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    A Dreamer's Dreams

    January 12, 2014 non-lucid #5

    by , 01-12-2014 at 07:46 PM (462 Views)
    Journal Entry non-lucid #5 Dream, non-dream (Comments)

    Dream fragment 1 from 8:30pm-1:45am" 2 Split Realities ": I was a spectator in this dream as well. I saw a women talking about an opening for a movie. She looked high class and everybody dressed in suits, and dresses. The women talking about the movie didn't really know what she was talking about, so people tried to ignore her. The main actor, the father, from the movie Taken came out dressed like the 1600s, he said, "listen to thy queen..." while toasting to the crowd with a glass of wine. I saw everybody now dressed like him, but this was not the real perspective, this was the actors perspective. Then my dream showed me another perspective, the real one. He was overly drunk slurring as he talks, leaning on people, and trying to talk to ladies. A mistress in the party, who was in charge of some sort of high and powerful organization put a hit on Ice T, the police put him on their list.

    Dream fragment 2 8:30am-1:45am " Friend gets Arrested": I was now with my friend that is a security guard, CN. He asked me if I wanted to join him on his job, I told him yeah and we left. He parked his car and we started having a conversation. I saw these cops pull over and drive off. We didn't think of it as weird since he was a security guard. Then he came back with backup and told him to come outside the car. I was confused, I know that their is a hit on Ice T, but why did they come after my friend. "He is darker than Ice T, he is not black, but he is certainly darker than him" I thought. I couldn't conclude that they are racist since they didn't arrest me. They looked at the back of the trunk, his car was a 4 door family car as well. They ripped off the back bumper. I had to pick it up and put it on the side walk. CT told me, they got nothing on me man don't worry.

    Dream fragment 3 8:30pm-1:45am " No Judgment Here": I was waiting with my friend, LS, we were waiting for another friend, BN. He shows up with a child, about 8 years old. We didn't bother asking him if that was his child. All of a sudden a bunch of people showed up and kept asking him to join them, he said," could you guys wait for me I will be back ?". We all said yes, but I became impatient and left. This was because I had to pee in real life to do WBTB and I just couldn't hold it in dream. I left them and I walked away, I ended up in New York for some reason. It was snowing and I just started peeing all over the floor. It was so cold that my pee vaporized. I fell or something and laid on the floor peeing. I finished and got up, this Indian guy shows up and shoots me. I spawned back to life like a game. And shot him, he came back to life as well. I ran to this dark lighted area so that it reduces his accuracy. This train was passing by me. I acted like I got hit. He got on a freight and went to floor and tried to shoot me. I was laughing like a manic. He couldn't kill me. I missed him as well. He jumped to where I was at, and all of a sudden he is Russian, and he ran out of bullets. He asked me in panic how do you reload. I laughed again like a manic, and I grabbed my pistol, I was out of ammo as well. (I don't know how to reload in waking life, but I think it is all the games I played, I did the same sequencing. I just don't know what to call the parts to the gun, but I pulled it, put the ammo in from the bottom and cock it back). I then started shooting directly to his face, he didn't die though. I left him and went somewhere else, Jessica the hot redhead from True Blood apparently ordered female escorts or something, but she felt guilty. They came after my sister, trying to kill her. My sister shook them off her backs, and she was yelling at Jessica. I think my sister asked her why she ordered them, Jessica looked embarrassed and she said, "to have sex with them". I told her it's ok no judgment.

    Got up tried to concentrate on my dream, neighbors were having a party and they were playing a loud and annoying song. I had to get up so details escaped me. I used the bathroom after writing down dream. Then I ate some food with my sister. Then read a book, and meditated afterwards for about 10 mins. I woke up and went back to bed a couple of times, while listening to Robert Monroe's hemi-sync.

    Dream fragment 4 3am-6am" Dual Personality": I was in a Hollywood studio. This women was playing the part of a girl who had dual personality. After she finished I asked her sister if she had dual personality in real life, she told me yes. I left them because I thought they were crazy. I was now at my middle school. I was on the second floor and my sister was at the stairs and she was trying to fix her backpack. I waited for her. I saw L.J there with other old friends. I went down the stairs, my sister was trying to talk to me about something, but I ignored her. I saw an old friend that was very close to me and he told me that he is upset because I didn't see him or talk to him after we finished school.

    Dream fragment 5 3am-6am" Racist White Man": I was in this orange low-rider, and I tried to customize it and they would let me because I was n at the right level. I saw a friend over there in a motorcycle trying to act cool with black shades. I was apparently on vato's territory (from a game). I then drove a way. They were trying to kill me. I saw these grove street gangsters trying to steal cars. I also saw this racist white man pulling a black guy by the afro. He was spewing racist comments. I was angry. When I became angry, I became the white man pulling his hair. I felt the hunger for power, and the satisfaction that he was getting from pulling his hair. To quench his hunger for power he had to hurt and demean others. When I became angry, I reflected the negative angry that he had, and by that reflection became him.

    Dream fragment 6 3am-6am" Janitor is the killer": This guy was looking for the killer of his family and, that killer was someone that he knew closely. It was this janitor that he knew. The man had these ugly and un-cared for hair. He had this evil smile on his ugly wrinkled face. The guy though didn't want to believe it and kept saying that he saw the killers face as a child.

    Dream fragment 7 3am-6am" Helicopter Fight": I was in this helicopter and it had machine guns. Me and this other guy were in a helicopter war. Shooting at another helicopter. We didn't kill each other, it was all just practice. Then we landed the helicopter and I told them don't worry about the helicopter I will pick it up later. This black guy that looked very familiar laughed at what I said. As we were walking I asked him if he was new to the place. The dream ended without a response.

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    Updated 01-12-2014 at 08:09 PM by 65865

