come from outside seeking shelter. I climb some stairs up to the second floor that leads to a fancy resturant or gym just as the T-Rex smashes through a ground floor window and starts rampaging through the mall. Lots of people are either crushed to death in the stampeed or are eaten, though I cannot remember much more from this dream.
    5. Boats

      by , 11-12-2011 at 07:45 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      I dreamed that my two brothers, my father, myself (at a younger age then I am now) and a few other men I do not recognize were by the sea side somewhere warm. There were no roads but narrow chanels for small boats and canoes to navigate.

      My dad tells me and one of my brothers that he and the other men are going a head in another boat and leave me and R in the first boat. R makes me sit in the back ignores my complains that the back of the boat is sinking. I was arguing with him to let me sit up front but he ignored me and soon i'm up to my waist in water. My father and my other brother came along in another boat and got into ours. All the older and heavier men were sitting at the front of the boat, yet is was only sinking and below water at the back where I was sitting.

      After complaining and whining I finally convinced my father to let me switch places with them and they all went into the back and I went into the font. The back of the boat suddenly became boyant and the front of the boat sank and I could not lift it above the waterline to help steer. I remember feeling angry and frustrated and sick of it all, like I expected this to happen all the time and I was tired of it.

      Eventually I found a small boat of my own and got out of my father's and brother's boat and tried to make my way through the maze of channels on my own. My both didn't sink this time, but I had no control and would often get pushed backwards by incoming waves or the tide. Even though I couldn't really go anywhere, I was happier in my own boat for some reason. I remember at the end of the dream missing my mom and wondering where she was, and being upset that I could not get to her because I had no control over my own little boat.

      Updated 11-12-2011 at 11:28 PM by 6048 (formatting and spelling)

      non-lucid , nightmare
    6. Faking the French Language

      by , 11-11-2011 at 12:47 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      I can only remember a fragment of the dream I had last night, but it is the first dream I have remembered for a very long time.

      I was either in school or in a store of some kind and I went up to a man who was sitting behind a table selling things, but he only spoke French and we could not understand each other. I can barely read French and I certainly can not speak it in waking life, but for some reason in the dream I started "faking" what I thought was good French and apparently it was because the man behind the table and I had a long and cheerful conversation with me. I knew by the sound of it that we were speaking French, but I had no idea what either he or myself was actually saying.

      Updated 11-11-2011 at 12:56 PM by 6048

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. The trading game

      by , 10-15-2011 at 06:26 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I was in a market in the Middle Ages of some kind where you couldn't buy anything but had to trade for it instead. I had many things to trade but most people either didn't want them or would try to scam me out of my items by giving me things in return that were not of the same value of the items I had. The person who ended up with the rarest and most valuable items would win. The King of our small Midieval like village would come and present the winner with gold coins and erect a plaque with their name on it in the town square were everyone could see it. Like many other people I desperately wanted to win and be publicly recognized but by the end of the day most of my good items had been cheated away from me and I was left with undesirable things or complete garbage.

      At the end of the dream I am lieterally outside of the crowd who are pushing to see the presentation in the village square and I cannot push my way past anyone because I am smaller and weaker than everyone else. I drop what items I have left in a barrel and walk away down a narrow alleyway feeling dejected.
    8. October 14th, 2011 - The Doomsday Machine

      by , 10-14-2011 at 10:36 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am some a future version of our world where severe economic recessions and war have devastated most countries and much of the human civilization has reverted to Mideieval era technology and feudalism. There are pockets of technological advanced socities still in existence, but they have isolated themselves from the rest of the world with cities surrounded by walls and drones to kill people trying to break in. Many countries have become lawless and chaotic because religious zealots and warlords and their tribes fight for land and resources, including most of North America, and at the beginning of the dream I am fleeing my home and I end up on a ship headed to India.

