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    Turquoise Dreams

    1. Monk; Argentina; Class reunion

      , 04-07-2014 at 05:38 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      4.7.14 Monday

      Last night bed 10:30pm - 8:20 am

      (This one made perfect sence and I remembered all details while replaying it in my head. Lost it almost all by the time I got to my notebook 5 sec later)

      I'm walking in a circle on the streets of my hometown. I'm walking through the intersection of 4 crossing streets. I see a monk in a robe with a rope for a belt. I ask him something and he gives me advise?

      I'm in an airplane. I see the ground close by. I'm standing up, when I feel some gentle bumps and I realize we have just landed. I wonder why the flight attendant didn't tell me to sit and buckle, when I was just talking to her in first class about getting an upgrade.

      She tells me we are in Argentina. Pope is visiting, but he is in the hospital, because of something happened. He got some mild illness, nothing serious.

      Our group gets to the hotel and now we are in the lobby, waiting to be shown to the dining room for lunch. I see a camera on the table and I know one of my classmates left it there while he went potty. I'm also watching this guy, who is eyeballing this camera furiously. My classmate is rushing back and he can see what's going on. I tell him not to worry, I stayed behind to watch his camera, while others already left to the dining room.

      I get to the dining room and find a spot saved for my at one table. The flight attendant walks in with a clipboard and is looking for me. She asks me what did I do outside. I tell her about the camera and she seems like she is glad that I just confirmed what she already knew.

      She proceeds to praise me and thank me for taking a customer survey, for asking customers opinion. I'm like "uhm, that's not what I did". But she insists, makes a fuss about it and she gives me some kind of a reward.

      I'm in a few diff environments here. Some kind of a farm or vegetable processing plant. I see people cutting some greens. One of them is my former classmate. He is telling how someone else used to work there.

      Another place, can't remember what. But all places have a common theme - me looking for former classmates wanting to get together for a cup of coffee and talk and have fun.
    2. Kidnapping; Astronaut; Bug student

      , 04-05-2014 at 01:35 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      apr.5 2014

      last night bed 10 - 4:50

      3 long and detailed dreams, yeeeey!

      Woke up after them and quickly replayed in my mind before promptly falling asleep again.

      DR 1
      Friend of mine is studying bugs at school. She is all about bugs. She sais it's not so bad, all the do at school is eat them and learn about them.

      She is showing them to me ALL the time. She has dead grasshoppers on a stick and she is like pretend tickling me or trying to scare me. I'm not scared of bugs. But having dead bugs all over me is something I don't appreciate. So I swat at them and then I looked and the green/yellow goo from them is smeared all over my sleeves. I'm mad. Then she makes me taste them. Don't taste good. It goes on and on and on.

      I'm an astronaut with 2 others in the space station or shuttle. We are about to return to Earth. Dangerous manuever, and I think there is only place for 2, or 1 has to stay behind to push the button or something. We are all fighting over who is gonna do it, because we all wanna sacrifice ourselves.

      We are about to put on our spacesuits hanging on a wall. I wanna use the potty real quick before I get dressed. I tell them "if you wanna lock me out and save me, while I go potty, well then, be stupid like that, you just gonna die".

      I go to potty, which is on the end of a long and narrow tiled hallway. I'm doing my business, when I hear someone is using a stall in the adjacent room. I'm like "great, now they gonna see my ass".

      kidnapped girl, shooting, older couple, shotgun - will finish after work.

      There is a shootout on the street. The shooter escapes into the house. A clack girl is kidnapped. I go inside after her. I'm sneaking through the backyard. I see the bad guy through some vines and bushes. He is sitting on a chair at an outdoor table.He is looking around and I duck so he can't see me. There is danger in the air, but i'm not scared.

      I find the girl and help her go across this low concrete fence. I tell her to crowl. She throws herself to the ground and starts to "crawl" 2 feet of the ground, as if swimming. I'm thinking "not THAT crawl".

      We make it out of there. Back in safety, I realize that the older couple in the house must have also been taken hostage. So I take a shotgun and go get them.

      Updated 04-06-2014 at 05:20 AM by 50242

    3. Bad dreams; Camp; Thunderbird

      , 04-04-2014 at 03:52 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      4.4.14 Friday

      Last night, bed 10:30 - 7:10

      Miserable last 2 days IWL. It showed in my dreams on those days. Proly worst dreams ever.

      1. My dad is trying to rape me. He gives me a big wet kiss and he holds it forever. I finally break free. My mom is asking what's the matter. I'm so mad, I can't even talk. I finaly whisper it to her.

      2. I'm back at home. My mom has a stroke. I wanna call 911, but I know their emergency numbers a fucked up over there and i never know which one to call. Mom hands me a piece of paper with a phone number. She wants me to call an old coleague, who still works at the hospital. I call and get through and I'm telling this man to send an ambulance, mom had a stroke.

