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    The Kestrel's Dreams

    Welcome to my Dream Journal! I'm still getting used to the site, so bear with me!

    I'll make this all pretty eventually.

    // Recurring Characters (real people), for your and my own reference (since they're all aliases) //

    Zukin: Bestie and 3/4, went to Germany with me last year. We have almost died together multiple times by now
    Backpacking Group: Zukin, Ivan, Dan, Josh, Kebab, Penny, Cindy, and Suzy; We all drove down to Texas and spent Spring Break ('14) backpacking in the Guadalupe Mountains
    Bob: Older Brother
    Erik: Little Brother
    Germany Group: Zukin plus 7 others who were in the same program to study abroad in Germany for 6 months
    Kristin: Current roommate and close friend of four years
    Jasmine: High school Best Friend, but we don't talk much anymore

    Now that I have something Lucid in my DJ: Orange text = Lucid

    1. Hooping, Food, and "dueling"

      by , 02-07-2015 at 06:50 PM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      February 07, 2015


      I was entering a sort of church with my mom and dad. It was in some foreign country, probably Germany or Austria. I knew in my dream that I had visited this church before, with Zukin, but she wasn't here this time. As we enter the first room, we spot Jeremy from Top Gear sitting in a chair at the far end of the room. He talks to us a little, but doesn't say much, and I can't remember what little we did talk about. I had the feeling I was a little scared of him, maybe it was more awe-struck. At the front end of the room, where we had entered, there was a table against the wall with two hoops on it. I had picked them up and was about to start hooping with one of them, when a young boy ran into the room and tackled me with a hug. We had met this boy last time we were here, and he said he had missed me. He asked where Zukin was, and I said she wasn't here this time. He then asked me to do that thing we had done last time. He meant a thing where Zukin holds a hoop in each hand and twirls them around. It's fascinating to watch and I've tried it before, it's pretty tricky to do. I told him, "It was Zukin who did that, I'm not very good at it." But he insisted, and handed me to lighter hoops than the ones I currently held. I gave in and attempted the trick. At first I was doing it all wrong, but I knew what I was doing wrong; my wrists were bending the wrong ways. I fixed it and was about to really get in a groove when I woke up.


      When I fell back asleep, I entered back into the same dream (I was trying to enter it lucid, but it was a normal dream). The boy was gone, and Jeremy was also gone. My mom and dad and I went through the big double doors at the end of the room and entered another large room with tables all over the place. there were people all over, too, and it turned out it was a potluck day. I was excited for food, and realized I was ravenous. The back wall of the room had tables against it, covered with main dishes and sides. I got a plate with the best looking chicken I had ever seen, some pees, corn, and some bread and potatoes with gravy. I put my plate down next to where my mom was, to save a spot while I went to the dessert room. There was apparently a whole other room for desserts.

      In that room, there were two or three tables all pushed together in the center, piled high with plates of cookies and brownies and cakes and whatever kind of dessert you could think of, basically. I walked around it once first, taking it all in and deciding what I would pick... There was a whole section of three or four different kinds of red velvet cookies. One of them was apparently red velvet but without the food coloring, and it had tiny chocolate chips sprinkled on the top of it. But I didn't get that one, I went for a more traditional red velvet cookie. I got two of those, and then I noticed a table at the corner of the room, and there was a bag on the table. The bag had two compartments; in one were smaller red velvet cookies with a weird looking frosting, and in the other were HUGE red velvet cookies with a delicious looking cream-cheese frosting or something. I took one of the big ones and put it on my plate. But now it was full, so I needed another (they were small plates).

      I got another plate, and looked at the layered goodies. There was a piece the size of my hand of this layered fudge and chocolate and either coffee or peanut butter stuff... It looked delicious, but I assumed it was a tiramisu and I don't like those, so I left it. Next to it, though, was a foot-and-a-half tall layered thing of chocolate and fudge and vanilla and soft cakes and mints and it just looked so good. So I cut a super thin piece (maybe about half an inch thick, because it was so tall and I didn't need a shit ton of the stuff) and had to kind of scoop it out into a messy pile on my plate. I started from the top and scooped out 4-inch parts at a time because I was worried that if I just took it from the bottom, it would all topple and get all over the place.

