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    Lucid Time!

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    Fully Lucid

    Regular Dream Characters

    Spoiler for Dream Based DCs:

    Spoiler for Waking Life Dream Characters:

    Dream Signs

    Spoiler for Warning Long List:




    Confront Tsunami Dream

    Teach Manei to fight

    Meet Infected Mushroom and have them play Dream Music

    Try to use LD to stop biting my fingernails.

    Activate Sense of Smell

    To Do:

    1. Rooftop garden becomes naked TOTM (LD #97)

      by , 07-08-2014 at 12:24 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Okay, so I'm with my mom. We're at this strange place that is something like a rock quarry only while we are there we gain the power to control plants and cause them to grow.
      So there was sort of a long chunk of time where absolutely nothing interesting happened. We filled up the rock quarry area with various forests and gardens. She asked me to check on her car at one point. I'm gonna skip to the good stuff.
      So we are walking around. The quarry area is not thoroughly filled with plants and forests and we come across something that we do not recall adding. A dark forest. All of the trees look dead, and there are skulls lanterns hanging from the trees. Dark clouds linger over the woods.
      My mom stands at the edge of the woods and asks why somebody would make something like this. I told her that we came through here and filled this area with pines not too long ago. At this moment two feelings came over me simultaneously. One of them
      waslucidity. The other was the feeling that there was some evil presence encroaching upon us.
      I told my mom that this was a dream, and that I felt something evil approaching. She ran off, leaving me. I stared into the skull woods for a few seconds and could feel fear sweeping over me. All of the skulls begin to rotate to look at me. I feel like I had better change the scene.
      Dream spinning. I close my eyes and hold out my arms. I open them and now the skull woods is surrounding me. Skulls are looking at me from all sides. The evil presence is more powerful as well. I attempt to dream spin a second time, and this time I do it for several seconds until I feel carpet on my feet that I suppose were bare.
      I am now in a hotel hallway. Something still feels off. A few of the lights are flickering, though the hallway looks to be a part of a fairly upscale hotel. The room in front of me has a glass window going from floor to ceiling. I knock, expecting my guide to come, and I see a toddler approaching the door. I open it and kneel down and talk to the toddler.
      "Hey little buddy..."
      I notice the toddler's eyes look off. They look more like those of a doll than an actual baby.
      "Where are your parents?"
      The toddler takes out a large knife and smiles at me. For some peculiar reason, even though I was lucid, I did not think to confront this nightmare. Aw man, I'm going for two.
      Click image for larger version. 

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      I shut the door, lock it and rocket down the hall in flight. I turn right two times and then stop. I knock on a door that is to my left and hope and wonder as to what I will find. Hopefully not another psycho baby. Upon knocking on the door it nudges open. I look inside and the room appears empty. There is a large blanket-covered bump in one of the beds.
      I make my way in, and the blanket covered bump comes open to reveal a man, probably in his 30's with black hair and a thin beard. He rolls over to reveal two bare-chested females, one blonde and one brunette, who... well I don't know they don't look very attractive, neither of them. They look to have almost exactly the same body.
      The man rolls over. He looks somewhat annoyed at first and asks what I am doing. I tell him that I had just escaped a skull forest and a psycho baby. He reacts about how you would expect. I then asked if I could join in whatever 'fun' he oh so obviously was having here. He told me I could.
      Naked TOTM time, and perfect setup. I throw off all of my clothes. The brunette recoils in terror. The blonde looks more confident, and she smiles at me. I don't know what they saw, I didn't look down. I kneel down and look at the blonde. I tell her that I've been waiting to try lucid sex with someone for a long time. She then gets confused wondering what 'lucid sex' means, but looks to brush past it. I look off to the ceiling for a second hoping that I won't make a mess in the bed.
      Probably not, these girls aren't very attractive, and I'm probably not going to get that into it.
      Then, a knock on the door.
      The man grunts. "I'll get it." I put my pants back on. The man gets out of bed, and I realize that one of his hands is missing. He asks me to help me fit his broken robot hand. I attempt to aide him, but a broken robot hand is a broken robot hand, and all the fingers are missing. Whatever. He plugs it into a port on the end of his arm, puts on boxer shorts and we go to the door. There is nobody, just a couple sticks of dynamite attached to a remote detonator with blue duct tape.

