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    Lucid Time!

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    Confront Tsunami Dream

    Teach Manei to fight

    Meet Infected Mushroom and have them play Dream Music

    Try to use LD to stop biting my fingernails.

    Activate Sense of Smell

    To Do:

    1. LD #101, The moon gets destroyed. More Planets

      by , 07-31-2014 at 12:18 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am in my school's courtyard, but it feels different, like everything is facing the wrong way. S and A are there, along with a huge crowd of students. I think that my grandparents were there as well.
      I've gotten sick of dreaming up these scenes and not becoming lucid, so I began preparing specifically for them. And this time I actually wound up
      S, A and I are waiting for someone else. (C?) Upon becoming lucid I forget the plot of the dream and decide to manifest my dream guide. I think I saw her somewhere in the crowd for like a second. I decide to try and text her for some reason. I take out my phone and open up my contacts. Sure enough she is in there.
      I look in our text messages, and most of them are messages that she has sent to me. Some of them are written in an illegible language. She messages me something.
      I don't know why but I want to reply 'lol' to it. Now comes the hard part. Text messaging in a lucid dream.
      So sure enough I try several times to write a message, but it always changes. Eventually I just commit. I just look at the keyboard, type 'lol' and hit send before the words can change. Woot! Text messaged in a dream!
      I wake up moments after sending the text.

      Me and some friends are traveling on an escape pod from a much larger vessel in space. We had gone far out below the plane of the galaxy. Apparently we had been in cryo-sleep for hundreds of years, that being the reason for our desolate location.
      Upon awakening I took to the controls and tried to correct our course to return us to the galaxy. Took some doing given the fact that I couldn't tell what direction our ship was facing and only had some sort of galactic compass to help me.
      We went back into cryo for another few hundred years and when we came out we found we had returned to the galaxy. We began flying past a solar system and the dream changed. The plot about the escape pod was lost. I was taken out and the presence appeared.

      The presence showed the orbital arcs of the planets in a solar system. There were dozens of planets in this system, far more than our own solar system. Most of them were orbiting in the same line as the galaxy, but maybe five or six were orbiting 'vertically', going up over the poles of the star.
      The presence began explaining that this solar system (It was called the Var system) was the result of two solar systems colliding. We fly in close to the star and see that this in fact a triple star system. There is a large blue star, a medium sized yellow star, also orbiting vertically and a small red star farther out.
      The presence explains to me that this was the result of two solar systems colliding with one another. Their centers of gravity merged. It also explains that it is very dangerous because the planets in polar orbits could collide with the planets in regular orbits.

      And then, I'm back at my house. I look outside, and rising in the east is the moon, but it looks different... Holy @#$%...
      New cool experience for me!!!-oblivion157.jpg
      Something like that only the moon looks as though it's actively being destroyed. The entire moon is 'smoking' and explosions are erupting out of the surface. It was by far some of the most vivid imagery I have ever seen in a dream. About half the moon was gone when I saw it.
      Everybody is outside, watching in awe at the destruction. Then, what was left of it exploded in a massive blast, as if the death star had just done a test run there.
      I waited 10...15...20...25...seconds. After about a minute a wall of high-speed meteors slammed into the earth's atmosphere. Debris of all sizes impacted. One was even close enough to cause a sonic boom and take out the windows in everyone's houses.
      I run inside. My parents say to get my things, we are evacuating. I run upstairs and get my computer. I think to check the news and see why the moon exploded. No, no time. I get my computer, a '25' dollar bill and my crystal that I use for meditation. For some reason it looks like I wrote all over it with a black magic marker.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 11:36 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
    2. College Professors: Nice or Not?

      by , 07-29-2014 at 01:14 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was doing some exercise where I was supposed to send letters to my to-be college professors (in RL, I am going to college in the fall) and since I am an arts major, I am supposed to send samples of my work as well.
      Anyways, we are getting these letters back now, and for some reason they are posted all over the campus, organized by student. My letters are posted on the trunk of a large tree. I can see that letters from one professor are very kind to me, almost overly optimistic. This professor says they are looking foreword to me. Another one of my to-be professors has written that I am a 'Gay Ass Faggot' and that they hate all of my artwork, and that they are going to fail me no matter what I do.

      GE FOOD IS BETTER-well_that_escalated_quickly.jpg

      My dad is telling me about this dream that he had. I am surprised to learn that he became lucid in it as my dad was never very into the idea of me (or anyone) lucid dreaming.

