• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Side Notes

    1. Lucid: Cloud Form (Not Humanoid)

      by , 04-18-2011 at 08:42 AM
      I am skipping one massively awesome lucid dream to record this one. The one I'm skipping for the time being I recorded onto audio and will be documented here or elsewhere at a later time. The reason being, it is personal, and it is finally evidence of attempted fulfillment of my lucid task from April 2010: recollection of suppressed dream memories while in a lucid dream.

      The following lucid dream occurred without supplements:

      I emerged from blackness by opening my cellar door.

      I clearly remember seeing the corner of the cellar door appear from darkness as I swung it open into the light of the garage. I stepped out and looked around. It was nearly identical to the way it looked over a decade ago. My grandfathers old brown Cadillac was parked there. I instantly knew "this is a dream!" I thought: this is very realistic and I won't be able to forget this moment.

      I decided to fly out of my garage to look for something interesting to get into. With ease I lifted into the air and flew up the stairs. When I reached the door I told myself "Fly through it, this is a dream and I don't need to turn the knob." I flew into the middle and everything just went dark -I didn't emerge from the other side. I backed up and decided to fly under the door instead, which worked with perfect ease.

      I flew through the entry hall and under the crack of the front door outside. I zoomed into the air about 15-ft and down the front walkway. When I reached the street I started to head down the block. When I passed my next door neighbors house I paused to think about if I wanted to explore it or not. I decided not to, on account of the fact that I did so in another lucid dream recently (Blackbird Flying).

      The house looked inviting and cooler than in real life. There were lots of lights on inside, and some looked futuristic. I noticed my reflection as I started to fly away. It was not human. I appeared to be a wispy tan cloud with two glimmering blue star points of light representing my eyes.

      I started to accelerate away from the house when I had an annoying thought... I have "900-things" to get ready for work Monday. I can't just fly away until they are ready... (Things get very hazy and I woke up shortly after this.)

      What a disappointment to loose this extreme level of lucidity to anxiety vaguely related to a large work assignment.

      Updated 04-19-2011 at 04:17 AM by 32174

      side notes , lucid , memorable
    2. (Hyper Real) Lucid: Lava, Tsunami, Smoke

      by , 04-09-2011 at 09:54 PM
      The only other dream I've had in the past year with visuals this realistic and intense was Nightmare: Alternative Life. I can't stress this point enough, the visual quality of this dream was so acute and vibrant it makes my regular dreams seem low resolution. It was extremely stable and consistent, and I'm at a loss to understand why these dreams are so much superior to ordinary dreaming.

      I was driving down a main road in the California Bay area called El Camino. It was late afternoon and there was traffic. The flow was moving slowly. The location I was in looked like mesh of two cities I regularly drive through. I looked over one of the rolling hills there which is covered with houses. Suddenly the ground started to violently shake and I heard a huge ripping rumbling noise that muted out all other sounds.

      A volcanic stream of gas and lava shot out from behind the hill far into the air like an oil well or water fountain. It was glowing red and orange and raining lava all over the area. I could hear screams and utter panic. Car began to drive off the road and out of lanes. I made a U-turn onto the sidewalk and my tire hit the curb hard and instantly I got a flat. I noticed a Police SUV was also attempting to use the side walk to get closer to the blast...

      Just then, another volcanic steam erupted further to the south behind the hill in the direction I was now facing. It became obvious the roads were too chaotic to to drive away on. I jumped out of my car and looked at my tire. It was destroyed. I looked around at the panic and chaos for a moment. I thought "There is no way I can rescue my GF or Mother." I heard a man screaming. I looked up at the hill and there in the distance a person was getting doused with lava.

      While he was burning to cinders a Tsunami wave rose up above the height of the hill (which was at least 100ft) I could see through the aqua-green water against the bright sky. It came crashing down through the lava streams and put out the crisping man while still in the process of turning to cinders. I turned and started running full speed in the opposite direction of lave fissures and Tsunami. I started desperately looking for something nearby to climb on top of.

      I saw a cement 2-story building just off of El Camino with a large climbable tree next to it. My plan was to use the tree to get on top of the building as quickly as possible. The tree and building were in a depression in the ground. I jumped from the sidewalk area directly into the tree. I turned back and the water was about 20-ft away and quickly came crashing into the building and tree. Instantly the corner of the building exploded into rumble. The roof started to collapse and the tree I was on lost several branches when the water struck.