      The man screams some curses. He runs out into the hall and looks down at it. Confused, as if he is waiting for me to tell him what to do. One of the girls yells "Just kick it down the hall." He does but the duct tape sticks to his foot. He falls over and his head goes through the wall. He screams. I then shut the door and the competition and the explosive out. .
      Now then, ladies, where were we?

      I wake up.

      Probably should have laid down some stabilization at some point. Would have had a little more warning for that...

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:41 PM by 53527

      Tags: bomb, doors, evil, forest, hotel, sex
    2. Some Stuff :P

      by , 07-07-2014 at 02:47 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Two men are making their way through a rural area on foot with few supplies. It feels like Minecraft and both of the men are wearing turquoise shirts and indigo pants. One man is slightly brawnier and clearly not very bright. The other man looks somewhat less fit but appears to be very smart.
      The two are being tracked by a woman wearing a red tank, cargo pants top and a grey baseball cap. The men eventually stop by a river to rest. They do not know that they are being tracked. The woman sees them about a quarter of a mile downstream. It was at this point I learned she was attempting to kill them. She pulled a bow from her backpack and left her supplies by the side of the river. She then proceeded to dive underwater and swim to the men, somehow holding her breath for way longer than was normally possible.
      Even though the water was murky, a red top does not make for the best camouflage and the men spotted her moments before she broke through the surface and fired on them. She missed. Both men grabbed big sticks and readied them like javelins.
      They negotiated with the woman and decided to work together to survive. They returned to the woman's pack only to find someone had stolen it.

      I am at high school (reality check, dangit! High school is over!) and I beat up some kid who was picking on me. I thought I was going to get in trouble, but everyone, including the school staff seemed happy for me.
      I then went to class. In the middle of class, S and C come in and want me to come see something going on in the hall.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:42 PM by 53527

    3. Frag Collection

      by , 07-06-2014 at 03:18 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am in a pizza joint with S. I am naked except for a shirt that I am wearing. It is a long white T-Shirt with some graphic on it that goes down past my knees. I am worried that somebody will find out that I have no clothing on underneath.

      I am in a school environment with perhaps 12 other students. The instructor breaks us up into groups of four and asks us to do a project on animation. Nobody in the group takes the project seriously (Including me) and I log onto Dreamviews and read the forums.

      I am lucid. No context to the situation, but I do know that I was briefly lucid at one point last night.

      Dream Music: This time it was a drum beat, and it was very clear sounding and actually startlingly loud. I was lucid here to.

      Probably the coolest dream. I was attempting to create a planet. I was in a planetary system that had a large earth-like planet in the center. There were two or three moons orbiting the planet. I spawned my moon that was red and purple. It was medium sized with regards to the other moons. It was also very low over the planet's surface.
      Then a projection of the orbital arcs showed up and it showed that my moon was actually going to fall into the planet. I could not find any way of correcting it, and I watched as my moon crashed into the ocean and sank.

      It occurs to me that I nearly did two TOTMS last night. But i would have had to be lucid. At least my recall was decent.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:43 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Lucid Fragment: More Recurring Dream Characters

      by , 07-06-2014 at 02:11 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I am with Lia and Jack (2 of my recurring DCs) and the three of us are on a swing set together. We aren't swinging though, just sitting on it. Also the swing set is in a strange location, I am lucid, but I don't think to do any big powerful things, For some strange reason I just want to sit and listen to my DCs.
      The two of them are sitting to the right of me. Lia is talking about how she and Jack are going to get married. I am barely speaking and just listening. Jack is mostly just smiling. That is all that I can recall.

      It is interesting how developed my recurring dream characters have become, particularly these two. I'm not quite certain what to think of them getting married however.

      Come to think of it, I just have a sinking feeling about lucid dreaming in general right now. I've been putting a lot of effort into my technique but making little progress. My dreams feel less vivid and I feel less lucid than I used to.

      Two of my dream characters (Jonathan and Marcus) have disappeared entirely. Jonathan was a 'Dream Villain' so hopefully we will never see him again, but Marcus the genius... What happened to him and all of his inventions?

