Lucid Dreams
Non Dream Dream Lucid After a routine awakening, I began experiencing the loud ringing in my ears that let's me know I'm about to have a DEILD. I waited until the ringing subsided and carefully got out of bed. I walked into the restroom, climbed up on the counter and phased through the mirror to teleport. Once through the mirror I found myself falling from the high ceiling of a fancy restaurant with shiny blue tiled floors. Once I landed, I noticed the host stand was conveniently near by. The maître d' appeared. I greeted him with, "Good evening sir," trying to sound as stuffy as possible. I was taken to a nearby table. The maître d' said, "Excuse my grammar, sir, but would you like everything with foie gras?" I responded with, "Ah, yes, bien sur!" and he went away. I looked around for a menu put only saw a small plate with miniscule portions of caviar. I don't like caviar IRL so I passed. I decided to look around. Most notable to me was the amount of twins I was seeing. In seconds I spotted 8-10 pairs of twins in the restaurant. Upon seeing I was actually now with a large group of DC's I pointed that out to them. I woke up.
Non Dream Dream Lucid I don't remember how I got lucid (probably MILD) but I did. I was in the kitchen of a house with my brother in law and my crush. I tried to change things up a bit so I went into another room to summon another girl using my usual behind the hand trick. I couldn't summon anybody. I went back into the kitchen and went to my brother in law. He's real intellectual so I thought he would provide a more interesting answer. "What's the meaning of life?" I asked him. He said he knew and seemed confident. He started by saying "It's all about the pretty things" before talking about random stuff I couldn't understand. Then, he started talking about the anatomy of the earth itself. In the end, the final answer which I confirmed with him was that was the meaning of life is the earths core, mantle, crust, and all of the things on top. After that I decided to have a thumb war with my crush which she won with her small, quick little thumb. After that, I lost lucidity as indescribable nonsense and chaos (I won't bother) ensued before I woke up.
Updated 08-06-2013 at 01:55 PM by 57896
Non-Dream Dream Lucid Making out with my crush has been a lucid goal for quite some time. I've been intending to summon her for a couple weeks but haven't remembered to do it till now. Lucid #210-I was in my bed trying to remember a dream I had. I couldn't remember anything which was frustrating but also unusual as I've had above average recall lately. Something didn't feel right so I did a nose plug. I could breathe. I can't be dreaming, I thought. I must have not done it right. I did another nose plug and could breathe. I got up out of bed and turned to my backup reality check, which is flying. I went out of my room, down the hall, got a running start, and flew, phasing through the sliding glass door into the backyard before landing there. I thought this would be a nice romantic spot. I put my hand behind my back and called for my crush. My strategy was to wait for her hand and then hear her voice. I stood there for a few seconds before my patience ran out and I looked behind me. I could see somebody walking in the house. Then, the sliding glass door opened. The beautiful, young, short, blond girl with medium length straight hair came out. I summoned her perfectly. I gave her a hug, which she surprisingly refused at first, but eventually gave in. I woke up. Darn those short lucids! Luckily it was early in the night and I still had time to get lucid again. Lucid #211-I was waiting on a couple of old ladies. They reminded me that they had ordered the French onion soup. Darned soups! I keep forgetting about them! I tried to go to the kitchen to get their soup when I realized I wasn't at work, I was in a sporting goods store. I went back to the ladies and let them there wasn't any French onion soup because, you know, this wasn't a restaurant. They told me to go to Bundy (which I assume is a supermarket as I live by one named Lucky). I told them I would. I walked a safe distance away, making sure they weren't aware of me. I tried summoning my crush again, using the behind the hand trick. I waited for her soft little hand this time. When I felt it, I asked if it was her and she said it was. I turned around to find again I had summoned her perfectly. I hugged her again. This one was much better, a nice full body hug. We hugged for a few seconds. "Why don't you kiss me?" I asked her. She gave me a full kiss on the lips which was incredible. We then made out, kissing each other repeatedly as the dream faded away.
Non Dream Dream Lucid Last night I didn't have very good sleep or recall due to some emotional stress. All I remembered was a false awakening and a tiny fragment of a dream. That meant though that this afternoon I was tired enough to take a nap. I got lucid! I rarely have lucid dreams along with my naps. Lucid #206-I woke up from my nap to find myself on my back with my hands behind my head. I was still in sleep paralysis. I figured I could use this to my advantage to have a WILD. I tried making the ringing in my ears as loud as I possibly could. It worked! In a couple seconds I felt my dream body float right out of my real body. The dream was still unstable though. I spent the next couple minutes floating around trying to stabilize. I tried focusing on my dream senses rather than my real ones. It never really worked. I tried flying out of the backyard and letting myself fall softly on my back on the pavement. Big mistake! I couldn't get up and woke up immediately.
