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    A Dreamer's Dreams

    "Kiss from same sex"

    by , 06-15-2014 at 02:42 AM (576 Views)
    Journal Entry Lucid #52 Dream,Lucid, (Comments)
    Background: Didn't have much of a lucid week, but I haven't been doing all day awareness so it is understandable. I had lucid dream in the beginning of the week, and I was doing all day awareness.
    ToTM: June 2014 Basic Task II
    Lucid Dream #52, day: 06/08/14, time: 5:26-6:49am" Kiss of same sex? kind of?": The dream first started off way different than the lucid.
    I see a little girl, maybe 12 or less, she has a stuffed animal in her hands and a friend by her side. Her friend looked a little older than her, she had the same hair as her and they looked similar. Since I don't know the little girl name, I will call her Linda, and her friend Carina. Like all children Linda got peer pressured, although it wasn't the usual peer pressure. Carina tells Linda to do daring tasks. Carina told Linda top military secrets. She told Linda that she has to do something about the evil corruption in the world.

    This part of the dream got fuzzy. I am now a character, no longer spectating. I find myself in a car, it looks a military version of Jeep CJ. I am shooting at some other guys to receive a document. MY dad was in the passenger seat. He shot RPGs at the other car. We were driving around grand canyon. Well after having some gun battle we got the document. It was now in the Linda's hand. She walks into a dark room. A lot of people walked in and surprised her. They congratulated her about revealing the truth on the military corruption. She humbly tells them she couldn't have done it without Carina. She turns and gestures to her friend Carina. The guy that was about to give her a reward said, "Sorry? There is no one next to you. Is Carina around? Linda quickly turned around and frighten with what she saw, nobody was behind her. Then she looks at the man. He started to flicker, like those horror movie style, until he disappeared. As a spectator in dream, I commented as if I am watching a movie. I thought, "Is she schizophrenic? And did she just see the illusions that her mind made up?" She started to run in fear. She went into the night not know what is real or fake. As she went into the tunnel her illusions became vivid. She saw different color animals come at her, such as bears. Some of them clowns. I all of sudden became her. I felt her fear and desperation of answers. I spectated again, and thought if only she realized it is a dream. I became lucid and I became one of her hallucinations. An English man with one eyeglass, and a big hat. I

    I told her to stop running and face her fears. She stopped immediately. I saw her as part of my psyche. I wanted her to feel strong and what better way than lucid dreaming I thought. I told her that she is not crazy and that she is dreaming. I turned around and I see a door come out of the tunnel. I took her hand and she followed me. I see my body and I am an old white man. We are at a mall. As I was telling her that she could do what ever she wants and she don't have to be afraid, I see myself in the mirror. I am young now, my eyes are hazel slightly blue. I was getting distracted, this was the first time I saw my reflection in a dream. I walked a bit and turned and I am now a women. I had red hair, I had blue greenish eyes. I had wrinkles around my eyes. I am dressed in a red poke-dot skirt. I looked like a 1950s gal. I looked about 40 something years old. I had a wonderful body not too fat or too skinny. I thought about doing the challenge since I am now a girl, I could kiss another girl. I wanted to make sure that I am not a transsexual so I picked up my skirt and saw no penis. Oh yeah the little girl disappeared long time ago, I don't know when but she did. I scattered to look for a women. I saw one old lady, and another that is slightly younger, I would say about 40-50. She had grey hair. She was not attractive but she wasn't ugly. She was doing someone's nail. I rushed and grabbed her head. I first went for a light kiss, then I started doing tongue. I was slightly uncomfortable because she is old. I am old too but dam she was really old. What made it even more sickening was that she started to enjoy it. I then woke up. My legs kind of jerked as I woke up, Idk what that was about.

    Lucid Dream #53, day: 06/11/14, time: unknown "Short dream ":
    I am in my house and I found myself already aware that it is a dream. I don't remember what I did but I do remember walking around the house and recalling how blurry the dream felt. I didn't stabilized thinking that the dream will stabilize on its own. The rest of dream was about GTA 5, and friends from high school.
    StephL likes this.

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    Updated 07-24-2014 at 03:09 PM by 65865

    lucid , task of the month