      I woke up with Queen's 'Eye of the Tiger' stuck in my head.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:34 PM by 53527

      Tags: college, dream, mail
    3. Feeding my Zombie Form, Helping my DG.

      by , 07-28-2014 at 02:35 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am sitting in my kitchen. I have just heated up a ton of leftover pizza and begin eating like I had never eaten before. Now in RL I have a weak stomach and usually by my third slice, I'm about ready to barf. But in the dream I was able to just keep going and going.
      My mom came in and asked me what I was doing. I told her that I was trying to feed some zombie form that I had. And triggering the form came by eating a ton of food. Once in the form, for a limited time I became extremely strong and was able to regenerate from any wounds that I got.
      I recalled being in my zombie form before. I engaged in a battle atop a moving train with several armed personnel. They fired dozens of bullets at me but all of the wounds regenerated. I then charged after them and dispatched them accordingly.

      [Partially Lucid]

      I am walking through the woods. It is a deep, hilly woods with tall trees that have lost their leaves. Sun rays are filtering through the treetops.
      I then come across Manei arguing with who I can only assume was her mother. I can't recall what they were arguing about. I just walked past the two of them. I didn't even recall recognizing her until later. I continue past them and go up a large hill. I sit down on a fallen tree, and continue to watch them. I can still barely see the two of them through the branches.
      Then the two of them follow me and come up to the fallen log and sit on either side of me. I ask them what the fight was about. They reply but I cannot recall what their reply was. I end up telling the two of them that they shouldn't fight, and should just enjoy the beauty of the woods.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:34 PM by 53527

    4. Unfair Fight.

      by , 07-27-2014 at 08:12 PM (Lucid Time!)
      My parents have sent me to some summer camp for 'gifted' children along with my cousin E. The summer camp is supposed to teach us to use our gifts to fight demons or something. The camp is held in a remote part of Florida.
      There was sort of a long chunk of time where I completely forgot about what happened.
      We find a magical portal in a tent, and decide to go through it. I find myself deep in a jungle area and E is nowhere to be found. I come across this large aztec-like stone temple.
      A number of dream characters emerge in a formation. All of them are wearing white robes. All of the men are playing drums and all of the women are waving large palm leaves around. A man appears in the middle who looks like the conqueror villain from the fantasy battle dream awhile back. He pulls out a large curved sword and challenges me to a duel. I accept. The dream characters form a circle around us preventing me from leaving.
      It dawns on me a few moments later that I am about to fight this guy unarmed. One of the dream characters surrounding us gives me a knife. I think quickly and decide to try and throw the knife, but it seems to be stuck to my hand. My opponent slashes me and I wake up.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:35 PM by 53527

    5. Swimming in 'Hot' Springs, Peeing on my science test

      by , 07-26-2014 at 12:30 PM (Lucid Time!)
      There is a male teacher giving me and perhaps 10 other students a science test. And we were taking it in my basement. But that's not the weird part. Everyone was naked save for the teacher. But that's not the weird part. The weird part was I got the test, took one look at it and thought.
      "Hmm... I should pee on this."
      So I did. I got yelled at by the teacher and he gave me a new test and told me to sit in the center of the room. I started taking the test only to find that it was actually pretty easy, even though some of the questions made no sense. It was something to do with matching pictures to words. I began grasping lucidity when I awoke.

      I am camping with my family somewhere cold. There is snow on the ground and the rivers are frozen. Two boys that I have never met invite me to the hot springs. I have a swimsuit on under my winter clothes and I decide to go with them.
      I walk with them through the cold for like an hour, (No kidding, this was up there with the longest dreams that I've ever had.) Until we get to a river that looks to be steaming. Thinking we're finally here, I take off all my clothes only to realize that the other boys have not. They then push me into the water, that turns out to be FREEZING cold. I lose control of my body as I 'die'.
      I get taken up into a high tree that has a metal cage hanging from it. I can see the whole campground from up here. I get placed inside the cage back inside my body. [DREAM LOGIC] The cage is some sort of penalty box for dying. It's the rules of this camping area. Anytime someone dies they have to spend time up here. The more stupid you were about your death the longer the time you spend up here. Then you return to the land of the living when you have served your time. [/DREAM LOGIC]