      I drab one more cookie, and then they announce that the food lines were going to close up pretty soon, so I left and found my spot next to mom. I realized I had forgotten the other plate, though, and tried to get back in. The door to the hallway leading to the dessert room was locked from my side, though. I waited for someone to come out, but no one was, so I knocked on the door. A young man peeked from around the corner (I was looking through the small gap between the double-doors, or there might have been a window in the door...) and tentatively opened the door for me. I thanked him with a hug, and went to find my other plate. It was on the table in the corner that had the bag on it. I grabbed it, went back to my seat

      And then I started to eat. And oh my god, it was amazing. the chicken was the most flavorful and amazingly moist chicken I have ever had. I moved on to that layered thing, and it was so good. It's hard to describe what exactly it tasted like, but it was EXACTLY what I was craving (and am still craving right now). Like, think of your favorite childhood dessert, and it was that taste, pretty much.

      I was sad to wake up from that dessert.

      Romeo vs. Me: "Dueling"

      When I fell back asleep, I dreamed I was in a car on the way to a small town in the mountains of Germany or Austria (there was a theme this night... I was thinking hard about castles and balls all day so I could increase my chances of remembering some tasks when I got lucid). We were almost there, I could tell, but there was still another mountain to get over first. Right now we were driving in a valley, with the mountain to our left and farms and scattered rural houses to our right... But the building were all torn down. It looked like there had been a tornado or some other really destructive storm... and so I was worried about the town we were headed for. I was hoping it was an isolated event and that everyone I knew in this small town was alright.

      When we got to the town, I got out of the car and walked to the main town square. Someone was breathing fire (it was sunset, getting dark) and this was so fascinating but weird that I did a reality check... My left hand's middle and ring finger were kinda webbed-looking...

      I was dreaming!

      I looked around and started rubbing my hands together because my lucids have not lasted long lately... I felt the dream getting stronger, and I also took note of my surroundings. I remembered right away the challenge task for week two, and shot into the air to hover above the town square. I looked around the town for a castle that looked like it was having a party; it would probably be the Capulet's ball.

      On the edge of town, on the hills leading to the mountains beyond, I saw what looked like a fancy villa or something, and there were lots of lights around it, lighting up the grounds and whatnot. I assumed this was the Capulet household, and was about to fly off toward it normally, when I remembered my last three-part task. I thought about how fast would count as "advanced" flying, and pretty much decided jet-speed would do. I'm not really sure that I did anything special, I just kinda expected to be going super fast, and I did. I shot off in a bee-line for the castle and was there in pretty much a second. It actually kinda reminded me of Lord of the Rings, when Sauron zooms in on things happening far away.

      I land at the front door and because I am a Capulet, I just walk right in. I was greeted by a servant at the door, and handed something to drink. It was in a fancy glass and looked bubbly, so I downed it and continued into the main room. It was beautiful, really. There was the main floor, which was large, and then there were stairs on either side leading up to an upper balcony level where people were milling about and talking. I looked around, expecting to see Romeo. He was supposed to crash this party, yes? And then I thought, "My teammates and the other team should be here as well." So I called out the names I could remember: OneUp, Pickman, StaySharp, Spellbee, FryingMan. Five young men walked toward me from the crowds, and I asked who each of them were. "Which one of you is OneUp?" The one in the middle raised his hand. Though he also raised his hand when I asked who was StaySharp, and so it was a little bit confusing about which ones were which people (but my subC pretty humorously inserted clues about who was who). I eventually sorted it out, and grabbed OneUp (he had an arrow on his forehead, a little like Aang, but it pointed up, not down), Pickman (he had a flower sticking out of his head and wore an all red suit) and StaySharp (he was pretty nondescript), pulling them to my side. "You three are Capulets, right?" They nodded. "And you two are Montegues, correct?" I asked Spellbee (he was buzzing the whole time so I'm pretty sure that was him) and FryingMan (he actually had a frying pan on a rope around his neck). They nodded, too, and seemed troubled.

      I was about to try to convert Spellbee and FryingMan, when Spellbee's buzzing got louder and he grabbed FryingMan's frying pan and tried to hit me with it. "Hey now. Be nice." I made the frying pan shrink so it was the size of a normal necklace now. "You two should totally join the Capulets. We have awesome parties." They both looked a little uncertain, so I kept going. "You will join the Capulets." I waved my hand, trying to use Jedi mind powers. They squirmed a little and then both said, "Okay," and stepped over to stand behind me. "Now let's find that Romeo guy." They agreed to help me find him.