      I jumped out of the tree still heading further east, out of the ditch like area and onto another segment of sidewalk, part of another street running east. Water and junk was pushing me forward. I fell on my face, got up, and started running across the street to another large mostly dirt hill. The shape of the terrain was causing the Tsunami to fan outward before completely flooding the street I was on, but there was still a shallow sheet of water and debris ramming against my back.

      I made it to the hill when I started to notice the intense heat coming from behind. The lava gas stream was now emitting hot black smoke and the earth was shaking. I was running up the dirt hill, and falling on my face every few feet. When I was nearly at the top, there was huge clouds of pitch black smoke drifting eastward and engulfing me and other people. My body felt exhausted. I fell again and could feel wind buffeting me from random directions.

      I had the clear thought: "Maybe God expects me to die this way."

      With my last once of energy I dragged myself to the top of the dirt hill. There were other terrified people staggering to the top of the hill. I looked out to the East towards the bay. The ocean was drawn back and there were rivers of lava merging with ocean water creating columns of steam.

      There were no other places to run.

      I thought, "I need to call my friends and family but I knew my phone had been soaked." I pulled it out of my pocket and sure enough it was completely dead. I looked at the front of it, and then the back of it, then the front of it again. My phone didn't look right. It was smaller and fatter than real life. On the front of the phone in big white letters was written: "3-Mega Pixels."

      I thought: "This is a dream! Because my phone doesn't look like this!" I was relieved, but I really wanted to see what this dream was leading up to so I put my phone back away and "pretended" I wasn't lucid. The lava, flood, and darkness subsided. Not everything was destroyed. There was an apartment building near the hill that's upper floors had survived almost unscathed. A group of people made there way over there as there was no real way to reach any other place. (Things get hazy at this point.)

      The survivors began to live in this apartment. Time elapsed in the dream. Days at least. I remember us living like rats. We were cut off, and no one came to help us giving us the impression that this disaster was on a global scale. People were so morbidly depressed I remember one bulky man ripping his shirt of and crying like a baby. I felt so awful for him that I assured him this was nothing more than a dream...

      After that, I walked out onto the balcony (a common dream location from my past) and looked out over the bay. Which had swelled larger from the Tsunami. I looked up at the stars and they were crystal clear. I could see the little dipper in the sky. I said out loud "Since I'm only dreaming, how about some meteor strikes now too?" --Nothing happened at first.

      But as I starred at the little dipper, a superimposed image appeared over it. A slow fade in of a traditional Santa Clause with a bag of presents and sleigh appeared. I was surprised and disappointed.

      Clearly this dream was influenced by the recent tragedy in Japan which I watched live as I was awake late that night.

      Supplement: Liquid Gel Multi-vitamin and 500mg B5 directly before bed.

      Updated 04-09-2011 at 11:20 PM by 32174

      lucid , nightmare , memorable , side notes
    3. Lucid: Flying + Throwing Cars

      by , 03-25-2011 at 06:16 PM
      I've had a number of fragments and brief vivid dreams in the past week I've not recorded. If I don't have a fully recalled dream in the next few nights, I will go ahead and post the fragments in one entry. Because this fragment was lucid and connected to a discussion about flying here on Dream Views I wanted to log it right away.

      I was in a large bus parking lot. All the buses were light gray or white. Situated on the lot was some sort of military base. There was a militia on the lot, in gray and white camo. I became lucid while trying to evade them by weaving between buses. I took off flying but stayed at bus height so they couldn't see me flying around.

      I wanted to try something new so I flew over a car and picked it up by the top. My hands cut through the metal so my fingers could curl into a grip like a bowling ball. I hovered with the car in hands behind a group of soldiers in a jeep looking for me. They hadn't noticed me. I shouted "Hey guys!" They all turned around and I tossed the car at them which flew about 20-ft, flipped once in the air, crunched the jeep down about 40% as all the men leaped out of the way.

      I was thrilled. I flew away to go looking for another car. (For some reason I didn't try to lift a bus.) I left the lot area and was flying low over random suburbs. I spotted yet another white car. This time I tried to levitate the car into my hands so I didn't have to swoop all the way down to grab it...

      --Nothing happened.

      (I recall at this point thinking: I can't forget this dream now, it's much too vivid.) So I swooped down to the top and once again sunk my hands through the metal as if it were butter. Picked up the car, which was weightless, and flew around to decide where to throw this one next...

