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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. One dream but Vivid.

      by , 03-31-2017 at 03:51 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      FA, In the middle of some desert. Everything is kind of blurry at first then becomes super clear. A really hot Tomboyish french woman is squatting on top of some lower building. She has long brown hair and is sporting a white tank top and blue jeans. There is a sentence painted along side the building reading something like, "Defending my home during the Apocalypse." As I stare at the words they begin to change and add on to the sentence, but i can't pay attention to it. I realize I am already passing the building. I say a meek , "hello" and she says, "Morning" I'm like, "Ah yes Good morning/" Suddenly around the corner I'm in my house. There is bags of raw McDonald's chicken bags every where. I am picking them up and putting them in the trash. At some point I pull two silver coins out of my pocket. They look super real one says "2 Silver Dollar coin worth $5." I can't comprehend how that is exactly correct since silver coins are worth way more. The other coin is bigger than my hand and has cool designs on it. I'm about to inspect it when I get woken by my alarm.
    2. Low recall but... Nomad!

      by , 03-29-2017 at 03:03 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      A short dream of Asuka bringing me to some steel construction building. We are jumping up climbing steel beams and running along the beams. I feel like it's for training or something.


      Not dreaming but falling asleep to a youtube video of Chuck Missler Give a commentary on the least exciting part of Exodus, which is the last ten chapters or so.

      FA, I am now hearing the commentary in Nomads voice. I turn to look at my laptop screen and Nomad is in a skype video window giving commentary? "Why are you talking christian stuff?" I ask, "thought it was irrelevant to you now?" He stops the commentary and says, "It's ALL relevant bro." Implying all religions. I look around the room and it is different.

      Wake up for real Chuck Missler is still giving commentary.

      FA, In the same room Nomad stops his commentary again and laughs, "Dude I just saw you have a false awakening!" I shake my head. "You know it's a dream right?"

      Before I can answer a child runs into the room and hugs me. "Dude this IS a dream I am coming over right now!",
      "No," I say, "Asuka says I have to watch the children tonight, While she trains HARD!" He protests but I shut down my laptop screen.

      missing time

      FA, I'm on the moon, Nomad is a werewolf Cyborg with a red robot eye, and a giant blade for an arm that is wide at his left shoulder and is pointy where his hand should be. He has a multicolored gem in his third eye surrounded by 5 or so gems of different color, they expand and spin around his head and then retract.

      "What are you?" I ask, "Some sort of hippie terminator?"

      "GET TO THE TOWAAA!" he says, giving an arnold impression.

      The dream splits and in this version he suffers from ALS and I am wheeling him in a chair that sports a small laptop with a text to speech clicker in his hand. "They may have taken my ability to move," he says, "But at least i can still dream like a mofo." I am getting tired pushing him by the time we reach the tower and falls asleep just as I reach the door.

      FA, I'm back with cyborg Nomad at the tower. We go in.

      FA, I'm on a lift going up the tower I roll right off and fall to my doom.

      FA, Back on the lift. Nomad stops me from rolling off this time.

      "How many FA's is that now?" He asks. I shrug and stand up, "I don't think i can even count how many you've had!" I summon a beer and take a sip.

      "But it's my first one of the night officer Nomad. Scouts honor!"

      FA, and we are now at the top of the Tower in a mini dome overlooking the inside of the larger biodome The sight is spectacular.

      I wake up briefly and turn over to my right, and I'm dreaming that I'm back in my inner world looking after the kids. I roll over to my right and I am back with Nomad.

      "Dude you are having too many FAs!." he says, "How are you doing that?"

      "I found a small remnant on Walms's soul in my inner world that he left when he died. He came back for the body. but some of the soul was left, so I ate it."

      "I don't think his soul is exactly compatible with you." He pulls a seed out of nowhere and makes me eat it. "These should stabilize the FAs for a while." he says. "Now off we go!" He draws a circle with his sword arm and creates a vortex and we begin to get pulled in but my memory fades or I wake up here.

      Updated 03-29-2017 at 03:19 AM by 6012

      Tags: asuka, nomad
      non-lucid , false awakening , side notes
    3. In the Deep.

      by , 03-28-2017 at 01:13 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Inside The Great Pyramid

      Remember walking through a long tunnel on an uphill slope. There are some people behind me but their voices and steps fade in the distance. I enter a large chamber where a sarcophagus lies. There are two streams of light coming from two opposing walls that shine their light on the sarcophagus. I figure I'm in a pyramid and I have a vague feeling I'm looking for a treasure of sorts. I begin to notice how really dark the place is. It's all a darkish blue with practice no light save for the moonlight coming from the shafts. I get a nit scared and call to the other people but the are nowhere to be seen.

      Like The Flash

      This could be a continuation of the same dream but it's so far away in time compared to the other one.I'm in some sort of dungeon and I exit another long tunnel or shaft and enter a walled in clearing with fire light. Down a set of steps are three ancient looking chinese gods or something. They have pale eyes and long beards. They are angry at me and accuse me of stealing something. One holds up something like a harpoon gun, and the other one points his fingernails at me. I laugh and say, " you going to claw me to death like a cat?" He grunts and then the dream slows down. But I can still move in "real time". The harpoon gun shoots but very slowly, I dodge the projectile as it slowly passes my shoulder. I turn around and the guy with long fingernails actually shot his suicidal sharp fingernails at me. They fly through the air slowly and they are attached to red strings from inside his hands. I look at them coming at me because it looks so cool and manage to get out of the way. I watch until his nails slowly hit the rock wall.

      Then I notice that their heads are slowly turning towards me. No time for that so I run past them into another open corridor.


      This entire dream was vague. I just remember being at school with some people.

      FA, Get out of bed. Some woman with long brown or black hair is with me and she is impatient about something so we go to the school again, we walk around but forget what happens.

      FA, I'm back at the house. I wander around it but it seems to be empty.


      I'm in a car with C, an old coworker... didn't know she drove. She drops me off in a downtown area. There's a mini mall with a few shops, I see her younger sister there but she doesn't say, "hi" or even look at me. I walk past and head to an intersection that goes to a Subway sandwich place. My memory fades after this.