      3. I'm visiting at home. I came for only a few days, which I only now realized. My best friend is visiting. We spend whole days together. But there is a drama at home. No clue what about. But it made me forget that I have to go back. I'm looking at the plane ticket and I think the flight was today. Turns out it's tomorrow, but I'm not sure, because can't find out what the date is. I feel like shit because I don't want to leave my friend again.

      Last night:

      I'm on a bus flying very high up in the air. We watch some birds flying around. One looks like like a large black crow. The other one is very similar. Bit larger, skinier, and feathers in wings have wider gaps. I think it's maybe a Thunderbird.

      Somehow I have him on a leash, or he gets snagged on some rope and I end up with the other end in my hand. I pulling him gently closer to the open doors of the bus, so we all can get a better look. I don't feel right about doing it.

      As he gets closer to the door, he pulls stronger. He gets close the white curtain that's in the door. I want to let him go and I hope he will not get tangled in the curtain. As I let go, the curtain wraps around and the bird is falling. I can hear his screach all the way down. I hope he will not hit the ground.

      Little while later, I see something in white wedding dress, that looks like the curtain. It's the bird getting merried. They wave to us and we wave back.

      I'm in a camp. Lots of kids. I'm one of the adult councelors. We are deciding what to do for the evening. I suggest hod dogs, beer and a movie. The like the idea.
    4. Airplanes; Storm

      , 04-02-2014 at 01:16 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night, bed at 10 - 4:50am

      Remembered at 4:50am

      I'm in a house on the slope of a green hill. Suburban environment. 2 story house, old wood, big windows. I'm calling someone on the phone. Talking about the storm thats coming from czech republic. I walk out on the patio and see very dark storm clouds from 2 directions. People on the phone are saying they are gonna be delayed because of that.

      I'm at some gathering with hundreds of people. Many are standing outside in small groups, eating, drinking and talking. I look up at the sky and I see hundreds of airplanes. All leaving a trail. They fly in formations. I can clearly see different types of planes. All military, flying very high.
      I tell the others to look. It's russian military excercise.

      I walk inside and look for some familiar people. I want to tell them too. It's quite a spectacle. But they are preocupied. And, they are crappy people from my past.

      I love seeing those airplane formations. This is not the first time I dreamt about it. I also think, that I have seen it on TV yesterday and I was thinking if I'm gonna dream about that. But now I'm not sure if I seen it IWL, or just dreamt about seeing it on TV.
    5. Department store; Family; Work

      , 04-02-2014 at 12:36 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night bed around 11 - 8am

      Remembered at 6:22 am

      I'm flying outside with another girl. I have a feeling she is a former classmate. We fly into a department store. Walking down the isles, looking at hanging clothes. I think I could use some new sketchers, so I walk to the shoes.

      I know it's not right to take stuff, but I feel like there is something going on, that's allowing us to do so. No idea what it is though. My friend changes her mind at the last moment. Cops are there and she is talking to them.

      My aunt comes to my moms place with my uncle. I'm quickly putting some dishes away to clean up. Mom is upset, that they didn't give her heads up.

      I'm at work. Stacking produce from a u-boat.
    6. St. Michael

      , 03-29-2014 at 02:02 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Friday, 3/28/14

      Last night bed 10pm - 4:50am

      DR 2:30 am

      1. We are outdoors. Dad got wet and lifeguards are there. bartender from a beach bar hand my dat a burgundy towel.

      2. Big, bright house. I'm on second floor. Somebody came and I'm going to see who it is. I walk to the wraparound indoor balcony to look down. In the lobby, there is a woman with her son. She brought him over for a playdate.

      3. We are in medieval settings. Inside a castle or some fortified enclosure. The enemy monsters are outside and we are about to be overrun. Our troops are at the gate. They are waiting for an order to switch weapons with another unit. When they get it, they toss their blunt sticks with a heavy stone on one end to the other unit, and the other unit throws them their swords.

      The enemy is inside, at the gate and fight for our lives has begun.

      One of our leaders, made a mask from skin and he puts it on his face. It makes him look like St. Michael. He made a mask from skin for his horse too, so he looks like St. Michaels horse. I see this mask when it's on the horse. It's color is of human flesh, with some veins visible. To be honest, he looks more like devil's horse.

      The fighting is getting closer now, just few feet away. I tell to "Michael", if he is gonna scare the enemy away, now is the time. So he rears up his horse and we all start singing some religious hymn consisting of words "St. Michael, St, Michael".

      Frankly, this last one should have been a nightmare. But it wasn't.