      I though India would be just as chaotic and poor yet fortunately there is religious tolerace and peace, and unlike most other countries, there is often running water and electricity availble in some cities. I end up living with a friend who fled North America years ago and she shares a cramped apartment with several other families above a rare bookstore which went out of business the day before I arrived. The first floor then becomes a communty meeting hall for the small village and the local Imam (who is also the head man of the town) gathers people every night to talk about relevent issues and to bring his television in so everyone can see the little bit of international news that is broadcast every now and then.

      One night the broadcast is interupted and highjacked by a powerful and rouge warlord in Iran who claims to have a Doomsday Machine, which will obliterate all other countries in the world except his and he is going to set it off on the next full moon, a few days from now. To prove the effectiveness of his machine, he turns it on the Australasia continent and literally wipes it off the map. The remains of the continent are smoldering boulders and much of it falls into the sea or is completely unlivable because it is desicated wasteland. The crazy warlord gives no ultimatim and so later news reports tell of how many places become even more chaotic, mass suicides occur, or alternatively some places that were so violent and dangerous before suddenly become peaceful as people resign themselves to their fate.

      Some how I meet a man who has just come into our village who claims to have worked on the Doomsday Machine and fled Iran when he learned what its true purpose was. He has made copies of the three electonic keys needed to gain access to the machine and shut it down, but unfortunately lost one in Pakistan while he was fleeing. He gives me the other two keys and a map of the place where he lost the other key and sends me on my way. I easily cross the border into Pakistan because there are so many people heading towards Iran, trying to get in, that no one really notices me.

      The small village where the lost key supposedly is lays in the ruins of what once looked like a very industrialized and technologically advanced city. I search many abandoned and decrepid old office buildings and come across a gathering of people sitting in what used to be a cafeteria or something. The floor is tiles and the roof is high, and there are rusted counters and sinks all along the walls. There are no tables and chairs any more and everyone is sitting in a circle around a few men and one woman. The men are talking about making peace with yourselves before you die and the woman sits silently admist them and yet seems to emit waves of warmth and compassion that penetrate the heart of everyone in attendence. She is filled with great love for us all, but also with a great sadness and a feeling of helplessness. She is ancient and beyond any human entity in the world and I think that she is a Goddess of some kind. She is weaving black hairbands and wristbands with scraps of yarn and passing them out to everyone in attendance.

      I recieve one and instantly the location of the lost electronic key appears in my mind, as if the information is being chanelled directly to me from the goddess -like woman. I head up to a higher level and find it hidden in a desk in what looks like used to be some rich CEO's office. When I go back downstairs to the cafeteria, everyone is gone and the place is dimly lit and covered in dust, like no one had been there for hundreds of years. I still have my hairband though so I know the experience was real.

      I follow the throngs of refugees headed for the Iranian border, but it is extremely dangerous as criminals and other unsavory characters prey on the desperate people. Many people are robbed of the few belongings they have, and many more or killed or tortured for fun. No one is safe from being kidnapped or raped and almost all who make it to the Iranian border are immediately turned away and have to go back and face the human monsters waiting for them outside of the border crossing. Those who make it into Iran do so because they bribe the guards with everything they have. I have nothing to offer so I have no idea how I am going to get in. One of the border guards asks me for my hairband and as I pull it out of my hair I see that it has turned to gold. I am let into the country and finding the Doomsday Machine isn't hard because it is being advertised on fliers and billboards in every street corner and I head to the capital (in my dream it was called Karachi, which is not the capital city of Iran but a port town in Pakistan).

      The dream becomes fuzzy and I cannot remember much more. I do end up shutting down the machine, but there is no big confrontation with the warlord or anything heroic like that and I thought this dream ended kind of anti-climatically.
    9. Classical Music

      by , 10-01-2011 at 11:14 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am staying at a friends house for the weekend, taking care of her dogs while she is away. The neighbourhood I live in is very rough so when I heard classical music and not rap, rock or heavy metal I was confused in the dream to where I actually was.