      Updated 03-29-2017 at 03:25 AM by 6012

      non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    4. It Get's Real

      by , 03-25-2017 at 01:58 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Winning at Poker

      I have a brief memory of winning a pot. I won something like $50 or $100. Everyone gets up from the table and leaves. I get seated at a table with a total of 6 players. Me being the sixth, I pull out my cash and I have 250. I consider buying in for only 200 which will give me 100 big blinds at a game of 1/2. Two more people show up and we all decide to sit at a bigger table that seats 10 players. A dealer comes in and leads us to an outside table. It is nice out and we seem to be in a big city.
      Note: I wake up for reals at 130 AM. Take my dog for a short walk, then have a sip of coffee. I then remembered reading a thread on DV about using peanut butter as a lucid or vividness aid. I try it out with a big spoonful. Back to sleep.

      Lucid Class

      I'm in a classroom in school. The teacher looks like she just stepped out of an anime/video game cosplay convention - she's wearing some sort of Assassins Creed costume. She's older than me and kind of grumpy. She's arguing with an Asian female student but she agrees with the student eventually. Can't remember all of the conversation but they both turn and look at me. They are now trying to convince me that I'm dreaming right now. I'm uncomfortable with two people almost cornering me and I get stubborn. They ask me to do some tests to see if it is a dream. I humor them so that they will leave me alone. I half hardheartedly do a test not paying attention to the result. The Asian girl goes up to me and has something like a cracked egg. She tells me to count the sharp points of the egg crack and it will make the dream stable. She spins it around as I start pretending to count them not really paying attention to the egg thing. I count upwards and the dream begins to roll up like a scroll until all I see is black.

      note: I'm pretty sure it was Raven Knight and Asuka trying to make me lucid!

      Super Mario Maker

      I was 3rd person viewing myself on some mountain. I was on a train track thingy for a while going down a slope. I ate a mushroom thingy that turned me into a wolf. I noticed a mario level flag like in the super mario game hiding beneath a peak on one of the mountain. I see my character reach it.

      FA, I'm really dizzy. I stumble into the bathroom because I have to pee. I won't mention what happened because it was disturbing.

      FA, and it's daytime out and I run to the bathroom to pee again. Something even more disturbing happens which I won't mention, a knock on the door interrupts me and some old lady wants to use the washroom. "Just a minute ." I say and I am frantically trying to figure out how to hide my dilemma and walk out normally.

      Kill Everyone Class

      I'm in another classroom. Some weird spanish guy walk in and says. "I'm going to play a game with you all. you all have guns and bullets under your desks. You have 5 minutes to figure out how to load your guns and then you must kill each other until there is only one student left. If you don't comply I will be forced to kill all of you." He leaves through a door on the right. Everyone quietly pulls their guns out and starts fiddling with them. I open the chamber and see it's empty. I find a box in the desk with bullets inside. One of the bullets grows large and breaks in two as I try to put it in the revolver's chamber I try to fit the two pieces back together. I manage to load all 6 chambers in the gun with real looking bullets. I try look for a a device which will load more bullets into the revolver part as I shoot, I find an attachment for the gun designed to do just that. But I can't figure out how to load it. I reach in the box and some of the bullets are actually nails. The whole ordeal seems unfair.

      The Five minutes seem to be up. Can't remember if I take the gun with me or not but I run through a hallway left of the classroom. I hear other people start to get up. I pass another hallway adjacent to my hallway and see an exit with a window and a door. The door opens and a cartoon Asian girl runs through the door wearing a pink shirt and blue overcoat, and there's someone else behind her and I don't know who it is. I am too startled so I run into the other hallway which is just in front of the class room. as i run I hear someone calling my name. I hear, "Radma or Ranma." I think that's my old username who calls me that? I remember Walms or Hukif use to call me that, this gets me even more scared and run to another door which leads outside. When I go outside I get woken up by my alarm.

      Updated 03-25-2017 at 02:34 AM by 6012

      nightmare , false awakening , memorable , side notes , non-lucid
    5. Too Much Work.

      by , 03-24-2017 at 02:02 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Short Staffed

      I'm at work. But the grills are poker tables. Lots of people are working but leave when I show up. Spend the dreaming cooking lots of eggs on each Table/grill as the order keep piling up on screen. I spend hours doing that and suddenly there are no customers. It's like they never waited for their orders. I shrug and just leave.

      Work again

      I'm at work but it's all different. I'm in the staff lounge but it's all dark and dingy. Scott show up and we talk since I haven't seen him in a while. I ask him what he's doing here and he says there's some construction to do. Then he hands me a big stash of weed. Like a pound... and he says "hold this for me." I hide it under some clothes.

      Somehow I wind up at my house. It's ALL wrecked like a huge bomb went off and it's filled with entities. Some are cleaning up and others are just standing around doing drugs or whatever. Something happens and I have to go back to work.

      Sometime later I have to show managers from work where I live, they have to drop something off or pick something up. They follow me for a few blocks but ignore the instruction i give them. They wind up going through a different door in my house that i showed them. I enter through a side door or garage door again. I watched them come in and my memory fades.


      A brief dream of being in a kitchen with a guy I work with who likes to be called xereniak online. We are talking about dreaming. I made some sort of joke like "In soviet Russia, Asuka's gardens destroys YOU!" He laughs as he grabs something from the fridge and places it on the island in the middle of the kitchen. We continue talking but the memory fades.
      Note: this is a shared dream. Xereniak told me about looking in a fridge and having a conversation with me about dreaming.

      I'm in my basement at the start. I'm reading a book of Raven's dream logs. In one entry she is saying we a are dreamviewing some dream i had that had a probel to do with??? I don't remember. The next entry has a very perplexing title, but it's kind of gross. I get interrupted by an angry woman. She wants me to clean the mess up outside. I go in the backyard and, like the rest of the house... it is completely destroyed. I find a ground tiller? something to work the soil to restore it to a garden. A dog is attached and starts pulling it fast. I am tilling the lawn really fast until my alarm wakes me up.
    6. Meeting a Sorcerer

      by , 09-01-2010 at 05:01 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Notes- i am surrounded by cops. They shoot me in a parking lot. My head rests in Asuka's lap, another blond woman comes to comfort me in the dream, maybe Shawna.

      - I am with Nomad in the middle of a battle. He is swirling around as various rainbow colors and turns into a dog.