      I was walking around, expecting that I would bump into Romeo eventually, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the Face. "Do you know where Romeo is?" I asked him. He just shrugged and took my hand, taking me to the balcony. "Wait, I have to find Romeo," I said. He looked back at me, oddly silent, and just giggled a little, then disappeared. I watched the DCs around me, wondering which one of them was Romeo. Then I heard someone (I think it was Spellbee) say, "Oh, Romeo," behind me, and I turned to see who he was talking to. The young man I assumed to be Romeo had black hair and wore a fancy outfit, but beyond that I don't remember much about his looks. I approached him and said, "You're Romeo, right?"

      He looked at me, nodded, and said, "And who are you?" I told him I was Juliet (Romeo will obviously fall in love with Juliet), and he pretty much just leaves what he was doing, grabs my hand, and stands there holding my hand silently. It was like we were school kids playing date on the playground. I turned to him and said, "Romeo, do you love me?" He looked at me and smiled, nodding. "Don't you want to kiss me?" I asked, and he blushed, then carefully kissed me. Well, this should be enough for that task, right...? But I was also going to do the other option, which was to duel Romeo. "Romeo, I challenge you to a duel!" I said.

      He perked up a bit, grabbed my hand and lead me to a door. The DVers I had found followed us, whooping and yelling encouragement to me. Then it turned into this really weird sex battle. Apparently that's what a duel means here. Romeo pushed me down onto a bed and tore off his own shirt, and one of the DVers yelled "BULLSHIT!" I decided to let this kind of duel continue, and pretty much flipped Romeo on his back so I was on top. I think that was how you won. So yeah. We "dueled" for a while and I'm pretty sure I won because I was on top at the end and my DV following was ecstatic and jumping around and hugging each other as if their team had just won the superbowl. I was barely lucid at this point,
      and then I woke up.
    2. Catch-Up for October

      by , 11-08-2014 at 06:15 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      Okay, so since I haven't been updating my DJ this past month (I've been recording them in my journal, but not getting them online), I'm going to just pack this post with the more memorable dreams I had in October (which really is most of the dreams I had in October D: dry-spells and stress suck)... Most of them will be short, and there aren't that many of them.

      September 27, 2014

      I was with Zukin and we were going to a party. There was a huge line, so we were assuming it would be amazing. It was a slightly... different... party: The cover charge was 5 cupcakes. Once the cupcakes were inside, they were put on a buffet and everyone could pick whatever they wanted to eat. We got in line (I'd seen a bunch of my cohort enter ahead of us) and no one got in line after us.... we thought we were in the wrong place, or that it was over or something.

      When we reached the door and entered, we were shocked and dismayed to see three middle-aged men playing SSBB in a living room. "Uhmmm... hello?" I called. None of the middle aged men moved, but a woman came around a corner and called us to a door to the basement.

      There was lots of cupcakes and burgers and shit. There was a little kid and we went back upstairs and there was some guy ranting about the "DAMN BIBLES holding up the line!"

      Zukin turned into a dog and was hanging from the ceiling in a little harness thang.

      September 30, 2014

      Zukin and I were looking for a new place to live: We had been living in the west building of an apartment complex, but we wanted to be in the better north building because the locks were more secure. Zukin had gotten a new room, and her mom was helping her move in. She told me there was one free room in the suite she'd chosen, and so I went to the office to see about getting that room.

      While I was waiting for the paperwork to go through, there was some kind of circus play thing... it was a bit creepy. It made the apartment complex look like it was owned by the mafia... At the end everyone got out of their seats and rolled on the floor instead of clapping...

      When I got to the suite, it was a white hall with some doors on each side. The open room was the one at the end of the hall, right next to Zukin's room. I opened the door and it was amazing. The room was so well lit, and it was HUGE. The previous resident hadn't yet moved all of her stuff out... there was a note that said something like: "Remember to get your passport updated, otherwise you'll LOSE your apartment and have to renew by MAIL and wait WEEKS for it!"

      I looked around my new room; it had pretty high ceilings and it was nice and spacious. There was an attached bathroom, and I THOUGHT there was just a closet in the corner but there was actually another whole room behind there. It was almost like a Narnia closet, or something. The other room had ceilings that were twice as high as a normal room's, and in the corner across from hwere I was standing there was a beautiful old round window-seat room and stained glass.

      October 03, 2014

      I was on some sort of game-show; my Mentor Teacher was the host, and my friend and I were the final two contestants. I lost, and then got word that there was some sort of crazy pervert on the loose in the building. There was an intermission before a second half of the gameshow, and I took that time to go look for the pervert. I walked all around the building, and saw some double glass doors with a smiley face spray painted onto them...