      I've been sleeping straight through the night without much waking up. It's reducing my recall severely. There was more to this dream, especially in the beginning.

      Updated 03-27-2011 at 05:05 AM by 32174

      lucid , side notes
    4. Class Warfare: A Violent Future

      by , 03-22-2011 at 05:15 AM
      The start of this dream is very hazy, although the recollected portion contains an element that was connected to the forgotten beginning. The visuals were all very realistic. This dream is similar to Monstrous Distant Future.

      Myself, and a group of people were being stalked by well armed men. We made our way through what looked like a heavily fortified underground base. The halls were illuminated future blue and made of smooth cement with digital entry pads. We made our way through a huge metal door and it shut behind us. Now we were inside some kind of military garage.

      It was almost pitch black, so I took out my flashlight. (This is my newest flashlight in real life.) I was looking around at different items, I could distantly hear the well armed men outside still. My battery died on my flashlight. (In real life, the batteries are getting low and need to be replaced soon.) I looked in my pockets for another flashlight and could only produce two highlighter pens. (Both in real life are low on ink also!) Someone else turned on there flashlight, and I saw a few armored vehicles around that looked as if they were being repaired from small arms fire.

      One area contained a crashed vehicle that had been chasing us earlier in the dream. I remember thinking we should scavenge it for whatever we could, but the crash seemed very eerie. I lost my nerve to take the dead people out of it.

      I made my way over to another heavy metal door with a glowing keypad. I exited the base into what appeared to be a residential neighborhood of three or four story buildings. These were condo like. Brown painted wood, with huge living room windows on the 2nd floor. Some of the group followed me out into this courtyard. Matte87 (from Dream Views) was one of them (he looked like he does in his profile picture). He seemed disgusted at how comfortable these people were, while our group was living like rats. (This was connected to something he mentioned in a recent Dream post.) He grabbed some rocks, and started launching them at this huge window - while just then a yuppie looking woman was walking up her stairs. I grabbed a coffee mug from off the ground and was about to launch next, but felt nervous to be caught.

      Some of our group had made their way up to a clubhouse in this complex with a bar. I heard one of the girls, who I hadn't seen yet, saying something outraged and insolent. Then she let out this terrible and guttural roaring belching sound followed by two loud clicks. Fire filled the entire bar area and bottles were exploding. I heard our group cheering. I wanted to see. So I climbed a set of stairs.

      When I arrived she had moved to the 3rd floor, and again I heard the same monstrous belching roar and two clicks. Followed by a flamethrower or furnace noise. I ran up two flights this time, and found a pleasant looking blond with a long pony tail standing in a small lounge area. She was surrounded by people who were expectantly waiting for her to destroy it. I said something close to, "Oh, let me see what you can do." She instantly became coy and said "I would but I don't want you to get a bad first impression of me." -I was suspecting something sinister now.

      I said, "Okay, I will just turn around and you can do it behind my back." She agreed, and for the third time, and the loudest, I heard this growling chattering burping roar followed by two sharp clicks, like giant teeth. Then came the furious furnace-like fire sound. I remember thinking:

      "This room is so small, she will burn everyone up."
      -Then I woke up.

      Updated 03-23-2011 at 12:31 AM by 32174

      memorable , side notes , non-lucid
    5. Dreamland: Olden Attic

      by , 03-19-2011 at 10:36 PM
      My house was a combination of my present home, my childhood home, and my Grandparents Victorian home. My GF was with me, and I got the impression other people were around the house but early in the dream I didn't see them. The visuals were vibrant and realistic.

      I asked my GF to wait for me in the attic for some reason. She had just taken a shower and agreed happily. I went into the bathroom after she got out, and I could hear her moving around the floor above me. (Hearing people through walls is a dream sign: Dream 005 & Blackbird Flying) I went down stairs, which led to a weird mix of my Grandparents Victorian and my childhood home. My Mom was down there in a ground level green sitting room. It had a small curtained window with blue dusk light spilling out around the edges of the curtain. She was day dreaming or deeply in thought. We had small talk for a while.