      Don Juan Describes Initiating an apprenticeship

      I am with don juan. I can't really recall where we had this discussion:
      DJ: Tell me about the man you met.
      Me: Weeks ago I had seen a psychic, Someone who can see spirits. She told me I would go to a place called Pine lake, and that there, I would meet a mentor. I wasn't sure what she meant by mentor, that could be anything, money managing, music or anything else... My last guess was that he would have been that he would be a sorcerer. I had no idea what pine lake was at the time she had told me,but nonetheless my brother invited me there a few days later, That was something which was impossible for me to ignore.
      Dj: You followed that action without question then?
      Me: Yes, That is until I saw him. When I saw him I KNEW he was the man I was supposed to meet, But I wasn't sure. I Hesitated before even talking to him.
      Don juan then hit me on the back. We were now floating over a familiar scene, which looked like a dream representation of the campground, many details and places were out of place, but nonetheless it was the same. I saw myself sitting on a bench at an outside cafeteria, close by were some doors leading into a music hall, on the other side was a short hill leading down towards two baseball diamonds where a couple baseball games were going on. I was seated on the lower seat, and sitting up higher on the bench and resting his feet on the lower seat was a man with long black hair, tied in a ponytail. He was dark skinned, He could have been any number of races. Don juan said that he looked almost like and ancient meso american indian. I corrected Don Juan as to the man's supposed true race. Don Juan said that I myself have read some of that races mythological beliefs and that some of it lined up uncannily with his lineages knowledge. He said either Casteneda had read those beliefs and put forgeries into his books, or that the two races weren't two races, they had an ancestral heritage. He then mentioned that the people of old, before the age of reason, Traveled to every continent on earth and settled in many places, Including entire lineages of sorcerers. We watched the scene some more, Eventually I got up and walked away.
      DJ: Why did you leave him sitting there, when you knew he was the man you were supposed to meet?
      Me: I wasn't sure. It was a flight response, I didn't realize it at the time, but in the back of my mind was "Is this REALLY REAL?"
      Dj: You should not have hesitated to approach him. Such hesitation could mean life or death in an act of sorcery.
      We coninuted watching the scene as it shifted. I was back at the bench by myself watching the man who was inside the entertainment hall. He was walking and and a dog brushed up to him.
      Me: I remember that! Before the dog came I was just thinking he was the one whom I was supposed to meet.
      Dj: That was your omen, and yet, you just sat there. It was an omen for him as well in his own way.
      Then scene shifted again, This time I was walking out of the music hall and the man sat on a farther bench, He was calling to a small black dog that looked like a cross between a black lab and a weiner dog, But the dog ran to me instead and I bent down and petted it.
      DJ: That was his second omen.
      Me: I knew it was for him as well.
      DJ: Then it was an omen for you as well, and yet you still didn't approach him.
      The scene shifted, to me standing close to the stage in the hall watching a band, and the man behind me roughyl 10 feet away. He kept looking at me. My energy body reacted and sprouted wings... but they weren't wings, more like tentacles that came from my back where wings would be.
      DJ: He was seeing you then, You put on a display for him and he caught it, you had him more than intrigued at that point.
      The Scene shifted to a merely empty hall in between bands. I finally approached the man and sat down beside him. As if on cue a black dog approached me, I petted it and said to myself "well, aren't you the messenger?" The man then laughed. and we began a dull conversation. I then meekly told him the story of why I was there. The man looked shocked, and then changed the subject. I excused myself saying I was going to my campsite. He walked with me until we came to the point where the main camping area was, which was downhill. My camp was on the other end behind the baseball diamond. When i continued walking the man looked confused as to my leaving
      DJ: You are much like Carlos used to be when I first began to teach him. All this time the man thought you were a Sorcerer like him, because he thought you could see. He saw all the omens of you being a Nagual, the dogs and your display of control over your own energy body, He even heard you mention why you were there and who you were supposed to meet, and then he knew he was going to be an integral part of that. Much of what was said in your conversation was meaningless, by then the Nagual had taken control of the situation. He thought you could see, he was going to give you a demonstration of what he knew... and then you left. And that baffled him, Much like I was baffled when mescalito took a liking to Carlos... Here was an idiot insisting on an overindulgence in talking to himself, and constantly anylising everything to the point of nausea, and yet mescalito played with carlos like they were childhood friends. That's how baffled that man was, at an idiot over indulging in hesitation, even inspite of the fact that the spirit is screaming Omens and trying to get him to act.
      Again The scene shifted. In the scene i had mustered up the courage to confront the man, I was standing at the other doors to the hall mingling with people, and then looking over at the man a few times, letting him know that I was ready. The man left the building, while I was still talking to him. He then turned around and looked at me for a second until I noticed him. He began walking further as I followed behind him.
      DJ: He was trying to grab your attention with his eyes, he wanted you to follow him for sure this time.
      The man walked down a small hill into a valley where most of the camping took place. He quickened his pace to his campground, sat down by the fire and kept to himself, he seemed to be focusing on something. I followed down the hill a mere seconds after looking for him, I wandered close to his campground only separated by.... nothing. In my memory there was a trailer, but in the scene were was none there. A sleeping dog got up and walked in my direction. It stopped and faced me. It's actions were very deliberate. It gazed at me, I stopped in my tracks, backed up a step or too and looked again. The dodg shiften out of sight and came back again, Then I leaned forward slightly, eyes wide and said a low "WOOOOW!" I then turned and walked away.
      DJ: That's what what he came to do. He knew the spirit had pointed you out to him, but that you needed to be pushed. He sensed that you were unsure of the encounter, so he had to act fast before he left. He had to hook you, and that's what he did. He Used his intent to shift your assemblage point, and then he used his double to inhabit the dog. You've heard of Lonewolf speak of similar things when he talks about using the assemblage point of a coyote, and how a coyote will lend it's body to someone willing to shape shift into it's form. Although, there is no real shape shifting involved, The dog lent itself to that man, just like your dream body lends itself to your awareness, or can lend itself to any other dreamer. You know all this of course, but haven't articulated it yet, but you will.
      Me: Did he hook me like you hooked carlos?
      DJ: ina sense yes he did, But, he wasn't as aware of exactly what he was doing as when I was when I had to hook Carlos. The Nagual has a funny way of making sorcerers dance with one another, All participants are sure they know what they are doing while they are doing it, and yet the nagual guides their every move. In order for that to happen, they have to make themselves available to it. One way is following omens or signs of the spirit, which is what you both did. From that point on, the Nagual was running the show and palying you two baffoons like puppets to do it's will.
      Me: He seemed pretty controlled of his actions to me, and he acted witha precision I have never seen anyone else on earth do.
      DJ: yes, It may appear so, but that only means he has a cleaner connection to the spirit than you. He calls the Nagual or sppirit with different words. He will teach you them someday.
      Me: If he does, we barely have any way to contact one another again.
      DJ: Power Provides. Both of you are hooked into something now which is hard to escape from. Both of you have the intent to meet again. He may deny it to himself right now, in the same way in which you hesitated, but eventually you two will have to meet again, it's inescapable right now.
      Me: Why did you call him a baffoon.
      DJ: He was only a lot better than you at covering up his hesitations and doubts, He's been trained to do this in his spirtual practice, He's a baffoon because he's not 100% sure of himself, just like you are not 100% sure of yourself. I suppose that's why you two are well matched. But still He made himself available to the sppirit and he served as a catalyst for it to descend on you, That's his advantage over you. That is what you may have learn from him someday. If he ever teaches it. The only thing you can do for now is set your intent to meet him again, but Ultimately he decides whether or not you will meet again, He still has the power of choice whether to ignore the spirit or act with it. In a way he is hooked too.
      Me: I am definitely hooked. I can't get my encounter with him out of my mind. and Now I see signs of the Nagual wherever I turn.
      DJ: That's good then, You are oing your part. You should that hope he does as well.
    7. a few dreams