      Also what to make of the new dream character that seems to have cropped up, the girl with the robot arm? She resembles one of my cartoon characters. It would be interesting to see if she becomes something special.
    5. The first time in awhile that I've done this 'Right' (LD #95)

      by , 07-03-2014 at 10:31 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I am inside of some kind of cafe or coffee shop where I become lucid. The shop is closed down, empty and the lights are off. I am standing near the back of the room. I just become lucid, I think I preformed a nose-pinch RC. I do several seconds of mental affirmation and then do some stabilization. It occurs to me that I have no set goals in mind and no real direction that I am taking the dream. I then just think to myself "I'll go outside and see where that gets me."
      I step outside to see the front door of the coffee shop has landed me on my front porch outside my house. It is nighttime and it there is snow on the ground.
      Shouldn't I feel cold...?
      A chill feeling overtakes my arms, and to a lesser extent the rest of me. I begin to swing my arms around and experiment with the cold feeling. It doesn't feel 'Authentic', but there is defiantly a cold feeling there. I then look up to the sky.
      I don't like to lucid dream at night. Darkness=low clarity, low clarity=sour LD. I look to the east and see the beginnings of a sunrise. So yeah, I could just wait around clinging to lucidity for the sun could come up, but that's not how we do things here, is it.
      "Sundial" command. I extend my arm out to where the sun should be, just below the horizon and grab hold of it. I swing up and out in an arc across the sky, moving the sun to about 45 degrees above the horizon. I might have tweaked the position some more. It was truly fascinating to tweak the position of the sun, watching the sky change colors as I moved it closer/farther from the horizon. It was mostly clear, but there were a couple of clouds.
      I moved the sun back below the horizon momentarily and looked at the stars. I could see the bands of the milky way, something not normally visible from my home due to light pollution. In this dream, it looked as though my neighborhood was deserted.
      I finally put the sun where I wanted. But then I realized that it was too small. The sun felt weak, small and far away.
      "Sun, Ignite!" I said.
      Suddenly, the sun became this huge flaming ball about twice the size of the moon. The heat energy coming off of it was intense and all of the snow began melting all around me.
      I then turned my attention to the moon. I swung the moon around and put it in the sky as well. The moon was the same size as the new larger sun, and they were pretty close to one another.
      Then that part of my brain kicks in that gives me awesome things to do in LDs.
      What if I could make an eclipse happen?
      I grab hold of both the moon and the sun and try to make them overlap. I begin to lose the dream. The moon turns orange and the sun begins to distort into various non-circular shapes.
      I wake up.
    6. Epic Fantasy Battle.

      by , 07-03-2014 at 02:17 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Setup: There is some conqueror traveling across the land taking over land and calling it his own. He looks like Genghis Khan and rides around on some kind of reptilian horse creature. His army consists of:
      -His sorcerer wife that can raise a skeleton army.
      -Roughly 20 human lieutenants.
      -Roughly 100 large ogre-like creatures clad entirely in invincible armor that leaves only the face vulnerable.
      We are the native tribe looking to defend our homeland. Everyone in the tribe has tan skin and dark hair. We have roughly 200 warriors, mostly armed with spears. We also have roughly a dozen 'leopard men' on chains. They look sort of like Tai Lung (The villain in the first Kung Fu Panda movie) if he were a bit more realistic looking. Now I am not the leader of the tribe, more like second in command, or some high ranking position close to the chief who wore a large headdress. Every warrior had two blue stripes painted under their eyes.
      We are hiding in the woods on the edge of a farm field. The enemy army is marching perpendicular to us, through the field. The chief gives the signal and we release the leopard men and run in. We expected to catch them off guard, but the ogres didn't go down by our spears. (Well nobody hit the face) The ogres kill all of the leopard men in a matter of a few seconds, and knock out a few of our tribe members too.
      And about 30 seconds after the chief gives the order to attack, we're all running the other way.
      I run back into the woods. I get about 50 feet in and see an ogre positioned in the woods.
      "Surrender! Drop your weapon!" The ogre has a deep thundering voice.
      I had a bow. I was the master archer in the tribe. I drop it on the ground. The ogre steps on it, breaking it. He laughs briefly.
      So me and the remaining tribe members had been taken prisoner. We waited around for some time, and we were forced to watch the conqueror's army ransack a civilian town. (Not the home of our tribe, which was supposedly in a secluded location.) He was merciless and tortured all of his prisoners, including children and the elderly. I don't really want to harp on this, but it was the WORST torture imaginable, not by a long shot, but it was pretty nasty.
      Then the conqueror and the tribe chief meet. The chief gives one of those numbers about how the conqueror does not fight with honor. The conqueror gives and evil laugh and makes a deal with the chief. If they can defeat his skeleton army, then they are free to retreat to their home. That or he can just kill us all now. Given no better option, the chief decides to take the fight with the skeletons.
      So the conqueror makes this setup. He puts us in a square field with a large hill in the center. He surrounds the edge of the field with his ogres disallowing anyone from escaping. Then the sorcerer comes out and throws blue fire on the ground. It burns away all of the grass in the field and skeleton warriors bust through the ground. Thousands of them. The conqueror orders them to attack.