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:35 PM by 53527

    6. The Mining Song

      by , 07-25-2014 at 03:24 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am playing Minecraft. I load in a new world and instantly recognize it. It is one of the old worlds that I played perhaps two years ago. There was a large flat peninsula covered in trees. I built a castle on the end of it in my time playing. But the world is devoid of any man-made structure, as if I had just re-used the seed.
      So I punch a tree and craft wood tools. I then go to a cave entrance and upgrade to stone. I then (I do not recall this being part of the world.) Fell into a deep underground ravine. The fall was so far that I only had half a heart left on the bottom. I turn around, there is a zombie and a creeper approaching me. I fight both of them off without taking any damage.
      My health starts to regenerate and I notice that the creeper dropped a strange object. A gold coin with a clown face on the front of it. I walk over and pick it up. The game says "Minebucks Coin Added"
      Then I 'remembered' that these coins were part of the newest update in Minecraft. And they were a way of saying 'thank you' for playing our game. Every time you get a Minebucks coin, you earn a dollar in real life.
      I explore the cave for a bit, trying to find a way out. I come across another player skin, but he has the clown face from the coin as his face. I kill him and get a second coin. This appears to be some new type of hostile mob in the game. I kill four or five of these guys and get a coin from each one.
      Then this musical beat kicks in. I lose control of the character and watch as somebody else plays. They start mining. The song is one of those where there are two singers almost having a conversation with one another. One singer is the kid's mom, and the other singer is the kid playing.
      I can't recall the lyrics but the mom was singing about how her child should play Minecraft all day every day and make the family rich through these coins. The kid starts singing about how he wants to do other things as well.

      I wake up.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:36 PM by 53527

    7. Apt. 53

      by , 07-23-2014 at 03:48 PM (Lucid Time!)
      So I am in some costal city. It feels like a very dystopian environment, and many of the buildings look to be older and more worn down, with newer, almost futuristic-looking buildings blended in at a few locations. Most of the city is fairly low-lying with only a few skyscrapers scattered about. It was a very dark, gritty dream. I liked it. >
      There seems to be a typhoon or something coming through. It is cloudy and raining heavily. Someone remarked about how the storm seemed to be getting worse.
      I had gotten some note that I was to meet some dream character on the 53rd floor of an apartment tower. I eventually found said tower, a boxy, old brick building. I rode the elevator to the 53rd floor, only to find the apartment empty. It was quite expansive, spreading across the entire 53rd floor of the building. The lights were on, though the rooms were mostly devoid of furniture.
      I eventually found a dream character or two. One of them was a teenager, and the other was a middle-aged man. One of them told me to look down out the window. It was at this point, that from inside, I saw that we were not in fact 50 floors off the ground. More like 10.

      -Time Skip-

      We are evacuating the city because of the storm. We get onto a school bus along with perhaps 10 dream characters, so the bus was pretty much empty. We are driving along a deserted freeway and the bus rolls over due to a gust of wind. The bus seems to roll over in slow motion and nobody is hurt.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:37 PM by 53527

    8. 'Old Geezers like To Sit by the Pool'

      by , 07-22-2014 at 01:17 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Fragment: I am in my SOPHMORE YEAR social studies class talking about the midterm that takes place on a saturday with the teacher.

      Fragment: I am at S's house. His house is not normal. It is this huge mansion that is white both inside and out.

      Fragment:I am working on a graphic design project. I have two identical laptops and my files appear to be split between them.

      I am talking with a dream character who is writing a novel. The title is 'Old Geezers like To Sit by the Pool' and the premise of the novel is as follows. There is a young boy who was born with a birth deformity on his stomach. This gets him made fun of by other kids, and he does not like to take of his shirt and swim in the pool. So whenever his family goes to the pool, he ends up sitting by the side of the pool and talking with old people.
      Over the course of the novel, the boy has many life-changing discussions with various old people while sitting by the side of the pool. They help him correct mistakes in his life, such as getting married, choosing the correct job, raising his kids, etc.
      Eventually the boy himself becomes an elderly man, and while sitting by the pool one day he sees a young girl getting made fun of...
      Anyways the DC has written a rough copy of the novel and they want me to help them revise and edit it. How? By becoming a character IN the novel and experiencing the story firsthand. The DC writes my name in the first chapter and ZAP, I'm a part of the story.
      So I get teleported in. This is the opening scene, where we see the boy getting made fun of. He is perhaps 8 years old. And, just as described, several kids make fun of him. He starts to get out of the pool, then one kid pushes him over the edge and the main character tries to drown him. The bully's parents intervene, and they get mad at the main character. He gets out of the pool and walks over to where the old people are sitting.
      The writer starts talking to me, and asks me if I thought that was an effectively sad scene. I tell him that it really makes me feel more angry than sad. I almost wanted to hit those bullies even though they were probably half my age.