      by , 07-04-2010 at 11:48 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      dreams from the other night

      Checking on Asuka

      I remember being in the hallway of my dream house. I remember asuka said she was going to bed and she entered a room. A while later I was worried that someone might try to kidnap her. I went into the room and turned on the light, i saw asuka lying on the floor sleeping. She opened her eyes and looked at me.


      i'm in my house and victor is sitting at some computers. I keep thinking he's the Victor who teaches japanese on youtube. I keep wanting to ask him what he uses for a video cam and microphone for his mac. I now have a mac and want to know what will work properly on mine.

      Last night


      I was walking down a street in chilliwack with an old friend. We were catching up on our stories. We also talked about some of our old doings.


      My dad is driving the family truck down the main highway by my town. I am in the backseat, my brother is in the passenger seat. I have no seatbelt and I'm worried that We will get into an accident. The highway looks funny... It's completely black and we go up and down many steep hills with the other traffic.

      We enter a town. My brother says he has to go somewhere and he leaves. Me and my dad are left outside a mall. There's a movie theater in the mall and we look at some movies that we might see. One movie is actually a series of action movies. i remember something like "X" from the title.


      I go to calgary to look for my mother. I find her in the apartment she has, but her room is set up in the hallway. She tells me everything is fine but i can tell she is lying


      My brother is driving down a country road. I am in the passenger seat. I spot a town where cacophony lives. for some reason i think she lives in a town close by in alberta. I ask my brother why we are going there instead of to my home. He says he just wants to see something there in this town.

      As we enter the town I spot a Trail made from mulch going through a park. I have memories of talking to cacophony about this trail, she was teling me how she used to walk it all the time. Our car turns on a streat that goes in a circle. I recognize her house on the street, it's a tall wooden house painted white.

      I can't remember if we went in THAT house or another one, but the next thing I remember is that I'm in a house walking down a circular hallway. The character that was my brother is now a female guide showing me around the house. I walk by many portraits and photos on the wall. We continue to walk and I see a woman with brown hair staring at me. At one point the guide is talking to that person. I lean against a door and it opens. I notice it's a bathroom and someone's inside. I quickly close the door and continue following the guide.

      I come across a windiing stair case that matches the contours of the wall. I see a portrait of cacophy there, and also a small black and white photo of another girl right beside it. I become lucid but everything gets fuzzy.

      I also had another fragment where i was with cacophony but i can't recall it.
      lucid , non-lucid
    8. feh no lucids.

      by , 06-24-2010 at 03:22 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)


      First i am walking down a street in chilliwack. some guy walks past me and gives me a slightly dirty look. He's wearing nice homie - G clothing and I am wearing a jacket covered in drywall mud. so I probably look like a weirdo.. whatever.

      Then the dream flashes to where I'm walking on a trail in the woods. I hear someone walking from the shrubs. I look and see it's a bright blue ape. Like an abominable snowman. I just shrug and keep walking. I hear the guy behind me again but this time he's a regular looking guy. some woman goes up to me (asuka) and tells me we have to chase him to catch him. i go to chase him but I realize my shoes aren't for running.I find some other shoes magically and grab them i try to run while putting them on. They are a pair of those all star shoes and a bitch to put on. By the time i put them on. The man is far ahead and I can no longer chase him.

      suddenly I find myself in a restaurant with my brother and his GF. his GF makes a comment about me not being able to eat the food or something.

      Later I am in another building. I am supposed to pay with debit at some strange machine. But when I put my card into the machine. it rturns in to a VLT type game with interesting charp and clear graphics. there's some megaman looking guy in cool armor with some items above him. I select the wrong item and lose, but it says I have another chance. The woman at the counter says i must pay so urry up and finish the game. I somehow select the right item and on the screen i get more items and then it starts showering down coins on the screen. I guess i won.


      some lucid imagery of looking at my hand


      I remember being on a bed with asuka and having a pillow fight. The window catches my eye. It's a weird color. I start freaking out and think it's the end of the world or something.


      I'm walking around in my basement while munching on soem white candle wax... It tastes like vanilla icing... but with candle wax in it. yuck. I hate it. I come to a room that asuka sometimes sleeps in and see it's a mess. there's big candles in no holders on the carpet burined right into the ground. All the wax is crusted right into the carpet. I think my landlord will freak at this site. I go to the bathroom to spit out the candle wazx that i'l still munching on. But i see the toilet is filled with... well poop and crusted with vomit. I dare to try and flush the toilet and clean up the mess but I wake up... Which i'm glad i Did!
    9. A lucid

      by , 06-23-2010 at 04:53 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      weird lucid

      My memory starts when the person I know as L who looked like David Rockefeller, showing up in a black limo while I am walking down a generic street.
      He gets out and I can tell he wants to use me in some way to get into my inner world. I run away into someones yard. I jump over a fence, and now I am floating. i touch the ground and continue running, not looking behind me at all. The next fence has an opening in it. Right in the middle of the fence is a square opening, so i dive through it head first. I keep running until I come to another fence with a large square opening, so this time I go feet first floating through it.