      At this point about half of the tribe turns and tries to escape. The ogres positioned on the end of the field kill about 80% of the escapees but a few manage to slip by. Okay, there is No way we are going to beat ALL of these skeletons, we're outnumbered probably 50 to 1, and that was before half of our guys tried to escape. Plus we're unarmed.
      Then I got an idea. I charged at one of the skeletons, dodging the arrow he shoots as I get in close. And do an epic kick of doom to his face. He breaks down into bones and I pick up his quiver, but his bow is broken from my kick. I turn to another skeleton. He is about to fire at the chief who is fighting the conqueror. The conqueror has a katana-like sword with a magical green energy conduit going up the side. The chief has a rusty iron sword that he likely picked up from one of these skeletons.
      The skeleton turns to me at the last second and fires. The arrow just glances the left side of my chest. I don't feel any pain from the wound, so I charge at him and kick him down anyway. I pick up his bow and pull the arrow out of my chest. I turn to the one of the ogres and line up a shot.

      And then my dad shouts 'I'm going to work!' and wakes me up.

      Fragment: I lived in Atlantis. My mom, who had left me when I was a baby had just returned. I was showing her new building around the city. For some reason, Atlantis has an art deco construction style, Kind of like New York used to be.

      Fragment: I am partially lucid and climbing to the very top of a sand dune. It is covered in cacti and other exotic plantlife Sand dunes must be a new dream sign.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:45 PM by 53527

    7. Tackling the fourth dimension. (LD#94)

      by , 06-30-2014 at 05:24 PM (Lucid Time!)
      So the dream begins rather normally. I am observing a dream character who drives a forklift in some kind of shipping dock near the ocean. He looks something like Marcus. He then spots another dream character who looks like some kind of thug that has breached the area. The thug approaches him.
      'Hey, you're not supposed to be here!'
      'Who are you to tell me what to do?!'
      'Well, I work here. Get out!'
      The thug pulls a handgun out of his jacket. He tells Marcus to get out of the forklift and puts his hands in the air. He gets out of the forklift, and puts his hands up. He has a small knife on his vest that is used for opening packages, but now he is looking to throw it to take out the thug. The thug warns him not to try anything funny with the knife.
      The scene pauses.
      Then, and I'm not joking here. What sounded like Morgan Freeman's voice comes in and explains that he is a fourth dimensional creature. He asks if I am familiar with the fourth dimension.
      I have no body, I am just a consciousness. I tell him that I am a third dimensional creature but that I visualize the fourth dimension as a bunch of three dimensional slices stacked over one another in some mystery direction.
      The Morgan Freeman consciousness then tells me what he is about to do. There are two scenarios playing out in three dimensions here. In one, the worker will attempt to throw his knife at the thug, and be shot. The knife will then hit the thug between the eyes killing him as well. In the other, he will surrender to the thug, and both of them will live. But he is going to create a bit of a disconnect and cause the knife to exist across the fourth dimension.
      Now I witness the third outcome. In this reality the knife is bound to the reality where he throws it, but the reality that it's taking place in is the one where he surrenders. So in this reality, the knife slides out of the sheath on his vest seemingly on it's own; the worker has his hands in the air. The worker looks surprised at how the knife flies foreword and kills the thug on its own. The thug does not suspect this and cannot fire before he is killed. But what he (the worker) fails to realize was that he did that in another dimension.
      An interesting story.