      I decided not to keep my GF waiting any longer, I entered my middle bedroom which actually exists in my present house. Inside the closet, there was an extremely old looking pull down latter. I climbed up the latter about 10ft into a small square attic with four shelves. On the shelves were lots of stuffed animals and books. I felt confused. I saw no where else to go. (Recall gets hazy.) From behind me someplace came a woman I took to be one of my cousins, but, never got a clear look at her and didn't recognize her. She pointed out a black and white brochure that recorded the history of one of my ancestors who's books were stored in this attic. There were many unusual sounding books (none of which I recall the exact name of). I remember thinking, a few of these books I would like to "check out" of this library. (Recall gets hazy.)

      After looking at the brochure, the space in the attic had opened up.
      There was a series of rooms situated on the beams in the attic precariously. None had walls, some "rooms" required a leap over weak "fall through" points between beams. There was a group of family members up there with me by this point. None who I recognized or recall clearly. I was fascinated by the familiar location , and the dangerous areas of the attic. (Recall gets hazy.) I looked out an attic window and the view was consistent with a view from the roof of my Grandparents Victorian home (which does have an attic). *I saw two brown hawks flying away. One of them was wearing a strange pendant. I was worried how I "lost" my girlfriend. I was still watching the Hawks fly away from an old looking house about attic height. I heard a voice attempting to reassure me:

      "Do not worry about her. Many of your family members were abducted from this attic, and returned." -I woke up.

      The attic dream location is olden. There is no accessible attic space in my present home, or any home I have lived in.

      I'm extremely happy to have logged current dreams that are consistent in ways with my dreams from over 10-years ago. I was wondering if a lot of our old dream themes get retired. Some of my dreams from the late 90's clearly featured elements from early childhood, but my recent dreams didn't seem too. The other problem was, when I did get the sense I had dreamed of an older theme, for some reason those dreams were more difficult to remember. I would recall only a vague impression of a distorted home.

      Likewise, part of my goals for mapping dreamland included using my home as a gateway to old dream locations and repressed dream memories. In 11-months of efforts, this dream is the first with vivid recollection of childhood dream archetypes. Although I've had dream fragments of secret passages and elevators leading to weird but familiar dream locations.

      (*) Birds flying is becoming a nightly dream sign. It's resulted in levels of lucidity in repeated dreams.

      Updated 03-20-2011 at 07:30 PM by 32174

      non-lucid , side notes
    6. Nightmare: Old Best Friends & A Dark Cloud

      by , 03-17-2011 at 07:20 PM
      This was early in the first sleep cycle. The dream didn't start instantly, that I'm aware of, but about 20-30 minutes later.

      It was night time. I was living in my backyard neighbors house. In my mind, both of these houses were home. (They are very similar to each other in real life.) Everything was epic looking. Larger than life. The house was roughly double sized and decadent like no expense was spared making it. A bright moonlight night was outside my windows. I got a loving phone call from my girlfriend who needed a ride. I felt fantastic. I was wondering which house to take my GF too.

      I went out the front door, but it exited onto my backyard patio. Standing there in near pitch blackness were my two lost best friends, in the old version of backyard (it was redesigned a few years ago). They were laughing and talking together, both harshly and intoxicated.

      I don't recall exactly what was said (it may have been abstract) but it was very rude. I remember them physically surrounding me on both sides. Slapping me on the back. I felt offended and overwhelmed. They acted like crude, spiteful, burnout versions of themselves.

      Just then, the backdoor opened. Out came an arm with a rather long thin, gray telephone receiver. I heard a voice say from inside the house: "Telephone for you!"

      I thought, "Which of my old friends will be rude to me next?" I became very distressed and cornered feeling.
      --Then I woke up.

      Waking Hallucination (?): When I opened my eyes. I was laying on my back. Above me, slightly off to the left and down a couple of feet was a large dark spot on my ceiling. I kept blinking hard. I'm sure I was awake. I looked around the room, all else looked normal.

      The black spot was about a 2-foot radius. I started to focus on it carefully and could see that the edges of it were swirling. As if it was a flat-ish mist disc, or a rotating projection. It was slowly drifting away from over my bed, to the left corner near the foot.

      I was watching it closely. The mist started to thin a little, and as it did: two faintly glowing eyes appeared in the middle, blankly looking back at me. They were about 10-inches apart, beady, and slightly smaller than dimes. After several seconds more, the "thing" gradually faded.

      To my awareness, I've never experienced visual hallucinations upon waking up before. I was not paralyzed or having a false awakening. At no point was I afraid. I wasn't sure what I was looking at exactly. I felt more relieved to have left the dream, than afraid of the cloud. I got out of bed. I didn't go back to sleep for hours.