      I was dreaming that I was at home in bed and it was still so early in the morning that it was still dark out. I could hear this soothing classical music and it was waking me up in the dream. I remember thinking "Who is playing that kind of music this early in the morning in this neighbourhood?"

      Then I woke up for real, realized where I was (in the guest room at my friend's house and not at home) and heard the classical music that had invaded my dream coming from her alarm clock in the next room.
    10. August 19th, 2011

      by , 08-19-2011 at 11:35 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      (There is a "trigger warning" on the content of this dream.)

      This dream takes place in a sort of Medieval fantasy world, much like Lord of the Rings. I am my dream incarnation Kalima, who has orange hair and wears a white and violet dress. I am in the center of a large valley of some kind. I am on a flat plain surrounded completely by large snowy mountains. It is cold and dry and it is either late autumn or I am far north, though there is no snow on the ground.

      I know I am trying to find my way to a certain land, but I do not know how to get there. I am in the process of escaping another land where people are trying to kill me because I have been accused of witchcraft. A while ago I was being pursued by a group of men dressed in furs who were riding black horses, but somehow I avoided them and ended up in this valley. I am nervous because there are no trees or large boulders to hide behind and if the horsemen make there way into this valley, they will surely see me.

      I head for the smallest range of mountains and try to traverse over it, but I lack supplies and I am starving, I am too tired and it is too cold. I collapse and some travellers find me and take me to their cabin on the other side of the mountain. I sleep for a long time and when I awake I am in a trance like state and I start drawing maps because for some reason I am unable to speak and cannot tell my rescuers where I am trying to go.

      Some of the older men in the family recognizes the land I have drawn in my map and they gathers supplies to try and take me there. We travel for a long time and are almost at my destination when the horsemen find us and attack us. All of the men I am travelling with, except one, are killed and we are taken prisoner. We are taken to a camp set up by the horsemen and I am interrogated and tortured because the horsemen want to know where I was headed, though for some reason I am still unable to talk. Late in the night thw lone survivor of the men I had been travelling with is tortured and killed. After his death some of the horsemen gang rape me repeatedly.

      Dawn comes and I am traumatized and exhausted and am looking forward to the horsemen killing me for witchcraft because I do not want to live anymore. Before they can assault me further the horsemen's camp is attacked by elven warriors and the horsemen flee or are killed. I am overhwelmed by everything that has happened and pass out.

      When I wake up I am in a large palace somewhere and there are beautiful elven people walking around and whispering softly in the grand halls. My wounds are dressed and there is fresh fruit and bread on a table near by soft bed. I am still traumatized from the torture and rape, and still unable to talk, yet somehow I know that I have arrived at my destination and I fall back into a such deep sleep that I do not know if I am just asleep or if I have died.

      Updated 08-21-2011 at 09:55 AM by 6048

      non-lucid , nightmare
    11. Escaping the Military and the Controlled Flood

      by , 08-09-2011 at 02:25 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      The first part of the dream starts off with me in an as my dream incarnate Chun-li and I am in an unknown city. I am walking along an abandoned factory of some sort when I hear a helicopter. I know I have to hide and I duck inside where I meet a young man about my age with a beard and backpack. Even though I know that I am invunerable to physical harm, and have telekenetic powers, I am determined to avoid capture from the military chasing me. I convince the man to hide with me. Our hiding spot is not that great because of holes in the walls and ceiling through which we might be seen. The man finds a stairs down and susgests that we take it. The stairs leads to a series of underground tunnels where suspention bridges span deep holes.

      The military is chasing us on foot now and I have to use Chun-li's psyhic and telekenetuc powers to either avoid or kill pursuing soldiers. I feel bad because I know that these soldiers are not bad but just doing their jobs. I start trying to take prisioners rather than kill and I find out from one captured military commander that a special team in the military chasing us, called Unit 11, is now close. I let the other prisoners free, and even save one soldier from a granade blast by throwing myself on top of him when an agent of Unit 11 throws it in our direction.