      I am in a small room. I am no longer a floating consciousness and have full control over my body. It feels like a classroom or detention room in my high school. I have the knife now. I have gotten in trouble for 'bringing' a knife to school and the police have been called. Everyone has fled the area as they believe I am a threat. But I mean no harm to anyone and am unsure of how I acquired the knife.
      I have to make myself look as peaceful as possible. I place the knives (there were actually two copies of the knife from the fourth dimension story) in front of me and take on a meditative position.
      I become lucid several moments later.
      A pair of police officers break in. I stand up and calmly tell them that I mean them no harm, and that I must explain the situation. One of the police officers fires a taser at me. I grab the prongs out of the air, and pull the device from his hand on the other end. The officer looks on in shock as the other pulls a handgun from his belt. He fires on me three times. All of the bullets fall off my body and onto the floor. Curious, I hold up my hands and allow the police handcuff me and take me to court.
      The dream skips ahead to a court. I have my charges read (possession of a weapon in public school) and that should I be found guilty I get ten years in the slammer. I stand up, break the handcuffs off of my wrists and begin speaking.
      "Now if you would all listen with an open mind, you would understand. You are all simply a part of my dream. What is happening here is completely irrelevant..."

      I wake up.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:46 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
    8. The Hilarity of my recurring DCs (Semi Lucid)

      by , 06-29-2014 at 11:36 PM (Lucid Time!)
      So me, Lia, Jack, and robot arm girl (Need a name for her) are vacationing on this tropical island. I remember seeing high, jagged cliffs and huge trees stretching hundreds of feet into the air. It was a magnificent island to be on.
      Unfortunately, we wouldn't be staying for long. Jack wants to take everyone out on a boat. We all head down to the dock only to find out that our 'boat' is a dirty torn up old raft with some rusty piece of scrap metal attached to the back that might have been some sort of engine. We all pile in. The thing can barely hold all four of us, and it's leaking.
      Jack leads the expedition onward. The 'engine' we have is pushing us along pretty slowly, and occasionally one of us will use a bucket to throw water out of the boat. We get out into open water to find it calm and still. A thick fog rolls in , and there are garbage rafts floating on the surface of the water. We cut the engine and begin drifting slowly. In one of the heaps of garbage there is a fishing pole. Jack asks me to grab it and give it to him. I do.
      He casts it into the water.
      Robot Girl: Psh, yeah right, like you could catch something...
      Jack gets a bite. Then all of the sudden he gets pulled so hard by the fish that he gets pulled out of the boat into the murky water. Jack grabs the boat with one hand and holds the fishing rod with the other and pulls us along. With this setup we were actually going faster than we were with the engine.
      I begin to speculate about the size of the fish that must be on the other end of that line.
      In fact the 'fish engine' goes on for a couple of minutes, and we keep on picking up speed. We get through the fog and realize we are approaching another island and like 20-30 miles per hour. This is the best part; the fish runs our boat aground on the beach and begins flopping around in the sand. Jack takes his survival knife and kills it.
      The island we have landed on has a seafood shop and they will supposedly have a master chef prepare any fish you catch. We all agree to eat... whatever kind of fish he hooked. I couldn't identify it. It was one of those big flat fish. It was almost sort of diamond shaped, and maybe 18 inches across. He cuts it into four pieces and then exclaims that he is too hungry, and can't wait for the fish to cook and eats his portion raw.
      We go into the seafood restaurant and they begin preparing the three remaining portions of fish.
      ]I am talking amongst my dream characters and become properly lucid.
      I wake up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. Interesting Collection

      by , 06-27-2014 at 01:01 PM (Lucid Time!)
      A very interesting collection of dreams and fragments from last night.

      Fragment: Music:
      No crazy electronic music this time. Just a soft piano piece that I caught for a few seconds.

      Fragment: School
      I am at my old middle school. This large man approaches the school pulling a wheel barrow. He tells me that he is my ride home and I get in. A few of the kids from the middle school make fun of me for riding home in such an odd way. One of my old friends from middle school is in there and we begin catching up.

      Fragment: Solar System
      I am getting a guided tour of a solar system, certainly not our own. Whoever is guiding me shows me that it is a triple star system. There is one star and two smaller stars orbit it in a 1:2 resonance. Outward from that is a small rocky planet, a larger rocky planet, and then a orangeish brown gas planet, something like jupiter.