      I go into a yard that is familiar and go behind a stone wall. I then jump up onto a small concrete ledge with a stone roof with a mural painted on the ceiling. I gradually become lucid during a period of several seconds. I am staring at the mural. All I see is paintings of Asuka on the murals. I stare at one for a while and notice one of the eyelids begins to come out of the painting. I think "oh great she's hiding in the mural and is coming out to see me!"

      I instinctively put my hand on the mural. I look at it against the part of the dream and begin counting. I count up to ten, I didn't want to go high just in case I wasn't doing it right. I pulled my hand away and I watched as the dream was bending towards me like the corner edges of paper coming together. I watched as it went back to normal.

      I had something in my hand. It was like a metal dog tag with an inscription on it. It was by Walms. It wals talking about time dilation. it read "focus on hand - the dream. Count and then jump". I had a vague image in my head of walms with his hand on the ground and counting. when he was done I see him spring up right into the air.

      missing time


      sex dream I kept waking up from. In the dream i would be in the same bed doing my thing. Then i would wake up and be in the same bed alone. This happened several times.

      strange game

      I remember being in some building where we were participating in some wierd game. We had to go to different tables and do different actions or something. I didn't understand it well so i went outside for a smoke. It was night out and I saw something moving in the shadows to my left.

      "Is that somebody there?" I asked. I heard a woman's voice and saw the shadow come forward. There was a smaller shadow with her. they moved into the light a bit. they stood in front of me with steps leading down behind them. We were in a conversation I can't recall. I watched as the woman walked, she went from slim to a very obese woman. She asked me if I gave the joint to someone.

      as she asked it, more people came from walking up the steps. there were a few Women and one really short brown guy with a mean look on his face. someone asked "you gave a joint to someone?"

      i said "yea, It was a few inches long but not very big." I showed the thickness of it between my fingers, indicating it was really small. "It was a fucking pinner joint!" I said. Everyone laughed except the small brown guy.


      some vague dream aof walking around in my basement with asuka and other inner world characters.

      Asuka attacked

      yet again. I was in some dark place watching some weird creature put a series of spikes through her and she was screaming. It faded out.


      I am Shawna from junior high. Through her eyes I see myself sitting down and playing guitar. WTF?!?!?

      Updated 06-23-2010 at 05:03 AM by 6012

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    10. low recall

      by , 06-16-2010 at 03:25 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Low recall


      Yappy dog from hell

      I'm in one of my old friend's houses. I am suppose to take all the dogs (about 3) out the door and leave them outside. One small little dog doesn't want to go. It bite my hand hard. I spend minutes trying to pry it's teeth from my hand. Now, I like all animals... but this dog was from hell. Like if satan incarnated to earth as a bikini blond woman This would be her dog. I managed to get to the door and slowly pry it off my hand. I then threw it out the door and shut it fast.

      I walked back down the hallway and there was a guy there with dark skin. He said in a high pitched voice. "haha, that dog is just gonna come in through an open window and attack you again. sure enough i see it running towards me so I try to punch it as it jumps at me. It manages to latch it's teeth right onto my fist.

      Flying V

      3rd person view of seeing some space ships fly in a V formation. The middle ship is evil and is trying to blow up all the other ships. The other ships manage to destroy it. The ship spins out of control. I am expecting to see an epic space explosion. But the base turns into a wounded eagle and two men separate from it and fall to earth.

      My vision follows them to the ground. Suddenly I am there with them. The two men are like "shit, we're stranded on this god forsaken planet... what shall we do?" They decide to cook up the eagle for food. they sit, talk and munch. I see a blue house nearby and wonder if it's inhabited.

      Raven's dream

      I'm reading a dream by raven knight about a dream that happened earlier in the night. It reads something like.

      "I am with MoSh and we are walking around in a park. I am so excited to meet him in real life. But wait a minute... I actually don't remember meeting him first. How did I get here with him? This causes me to RC, I pinch my nose and become lucid. "MoSh!" I say. "we are dreaming!"


      just a flash of being with Asuka.


      A lucid image of looking at my hand.

    11. dreams over the past few nights

      by , 06-15-2010 at 04:05 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Ugly Fat Bald Guy

      I'm walking with my brother in some strange town. He tells me he is going to look for his friend. for some reason I enter a store. After looking through it for a bit I find an empty lot outside that's fenced off but it had a gate on one end. Standing before me is a familiar fat bald guy. I'm non lucid so his appearance terrifies me! he says "ahh you've come for a good beating I see. Don't try to run you'll never escape!" He pulls out a chain and starts twirling it around. I run for the exit and bit he blocks me path. I tell him that I give up. and He says we have to go inside for the beating. He goes ahead of me through the door

      "PSYCH!" I yell and rin for the fence. The dream slows down as I leave the gate. but through the gate is a wooden fence? I hide there so he doesn't see me. He looks around a bit and goes back in the store. I know the only way out is through the store. I sneak back in. I can hear the man ranting to his friends about how great he is. I run with my trunk forward through the aisles so they don't see me. On my way out the front door, the mans girlfriend spots me, she smiles but doesn't say anything to the man.

      After I leave I find my brother. He's with shannon and another younger gilr emiting a purple aura. I tell him I'll hang with him. He protests at first, but i tell him some creepy guy is prowling around, and if he attacks us we'll hav more people to Defend ourselves.

      False Awakening

      FA, Get out of bed and my dad is standing there... or is it my guide? anyway we talk about something but the dream is so vague i can't remember.

      going to meet Mzzkc

      I'm in my guides car and we are driving around calgary at night time. I know I've dreamed many times in this place. I remember lots of winding roads. Eventually he drops me off at a place that Mzzkc is at. It's in a plaza, and it's a one floor office building.

