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      by , 07-02-2018 at 01:22 PM
      I went to bed around 9, feeling very exhausted. Yesterday I didn't do my waking life recall as much. I watched at least 10 episodes of DB Super and played back to back Pokemon Battles.

      My recall level was still pretty good though. It didn't seem like I dreamed much more than what I remembered.


      Round 1 of Dreams.

      In another scene, I was with C V, O A, and some other people. We were doing some food preparation. There was also something about a meeting. I think some women were saying about what they would or wouldn't eat.

      I was making rice with peppers and other vegetables. I realized some people might want the rice and vegetables separate, so I started to separate them. I was near a fridge.

      Someone else came by and took a bunch of ice. The ice maker looked full and the fridge was full of ice too. I think I worried we'd run out of ice, but then there was some idea about how we could add water to the ice maker, and I wasn't worried any more.

      I saw someone's bowl for food. They had something with sprinkles along the rim of the bowl.

      I had some Pokemon Battles in my dreams. One had to do with a Dragon Pokemon in the mountains. I don't remember everything about that. What I do remember is that I had a Gengar, in the lower left. The opponent Pokemon was in the upper right. It showed our HP meters like the battle screens.

      However, in this one, my Gengar could move freely. So I ran around the battlefield. It was a brown, earthy terrain. I got to a bridge and saw two orbs. Those were energy orbs. 'Wow! Free energy!' I thought, and collected them.

      I was thinking something about how they put the word "Toxic" near my name. "Toxic" is just a status condition in Pokemon but I think it was more of an insult in the dream, which is silly.

      I remember a part where a person had hired big groups of people to do experiments on "scape goats". I don't remember all the experiments, but the last one involved basketball.

      Everyone was running around the basketball court, playing. I think the person was observing the one he'd identified as the "scape goat" of the group.

      There were also some parts in that about telekinesis. Using telekinesis to push people back.

      I dreamed that I felt really tired. I was out, walking around, and decided to just walk into someone's back yard and hang out near their fence. They had a white fence. I wasn't invited and I didn't even think I knew the people. I just thought I could walk into their back yard and hang out for a while.

      I felt so embarrassed when B W came walking towards me. Apparently, B W lived there! He asked about what I was doing there.

      I didn't really have a good explanation. I watched some cars drive by, and thought about stuff. Also, a big bus drove by, and I think it related to a prom.

      B W said something about how I always do certain kinds of things. I forgot the exact phrase. He had very thin brown eyebrows and brown eyes which I think is different from waking life. I haven't seen him in a while, so I don't know.

      I woke up from that, pretty relieved it had just been a dream! I was able to recall it and keep it in my mind until later.

      Something with weight lifting or RS/RM comes to mind but I can't quite place it.

      It felt like I had slept a long time, so I took my Huperzine-A 100mcg and Alpha-GPC 300mg before going back to bed. I am trying to get the timing of that stuff right.


      Round 2 of Dreams.

      I remember something about two people jumping out in front of a moving bus. I forgot why. They let the bus sort of push them along the road. Maybe it was a kind of protest.

      I remember dreaming about someone who had defeated Goku. I felt sad. I think it was Trunks. Goku seemed sad and depressed.

      I remember being on the road, but maybe walking instead of driving? I think I was with W N. We were turning left to go somewhere. I got a bit ahead of him. I think there was stuff with people from my college house, too.

      I remember more Pokemon Battles. In one battle, I was against a Rapidash, who was using Calm Mind. I figured their plan was to get at least 2 Calm minds before doing anything. I kept using Extremespeed and got them down to 1% HP.

      There was another Pokemon Battle where they had Leech Seed. I forgot who the Pokemon were but one had Recover. I was trying to take out their HP before Leech Seed took me down.

      I remember getting inside, and there were these platforms. I think there was a little spot I teleported to, also. Like a portal.

      I was supposed to walk back up. There were a lot of ramps and steps, and the platforms seemed to be floating in space.

      I had these rocks that I was able to do telekinesis on. I wasn't aware it was a dream, but I had some powers. I had some conscious control of my actions, too, and felt myself using the abilities first hand, but just didn't know it was a dream.

      I was able to put out my hands and pull the items to me while breathing in. I had a sense that pulling went with breathing in. One rock was a little heavier and I had to put my hands closer, but I could still pull it to me.

      I headed up the stairs and platforms, excited to show everyone what I could do. When I got to the top, someone from my college house was talking. He wasn't talking from a religious perspective but he still used the word "sin". I felt kind of ticked off at the religious language.

      I walked by someone else who said, "I hate when they use that word." I was like, "Me too!!!" And felt much better.

      I walked to the back aisle between two rows of seats. The place was kind of like a church. I remember the guy said he didn't like people to speak while he spoke. Normally this would tick me off, the authoritarian attitude, but he was younger than me, so I yelled, "Sorry!" As loud as I could. The place was so big, I could hardly hear myself.

      'I know! I will fly up over the middle row to the other side, and back towards those platforms,' I thought. So, that's what I did. I was able to fly up and over, but it was a little hard to aim for the door. I ended up flying into a white wall that hung over the place. It wasn't a crash, I just gently flew into it and then let myself down to walk from there. Still, I flew!

      I might have gone down into that room again. If I did, I don't remember what was there. Maybe another Pokemon Battle.

      I woke up from those and recalled them. My recall was good. I was happy with the recall. It's kind of a relief to be done writing so early. It's only 7:41 A M and I'm done.