      Art with C:
      I am in what feels like the basement of my house. C is showing me some drawings she made after she attempted to have a shared dreaming experience with me and what she encountered in her dreams. I cannot recall all of the drawings, but I do know that one of them that was supposed to be of me and looked very strange. I had horse legs (not like a centaur with four, I only had two horse legs) and the upper part of my body was wearing what looked like the Danny phantom costume. I had really long hair that went down to my hips that had been made into dreadlocks.
      Upon seeing it, I crack up. She laughs with me saying that the dream was not very stable.
      She continues going through her drawings. I see drawings of some of my other recurring dream characters. These look much more accurate.

      The Anteater in the Woods
      This is the only dream really worth reading about here...
      I cannot recall what happened beforehand, but I did know that lots did happen before I came to this part of the dream. I am walking around the shore surrounding a large lake. There are some sand dunes and rivers running into the lake, as well as boardwalks to walk across.
      I am walking around, climbing over the sand dunes when a peculiar creature approaches me. It looks like an anteater or a hairy elephant. Walks on four legs with a stout chubby body. Has a long trunk with a single opening on the end that it can use to grasp objects. And two big white eyes with no pupils. Finally it has long brown fur, making it look similar to say chewbacca. What an interesting creature... I've never seen something like this in my dreams before.
      As the creature approaches, I am frightened. I get pinned by a steep wall of tree roots and sand. I close my eyes and get ready for the worst only to find that the creature merely wanted to smell me. After several seconds I lower my guard and just allow the creature to study me. I look into his eyes and I could only assume that he was looking back.
      The creature turned and left. As he walked away he began talking.

      "Bah, you're not who I was looking for! Your claws should be ten times as sharp!"
      I follow the creature.
      "Wait what are you talking about?!"
      The creature paused.
      "If you want to know more, go to the woods in Calyot. And what your looking for, 'New York' is spelled backwards!"

      Anyways, the dream carried on rather normally from there. A storm started to blow in and I tired to find shelter amongst the sand dunes. Some of the boardwalks got washed away by the rising lake levels. I woke up a few minutes after meeting the anteater.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:48 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Lucid Dreaming Cartoon

      by , 06-26-2014 at 02:41 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Fragment: High School. I am at my high school getting ready to leave.

      Somebody is introducing me to this new children's show. The show is called 'David the Nightmare Hunter' and it follows the adventures of this boy named David (duh) with purple eyes and white hair goes through classic high school drama like bullies and getting a girlfriend and what-not. But he was also born with this special power, that allows him to detect nightmares.
      In the show 'Nightmares' are essentially demons that can disguise themselves as anyone. They will attempt to preform evil deeds as that person. David has to find and expose these people and battle their true form. When a nightmare enters their true form they become a large black monster, each one with unique powers and body parts. (For example, some nightmare monsters may look like bats or gargoyles with wings. Others may be more brute like, resembling a large ape or human with horns, you get the idea.) In order to permanently kill nightmares, one must hold up a dreamcatcher to them and recite some magic words. The nightmare then gets sucked into the dreamcatcher.
      This sounds like a really cool premise for a show, but it seems to be ripping off Danny Phantom. Even the animation style was somewhat similar.
      So anyways, the episode we were watching was about David venturing into an abandoned mansion where he thought a nightmare was hiding. It was something of a haunted house set up. I can recall a scene where thunder cracked outside and he hid behind a grandfather clock. David was a cowardly character, but he was tasked with fighting nightmares, constantly forcing him to be brave, adding a dimension of drama to the show. Somebody was watching the show with me and they explained to me that this was a 'class 1' nightmare, as in the smallest and least threatening.
      I don't recall the battle scene all to well. The nightmare emerged from some kind of book, and looked like a small dragon. David was initially frightened by the appearance, but upon realizing the nightmare was small he took out his dreamcatcher and banished it.

      The show skips to the next day at school. We see David with his two friends, god help me for their names. He had a pseudo girlfriend who wore a hoodie and had a robotic arm, and strange friend who wore a black tee-shirt with a white gear graphic on it and had long orange hair.
      Then came an interesting character. Her name was never mentioned but she looked exactly like
      Manei, my dream guide. I couldn't help but exclaim this to the other person watching the cartoon with me. Of course he was confused. So I had to explain to him that I practice this thing called lucid dreaming and that some dreamers meet what’s called a dream guide. And that character looks exactly like her.
      But it gets even better. The Manei impersonation went back to talk to her friends. One of her friends looked looked something like Marcus, but redesigned to be high school age. But it was defiantly a Marcus design. And I guess the other character was supposed to be a representation of me. He looked strange, one eye was blue-green, and the other one was bright orange, and he wore a dark blue scarf.