      I go inside and see my friend Rusty in side with two other people. They are setting up for something. There's a woman at a table (asuka). she tells me it's a $20 fee to enter. I pull out money and she tells me to put it in the cash register, which is a giant round orange wax candle with a flame in the center. I remember thinking it was weird, but i put the money in it anyway.

      Note: Mzzck also had a dream this night about being in an office building.

      Crazy shite

      I'm on my computer and I'm looking at an old song that nomad once made about dreamsharing. there's an orange light bulb lever i have to puch in order to play it though. After I am done I go into the kitchen. Asuka looks like my mom. and she's acting crazy... insulting me and what not. My, guide is there so I ask him what's going on. He says that this isn't real and I should definitely call for help.

      Asuka announces she will kill herself. with a manical grin she pulls out a bare razor blade for an olfa knife. She cuts her left wrist, first across the tracks and then down the tracks. She holds her left arm up to me. I can see a thin line where it cut, then blood starts to come from it. She then laughs manically.

      Raven's house

      I am standing outside a nice looking house thta belongs to Raven knight. all i remember is being jealous since my house didn't look as nice...

      note: Walms also found raven at a strange house that night

      I'm walking around the old chilliwack highschool. Actually it's a cross between that highschool and my elementary school. I discover a door that leads up. I walk into an extra part of the the school that's being built: an upper level. I'm on a ledge now and I see some men in a higher up part putting on drywall. I jump up and float a bit. I think "weird I didn't know i could do this in waking life... I usually do this in dreams"

      I then fly up by the men working and land on a higher ledge. all the workers stop and am Amazed that i can fly. They say to do more. i flap my arms like wings and it takes me up. I then try to use another set of wings on my back... they worked in dreams so they might in waking life? anyway my memory gets foggy after this.


      i am walking in a house labyrinth. Actually running through it. A woman is behind me, we go down many hallways and find many hiding places.

      New forum

      I'm with asuka in a dark classroom. The room represents a forum for dreamers. I sit with her on a couch. She is saying something like, half of the people here know that I'm her boyfriend. I say that it shouldn't be a problem, people will less likely bother her at this place since they know that. I then put my arm around her and we talk some more.

      Later i go to my computer and log into DV. i have a long message from nomad sent to me and other forum people. He's talking about the new forum and how a bunch of members decided to go. he is also inviting everyone to come along.

      Updated 06-15-2010 at 04:38 AM by 6012

      non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable
    12. Man of Shred's New Dreams

      by , 06-10-2010 at 02:15 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Quote Originally Posted by Man of Shred View Post
      Lots of dreams about picnic tables.

      Breaking into Jail

      I'm going up a hill with someone. Maybe Alternate Asuka... We enter a building that's like a prison. We are trying to enter it. Some Dcs come up to us and tell us in Kaelin sees us he's going to kill us. I see kaelin come up to us and he says it's ok that we are here but we should leave.

      I briefly remember leaving.


      I briefly remember visiting my neighbor tony... but later I am driving a car down the street. Tony runs up to us really fast. But he looks like Matt. he has long hair dyed blue. He is smiling and laughing about something.

      Jail again.

      Briefly Remember leaving this jail with Asuka. We walk down a long path until it's nightfall. I become Semi lucid. I briefly ask how how I leave this place. She says meditate by the tree. I find a huge tree and sit in front of it. I begin meditating. I feel myself merge with the tree.

      Don Juan at my picnic table

      I'm sitting outside in my back yard. I'm sitting on a picnic table. Very vague dream. But it's more like I am in two dreams at once. In one I'm sitting on the picnic table talking to Don juan Matus. I consciously shift to another dream where I am sitting with Raven Knight at the table. I am relaying the information from don Juan to her. I'm sure the information is specifically for her. But for some reason I have to take his info and then give it to her. Something about how she doesn't have enough personal power to reach him. But he's leaving me with instructions for her from him. I think it's a way to reach him. Since she wasn't supposed to remember the information from our previous meeting with him. He was rather impressed that she was able to pull the information out anyway.

      He thinks it could be an ongoing friendship with her. where he relays to her information that she writes down. She may be able to put it down in a book. But first. She must do something for him.. she must follow his instructions he has given her in order to reach him. She must keep and follow these instructions for herself. If she has a super hard time understanding them however, she is allowed to tell some of it to myself, I can give her hints.

      Sorry Raven that's the most I can recall.

      Alternate Asuka at my picnic table

      She's telling me that since I have my Asuka back. She should probably leave and continue her journey to figure out her path. She might check up on the MoSh I visited. But she might look into other options. She thanks me for allowing her to stay. I tell her she's welcome to come by anytime and visit us, just in case she needs support.

      Cacophony at my picnic Table

      I'm with C at my picnic table. She's telling me that she's not ignoring me. She hopes she wasn't giving me the wrong idea by not getting a hold of me lately. She keeps saying sorry. She says something like there's something that is priority. Not sure. She hopes we can continue our friendship. She then gives me some gift wrapped in some sort of cloth.


      I'm in some place like a garden section of Home Hardware. there is some girl cleaning and doing a really good job. Some lady compliments me, that my girlfriend is really good at cleaning.
    13. Man of Shred's New Dreams

      by , 06-10-2010 at 02:14 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Quote Originally Posted by Man of Shred View Post
      Not so great Recall last night. Woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep. I'll include some dreams from the other night as well.


      Flash of walking with Asuka in some town. we enter some park where there is some intersecting walkway paths. We take the longer route to talk more.

      Brief Lucid

      I'm falling asleep and find myself at work. Everything looks different so I RC. but the dream fades out.

      note: I should keep RCing at work!

      Recalling Dreams From a parallel Universe.

      I'm in bed and I start remembering flashes of dreams I had a few days ago. I vividly remember lying in bed and remembering these dreams. But I actually don't remember remembering them. It's like they are my dreams but they belong to someone else. They are my dreams but so foreign.

      I get up and Asuka is there. I say. "Are you helping me recall dreams from your MoSh that died?"
      She nods. "Well stop it." I say. "It's freaking the fuck out of me. I have enough on my plate as it is already.". She says sorry and starts crying.


      I'm outside my house in olds. Some new people are moving in. I try to talk to them but they completely Ignore me. I walk down the street to Uptown.