      Fell asleep a little after 2AM and woke up at 2:38AM. Generally speaking, this is a weird time for vivid dreaming. I usually don't recall dreams in the first 3-REM stages. When I do, it typically ends a 90-minute cycle. However, I've noted a few nightmares in the first REM cycle after viewing shocking material.

      Note: I have an unpublished dream journal of strong, bewildering nightmares that took place heavily in 2007, lingered into 2008. In June 2009, I had one terrible nightmare. Some of the recent trickster elements in my dreams reminded me of those days.

      Updated 04-15-2011 at 04:49 AM by 32174 (Typo correction)

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , side notes
    7. Precongitive (WILD): Lucid Animals

      by , 03-16-2011 at 08:40 AM
      I have been getting interrupted sleep the past several nights. I casually decided I could use this to enter REM instantly upon closing my eyes. I did this once recently while stressed out (Night Hike on a Freeway). This might be the first dream I ever remembered in which I was aware of being asleep prior to the dreaming beginning.

      I saw an image emerging from the blackness. It looked almost like a small flower shaped hole in the dark. I could see a well light sepia tone scene emerging on the other side of it. -I became so excited at viewing a dream form from blackness that I woke up.

      I laid still. I was determined to re-enter the dream. I have never re-entered a dream to my recollection. This may not have been the same dream, but the vibe was similar.

      I was in the blackness, awake. A fully detailed dream location appeared. I was standing in the middle of the street looking at an old friends house I walk past on a regular basis. I lost lucidity for a moment. Then, as I watched, all these animals started to emerge from around the property. Raccoon's, cats, and then an adorable looking squirrel came hopping in my general direction. "This is a dream!" I said as soon as I saw it. (This moment is almost identical to: Super Lucid Blackbird Flying) I was thrilled. I turned around to take in the whole scene.

      When I looked to my left, there charging happily towards me were four large shaggy dogs: Black, White, Burgundy, and Golden. I was so shocked by the closeness - I instantly woke up. (*)

      Again I was laying in bed. I didn't move a muscle. This was not a feat of willpower, I was super tired. But internally determined to keep the dreams rolling.

      I was in the blackness awake again. I saw a distorted face emerging a few inches in front of me. All at once, a mirror appeared and I was looking into it at close range. This sounds scary, but I was lucid. I started making various expression in the mirror. I looked more handsome than in real life. My skin was perfect and my flaws were gone.

      (*PRECOGNITIVE*) When I woke up, I needed to pass that same house. I was planning to make it a good "reality check point." As I arrived I smiled. Looked at the house, then, I looked across the street. -My jaw dropped. Right there, about 25-35-ft ahead of where I saw them: Three medium sized dogs, black, white, golden - being walked by a 30-something woman wearing a hat.

      The burgundy colored dog was missing. The real dogs were medium sized not large. I don't recall ever seeing this group of dogs before, although it's possible. I usually do pay attention to the friendly animals I cross paths with in my neighborhood.

      In my first dream journal there was a tiny percentage of dreams that weren't quite precognitive, more like educated guesses Dream: 037 & Dream: 067. This 4-dogs dream is the first dream I'm aware of featuring:

      1) So many different dogs together I don't know.
      2) About 75% accurate and did occur asap almost at the exact location as in the dream.

      I learned over the years that dreams produce: abstractions of people, mind tricks, fake conversations, illusions, distortions, false memories, etc. I never gave precognitive dreams much serious thought.

      Supplements (before bed): 500mg of B5, and 200mg B6. First time trying this combination. I usually take one or the other. Generally, I've found these vitamins help with recall, but cause more shallow dreaming. This dream is consistent in general with past experiences without taking supplements.

      Updated 03-17-2011 at 06:31 PM by 32174

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes , lucid
    8. Semi-Lucid: Monstrous Distant Future

      by , 03-07-2011 at 12:30 PM
      This dream was not quite as vivid as the last few and I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that I didn't recall it until I had been awake for about 10-minutes. I may not have woken up right as it ended, so I'm lucky to remember it at all:

      I was on a half destroyed city street. I had a very cool gun with a future blue night-vision scope mounted on it. Walking along the streets were flesh colored monsters with big heads and tentacles for arms. I was shooting at them from several blocks away using the amazingly cool scope.