      Okay, there is no way that this show is a legit thing. How does somebody copy two characters so perfectly out of my dream journal?! Who created this show?! The person sitting next to me just looked confused.

      I woke up.

      Update: This dream was the inspiration for my new avatar.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:50 PM by 53527

    11. Fragments

      by , 06-23-2014 at 06:14 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Something to do with one of my classic dream signs. I am swimming near the shore of the ocean and large waves come in and crash down on me making it difficult for me to keep myself from drowning.

      I was in some kind of restaurant or nightclub sitting with a large group of dream characters. I'm going to skip over what are discussion was about as it was very immature and inappropriate.

      I know that I got lucid. I cannot recall what induced the lucidity, or what the situation was prior, but I do recall that it was only momentary before I awoke.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 10:01 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. The Pen is Mightier than the Spear (LD #93)

      by , 06-22-2014 at 02:47 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Okay, so another dream about graduation. This time I get to choose teachers to give this special award to. And it's basically the worst thing you could ever imagine trying to do in a dream: Filling out a chart. Yeah, that's right so in order to give one of my teachers the award I have to sign their names nine times as some kind of formality.
      Doing this in a non lucid dream took forever as every time I looked away, the names would change all over the place, boxes would go blank or get filled in on their own. After like half an hour of dream time had ticked by, I finally had the chart filled out. A woman came in, asked me if I was done, and took me to find my teachers.
      She leads me into the back. I follow a maze of hallways and rooms. At one point, I come to a set of stairs with a sign posted at the top: This way to Nuclear Reactor. If I had been lucid at this point I would have gone and checked it out, but being non lucid, I just thought 'Well, that can't be the right place...'
      We continue walking and then
      lucidity hits me like a sack of bricks. I don't want to instantly break the flow of the dream. I run my hand along the brick wall as we walk picking up some stability. I begin to think of how I could alter this dream to better suit me. I think that my dream guide is sort of a teacher. What if I could nudge the dream so that we were going to see her rather than my waking life teachers.
      Turns out it's neither of the above. We arrive and the woman who led me here (almost as if she is scared) runs off. There is simply a small boy who is dressed like a teacher, and spinning a pen around on his finger. The boy turns to me and gives me this evil grin. I focus in on his face and forget about the environment. He begins to distort and transform in a freakish way and becomes a horribly ugly middle aged man.
      He then throws the pen at me and mid-flight the pen becomes a spear.
      I snap away from looking at him and realize that we are now in a meadow. There are trees in the distance, but this looks like a very large arena-like meadow. I turn to one side and the spear flies past my face. (I don't know why I was dodging the spears. I've already done regeneration before. I could surely have regenerated from any wound that I received.) The dream character pulls more pens from his pocket. I dodge several of the spears and try to get in close. The DC runs away with almost superhuman speed and heads up a large hill. I jump and begin flying as I chase him.
      When I get to the top of the hill. I see him there. He throws two more spears, and I dodge both of them while hovering in the air. I see my sketchbook on the hill. I get an idea to use my sketchbook to get me something to defeat him. I tell myself that whatever appears on the page when I open it will be how I defeat this dream character.
      I open it and it is a picture of my friend S. When I look at it, I think about a lucid dream S told me about where he was a human-animal hybrid with a blue Tasmanian Devil that had blue fir and Ice powers (Sounds like an awesome dream.) That would be perfect. I tell myself that S will appear and help me face the dream character.
      A giant ice comet crashes down in the valley below me, forming a large crater. S stands up, and he is a blue human-animal hybrid just like he described in his lucid dream. I grab the evil dream character and lift him into the air with me. I look at S and tell him to hit the character. I then throw the evil dream character right at S. But rather than hitting the character back at me, he just stands there like a deer in headlights until the villain character hits him. There is a large explosion and I wake up.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:52 PM by 53527

    13. Robot Dis-Assembly - Another experience with dream music

      by , 06-17-2014 at 12:15 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am in some kind of mall eating chocolate ice cream. It tastes fantastic; the best thing I have ever eaten. I wake up with the taste still in my mouth.