      The bearded man with the backpack and I find our way out of the tunnels and into a forest where a nudist colony is camping. There are hundreds of people, most of the naked, just hanging around. They allow my male friend and I into the camp and let us hide there, but we are captured by Unit 11 when they raid the camp and find us in a huge crowd of people because we are the only one's with our cloths on. Thought I cannot remember the details the dream ends with my male friend and I somehow escaping the military and living in the forest camp together (though not as nudists) where the man makes a living writing poetry.

      The second part of the dream has me in my home province of Ontario and I am still my dream incarnate Chun-li and I still have psychic and telekentic powers. I am at the top of a cliff and use my powers to half fly half jump into a body of water. For some reason I think that floding a few of the Great Lakes will improve many cities on the water front and I use my powers to psychically tell people living at a certain level to move to higher ground. I use my telekenic abilities to carve away some cliffs and allow water from higher ground to fill the vally at a rapid rate.

      I fly into one city to see the progress of the water and see that Asian one man is very reluctant to leave is home, and stays even as his wife and son have left, and his neighbours are arguing with hime to leave. At first I try to use my telekenetic powers to pick him up and force him to move, but for some reason the power will not work. I fly down to him and convince him that his home will be remade bigger and better somewhere else if he leaves, and he agrees, but not before I help him move his pet hamster, rat and guinny pig.

      I help many people move to higher ground but not before I have a dream-within-a-dream where I see the water rushing into the cities to fast and washing thousands of people away from their supoosedly safe locations because the water is just too high and moving to fast, creating a kind of inland tsunami. Thankfully I wake up from this dream and help many people continue to find safe places. I use my psychic powers to avoid looting and even open up the financial markets to freer trade with other countries, including a clothing maker who uses nothing else other than alpaca wool. I do not remember any more of this dream.
    12. Bodies everywhere

      by , 06-29-2011 at 10:06 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      The dream starts off with me walking through a field. There is a thick and heavy fog and I cannot even see the ground under my feet but I can feel it - it is very bumpy and unstable, like I am walking on frozen pillows or something, if that makes any sense. I am walking up a slight incline and the fog recedes a bit when I reach the top.

      The unstable ground I am walking on is covered with thousands of bodies as far as the eye can see. There are so many bodies and they are piled on top of each other so high that I cannot see any natural ground at all. Most of the bodies are men in green or grey uniforms but there are also women and children laying about. Despite all of the dead bodies, many of which are in various states of decay, I don't remember smelling the rot around me.

      In front of me is a small pond. There are bodies in the water but not as many as on the ground and the water is a dark reddish brown because it is filled with blood and rotting flesh. I walk past the pond and to the other side of the hill, but it is slow going because stepping across the mounds of bodies is difficult. The fog has lessend, but there are still bodies as far as the eye can see and I cannot get away from them no matter how far I go.
    13. June 19th, 2011

      by , 06-19-2011 at 05:23 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      I was in a department/grocery store of some sort. There was a glass display near the center of the store and I was looking at men's style wrist watches. I was kind of bored but I was determined to find a watch I liked and buy it. Most of them were bulky and coloured black. Someone (a unidentificable woman) told me to hurry up but instead of buying a wrist watch I went to the checkout and purchased a bottle of red wine, even though I don't drink alcohol. This angered the person who I was with for some reason, but I don't know why.
    14. The Eagle Crest

      by , 06-14-2011 at 09:45 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      (There is a "trigger warning" on the content of this dream.)

      I am an archeology student working in a museum in Montreal. I have volunteered to document and study items that are in the backrooms of the museum's storage areas. All of the items had been ignored or forgotten about because no previous archeologists thought they were important. The civilizations or cultures and time frame the artifacts come from are unknown and it is my job to find out when and where they came from. The items I found and set aside to look at include various peices of ancient looking jewelry, a few peices of pottery and a roughly triangular peice of metalwork that features some sort bird with its wings spead out and the bird's head facing to the right. The outline of the bird and the outer edge of the peice is orange while the background is a deep blue. I give this item the name of the "Eagle Crest."