      Updated 08-12-2014 at 02:47 AM by 53527

    9. Fragmented Beach Dream

      by , 07-18-2014 at 08:49 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I had another lucid dream last night, but I fell back asleep (See the dream fragments that followed), and when I awoke for the second time, I could not recall it, only the fact that I woke up and had a LD.

      I can recall bits of what felt like a very long dream involving my family taking a vacation near a beach.

      I can recall the beach looking much like one from the northern united states in that there were no palm trees and the weather did not feel very tropical. There was a large lighthouse on a pier. Also the weather seemed somewhat chaotic with storm squalls rolling in.

      I can recall us trying to find a good spot on the beach when we encounter a man with several large buckets and a net. He is attempting to catch these large, fat creatures in the water that look something like stingrays, and are about three feet long.
      He explains that the creature's tails produce a toxin (It looks like orange goop). This is only toxic however if it is placed directly into the bloodstream (you can rub it on your skin and be fine.) He also explains that if you eat it, you will be fine because the stomach acid changes the chemical makeup of the toxin. He explains that eating the tail with the toxin on it is considered a delicacy in his part. Sounds a little risky.

      I can recall our room as well. The room has a high ceiling and windows with a good view of the ocean. My parents are laying on their beds, both on computers. My aunt, uncle and cousins are in the next room over. (I guess it was more of a condo than a hotel)
      I am going into the bathroom to brush my teeth and change into my pajamas. The bathroom is very small, and the floor is covered in beach sand that somebody must have tracked in here. After much sweeping with my hands, I manage to get most of the sand into a pile. I then walk outside and throw it out the door onto the beach.

      I can recall we are driving to other locations near the beach condo. There are these farm fields and forest locations nearby, and there are these huge thunderstorms advancing across the plains. I am yelling at my dad to follow the storms like a tornado chaser or something. We do in fact see several small tornadoes touch down in the distance, but none of them do much damage.

      Updated 08-12-2014 at 02:47 AM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Ld #100.

      by , 07-17-2014 at 01:20 PM (Lucid Time!)
      For my 100th lucid dream, I gotta do something extra special. I gotta do something incredible that I have not done yet like finally try sex or complete an advanced TOTM.

      Nah, I'll just fly around.

      Yeah, I'm in the backyard of someone's house. Lucid, already all the way there. Don't recall what happens before that. We are having a barbecue. I start to float off the ground. This is the best flying that I think I've ever done. I lift of and look towards a hilly woodland with a creek running through it I fly foreword.
      OOFFF!! I crash into a wall.
      Now, one of the strangest things to ever happen to me in a dream unfolds. I look around, and realize that the sky around me is just a painted backdrop and that the people in the yard are just mannequins. I look backwards and see that I am what looks like some film studio. And it is empty.
      Never the less I am lucid and I am flying. I turn toward the doors of the studio and swoop down out of them. I am in this huge mall complex with hundreds of dream characters. I start looking for a way out.
      Most of the dream characters are distracted, but a few of them look up. While flying I think of how much I love the expressions that dream characters sometimes make when they see me fly by.
      This one teenage girl gets it perfect. She's walking along texting, and looks up to see me flying overhead. She just drops her phone and her jaw is hanging open as I pass by.
      I make it to a door that should lead outside, and swoop down low to fly through it. I am now in a huge gymnasium. I buzz around the gym a couple times, and may have crashed into the wall once or twice. I then fly past only who I can assume is the coach. He hasn't seen me yet.
      I swoop down and hover next to him. He looks sort of like my old coach from high school.
      "Hey coach, is anyone you have fit enough to do this?!"
      I rocket off doing circles around the gym again. And the coach drops his clipboard and his jaw hangs open just like the girl in the hallway. Yeah, I was kind of a show off, but who cares.
      I see an open fire exit in the gym and swoop outside. There is a big stadium about a mile away, and a city full of skyscrapers a few more. I think of how much fun it would be to buzz the city. I pull up to about 150 feet off the ground and hit full throttle.
      And this was one of the best experiences I ever had in a lucid dream. The wind was blowing through my hair. The dream was losing clarity -wait.