      I went to the upper floor women's bathroom because I had to wash something off my face (can't remember what it was). I was in the corner of the bathroom, by a window, and when I turned to leave, I noticed there was someone just standing in the stall closest to me. I suspected they were the pervert, so I was being really quiet trying to sneak up on them, but then my Lit professor busts into the bathroom, goes directly to the stall, and kicks the door down like a badass, then full-body tackles the pervert, yelling "YOU DAMN PERVERT!!"

      It was so fucking intense and hilarious in hindsight, now that I know that professor more. I sometimes still giggle randomly when I remember that dream in the middle of class, hahaha!

      October 04, 2014

      I had gotten on a bus to North campus, but it went out of service at a random stop, and I ended up getting on a bus I THOUGHT would get me home. I got stuck at the End Of The Line in the middle of the night, and had to sleep in a coffee shop nearby. There were a shit ton of tiny gold and silver spoons and little cups used for measuring out specific coffee ingredients. One of the baristas was showing me how to mix this special drink for one of the customers.

      This dream kinda merged into another dream where I was now an employee of this coffee shop. I was a 13 or 14 year old boy, and I got stuck in this big globe above the coffee shop one day, while we were cleaning it. So I basically had to live in the shop, and the coworkers would bring me food and keep me company. Apparently everyone else could get in and out, but I was stuck?

      One morning I got bored and was singing a song about being old with gray hair and a lady-killer? I realized I was singing and hoped no one was there, but one of the girls who worked there had heard me. Awkwaaaarrrd.

      Anyways, this girl kept visiting me often and seemed to like me, but there was a pervert stalker who also worked there that was obsessed with her. One day, she had come up and was sitting next to me, and that stalker got jealous and violent, and cast a spell on us that made us booth TINY. Like mouse sized. He kicked me to the window and was about to hurt her, too. I notices my coworkers arriving for their shift, outside, and tried to yell "HELP!!"

      But my voice was also tiny, and they could hear me. I yelled as loud as I could and my voice was cracking, so I banged on the window, hoping they would hear it. They didn't, so I grabbed a bottle that happened to be next to me, and somehow pushed the window open. I smashed the bottle on the windowsill, and they looked up, and I could tell from their faces that at first they were confused, and then knew something was wrong and started running toward the building. Then I woke up.

      October 12, 2014

      I was watching five or so movies with Zukin, at the house I grew up in. I can't remember any of them, but I know they were all either depressing or gruesome. The last one was way too quiet; we kept turning up the volume and it was never getting any louder. Zukin and I were cuddling on the couch, and we decided to give up on the sound for that movie and insert our own dialogue.

      I had to get up from the last movie because I could feel something stuck between my teeth and it was bothering me. I went to the bathroom to find some floss, but couldn't find any. I used my fingernail to dislodge the stuck whater-it-was, but it turned out to be one of my fillings that came loose. I accidentally pried it off and then all of a sudden my mouth was filled with lots and lots of bloody teeth. I kept spitting them out but they never stopped. There were even some in my throat and up my nose. They kept appearing like saliva, materializing from glands and growing while I spat them out. I had two handfuls (like BIG handfuls) of bloody teeth and there were still a few more, though they seemed to be slowing down at that point. All the teeth were bloody, and a lot of them weren't even human teeth. One of them was a horse tooth, and there were some teeny tiny shark teeth, too. I was paranoid that one of the teeth in my and were my own teeth, but I felt around with my tongue and they were all intact.

      I tried to wash the teeth in my hands, but the blood wouldn't come off, no matter what. I got freaked out and tried to wash them down the drain in the sink, and turned on the disposal (even though it was the bathroom and it wouldn't have a disposal). I kept spitting out blood, so I was rinsing my mouth with water and spitting it out, over and over, though there was always a lot of blood. I spat one more time but apparently I had woken up because I actually spat (or more like dribbled saliva I had unconsciously gathered to spit out) all over my pillow, haha!

      October 19, 2014

      Something about having a large, blue, wooden llama, and slipping it through a window at Denny's to save the table I wanted to sit at... I went in and just walked to the table, but a waitress told me I had to wait to be seated. I requested the table with my blue llama at it, and I remember looking around anxiously to make sure nobody had stolen it or taken the table.

      October 24, 2014

      I was in a band of misfits at a boarding school of some sorts. There was a school-wide skit competition and we somehow won, with a play about the Hulk and his doll. I was the doll in the play.

      We suddenly were very popular with the whole school and the "popular guys" all wanted to date me. They even let me ride in their banana car. (apparently those are things)

      There was some kind of disaster while we were gone, and years later we were walking around the campus and things were still exactly where people had left them, it was very eerie.