      I am walking down the street in my neighborhood. I take out my phone and put my earbuds in. I look in my iTunes and see a song that I have never heard by 'unknown artist' called 'Robot Dis-Assembly' and begin playing it.
      The song starts out with a grainy audio clip from what sounds like a male newscaster. He says 'It is the place where you would conduct the removal of a robot's batteries followed by final disassembly...' The song then drops into this industrial electronic beat. I don't really know how to describe it other than stupidly catchy beat that you could easily picture a bunch of robots marching to. The song repeats the line 'Robot Dis-Assembly' every 20 seconds or so with a slightly buzzy sounding male voice.
      I wake up.
      This song is a complete ear worm. I still have it stuck in my head, even after having been awake for an hour.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:53 PM by 53527

    14. Zombie Movie

      by , 06-16-2014 at 02:33 PM (Lucid Time!)
      My friend S and his family have taken me to this very upscale movie theatre to watch a new zombie movie that has just recently been released. The movie opens with a government agent transporting some form of dangerous biological agent through an airport, as he his undercover and transporting it covertly. But the agent forgets to zipper up his suitcase and the vials falls out and break. The biological agents mingle and produce the zombie-creating formula. A pale green cloud fills the terminal and begins converting the population into zombies.
      It does seem that about 1/5 people are immune to the formula and do not convert into zombies. These people attempt to run out of the airport. Some of them are grabbed and attacked by zombies.
      The movie jumps ahead to a crowded bus. There dozens of people onboard. One of them looks somewhat zombified. (In this movie, zombies were identified as having pale skin with ulcers on it. I'm not normally the biggest fan of zombie movies, but I have to say, they did look pretty disgusting in a cool way.) The zombie sits down and the man next to him says that he is not 'looking so well'. The man tries to strike up a conversation with the zombie, but for obvious reasons he won't respond. A few people in the theatre are laughing but I do not.
      Then, as a jump scare, the zombie belches out a green bio agent cloud and infects everyone on the bus. The driver veers off the road and crashes into a tree at a relatively low speed. Two government agents stand up, wearing gas masks and kill every zombie on the bus. Some zombies manage to crawl out the windows, but the agents shoot them before they get far. The agents get out of the bus and contact the pentagon. They say that 'this is the last of them' and that they are going to quarantine the area until the virus and zombies rot away.
      The government agents return the next day along with a news crew to examine the carnage. The Government agents remark how the corpses of the zombies seem to be regenerating. One of the supposedly dead zombies twitches a little bit.
      The news crew and the agents hang around for a few more minutes. The bus that the movie was following was in the middle of a woodland area. Then, a second jump scare. This one I half-near peed my pants. A zombie leaps from a tree and attacks the anchorwoman from the news.

      I wake up.

      Fragment: Beach
      I am on a beach. It is a cloudy day. There is a white high-rise hotel building behind me.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:54 PM by 53527

    15. Lucid Dream #92 Graduation...wait

      by , 06-15-2014 at 03:16 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was at my school's graduation ceremony. Or at least a dream of it. We were waiting around with our cap and gown on for them to call us into the gym so we could walk and get our diplomas or whatever. They basically had two rooms. One for average students, and one for valedictorians and all of the honors students or whatever.
      I didn't quite get this, and I ended up going into the room for the honors student room. (Because me, and Honors student? Bwahaha! That's funny.) Some teacher redirected me out, and I went into the normal students room that was larger and more crowded.
      Then one of the students from the other room came to see me and ask me about her speech. Also, this was a very peculiar dream character. She was very beautiful save for the fact that she had very strange teeth that seemed very large when she opened her mouth, and she had two rows of teeth along with a braces. She also had long silvery-blue hair.
      So she asked me about how her speech could connect to her favorite TV show, Avatar: The last Airbender. I recommended she talk about looking at what's the same instead of what's different, because I know one of the themes of the show is the idea that people divide themselves (the four nations) and fail to realize that although they align to different elements, they are all one people.
      She thanked me and left. I went back to just waiting around for the graduation to start.
      Wait a second. I thought I already graduated. I reality check. I'm dreaming. Haha! A lucid!
      I wake up.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:54 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
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