^ Love the reference
This sorta popped into my head as I was trying to go to sleep, apologies for length and sombreness lol:
Imagine when you awake
A room in bliss
Alone, quiet, peaceful
Light streaming through the window
Warming the soul

No sound other than
The birds singing
The river laughing
The leaves whispering
The wind sighing
Yet this dawn is a false one
As we fail to comprehend
These ever present sounds
Are the secrets of existence

Blinded with truth
Our eyes open wider
And we understand

All we have ever done
All we have ever felt
Done, before us
We are no different

Yet it all boils down
To that moment of knowing
That sudden clarity
The enlightening moment

The utter realization
Of all you have done
The understanding of the world
And all that it means

Just like awakening
On that bright Winter’s day
That is how I see