      Thank you for great recall. Love ya.
    7. Work; Biology teacher

      , 03-27-2014 at 10:05 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last night bed 10pm - 5am

      DR 5am
      1. I'm stacking shelves

      2. We are out in the forest with a class and my biology teacher H from grade school. I'm surprised and happy to see her again. The forest is pretty, quite unusual.
    8. To move or not to move?

      , 03-26-2014 at 04:07 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      3.26.14 Wednesday

      Last night, bed 11:20 - 7:45

      Lots of dreams, remembered one every time I woke up.

      I am in my apartment in US. It's a small studio type dwelling. Kinda large rectangular room, with floor to ceiling windows on 3 sides. It's very bright, clean, modern looking. It's more of a bungalow, since other apartments are not attached. Like a resort living. Lots of greenery and winding path from one dwelling to another.

      Somebody is telling me we are moving from there, because of some silly reason. Maybe too much noise. I'm telling them, that I don't want to move, this place is great. When a neighbor was making noise, manager asked him to stop and they complied. So I'm arguing, that where are they gonna find another place that looks this awesome, and has a manager willing to help you, and a neighbor that will listen to the manager.

      Similar setting as above dream. My dad is visiting and he is naked. Now it's night. Lights are on inside, and we have those huge windows. I'm telling him he is gonna get in trouble. So he gets even closer to the window and get more provocative. I think I stand up and push him away, or something. Now I'm sitting at a long table, showing someone local magazines, with some apartment ads in them.

      In my apartment somewhere in Asia. Backyard with tall plants, some bushes and low trees. There is a large snake, looks like cobra. I'm not scared of him as usually. I'm trying to shoo him away, and he moves fast, but in the wrong direction. There is more of them now, and I'm shooing all of them with a coat in my hands. They are moving, but they don't like it.
    9. 2 hr long experience

      , 03-24-2014 at 08:42 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      3.24.14 Monday

      Last night sleep 10pm- 7:40am.

      Layed on sofa to WILD at 9am, with 8mgs of GM and 900mgs of Choline.

      I got relaxed pretty fast and started getting static soon after. I felt top back of my head being active. I was lucid, and I stayed lucid for next 2 hrs, with one short break. Even when i wasn't lucid, I was asking myself "wow, am I not lucid anymore, it sure feels like I'm dreaming" and I checked my fingers and sure enough, I got lucid.

      I don't think I had a dream ready for me from the beginning, because I felt like I'm in a dream, but there was nothing. Went back to transition, back to the dream, but there was nothig still.

      Then I ended up in a town with yellows and blues. There was a fair, people eating outside, having fun, but nothing was happening. I wanted to go somplace else. I tried flying, but it didn't work. I tried different mental methods. Then I thought I'll fly up to the rocky, partially snowy hills behind the town. I was able to fly there, or more like skimming the surface.

      I circled back to the same town. I was up for some excitement. Wanted to be chased, or in a battle. So I did "when I turn back, there will be a military camp". But nothing.

      Bunch of transitions, non lucids in which I realized I'm dreaming, DEILDs, that seemingly stretched forever. I was even asking myself, how come I didn't wake up yet. Not even that woke me up. I was askin someone if my eyes are opened.

      I remembered what OpheliaBlue said the other day, how she was looking for hell through the opening she made in her floor. So I thought that would be exciting and made an opening in the wall by pushing my hands through like when you swimm, then pushing my hands to the sides. I got sucked in, and tried to move there, but it was like in liquid rubber. Hard to move, so as I was in laying down position, I just paddled a bit, then got tired of it.

      Did it with numerous guys, and by myself. Very realistic, I was able to tell the size of guys "equipment". I could swear I was using my real hands, but I wasn't. That was a surprise.

      I finally ended up in a chase scenario. Nothing serious, just some scientists chasing me, low key. I'm running through a building and get out. Now I feel like I should really get away, but it was still a game.

      I exit into a dark courtyard. It's narrow, with very tall walls, only a narrow slice of skies is visible. The walls are sculpted with some figures. The are tall as the walls are. (They look like spaceships in necromancer movie). Built into the walls are spaceships. They kinda turn into the wall and out of it, so people get get in. Somebody is tired of the slow process and speeds it up. Now I notice there are people hanging on to the walls about half way up. Passengers, or refugees. Now I see 2 people entering the courtyard looking for me. I'm thinking it's good that the launch sequence was sped up.

      There was lots more, lotls of little transitions into nothing, return to transition and back again.

      Lots of fun. Thank you, subC, thank you my higher self. Come again

      Updated 03-24-2014 at 08:44 PM by 50242

      lucid , memorable
    10. Hiding

      , 03-15-2014 at 01:39 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Hiding on a wrap around patio from a person going into rooms adjacent to it. Large windows, and we pick a bad spot to hide. We move around, even crowl, and he won't see us.

