She's back
, 03-14-2024 at 02:32 AM (113 Views)
Let's see if I remember all the dreams from the past 3 days.
Jamie 1
Just a flash of being in a store like Wal-Mart I walk up to a counter where Jamie is working. But she's freezing me out. If she comes to know me again in person, I hope she instructs me properly on how to deal with her when and if she still gets like that.
Jamie 2
Just her standing in the black space again. She is standing expectantly of me. But the dream fades fast.
pure audio HH dream where it almost sounds like Jamie speaking to me. But now it's gibberish and it's not her voice at all. I force myself to wake up.
Something about being in a car or van with my dog.
Jamie 3
Audio HH dream again. Jamie is speaking a love poem she seems to have written to me. I believe she sent me a poem back when I knew her. But I couldn't tell if it was written for me or the guy she was after at the time. So naturally I was standoffish about it, which resulted in a slight argument. This time however, I have learned my lesson. "Aw that's sweet! Is it about me? are you trying to tell me something?". Is that better? And no I don't remember what the words were. This happens to me when I hear music in HH as well. I know guitar, some piano, and a little violin. But, Adulting work life always takes over and makes me forget.
I was in an abandoned house or something. I felt demons entering my mind. My dog was dragging me by the arm away from the place.
Jamie 4
Brief flash, she is in a dimly lit room with another man about to have sex with him. I.. really don't wish to dream about this. I know in previous dreams her tone seems to indicate she might reach out, (Or we encounter one another by happenstance,) for a very specific goal. I just hope she has her house in order when doing so. I feel I am expected to as well. It goes both ways.
Jamie 5
I am in a convenience store, and Jamie is there. She seems to have that darkness in her again. She's dressed strangely, almost like a hobo. She seems very seductive towards me. I'm just playing along. She peels a small smiley face sticker from a paper, kind of like the Wal-Mart ones that the door greeters use to have. She asks "Where should I put it?", "On your bum." I say. She reaches behind her as if doing so. I raise my hand in the the air and make a twirling motion and I say, "Now turn around." She turns around almost dancing and stick her butt out to my groin and starts grinding. I say, "What? your booty shrunk! I coulda swore it was bigger." "Shut up." She says and throws me on the ground and starts kissing me as she mounts me. We seem to be in a bedroom and on a bed now.
Instantly the dream transitions, and I instantly forget where I was previously. Me and my dog are in a dark parking lot trying to get a ride from some woman. But she says she's driving someone else and drives away to a stall a ways away. now I'm in a warehouse with my dog. People are working. I forget the rest.
I always notice latley that when Jamie is being strange in a dream I always dream about my dog. Like it's a warning. Can't argue with kisses and a booty grind tho.