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    Just recalled this dream.

    by , 01-31-2011 at 03:55 AM (410 Views)
    Restaurant fail

    I'm at some sort of club or restaurant run by a guy I know from Chilliwack named Bill. I go up to the counter and start to order a burger. but I say "Wait it's breakfast isn't it?" Then I order 2 eggs sunny side up with bacon and hashbrowns. Bill tells me that It will cost $34.78! I protest and say that it's a gip since normally all other places offer the same thing for less than $10. But for some reason I pay him anyway.

    I wait and wait for my food but it doesn't come. Someone hand's me a pink cheescake. I take it and put it down. Now to find a utensil to eat it with. I go and find one and go baack to the table where my cake was just in time to see some fat guy horking it down. I get mad and say that it was my cheescake he just ate. He laughs at me. Flustered I go to the counter to see Bill shutting the service down. I say, "Wait I still havn't gotten that breakfast I ordered." He gets an apologetic look on his face. I storm out yelling,"I'm never doing bussiness here ever again"

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