      I tell my department head (Professor Alberts) about the items and he doesn't seem interested at first but says that I can continue my investigations as long as they do not interfere with my other student studies in the museum. One night, after closing time, I am working on a thesis on a computer in one of the museum offices and suddenly a bunch of screens and files start popping up at random and I cannot close them. The files that are appearing are refering to some of the items I found and disclosed to Prof. Alberts and when the files start being downloaded to an outside source I finally realize that the computer is being hacked and I turn it off.

      The next day I tell Prof. Alberts what happened and he tells me to put the items in his office where they will be safe, which I do, except for the Eagle Crest, which I had on my desk, because I wanted to study it that night. When night comes, after everyone has gone home, the museum is broken into and the box of artifacts I had set aside to study was stolen from Prof. Alberts's office, except for the crest which was in my desk in another part of the museum. The buglars stole nothing else and seemed to beeline only for that box of artifacts and this made me think that they knew exactly what they were looking for and knew where to find it. Suspecting an inside job, I do not tell Prof. Alberts that I still have the Eagle Crest and instead I hide it in one of the unorganized and unused storerooms filled with undocumented artifacts, knowing that no one will find it there. I am also worried that if I come forward that I did not put the crest where it was supposed to go the night of the robbery, that people will think I had something to do with the robbery itself or knew about it in some way.

      Later I am in my apartment thinking about the crest and the robbery and the nagging feeling that the two are related somehow. It is early in the morning because I have not been able to sleep and I am in my night clothes with are nothing more than an orange tank top and blue panties. I am so deep in thought that I do not hear someone enter my apartment until that person opens my bedroom door. It is a tall, thin, blond man, wearing glasses and dressed in a black suit. He is holding a handgun and demands that I get dressed and come with him. I am freaked out that someone is in my apartment but also angry and embarassed that I am walked in on when wearing so little clothing. I demand that he turn around so I can change but he says no and watched me with no expression as I get dressed. I ask him who he is and where we are going but he ignores me and says that I need my identifaction and passport. I resist leaving my apartment but the man says that I am in danger if I stay and that he is taking me somewhere safe. I demand to know why I should trust him and he says that there are some gangsters on their way to kidnap me because they think I know the location of the Eagle Crest and that they will torture me to get the location of it. I ask the man how I am supposed to know if I can trust him or not but he ignores me again, grabs my arm and drags me downstairs to his car waiting behind the building. I know he has a gun so I don't want to piss him off and just obey.

      As we are in his car and pulling out of the apartment complex driveway, a car pulls up to the front of the building and several large, burly looking men in dark suits and wearing sunglasses get out and start toward the apartment. One of them looks our way and they seem to recognize either me or the man I am with because he begins shouting and the other men begin running our way, pulling out guns and pointing them in our direction. The blond man speeds out of there and down the street as fast as he can, even as the gangsters start shooting in our direction. The blond man ignores the traffic lights and roadsigns and races through the streets at top speed but soon the dark car is behind us and we are followed all the way out of Montreal. We speed and weave through traffic and eventually seem to lose our pursuers. I ask my kidnapper where we are going and he says New York City. I begin crying because I am scared and the man says that I should not be afraid because none of this is my fault and that he is just trying to protect me. I say I still don't know if I can trust him or not, and he asks me to open the glove compartment which I do. Inside is a large silver coloured hand gun and he asks me to take it. I protest because I have never held a gun before, let alone use one, and he says that it is for my protection and that he will tell me how to use it.