      Wakes up.
      Aww well, had fun while it lasted.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:38 PM by 53527

    11. Nutn' Agian

      by , 07-16-2014 at 01:15 AM (Lucid Time!)
      No recall. Just some vague fragments. Something to do with my cat bringing an animal into the house and me trying to catch it.
      dream fragment , side notes
    12. LD#99: Riding through the woods.

      by , 07-14-2014 at 02:34 PM (Lucid Time!)
      The dream starts off non-lucid, and it is just a projection. We watch as a group composed of all child laborers are working to build a log dam in a mountainous area. They are actually led by a child and they are attempting to dam. None of the children seem to be complaining about the difficulty of the labor, even though some of them are as young as maybe six.
      When they were finally finished they did just that. The child who was leading them shouted into the air and everyone ran and dove into the lake. There were hundreds of children in the lake, all different ages and nationalities. It was also nighttime while this was happening, but a beautiful full moon illuminated the scene.

      -Dream Skips-
      Manei (Gonna take getting used to on that name, already shortened it.) and I are riding in the back of my grandfather's car. We are still in the mountainous are where the kids built their lake. It feels like a national park or something. Lucidity hits me like a sack of bricks. I look at her and for some reason think to ask her about her nationality. Ever since she began appearing in my dreams she's always had tan skin and dark hair.
      She replies saying that for all practical intents and purposes, she is just native american. She then goes on to talk to me about how she is working on an ongoing project to perfect her physical form in my dreams.
      I then ask her why sometimes she appears like she did last time, an old woman, or a man or anything else.
      She replies that sometimes she just feels like slacking off.
      Then, we both just burst out laughing. (It's funny because I slack of a lot too.)

      I lose some lucidity. My grandfather stops the car and we get out and begin walking through the woods. Manei begins talking about how the chase scene from a movie was filmed on the trail that we are walking. In the chase, the hero gets chased by a huge mountain lion that continually rams into trees. Eventually the lion is so confused and disoriented from hitting its head so many times that it gives up on the chase.
      I wake up.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:39 PM by 53527

    13. LD#98: Something you should have told me three years ago.

      by , 07-13-2014 at 12:06 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am in some unique parkway area, already partially lucid, in the rainforest. There are pathways and boardwalks leading around jagged peaks jutting out of the ocean. Exotic tropical flora covers almost every available square inch of the ground. It was magnificent. I could not however get the full view of the location as it was a rainy, foggy, muggy day.
      I am walking down the pathway when my dream guide shows up, and
      BAM, fully lucid. But she doesn't look like herself, she's way old. Usually she's a teenager like me, but now she's probably in her 50's or 60's with greying hair, and wearing a running outfit. But I've seen her be everything from a toddler to a really buff man, and go through about a million outfits along the way. I just know her when I see her.
      She asks me to follow her, then turns and runs the other way, and I follow. So I begin pushing across the ground, not so much running as I am just hovering to keep pace with her, and she begins talking.
      She slowly comes out and says that she is telling me her name. First name, then Surname, then middle name. (Why this was such a big secret until now remains a mystery...) But here we are. Her full name was (and I guessed on the spelling, Just pronunciation)
      Maneimonei Qui Tarr
      Two years ago, she told me to pick a name for my dream journal. Now she tells me her actual name. You know what, there is no way I am going back and editing the 100-odd entries that reference the placeholder name Lia. So my dream guide will simply be referenced as Maneimonei from now on.
      I repeated the name to myself several times as to not forget it, and layer down some stabilization by rubbing my hands together. I was not certain how much longer this lucid dream would last.
      The two of us arrived at a large stucco building with a small ventilation duct cut into the side. She crawls inside. I try to follow, but I don't fit.
      I try to shrink myself to go inside, but cannot. So I begin pulling on the sides of the entrance and making it bigger. I crawl in, pushing on all sides of the interior of the building making it bigger as I go. I wake up.

      Updated 07-14-2014 at 03:41 AM by 53527

    14. Advanced TOTM Fail

      by , 07-10-2014 at 02:54 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Fragment: I am at some swimming pool. There is a large bay out in front of me with a gorgeous skyline across the way. I jump off the side of the pool, do a flip, then jump off of the opposing side into the water.

      Fragment: I am partially lucid attempting the advanced TOTM, to go to another planet. I go outside into a meadow surrounded by trees. I attempt to manifest a spaceship but only manage create a small rocket motor about the size of my hand. I start the engine and it flies out of my hand, circles around in the sky above me about one and a half times, then explodes.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:40 PM by 53527

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    15. Nutn

      by , 07-10-2014 at 01:16 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I had a fairly long nonlucid dream ready to go but it faded not long after waking up. Just checking in.
      side notes
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