      Later I enter a building. I get semi lucid and find myself in a strange building. I feel like I have to teleport somewhere. I see a yellow box that's finger painted by children or something. I remember I once teleported in a dream by going inside a cardboard box, thinking of the place and then opening it. I go into the box but can't close it. The edges are covered with fresh candle wax. I pull the edges together anyway while wax continually drips on me.

      I give up and decide to try and manifest a bigger cardboard box. someone else is with me now disguised as my cousin. It's the alternate Asuka. but I don't realize it's her. She asks me what I'm doing. I say I am trying to teleport to an alternate universe, and I need a carboard box. She says she'll help. We enter another room and find a cardboard paper. for some reason I am writing a message on it. The Asuka says i should give up my message and she'll help me make a teleportation device.


      I enter a building like a music hall. Some strange girl runs up to me and says "OMG you're that awesome guitar player from youtube." She grabs my neck and strangles me while continuing to shout that she's happy to meet me. I have some mixed feelings about this.

      alternate me

      i am in a familiar bar. I am with someone. Ileave him for a while and go back to the table. He's drinking himself silly. I try and tell him that there's an Asuka he can meet in case mine dies like his did. He drinks more and whines that he'd never remember her anyway. He even ruined all of his friendships with Nomad, Walms, Cacophony, Sererenity, and others. And his Raven is continually trying to heal him in dreams and it's pissing him off. I tell him if he doesn't have his act together by the time My asuka gets her flame back. I'll keep both Asuka's to myself. then I thank him for reminding me where I don't want to end up.


      Vague dream where I was with nomad and Cacophony. can't remember the details. but I remember it was a good dream.

      even tho I am trying to not focus on shared dreaming... I still wind up with others... go figure.

      The grounding continues.
    14. most epic dream I ever had.

      by , 06-09-2010 at 12:28 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      01-19-2010 The Great Diverge
      wrote this dream in two parts:
      pt 1: http://dreamviews.com/community/show...&postcount=348

      pt2: http://dreamviews.com/community/show...&postcount=351

      The great diverge

      I don't know where to start with this one.

      I was sliding down a water slide. I reached the bottom and instead of splashing into the water I was suddenly in my room on my dream laptop.
      I was readinga message from Leo Zumi? That name was familiar. but not correct. The last name was off. Zagumi perhaps? no. Zagami. YeS LEO ZAGAMI! His message was hard to read. Damn dream words anyway. All i made out was "Under Attack". Under attack? who? him? or me?

      I found myself floating above outside a mall. 3 Women were standing in a triangle holding hands. I wondered what they were doing. As I was thinking this I was walking down a hallway in my house My mother was standing by the garage door which was also a bathroom. She yelled Inanities at me as i walked by. I stepped into the garage/bathroom. I went to the mirror and opened it. I didn't feel like looking at myself right now. I grabbed my toothbrush. I looked around the rest of the small shelves behind the mirror.
      No toothpaste. I closed the mirror and looked on the counter by the sink. Still no toothpaste. fuck it I thought and splashed water on my toothbrush. I'll bear the pain of no toothpaste. I began brushing. it was uncomfortable. At least i was getting the scum off... My dentist would be happy at least. I looked up at the mirror. I was hoping the scum on my front teeth was gone. But i wasn't looking at my reflection.

      I saw my laptop. I was sitting there at my laptop. Forget Leo's message I thought, i better check Mortal Mist and See if The Cusp Remembered my dream about him. maybe it was a mutual dream?
      I went to his DJ. He indeed had an entry about me. it read "I talked with Man of Shred in a dream. he had a lot of bogus ideas. him and his dreamshare crew are a bunch of idiots". At least he remembered the dream... as for the rest. what a prick. Fuck it. I'll add it to the dreamshare thread anyway.

      I was looking down at the outdoor mall scene again. The 3 women were standing in a triangle holding hands. I saw two people approach them. There were leaves swirling around the two people. the leaves turned into mist. They looked familiar. but i couldn't put a finger on it. It was a man and a woman. The woman grabbed one of the 3 women by the arm and tugged them tightly. The woman in the triangle wouldn't budge. The woman who was pulling said to the man. "He's caught in a love triangle he can't get out of." him I thought... Those are all women...

      My perception of the event change. I saw myself, Asuka, and Sydney sitting in the hallway by the garage door from the inside all holding hands with their eyes shut.. The door was left open.
      That's right! I thought. I had invited Sydney to my house before i fell asleep so that me, her and, Asuka could share energies to create an inner dream!... then why was i floating above them?

      I was in my garage/bathroom brushing my teeth. I saw something in my perphials. I looked to the door that entered the house I saw clouds of dark energy seeping into the garage. A voice in my head sounded. it said "Vex is wanting to dream with you again... she has questions."

      "Not now" I said to the voice speaking to me. "I don't want to expose her to dark energy. Critical stage... Dark energy would ruin it... Wait a minute... Why was there Dark energy in my inner world?"

      I was floating above myself, Asuka and Sydney. I saw two dark specters surrounding them. Sydey had created a tight forcefield around us, combining our energies, to keep the dark energy out. There wasn't too much dark energy surrounding the two people tho. I could make them out. It was A and P. My Old foes. I floated as a point of conciousness into the garage where myeself was stinding at the mirror brushing. I entered his body. I was now staring at the garage door where A and P were trying to pull me from the dream triangle. A said "They are creating a strong forcefield. I can't pullthem from the triangle."

      "HEY!" I shouted at them. They Turned and looked at me. A did a double take... "WHADDYA THIK YOU"RE DOING?" I yelled at her.

      "You fucking Bastard!" A screamed at me.Her and P then charged at me.
      We then had begun something like a Kung fu fight in my garage. Our arms sped up faster than the eye could see.

      But she had not charged at me at all. She was still standing there....

      "You've Got no Fucking right!" she yelled at me.

      "No, YOU'VE got no right coming into MY HOUSE and MY DREAM. Especially when I told you a bazzilion times to stay the hell out! That Child Sydney is already stronger than you. You can't even get through her force field. It's Game over... Now LEAVE!" I said. I was getting angry. VERY ANGRY!

      "No!" She yelled like a 4 year old having a Temper Tantrum. "You're hurting her. You're doing things to her... Worse than a snuff film!" She stammered.

