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    A Dreamer's Dreams

    February 27, 2014 non-lucid #47

    by , 02-28-2014 at 03:33 AM (322 Views)
    Journal Entry non-lucid #47 Dream, non-dream (Comments)
    Background: I fell asleep by accident too early.

    Dream fragment 1, 8ish-2:00 am." A successful college student":
    I found myself a class room, MA, head of the STEM organization peaked into our classroom. She walked inside and she walked next to this guy that I saw one time in the math department, in Waking Life. They brought him cupcake, and congratulated him on finishing college in 2 years. He had double the classes said my counselor. I turned around and saw my friend, AL, talking to my cousin SA. I started talking to him, he walks out the front door, the front door was made out of glass. We walked out into the grass my cousin and my friend were trying to do back flips. I thought if I should do one but I didn't want to show off. My cousin AL showed up, he joked about how he could do a back flip.

    This little boy showed up and and smacked a little girl. We didn't notice that children stood next to us. We picked her up and shamed the little boy for hitting her. He ran around the premise with food in his hand. I became angry for some reason and took the food from his hand and started throwing it at the wall.

    I turned around and see my chemistry teacher cutting wood with some sort of contraption. He backed me up in what I did. He said something that both made me laugh and made me happy. I went around him and I saw my friend GO from High school. He asked me how much money I made and he tried to sell me a PS3 game. The cover of the game had a picture of a guy, most likely a motorcycle guy wearing a helmet and black leather outfit.

    I realized that a lot of dreams do connect, the transition was a simple head turn. I would have thought that each of these dreams were separate from each other but they were all in the same dream.

    So after I got up for WBTB, which I use now to study for an exam. Since I found out that dream state help with memory. My premise: If I get up in the middle of night and study I would retain most of it.

    Dream fragment 2, 4:58am-7:00am." Mathematical dispute":
    We were in Calculus III class, the class room looked small. A guy went up to my math teacher and asked a problem. He is a smart guy and pretty confident in waking life. But in the dream he stuttered and shook. My friend showed up and started explaining how he solved it. I argued with my friend about a problem the math problem. The problem had a sec^2(t) and he said that he got sec^3(t) when he took the derivative of it. I said that is integration. The derivative of sec (t) is sec (t)tan (t). I became equally frustrated and angry.

    I don't like the dreams in which I am doing mathematics although I like math. It is my nightmare. I am always frustrated or angry. The equations never make sense or the numbers are off. And I am off on a wild goose hunt trying to solve, what seem like an unsolvable problem.

    Dream fragment 3, 4:58am-7:00am."":
    I had a dream and I had a girl I liked but friend too her from me. I saw GO's brother. I talked to him and asked if he seen GO. *environmental change* I am now inside of my house the walls looked like walls of a cave. I wrote stuff all over the wall and I wrote it in a circular fashion. I don't recall what it read. My sister walked up to me and she said I should have been awake earlier.

    Possible dream sign:

    Emotion: Angry (x2), Happy (x1)
    Context: Doing mathematics. Environmental change. Dream Character appear after turning(3x)

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