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    MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.

    The Best Dream Journal Entry in the Universe.

    by , 10-17-2010 at 12:00 AM (913 Views)
    Perception off

    For some reason I was perceiving my inner world wrong. My house was a trailer and it was all Dirty and Asuka was a really old man. I coulda swore her cookies were shit chips instead of chocolate Chips... Thankfully I never ate any.

    private entry.
    Perception Still off

    I was still disoriented by how my perception was off. I wandered into a Diner during the year 1932. I was looking at a menu and saw some words that were out of place. something about porn advertisements. I saw an image in my head of 1930's women wearing the style of clothes of the era, and their clothes were only Semi revealing. I chuckle when I realize that this was their "porn" of the era. It still turns me on, because I reach into my pants and notice i have a hard on.

    I look to my left and see kaomea's feet sitting on top of the stairs, her head is blocked off by the top of the door leading to the bottom step. She shoots me a note. it reads. "If you're going to wank in public at least do it to a picture of me." But because my perception is still off, and I'm seeing pretty women as old men, her "dirty picture" is of an old man spreading his cheeks...

    Asuka Returns.

    Me, Raven and Nomad chase manuel's Death Defier toa dreamscape that was the hill from the night before. Seeing that she's outnumbered and that we are organized, she gives up Asuka and they De-merge. This is a VERY GOOD move on their part. I tell them that now my inner world is sealed from them entering. and From now on, they are going to have to EARN my trust.

    Manuel appears and his eyes are black and white swirling portals. I see a large image of his energy body behind him. He speaks simultaneously to all three of us and then he blows a tornado at us.

    Mising Time

    The Fight.

    I am battling Kaomea hand to hand. We are basically punching and blocking but at super speed. I begin my Hyryu Sheten Ha. I begin backing up, she asses me and then comes at fuller force, almost in a rage. I begin backing into a spiral. Everytime I back up she gets more aggressive and mad, and it's getting me harder to feign off her attacks. however this only speeds up the spiral. I can hear her thinking, "Is he stupid? he's doing exactly what i told him NOT to do, he didn't listen to me,,, gah this makes me mad" at the middle point of the spiral I have captured enough of her aggressive energy and form it into a beam of fire and plazma. I almost hesitate because i don't want to hurt her, but then i realize she must learn this lesson, so it's nothing personal. i throw it at her and she's now all crispy like a piece of toast.

    I go up to her and say, "your agressiveness is strong and powerfull, but because you can't control it and don't know how to use it properly it can be used against you. I lured you into a false sense of security and you underestimated me because of that. This was your first lesson."


    Me, Kamea, and the other NW are on a train that's heading to my place. We are all writing omething on paper and when we are done writing it, we all look at eachother and smile in agreement on something.

    Moving my inner world

    It's not safe so we are moving my inner world location to different dream locations every few days. I am packing up the latest small inner world house along with the kids and Asuka. I find a guitar and begin packing it up, then I realize it's the guitar hero guitar... damnit I hate that!

    I also remember talking to gonzo earlier, who was around and helping us pack. But later I look out the window and see that his vehicle is gone... i look in a box and realize that my LCD computer monitor is missing. "That asshole." I think, "why would he steal a computer monitor?" then I realize he also stole a Maison Ikkoku DVD. I double check and see that I still have my laptop. I now know what he was after... and he didn't get it. The old man dreams were omens warning me of his arrival. good thing he failed... he didn't even deny it which makes it ROFLEPIC. and I have proofs too:


    *sighs* and see how he tries to discredit me AFTER. It's a shame. i'm going to have to make an example of him...

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    Updated 10-17-2010 at 12:23 AM by 6012



    1. Raven Knight's Avatar
      Actually, since the Hyru Shouten Ha uses your opponent's own energy against them, it would be really difficult to go to far using this technique. You would have to add energy of your own to make it do an excessive amount of damage. Vegeta likes it if he is fighting someone he wants to make sure he doesn't accidentally hurt too much.
    2. TheForgotten 's Avatar
      "If you're going to wank in public at least do it to a picture of me." But because my perception is still off, and I'm seeing pretty women as old men, her "dirty picture" is of an old man spreading his cheeks...
      wasn't that thoughtful of me. Too bad you didn't see the real deal.
    3. GypsyKiss's Avatar
      Ha, I like your title... This post confuses me but only because I don't fully understand the basics of what kaomea is teaching me ... However I still found it interesting. Especially the part when kaomea hands u a photo. Lmao... I've known her for over 10 years & that is definitely something she would say. Its amazing how personality is so accurately transferred in dreams.