      Shortly after giving me instructions on how to use the gun and telling me to hide it in my bag, the blond man loses control of his car when we are rear ended by the dark car filled with gangsters that has suddenly caught up with us. The car skids out of control and comes to a stop in a ditch and before the blond man can reach for his own gun, several of the gangsters open fire through the driver's side window and he is struck several times. I am pulled kicking and screaming from the passenger side and dragged over to the gangster car and forced into the trunk. My bag is still hanging over my side and the gangsters do not search through it. It is hot and cramped in the trunk and we drive for a long time. I do not know how long but it is dark by the time the goons stop at a motel and finally let me out of the trunk. They let me go to the bathroom in the motel room and I lock myself in and cry for a while. Eventually they bash the door down and force me to come out. None of the gangsters talk to me at first, but one tries to get me to tell him the location of the Eagle Crest by saying that they will let me go immediately if I tell them where it is. I say that I don't know and that it was stolen when the museum I was interning at was broken into. This is the answer I give many time when they press the same question many times in different ways. Eventually they give up and let me fall asleep on one of the beds.

      I wake up at some point in the night and without moving myself much to alert them to my wakened state I try to see were the goons are. Two are sleeping on chairs by the window and I cannot determine the location of the third, but the fourth is laying on the other motel bed with his pants pulled down and masterbating to a pornographic film playing on the television. I am using my bag as a pillow and I can feel the outline of the gun under my head, but I still lay motionless, fearful to alert the gangster who is still awake that I too am conscious. I close my eyes with the intention of waiting for the guy to fall asleep but just then the gangster that I could not locate comes out of the bathroom and jokes with the other guy that they should rape me while I am sleeping. The other guy thinks that is a great idea and rolls off of his bed and on top of me. I scream and struggle and try to reach for the gun but I am dragged out of its reach by the two goons who pull me to the end of the end and start ripping my clothes off of me. My screams awaken the other two gangsters and they fight off the would be rapists and remind them that I am not to be harmed until "the Boss" can speak to me.

      The goons start arguing and even fistfighting and I am able to grab my bag and lunge at the door. One of the gangsters grabs my legs and pulls me to the floor, as the other three goons take no notice and continue fighting amounst themselves, and while the guy who has me struggles to hold my logs with both arms, my hands are free and I pull the gun out of my bag, unlock the safety and stoot the guy holding me squarely in the forehead. The other three gangsters stop fighting and stand stunned for a second as I scramble out of the dead man's grasp and for the door. The gangsters simutaneously reach for their steel and I am sure that I am dead when the motel room door is kicked in and a hail of machine gun bullets rips into the bodies of the remaining gangters and cuts them down where they stand.

      I look up and see the blond haired man from before standing there holding two mini tommi guns, blood from his own gunshot wounds all over his shirt and a trickle of blood out of his mouth. He is backlit from headlights in the parking lot and looks enraged as he stands there and stares down the bloody corpses of my kidnappers. His expression softens when he sees that I am alright and I don't know how he survived being shot several times but he takes me away from there and we continue drivng down the highway - I assume to New York City, but I am not sure because I cannot remember anything more from this dream other than that the blond man reveals that Prof. Alberts organized both the robbery and my kidnapping and was "the Boss" behind the whole mess. He also revels what the Eagle Crest is and why it is important (it is magic or something?) but I cannot remember exactly what the details were now.

      Updated 08-21-2011 at 09:54 AM by 6048

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. The Family Reunion in the House on the Hill

      by , 06-13-2011 at 08:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am in a house I do not recognize and most of the action takes place in the large kitchen, dining room or hallway to the bedrooms. The house sits at the top of a hill amidst a forest whose leaves are ablaze with all the brilliant, fiery colours of autumn. The inside facade of the house consists of very natural colours and materials: wood floors and earth tone colour schemes.

      There is going to be a party if sorts tomorrow, maybe a family reunion or something, and I am in the kitchen making dish after dish of salads and casseroles and other side dishes. I think the party is a pot luck because even though I know that other people are going to be bringing food, I have an almost uncontrollable urge to make as much food as possible. I worry that there will now be enough for everyone even though I am not sure how many people are going to be there (though I know it is going to be a lot).

