00:00 Saturday 2014-03-01
, 03-02-2014 at 10:28 PM (527 Views)
another good recall, lots of detail, two wakings, this time more wild and wacky
00:00 Saturday 2014-03-01
00:40 bedtime
+ back at a house where I used to rent (or sold?) there are Indian men there (Asian Indian), I'm looking for an old picnic table, I see a new wooden picnic table in the yard, I meet the new guy there he asks me to come pick up stuff, there are folding chairs, and the old picnic table. I'm leaving the place going out through a fence, the fence opening mechism is controlled by a jerry-rigged medium-sized garden shear which you squeeze the handles to operate the mechanism of the gate to open the door, and a rubber band pulls the shears open again after you stop squeezing it. I'm interested in this mechanism and say I wanted to build something like this but couldn't I was impressed he could build it.
A small nuclear bomb flies ahead of me I see it hit and the blast flowing out in all directions, I see the hit adn the blast several times. I think about flying up to look down on the damage. I think that can't be good for the area.
There's a meeting (talking about the bomb strike?).
+ On an outdoor path heading out of the city. To my left are growing a lot of vegetables, like pumpkins, and tomaties, all around there are thick patches of growing vegetables. I'm talking to someone on my left and say "if everyone in the whole world did this there would be no shortage of food." I happen upon an outdoor nursery on the right side of the road with a samping area. I'm looking at all the things and concentrate on the habanero peppers, all kinds of different varieties. One of the guys who works there comes out and tells me the names of the varieties I see some longer thinner ones in a plastic container. I hold one "pepper" up in my fingers it's supposed to be really hot I can feel the spiciness directly through my fingers, it looks like a leaf of raddichio lettuce more than a pepper. Someone is with me and says "oh my god it's free!?" and starts grabbing handfuls. I'm not sure it's free but take some peppers.
I'm back at my house with my basket of "peppers" in my garden to plant them, one of them nwo looks like a huge carrot that has split due to age and the juices are running out I think I should have chosen one that wasn't split like that. The peppers are weird they have two parts, the long pepper part and a really long stem with a small flat round pepper meat head that you also need to plug into the ground. I'm looking at a flyer from the nursery that reads that they want people to return at least some heritage seeds back to the nursery. The flier reads that of all the people who rented baskets from them only two people sent back any seeds. I'm planting them in a row, and the guy from the nursery is giving me advice where to put the tops and bottoms, and says not to push one hard but just drop it into the soil. I think hmm I guess there is money involved. They rent you packages of plants but you're supposed to return the seeds. I felt bad I didn't give them any money.
+ inside a huge house. Funky / home-made house. I'm sitting around a table with a bunch of people, talking and having a good time. I get the impression that all these people all work together somewhere. I have a sneaking suspicion that I know these people and that I've seen them before. I look around the table slowly, looking at each different face intently, I'm trying to place them. There are men and women, some funny faces some regular. And I say tentatively, "Do you guys....work...at the *card club*?!" And there is instant silence all around the table. Nobody wants to answer. Someone eventually says "yes." I didn't know where the card club was but I figured out it must be in this house run by that older grey haired bushy mustache man in his 50s/60s.
I'm walking around the house looking for the bathroom I have to pee. I can't find a bathroom. I find a strange water/heater apparatus with a moving pump hooked up to a small rack of shoe-box-sized computer systems. I had earlier seen the man working on something in the house, that must have been what he was working on. I see down a stairway to a level below the main level it looks dirty/junky/not finished basement areas. Someone points me down a hallway to the left . I enter a room with a little step up, the step is nailed on to the wall at about hip level, and it leads to a very small slit of a doorway leading to a tiny bathroom. The opening to the room is about 2 inches wide. I couldn't possibly squeeze through the opening.
A female country music singer starts singing about the bathroom, I say it's a thumbalina bathrrom because it's so small, and immediately the singer sings loudly "IT'S A THUMBALINA BAAAATHHROOOOOM..." (sings more stuff about it). I say "that's what I like about this house, you have all this funky little stuff like this tiny bathroom."
I'm at the far other end of the house. I notice the colors are pale purple and greens, pastels. I'm talking to the owners and say how I really love his house and say how huge the house is, you could walk forever in all directions in it. He says yeah when he's working on something on this side of the house and forgets a screw in the bathroom it's a long walk there.
Someone asks me about this man and asks if he's Episcopalian.
Outsider the house in the street/road I see kitty-corner a little strip mall with a dunkin' donuts and some other shops. I think "wow, this place is so awesome they even have a dunkin' donuts across the street I imagine that people come to visit and bring donuts all the time....
more recall coming in: washers, dry cleaners
...Inside the donut shop I think there's donuts and there must be fruit, too, but nobody ever buys the fruit, there's a woman behind the counter cleaning a bunch of huge grapes. My parents are in the store and they say they're "donut vegetarians" (meaning they never eat the donuts only the fruit).