      October 31, 2014

      I was at home, and I apparently had a boyfriend who would sneak in my room at night, and then we would sneak out and do kinky shit in the woods nearby. My room was a lot bigger than it really is, and the walls were smart-walls like the one in the Hunger Games, that could show any scene you wanted. I was pissed though, because I found out the wall I usually liked to have wasn't free to use anymore.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    3. Bad Hair Day

      by , 08-05-2014 at 02:50 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      August 04, 2014

      All I remember was that I was going to my grandpa's old mansion (he sold it a few years ago) for a grand party of some sort. I was with my mom and dad and brothers, in the car on the way there. We had been staying at my grandpa's other house on the edge of town because it was less crowded. I remember that I had this gorgeous red dress, and my makeup was perfect, but when I looked at my reflection in the car-door window, I noticed that my hair was a fracking NEST. It was so messy. I frantically tried to fix it, but nothing was working.

      My mom told me it was fine and that no one would be looking at my hair, but it was SO noticeable. It's not like I'd worn the wrong shoes, which people really wouldn't have seen, because my dress was floor-length. It was right there on top of my face, which people would be looking at. I was mortified as I walked through the front doors, and then I woke up.
    4. Animal Crossing // FUCK THIS SHIT

      by , 07-06-2014 at 03:53 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      July 04, 2014

      Animal Crossing

      I was playing my Animal Crossing: New Leaf game, except I was in the game. I kept changing my clothes because I couldn't figure out what to wear that day.

      Penises and FUCK THIS SHIT

      I was at a fancy party with Zukin. It was on the roof of a really tall building, and we were all dressed up super sexy and elegant and whatnot. We were walking around, and I looked around, watching the faces... I had a target at this party.

      I was secretly an agent. I was an assassin, to be precise. My target was a man at this party, and Zukin didn't know I was a spy... I saw the man I was to kill, and mentioned to Zukin that I wanted to go eat some pineapples. She looked at me, followed my eyes, and nodded eagerly. We went to the buffet and grabbed a plate of pineapples, and then walked over to my target.

      "Care for some pineapples?" I asked him.

      He nodded, and took a piece from the plate. We all walked around for about half an hour, chatting. We all became such good pals that he invited us to go someplace with him after the party. We agreed. I was thinking how easy this would be.

      We walked past a giant fountain, and I slipped a bit, falling into his arms. He made sure I was alright and stood me back up, pulling some hair from in front of my face, tucking it back behind my ear. I smiled up at him, and we all kept walking.

      We decided to pause for a bit, and I sat with Zukin in a little window-seat type thing. Even though we were on the roof, there was a wall on one edge, along which we sat. Then all hell broke loose; There was a siren of sorts, and an announcement that we all had to leave, because the party was over. Zukin and I stood up and got swept away by the crowd; I could see my target behind us, keeping his eyes on us so as not to loose us.

      We filed down the stairs and into a wide, tall hallway. We ducked into a little cut-out where the girl's bathroom door was. Zukin said she had to pee, and so I waited outside while she was inside the one-person restroom. I also kept my eyes open for my target, hoping to catch him as he left and remind him of his offer to us.

      Then, I got a call: it was my boss. They told me my target had changed. The man we'd been schmoozing all night was no longer a threat... the new target: Zukin. On the inside, I was screaming "FUCK YOU BASTARDS." But I said, "understood."

      I knocked on the door. "Is it safe to come in, Zukin?"
      "Yeah, just washing my hands now."
      I opened the door and slid in without making much sound.
      "Yeah?" She was drying her hands.

      I told her I was a spy, and that my new target was her. She stared at me.
      "So this is what we're gonna do," I said.
      After I explained the plan to her, she was so psyched.

      We got in some kind of badass flying machine, headed for the Headquarters of my spy organization. I pulled a pistol out of a strap at my thigh, and handed it to Zukin. We busted through the doors of HQ, holding out the guns and shouting.

      Then my watch beeped. In the middle of busting up HQ, I did a reality check, realized I was dreaming, and also how absurd it all was.

      I decided that, since I was dreaming, and I already had this big-ass gun, I would continue to wreck shit up with Zukin. I let off a few rounds into the air, shouting and running around. Zukin was bashing someone's head into a table.

      I wondered if this counted toward the bonus task for the month, but didn't dwell on it for very long, since I was busy spray-painting the walls with penises and things like "FUCK THIS SHIT" and your mother jokes.