      I was with a small group of people. We decided to move onto other areas. (Recall gets very hazy at this point.) We traveled until what seemed like noon because the environment became very crisp and sunny after this. We moved to a valley that was huge and forested with trees in every direction. There were no signs of civilization and I had the impression there had been, but it was all over grown now.

      Without quite being lucid, I reasoned with the right amount of effort I could fly like a Falcon over the valley to scope out a place for us to scavenge for weapons or make a base of operations. I vaguely recall sending out a Falcon firstly, and then some how deciding that I could simply follow him. I soared into the air over the vast forested valley. I clearly remember flapping my arms at one point, like a bird, while the other watched.

      I discovered, I was actually looking at my home city deep into the future and now massively overgrown. A tall mountain had ripped upwards miles into the sky completely altering the appearance of the entire region.

      I directed everyone to my house so that we could scavenge it for food and weapons. It was half flattened and overgrown with trees and dirt. I did find several of my belongings that didn't quite look right. I was perplexed by how different my stuff looked in the future.

      Eventually we made our way further down the valley to a compound that was sitting in front of a black-ish swampy lake. There was something like a private militia residing there. They welcomed us in, and warned that the lake was filled with monsters. I looked out a window with thick metallic blinds. I could see what looked like pink fleshy half men half fish creatures swimming around in it. The leader informed us that the lake ran underground, all the way under the compound. (These visuals were extremely realistic.)

      I looked at my group and asked, "Why would we stay here then?"

      For a long time I've had dreams in which I fly, but don't become totally lucid. Pretty annoying actually. I also made the connection that seeing a bird in flight triggered the lucid power of flight exhibited in the Super Lucid: Blackbird Flying dream.

      Updated 03-21-2011 at 01:50 AM by 32174

      non-lucid , side notes
    9. Nightmare: Extremely Realistic Alternate Life

      by , 03-04-2011 at 11:45 PM
      The following dream I had on 5-hours sleep. This would have been my 3rd REM cycle which means this dream may have been over 45-minutes long. It was extremely, extremely, realistic. To the point that when I woke up I felt I had not been home in days or weeks. The visual quality, in complete honesty, was more vivid than real life. I say this because in real life our eyelashes block our view and veins in our eyes can make some lighting conditions slightly blurry. I have 10/20 vision so this was not a product of wearing or needing glasses or contacts.

      I woke up. My long time friend Lynn was massaging my right hand as I did. She didn't look completely sober and she seemed very bleary and passionate about giving me this hand massage. I felt uneasy, because I have a jealous girlfriend and I was wondering how I let myself alone with Lynn in a room.

      Sitting in the room on a chair a few feet from my bed was an earthy/hippy looking guy in his mid 20's with rusty blond hair and beard. Lynn was saying something to me about working my energies or something. She eventually got off my bed and headed out the door. The guy sitting there laughingly told me about how Lynn had pulled a similar stunt and acted really weird to someone else recently in attempt to practice her Chinese medicine.

      I did not recognize the room I was in. It was beige, metallic, somewhat cramped and had no windows. I felt confused as to where I was or how I got there. The guy started making small talk (which I don't recall and) I wasn't paying much attention, as I had a sinking feeling I was some how terribly lost.

      The guy suggested I go into the living room with him, so I got out of bed and followed him. The living room looked shabby and unimpressive. We sat down on a brownish colored sofa and continued to talk as I desperately tried to orient myself. Soon afterward, one by one, all my "roommates" came home. There must have been at least ten other people I appeared to be living with. I didn't know who any of them were, but they all seemed very familiar with me.

      They all sat around talking to each other about various things. (This part of the dream could have easily lasted 10-minutes by itself.) I sort of made excuses for myself for not knowing what the hell was going on. I just woke up. I didn't feel too hot. But eventually admitted, "I have no idea who any of you are!" They laughed it off, and implied I had done too many drugs or something the night before. I started to become terrified of the possibility I had a massive case of amnesia. I hid it, but inside the fear was swelling up strongly.

      Then, Sabrina, a girl I haven't seen in many, many years walked in with a big smile. She looked thinner and healthy and I stood up to greet her. I somewhat shouted for joy. "Sabrina! Now you I know!" Everyone laughed. At this point I said "Now I don't know if I'm dreaming or not." I was so relieved to see another person I knew, the fear level dropped and I could pretend to fit in a little. (This part of the dream could have lasted another 10-minutes.)

