I went to bed a little before 9. I found some funny videos online and then played two Pokemon Battles before 8:30 and then got to bed. I didn't do waking life recall. I remember something about Goku fighting Frieza at the football field. There were more details in these early dreams I didn't re-remember. I remember something about walking through the woods. And a "Wobbuffet Wall" which was a wall with lots of little places to get a foot or a hand hold and climb up. They were barely an inch wide of surface but I was able to use them to climb. Getting down was tricky. I couldn't get a good footing on the way down. I remember a part where I got a new laptop. I was trying to dial in to the Saturday W A meeting. I kept telling my sister that I wouldn't be available until after the meeting but she kept trying to talk to me. I remember something about needing a second access code to enter the meeting. And something about being excluded from "the park". I wanted to get into the meeting but couldn't. I originally remembered more of these dreams but didn't re-remember them due to mind wandering. I went back to sleep again, which surprised me. I remember some non-lucid dreams before becoming lucid. I had a dream that I had started a diet soda habit. I wondered how long it had been since I picked this up. It took me a while to realize that it contained sweeteners. That was when I was in nana's den. I started to worry. I remember being in the front lawn, doing something with the grass. I was thinking about a beverage that tasted like alcohol but didn't contain any alcohol. And telling people at A A about it. It wasn't non-alcoholic beer, which still contains some alcohol. I remember packing up to move. I was either at 24 or 15. I had most of my stuff ready to go. My mom said not to hurry because we had a whole year before we had to be fully moved. 'A year?' I thought. 'That's a long time! How did they keep both houses for so long?' I remember dreaming that I woke up in the back of my dad's van as he drove to work. I thought I had asked him to bring me for the drive. We were on a really windy back road. I wondered if it was safe to drive so fast. We reached a point where some rocks tumbled down, and he had to back out. I used telekinesis to move the rocks off the road, without knowing it was a dream. They were giant boulders. I remember a false awakening kind of thing. I was looking at my own forehead, and saw that I had many red pimples. I began to count them. There were around 15. 'Is this really my forehead?' I thought. 'Maybe I will try a finger palm test.' Sure enough, my finger went through, and I was lucid in the dream world. There was some plastic on the wall ahead of me. In this beginning part, I couldn't move much. I just stayed still and slightly looked around. Eventually I tried moving and the dream collapsed. The dream started back up, though. I remember a glass window. There were some asian people in a room, about to be served food. I wanted food. They seemed to be looking at me through the glass. I jumped right through the glass, phasing through it, and that surprised them! I sat with the two asian people, hoping to be brought food. An older woman brought out two meals. She gave one to one of the people and one to me, but skipped the middle person. I felt bad. The food must have been just for those two, so I got up to go find food elsewhere. After walking around a little, I found a shopping center kind of thing. For some time, it became a video game interface. I got food, but didn't really experience eating it because it was more of a video game thing. Then there was something about a history lesson the people there were hiding from me. I didn't push them to tell me. I just went looking for more dream food. I walked over to an office place with a receptionist desk out front. At the desk there was some kind of clock thing. Two people were waiting for an appointment, a man and a woman. The woman had two plates which each had a big pile of dough balls. One of the sets of dough balls had powdered sugar and the other didn't. I asked for some and she shared. They were delicious! I was surprised that the dream continued. I had a pull-up competition with a guy accross from me. He started doing them faster than I could, and won the competition. I think I walked off somewhere down a sidewalk to find more places in the dream and woke up. I finished the outline around 9:30 A M, meaning I actually slept enough for a change. That last sleep cycle made a big difference. Until today I was having trouble with being up too early and unable to get back to sleep.