      I have guests who have arrived already and they are going to stay the night. There are two men and two women. I am suddenly in the living room talking with one of the men who has a beige polo shirt and who has a bushy brown beard. He is joyful and always smiling and seems very happy to talk to me. We are related in the dream, but I forget how. From just above the knees down to his ankles his pants become transparent and I can see his leg bones. The transparency effect becomes stronger the further down the leg you go and his feet have completely disappeared. I know this is wrong somehow and I sit back with a white marker to blend the white of his bones with his pants and try to colour in his legs to make them look full. For some reason I think that the man will be embarassed about it if other people notice. Suddenly I realize that the bearded man I am talking too is a ghost and that is why his legs are transparent. I am not afraid or anything but I am confused as to why he has come here and not gone to the afterlife and I think I ask him this and his response is that he is glad that family is getting together. He disappears soon afterwards and I think I realized that there were other ghosts around as well or something but I cannot remember if I talked to them or not.

      While I am the same person in the dream in mind, my body has suddenly aged significantly and I am now an old lady. Also quite suddenly I am in a foul mood (though not because of the aging) and start throwing plates and cutlery around roughly and pushing the two women guests (one is a blond middle aged woman in a baby blue sweater and the other is younger with brown hair?) around in the kitchen . They are visibly shaken by my sudden mood change and though they say nothing I can tell by the expressions on their face that they wish I would retire for the night so they could finish their work in peace. I stomp out of the kitchen in a huff and scream "Dont touch my fucking cheese casserole or I'll fucking kill you!" as I enter the hallway to my bedroom. For some reason I think they will eat it when I am gone and it only adds to my sudden and inexplainable rage.

      I go up to my bedroom and lay down on the bed and though the house has three other people in it downstairs I cannot hear them at all. They have either gone to bed or are tiptoeing around because they think I am trying to sleep, but honestly, to me it feels like they are not there at all. The house feels empty again like it did for a long time before they arrived. The window is open and I can feel the soft night breeze coming in the window and hear the rustling of the leaves on the trees. A few autumn leaves are blown in with the wind and scatter across my bed and my floor but this doesn't bother me and I find that I am no longer so full of rage but feel very lonely. I become confused and start to think all the planning and cooking was not real and I imagined the whole thing. I get up and head downstairs. I cannot find my three guests but there is indeed many plates of food prepared and scattered through the kitchen and in the fridge.

      There is a knock at the front door and I open it to see a young black man in grey clothing standing on the path leading to my house. He is smiling and asks me to walk with him for a while. Even though it is the middle of the night and I don't know this man I go with him anyway and we walk through a path that leads to a forest talking, though I cannot remember any of our conversation now, but I am very content to be with this man because I feel like I know him but I cannot articulate how. The sun starts to rise and we go return to my house and stand at the very top of the hill and I am surprised to see a very long line of people outside of my house consisting of thousands of people, most of whom I do not recognize as family or friends. I have trouble believing that all of these people are here for the party and the young man in grey just responds that these are all the people whose lives I have affected or who love me.

      I start to realize that something is amiss and suddenly I am back laying in bed, half conscious and vagely aware that I am waking from a deep sleep. Instead of being in my bedroom though I am in a hospital room surrounded by the three people from before who were my guests. It dawns on me that I had died the night before and the walk through the forest with the young man was actually a walk through a replay of my long life with my guardian angel, though I did not realize it at the time. I was able to talk to the ghost of the man with the transpartent legs before because I had been a ghost too.

      I reach out and take the hands of the people surrounding me and tell them I love them. I feel so full of love for them and for the whole world that I feel like I am going to burst with joy. Even though I had just died the night before the doctors let me leave the hospital and go back to my house for the pot luck party. There are not thousands of people there but there is a lot and everyone is happy, filled with good food and enjoying life and the company of others.

      This is a very unusual dream for me, because it ended positive and there was lots of positive feelings in it, when usually my dreams are dark and depressing and scary. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying...
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