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    1. 10/27/15: HELP! ANOTHER FAILED LUCID (Fragment)

      by , 10-30-2015 at 12:11 AM
      - If this happens again, I'm going to post, because this simply can't continue.
      - My dream sign is a bear.
      - I assumed reality, just like no big deal.

      [Plot 1 begins]:
      So I'm in this Jeep Wrangler driving on a residential gravel road with my mom. We're just going along; maybe 20 mph maximum. Then, there are wolves. They come slowly... creeping... from the residential area. They're moving like they're very old, and they're just crossing the street, and I stop.
      I get out and to look at one. I observe it; it looks like it's fake, like from a video game or something, as its proportions are just off in many ways and its fur is rather polygon-ish and black and white. Then I see the bear. It's galloping towards us from afar (as usual), and I think to myself "Hey, it's a bear! Is this a dream? ... Nah..." and I went about the dream like all was well.

      [The dream fragments...]

      How can I fix this? I do consciousness RC's all throughout the day, every couple of hours usually. I essentially take a moment to see if I feel like I'm in a dream, and look around to see if anything is odd; maybe look at my hands. However, as you could see in my previous failure I looked at my hands and didn't notice anything.
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