      "What the hell are you talking about?" I said. "Look at her." A was Still transfixed on me. "LOOK AT HER!" I yelled. at A. "Does she look like she's being harmed in any way?"

      A looked confused. "What are you doing there?" she asked indicating to the three of us sitting in a circle.

      "We're creating an inner dream." I said. " I thought i had told you about that before... and BTW Before YOU showed up we were all dreaming about being at a Waterpark..."

      " BULLSHIT!" She yelled again. "You're doing MORE than that."

      "That's true." I said. "All three of us Are sharing our energy. It helps her get stronger... you know that. It helps my recall at times. Nothing wrong is going on at all. Asuka is sharing her Energy. Raven once joined in as well. Now Why are so fixated on me still? Is it Really about her?"

      "It's true, He's helping me" Sydney chimed in while she briefly broke out of trance.

      It looked like A was about to say something but she knew she was beat. But she Was stubborn. I cut her off and went into a rant. " BY THE WAY. I know for a Fact that she doesn't like P."

      "THAT'S RIGHT" Sydney Chimed in again.

      " And did you know that for a while. P unknowingly created his own false image of Sydney in his own inner world for a while and didn't know? That's right the one that he thought was confusing me with him." I put my hand over my mouth concealing a laugh."There's NO FUCKING WAY. anyone could confuse me with him. That would be like confusing a Toad with a Swan. You say That I am hurting her. I ask you to look at her again. When she was released from you she looked like a malnourished five year old. After a few months of my 'hurting her' She looks as healthy as ever. Her dreambody looks like she's pushing 10 years of age now."

      both A and P were both shaking with rage. I knew they were about to attack. "You got no Fucking right" A yelled again. but her words sounded empty. I made a pushing gesture with my hands and transparent Vectors shot out from each hand. The ends went into A and P foreheads and I lifted them from the ground.
      "Now what I wanna know." I said. "Is how you got released from your prison A". The vectors began probing their minds. I was getting images of a black monster trying to penetrate a shield with A encased inside. The black monster was now talking to Remote viewers. The same ones that had been harassing me and the rest of my dreaming crew.
      "so that's it. I said. "P made a deal with the Templars and they helped him get you released. Of course! It's what i put in my laptop. It all makes sense now." I then was reminded of when nomad failed to read what was in my laptop, before he took the hard drive out and put it into my head in his dream. I then noticed my Vectors were feeding back to me Dark energy. I became engraged. Two more vectors came from behind my shoulders and wrapped around them both. I then grabbed a hold of the vectors with my hands and began bashing A and P around the garage.

      I hit them against the ceiling, walls and concrete countless times. In another dream i was continuing the Kung fu fight. I did an overpunch at A. she blocked but i followed up with and under punch and hit her in the stomach. She held her torso and backed into the driveway. I then grabbed P's face and did a sweeping kick on him and I slammed his head on the pavement as he fell. suddenly i was still throwing them around the garage with my vectors.

      I dragged them outside. Dark energy was seeping into me. Nomad just came out of a portal. He did a double take.
      "DAMN YOU NOMAD!" I yelled. "If you would have just read for me what was in that laptop, instead of showing off none of this would have happened." I then threw A and P at him. He ducked out of the way.I could sense the dark energy was influencing my hatred. Just what the templard wanted. "I'll cuss you out another day nomad." And P were rolling on the ground but began to get up. "but first help me get them beyond the barrier that Raven set up." Just then a Wave emanated out of P. both him and A were floating up in the air now. The Wave hit us and knocked us back. A had thrown fireballs out of her hands and hit me. I was getting tired now. Would nomad be able to finish them off without me?

      "STOP IT RIGHT THERE!" I looked up. There were two tall green elves floating just beyond the barrier that Raven had set up. It was a and P from the time of Mu. Mu P threw a kind of bubble with a chain at P. which grabbed P. Mu P pulled him beyond the barrier. they dissapeared in a pillar of yellow light. Mu A had A by the hair and yanked her beyond the barrier.
      Mu A was furious. "WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO HURT HIM." She yelled. " YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Mu A yelled at A again. "Stop trying to hurt him". She told A.

      "Woah." nomad said. he seemed to have recovered a bit.

      "Woah is right." I told him. "I think we are witnessing the very thing that corrupted her soul... A dream time paradox of all things!" I said.

      "Don't worry." Mu A said. "I'll see to it that she'll never touch you again. You won't see me here for that matter again either." Mu A zipped off with A in a pillar of yellow light.

      "Sorry i yelled at you Nomad." i said. "It's the dark energy... I need healing."

      the alarm clock woke me up.

      here's what the vectors kind of looked like

      Updated 06-09-2010 at 04:13 AM by 6012

      nightmare , memorable , non-lucid
    15. I hate Brad Pitt

      by , 05-31-2010 at 01:38 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Chiu chi ling: I was outside a chinese building and Chiu chi ling (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQsNgQPGgfo) was there. He was complimenting my tiger and crane form. He was also giving me pointers and showing me things.

      False awakening: I dreamt i woke up and wrote the keywords from the previus dream down. when i went to write the rest of the dreams this morning there was no keywords

      Brad Pitt: I was in a room with Brad Pitt. he was telling me to turn up the radio. I kept fiddling with the radio but when i turned the knob anotehr station would drone in over it.

      Crash: I was with a brown haired woman. I was getting into her car but the doors were all messed up. I wound up ni the very back row of seats.
      She began driving on a road and minutes later we went crashing into a ditch. We hit a shed and suddenly both of us were in a basement. She said we should move out because a storm was coming soon. I said that this basement would protect us, but she insisted. We went out of the basement.

      later we wound up outside and discovered her car was still drivable.

      Wierd dream: I was at some corner store looking for a glass of water. I was handed some sort of hollow stick. I saw something giving off lots of steam, so i held the stick over the steam to collect the water that way. The stick began to fill up and i saw it was filled with chicken.

      I began walking out of the store and noticed i had a staff with me. I ran into Joe and asked him how he liked living in Carstairs. He said that the street he lived on was like it's own little town and that he felt a connection there. A friend with joe that looked like him argue since his street was in Carstairs that it wasn't it's own town.

      I looked towards the store and remember Jen was waiting for me to come back with my water. but she pulled out and decided not to wait for me.

      Fragment: i was in an apartment with someone.
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