Dream 1-All I could remember was a female co-worker's voice saying "After my vacation, I only have one boyfriend. My parents won't recognize me anymore as a bilium boy fraternity member. They'll call me a bilium boy blem blum." Dream 2-I was riding a couple roller coasters. Dream 3-I was at a very crowded beach. The tide went up real high and sent everybody scrambling up the beach. I had to apologize to 3 old ladies who didn't like how I ran into a couple people. Lucid #205-When I woke up from dream 3, it was unusually dark outside. I did a nose plug and could breathe. Yay! I went outside and decided to fly. I didn't seem to have much control of my flying so I decided just to explore. I was over a medium density city with lots of Monterey cypress trees, similar to Southwest San Francisco or Daly City. A couple notable things I saw was a large tree house and a lady waving at me with two hands. I woke up after 30 seconds to a minute of flying.
Non Dream Dream Lucid Dream 1-Tiger Woods was practicing his chipping. He said he was browning his club and preparing for the death spiral. :/ Lucid #204-I was in the family room of my grandmas house at some sort of social gathering when I became had some thoughts about dreaming and realized I was in a dream. I bumped into one of my female co-workers. (The same one that bit me in Lucid #71 and wanted to hurt me in #195) We greeted each other with a hug and I went into the living room to try to summon another girl. I forgot about the behind the hand trick that works well for me though so I wasn't getting anything. "Summon God instead!" Co-worker suggested from behind. I figured I would try, just to see what my mind would come up with, but I couldn't summon anything. I woke up. I'm good friends with the co-worker I'm referring too, even though she playfully hurts/flirts me in real life at times (she pokes me, elbows me, and hugged me real tight the day before, enough I was short of breath a bit. She's 4 inches taller and weighs nearly 100 pounds more than me) That's probably why I'm dreaming of her more frequently. Also, I have so many dreams of my grandma's house! More than of my own! I have no idea why! ^-^
Updated 07-26-2013 at 03:54 PM by 57896
Non Dream Dream Lucid As I'm trying to go back to sleep I randomly hear that loud ringing in my ears that lets me know I'm on my way to a lucid dream. I know I'm in the dream when I could see the room with my eyes closed. I got up from bed and started swimming around the house, trying to transform into a dolphin. After seeing I wasn't making any progress at all, I gave up, went outside of my house and jumped up to fly and explore. I flew to a hilly neighborhood. A middle aged woman flagged me down. She wanted to know what was the difference in seasonings at different Applebees (where I work). I woke up before I could come up with an answer. I think I have to take baby steps with this transformation thing. Also, I should stick with passive control rather than active control, which I'm not very good at.
Non-Dream Dream Lucid I went to bed after a routine awakening. I lied in bed for a couple minutes, trying to go to sleep. Out of nowhere, I hear a loud ringing in my ears and vibrations throughout my body. After a few seconds of this my body starts to spin. This time, I got out of bed while my body was still spinning as I waited too long last time. I got up from bed and my body was still spinning. I tried my best to ground myself. Once I stopped spinning, I figured I would try to summon a cute girl to play with. I did the behind the hand trick to summon one. I put my hand behind my back. In a second I felt a hand. I looked behind me but couldn't see anybody. I felt the hand though. Somebody's back there. I waited a couple seconds............One of my female workers appeared. Not one of the more attractive ones, but still a good friend. "Hi!" she said. "Hi! Where do you want to go?" I asked. "I don't know. Where do you want to get hurt?" "I don't care," I said, playing along. "Lets go to Virginia Beach!" "Okay." We walked out of the house. When we walked out we where in different neighborhood I used to live in. There was a cab waiting for us. Co-worker had apparently arranged it. "This guy's the best! He doesn't care about passing." We got in the cab and the cab driving started driving. He didn't stop at the intersection though. Instead he plowed through a fence into somebody's backyard, as if it was completely normal. Co-worker looked concerned. "Hmm...Maybe we should go to Daytona Beach instead." We continued driving through the backyard, which was huge. Along the way we saw some panda bears and a panther that threatened to pounce on us. I woke up, lol. You get some interesting results when you force your subconscious to come up with stuff on the fly!
Updated 07-14-2013 at 04:25 PM by 57896
Non-Dream Dream Lucid I was walking with a huge group of DCs on the shoulder of a freeway when I thought, "I must become lucid. Oh, wait, I'm dreaming! Nice." I remembered the task of time control. I asked a DC for a watch. When I got no response, I quickly thought "Okay, I could just summon my own". I reached into my pocket and took out a small pocket watch. It was just a simple old school watch, one with roman numerals in place of the numbers. I switched the watch to my left hand, looked up at the scene, and tried spinning my right forefinger. It didn't work. I figured I had to look at the watch while spinning my finger like I'd done in the past. I looked at the watch. The time was about 4:20. I tried spinning my forefinger again. The hands of the clock quickly accelerated. Success! After about 15 seconds. My hand became tired so I stopped. The time was about 9:00 now. I looked up at the scene and saw the crowd of DCs had greatly diminished and it was starting to get dark. This was proof to me that I actually manipulated the time and didn't just change the hands of the clock. Satisfied that I had completed the task, my subconscious ended the dream.