Driving away from this place it's dark twilight, a hilly road, heading down through curvy road, I see a freeway onramp sign but the freeway number plate is to scratched and faded I can't read it. I think it reads <freeway #>, so I take what I think is the onramp. It's going downhill steeply, the road becomes heavily grooved with the grooves pointing down hill, the grooves are about 1-inch deep and 1-inch wide. I think that they really help with grip in the rain. I'm going faster and faster (there's no car, I'm kind of floating), I think about my sister because I think she lives in these hills...
.... another memory different dream: walking on dry earth climbing up a hill. I look at the ground and see the dry and light quality of dirt, I look at the vegetation on the hill and think I must be in California. There is a fence at the top of the hill the top of the fence is bent over under a tree, there's some sort of park on the other side of the fence, I go in ther are people there. I'm in a group of these people, I look at their faces, they're kind of Mexican/Pacific Islander looking. Some comment about more and more people are making the town bigger. It's some sort of park and I'm meeting my children there.
... back to the road...there are more and more gough marks I'm going faster, I think this is where people lost control and ran off the side of the road, I lose control and run off the side of the road into the dirt where there are very long think tight coils like vehicle suspension coils but hundreds of feet long. This area is under a lot of trees. I think what does my sister do here, and she tells me "I never go faster than 75 mph." There is a pathway here made up of boxes/doors/scrap painted wood about one meter wide and long and curving off ahead, my sister says "when that's wet you lose control and hydroplane on top of this path".
At the end of the path it's lighter, my sister is sitting on a fence to the left and is sitting next to a patch of yellow and green growing zucchinis, there's a little animal rustling about in the leaves and my sister is touching this plant.
+ Driving through a town, I notice a dry cleaning store across the road on the left. They take in your dry cleaning and they send it off to the dry cleaning factory and get it back and you pick it up again at that store. I look inside the store from across the street and it's almost empty. I see an outdoor complex of laundry stations where you can come to do laundry with big sink areas with an old roller dryer, there's a woman using it who tells me "yeah I'm still drying your pants this way."
Elsewhere in the town talking to my wife on the phone, she asks where I am she's annoyed I'm not home.
I'm standing and looking at this dry cleaning and laundry places, standing looking at them and analyzing them. I really felt like I was there, like it was a waking memory. At the table with the card house employees was also a high awareness moment, I really looked slowly and intently at each one of their faces.
08:56 it took me 15 minutes of non-stop fast talking to get all that voice recorded.
Awake for a while, eventually I gather my will to empty my mind and get back to sleep.
+ Sexy time on a stage. Afterwards, I'm in the hall, I leave out the back and come in around the front.
+ A huge parking lot is absolutely packed super tightly with parked cars. I'm with my wife we go down to the end of the lot we're looking for our old parking spot. Wife says we used to park right here, it was in a driveway, so I said I didn't think so. We're looking on the grounds and see the old markings of previously painted spot numbers they're close/tight together. Some other woman (the lot manager) and another couple are talking, my wife butts in and says "excuse me excuse me, let me just say something let me just say something," she's upset. I go back to the entrance area to this parking lot I'm now inside a restaurant. I'm standing on a counter, there's a guy there preparing a to-go tasty breakfast for me. He gives it to me. I'm looking for a fork to eat with I'm saving some for my wife I'm not sure if she's eaten anything or not I ask her did you get any of this.
+ A guy is judging girls who are singing in order to select one to sing in his restaurants, I know the judging is rigged and the girl was selected already ahead of time. One of the girls who I know, who is singing really well, he interrupts here and says "yeah yeah yeah only you and <this other girl> are any good," but he selects the other girl. I know it's rigged.
+ In a bar with a stage, some guy is going up on stage, I'm reassuring him that he'll do fine, he gets up on stage and starts acting like a total buffoon and goofy, I thought "oh god why did you do it like that if you'd done it like normal it would have been fine." There were a couple of waitresses standing in front of me by my table urging him on, I pinch one of them on the leg/butt and she then pinches the 2nd other waitress on her butt, who then looks back at me in shock with a "did you just pinch me?" look on her face.
+ a celebration, a bunch of young ladies, a bachelorette party.
+ scene at some house at night time, on the large front lawn, the house is in the distance in front of me, Indian family, father mother, couple of kids, a kid comes out shell-shocked, something happened, his (her?) feet were burned I knew, he/she is asking "where's the water?" I know he/she wants the water for the burned feet. I bring all the family together into a group hug, the father says "everything is OK why do we need to do this?" I say it's OK for the family to hug and to be brought together.