      At a party? Mexican place? Beat up bathroom, someone puking. Going n a car.
    11. DILD -My husband Peter?

      , 03-14-2014 at 07:35 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      nap around 5 -7pm

      I was thinking last couple of days, and thinking about me telling people, how when I think in a dream that it's WL, but I RC anyway.

      So today, I'm walking in circles around this counter island (like a kitchen island) in the large bathroom, when I think I should RC, because eventhough I know I'm awake, "what if"? So I check and I have 6 fingers.

      I walk through a neat, clean and organized small apartment. Beds are made, and most is in grey and matching colors. I look into rooms, looking for my husband. I yell out his name "peter" and I ask myself in surprise "wow, my husband's name is Peter?". I know he is not home, it's way too quiet. I'm ready to exit throught the main door, when i see a mirror and I think I should walk through it. I have never done it before. Then I see a large mirror hanging on the entry door, that I was gonna walk through to leave. So I decide to walk into that mirror. For a second a remember how people say it can be scary, but I don't care and I know it will not be. Mirror feels like liquid metal, or like surface of the even horizon, like the watery thing in Stargate.

      I walk through it, and I'm about to put second foot throough, when with corner of my eye I see my husband climbing inside through the window. So I go back, go into the bedroom, we get undressed and we do it. Yeah. All the while I'm telling myself "noooo, don't waste your time on THIS AGAIN". But I'm not listening to myself. The urge is strong in this one.

      When I realized I'm dreaming, I didn't get the out-of-this-world-happy feeling as I normally do. I hope it will come back. Although, maybe that's why I didn't wake up after 30 seconds this time. Because the happyness didn't wake me up.
    12. Work

      , 03-14-2014 at 12:03 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night bed 1am - 9:45 am. Second day off.


      - I'm stocking shelves
      - Somebody brings me 5 gallon tank of helium, and I'm like, oh no
      - and a long dream, which I forgotted
    13. Boss resigning; Counting money

      , 03-10-2014 at 01:15 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      3.10.14 Monday

      Last night, bed at 9pm - 4:50am

      DR 11:30pm
      My boss is resigning. I'm sad and freeked out, because he is so cool. I'm thinking who will replace him. Then I'm reading an email from him telling me same thing.

      DR 4:50am
      I'm counting money. I have a lot. Tens of thousands. Taking a private jet home to europe. Sitting in a comfy chair, someone else is with me on the plane.

      At home in europe, we are counting another money with my mom. We are in a nice big bright house. She tells me to close the shades so people don't see. Money are in bundles of thousands. And mom is bringing them from other places too.

      I'm thinking which route of commercial airliner I'll take back to US, so I go through some place I have not been through yet.
    14. Zombies arrive on an asteroid; Girl is purring

      , 03-10-2014 at 04:45 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      3.9.14 Sunday

      last night early bed till 4:50am

      DR 3 am
      Earth is preparing for a fight. We have 16 hours to prepare. I get an image of a slowly spinning asteroid. One side has some uneven terrain. As the other side slowly spins into my view, before I see it, I know there are zombies on it. When I see them, they are all standing still on a flat top of the asteroid.

      Now I'm at home. It's at night. I hear a dog yelp from the yard and I know zombies have arrived early. I run to tell someone, when I wake up sensing a nightmare starting the moment of yelp.

      I woke up at 4:50, but fell back asleep.
      DR 5:30
      I'm getting some kids ready for school. Girl is getting ready, but boys is being a pain. I yell at him to turn down the radio and get dressed. I'm making a bologna sandwich and piece of bologna falls into the trashcan. Damn.

      I notice my uncle Tibi standing there and watching us.

      I friend is visiting. We went to 2 schools together. We hug and I'm happy to see her. A girl is sitting in a armchair. She is purring. I comment on that and she gets upset, thinkiing I'm insulting her. When in fact, I like it and I think it's cute.
    15. DILD walking with springs

      , 03-10-2014 at 04:35 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Before 4am

      I become lucid in front of my house in RD. I quickly look at my left hand and middle finger is longer and pinky is all croocked. Yeeey! I start flying just a bit higher then the houses are. In direction of the town. I go up and down a few time. Have good control of the flight. As I turn the corner towards the old store, I decide to land and walk instead. Nice controlled descent. Now I'm walking on a sidewalk on a warm sunny day, same as it was at the beginning of the ld. I like walking, but want to be able to walk a bit faster. So I look back at my feet and I see I'm barefooted in shorts. I summon springs on my feet. They are like a flat black metal sheet. It's magnetic and kinetic, and it's enough to touch the suface for it to launch you 2-3 feet into the air. Now I hop like a kangaroo.
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