Non Dream Dream Lucid I was on dreamviews or a similar site looking at a random members post. He used his dreams to create a complex world. Somehow, it seemed like his goal was to make it to a mountain outside of the city to fulfill some task. Next thing I know, inexplicabily, a bird popped out of the screen and started chirping some random stuff, something about Macy's. I laughed and thought "What the heck!". After a couple seconds it clicked that I was dreaming and should go about my goals. I walked out of the computer room to find myself in the hall of my grandma's house. I used the behind the hand trick to summon a dc but couldn't feel I hand this time. I turned around and saw a dog I used to have and then my sister. Since I saw my dog first I figured I had to hug it for Totm. I went up to him and hugged him. He licked my face and looked like he was happy to see me. I didn't really talk to my sister, I just told her I had to go. Since I was inside, I found a good opportunity to walk through some walls. I walked through the wall of the master bedroom to try to go outside. Somehow, I wasn't sure if I did it correctly even though I successfully walked through it. Luckily I ended up in the family room. From there I walked through the closed sliding glass door, making sure I kept my eyes open. I was successful once again and ended up in the backyard. I jumped up to fly. My goal was to go to the beach. After a couple of seconds, I found the beach but had a tough time lowering myself and landing on it. On the way down, I saw a 3 headed dc trying to talk to me. I woke up.
Updated 07-05-2013 at 04:58 PM by 57896
Non Dream Dream Lucid All of a sudden my vision turned from black to bright red. At this point, I realized I was dreaming. I looked towards the wall and saw shadows of flames materializing. When I got up and looked around though there were just cheap cardboard cutouts of flames scattered throughout the room. I jumped out of the window to escape. I was in another room with more cardboard flames. My vision turned from bright red to somewhat black and white. It was as if I was in a cheap 1920's silent film. I dodged the flames and jumped through another glass window into another room. I could finally see the outside through another window. Then, K (a big girl) came up from behind and bit my arm! I got away and when I looked back I saw that K had a shovel and was trying to hit me! Luckily, I was able to grab the shovel from her hands as she was taking a swing at me and got away again. My dream ended just before I could make it outside.
Non-Dream Dream Lucid I was at an amusement park with a group getting ready for a backstage tour of a roller coaster. We start towards the roller coaster and I realize I'm dreaming when I think that I could just fly to get there faster. I jump to to fly thinking of my lucid goal to swim with dolphins. I started trying to spin to fly faster to teleport myself while at the same time thinking about a tropical destination. It was tough to spin at first but with enough will power I was able to spin rapidly. I was flying at lightspeed at this point with the clouds flying past me in a circular blur. I started to fly back down, expecting I've arrive at my destination. As I made my way through the cloads I noticed two tropical deserted islands. I was short of them which was perfect. I dove in the warm water expecting dolphins to be there. Shortly after, a small dolphin about the size of myself swam up close to me. I grabbed it's dorsal fin and let it gently pull me around the water for a bit. After I was finished, a second one swam up close to me. I thought it might be bigger but it was about the same size. I pet it, amazed by the realistic feel of it's skin. I woke up.
Non-Dream Dream Lucid A couple minutes after going to bed after a routine awakening, I heard a whispering voice that said "Shawn, are you lucid?"I did a reality check and confirmed I was dreaming. As I went outside to fly, I noticed a dog I used to have. I jumped up to fly and noticed this dog started flying with me! I landed so he would land and flied faster and higher so he couldn't catch up. As I looked down, however, I noticed he was still following me, jumping over 7 foot fences into neighbors yards as if it was nothing. Eventually I landed and tried to get rid of him once and for all using telekenisis. My skills are still far too weak however. After several seconds of trying, I woke up.
Non-Dream Dream Lucid I was in a neighborhood watching two small dogs run around. They approached a fenced off front yard towards a small sign on the iron fence that says "Tiny Animals Only". In this yard there are lots of tiny animals running around. They were so small I couldn't identify what they were but I know some were snakes. Most of them looked like some sort of large insects. I think to myself that these dogs can't enter this yard as they are too big to fit through the fence. The two dogs then squeezed through the fence entering the yard. The two dogs ran around the yard and were quickly attacked by the tiny critters. They ran back out of the yard, through the fence and onto the yard I was standing on, where they shaked the critters off on the grass. It occured to me at this point that I must be dreaming. I carefully told myself "I'm Lucid", trying not to wake up. After I sucessfully stabilized, I noticed a middle aged, balding DC in a blue polo shirt staring at me angrily. I assume he was the owner of the house and the dogs and was angry at me for letting the dogs in the neighbors yard and spreading tiny critters all over his lawn. I tried to use telekenisis to get rid of this man but it didn't work. A panic broke out among the other neighbors standing around at this point. "Get a golf club!" one of them yelled. I tried desperatly again to use telekenisis to get rid of the DCs now surronding me but it was no use as I'm not yet skilled enough. I heard a thump and woke up.
Non-Dream Dream Lucid I was agressively pulled from my bed by an evil force and started to fly down the hallway. I was able to catch the frame of the bathroom door and climb into the mirror. After a couple of seconds in a void I found myself at an industrial looking room. I didn't take time to notice my surrondings as I immediatly focused on stabilizing. As I looked down at my hands to begin the process, the dream faded away, probably because my REM period ended.