      Eventually my girlfriend walked in and it looked like she had just got off work. She looked sweet and very calm like she had a good day. When I saw her I felt desperate to take her aside and confide in her how lost and uncertain I felt. She told me "Lets go up to our apartment." I felt relieved, because I thought we all lived in that small unit together and I couldn't understand why I would ever choose to live that way.

      We walked into the halls which were also metallic and had dark worn-out atmosphere difficult to put into words. The place looked futuristic but extremely old like something from the movie Bladerunner. I followed my girlfriend up flights of stairs like a lost puppy. She remained calm and not alarmed. On the way up the stairs I asked her "Can we go back to my home? I just want to know that it's still real." She laughed it off and we walked to our apartment door.

      At this point I turned around and saw a crazed looking man was following closely behind me. I opened our door, which sealed like the door of a submarine and had a bright red glowing light above the thick black metallic peep hole. I seemed to know how to open it perfectly well and I shoved her in the door, followed, then double locked ourselves in. Checking the locks from inside, they seemed loose.

      Our door entered close to the kitchen. The place looked even darker, more cramped, and less inviting than the first apartment. I was starting to become very, very, uncomfortable again. Our apartment was divided into three floors. The basement level I never went to, but it was nearly pitch black save for a few red LED's on the walls. I followed her upstairs to our bedroom area. There laying on a chair was a very pale girl with shorts on sitting on a chair half dazed.

      I was alarmed, but my GF explained that was only our roommate. I told her I couldn't take this place any more and asked if we could go for a walk outside. She agreed, and we left through a side door and went outside where there was only an empty parking lot, and gray looking forest. We walked into the forest and I started to feel dizzy. (The dream started to destabilize.) Horror struck again...

      I put my arm around her for balance and asked "Am I mentally retarded now? Did I have some sort of accident?" She only just slightly smiled and looked at me. --Then I woke up.

      I want to emphasize, when I woke up I felt I hadn't seen my bedroom in at least 2-3 days. I felt like a stranger to my own life, and I noticed that my real room was not as visually intense as my dream room.

      This dream falls into a common category of my dreams: Bizarre Apartment
    10. Super Lucid: Blackbird Flying

      by , 02-26-2011 at 02:07 PM
      At last another lucid dream! I believe this one was stimulated by a combination of me singing the Beatles song Blackbird, and Dead Space 2 in which the lead character flies.

      It was around 9am with clear blue skies. I was standing in the middle of my backyard on a dead tree stump. (The stump was removed years ago.) Around me I noticed all sorts of creatures were crowding. Birds, squirrels, and then I saw a cute gray bunny rabbit. I was surprised by that, but even more when following the cute bunny closely was a Jackrabbit.

      Instantly I knew this was a dream when I saw it. I did my traditional reality test - flying. I lifted off the ground with complete control and ease. The animals were excited and especially the birds. I felt a wave of mental clarity wash over me. My body vanished. My perspective became small as a birds and I began to loop around my backyard while the birds joined me in loops, spins, and songs. It was very playful, peaceful, and extremely fun.

      I locked my focus onto a pair of blackbirds who were flying together still over the yard. I began to follow one so closely I looked it directly in the eye a few inches away. He looked slightly uneasy with my proximity, and maneuvered away a few wing lengths. After I had done this a good few minutes, I decided I better not waste this lucidity on aerial antics alone.

      I looked towards my next door neighbors yard. There was pick-nick table near one of his two backdoors. I flew over to it and my body reformed so I could land. When my body reappeared - there was an aerial hiccup as if I hit wind drag and gravity again. I started to drop but hovered at the last instant to ensure a soft landing. At this point I stepped off the table and onto the ground. I clearly remember thinking "There is no way I could forget this dream, it is much too real to forget." I considered waking myself up as I headed for the door, but I really wanted this feeling to continue.

      I opened up my neighboors backdoor, excited to see how my dream would handle this. I stepped into his garage which was huge inside. Bigger than the house itself from the outside. I could hear my neighbor walking around upstairs, and I had the impression he was just getting out of the shower. I chuckled to myself about it. I began to look around the garage and I saw there was a collection of bikes and motorcycles. Out of the garage windows I saw one of the main streets in my city, and not my own block which I should have seen out those windows. I smiled to myself and thought "My dream got that wrong."

      I started looking for a motorcycle I liked. There was a blue one similar to the first bike I ever owned (!) - a bicycle designed to look like a dirt bike. This also tickled me. Before I could mount it, I looked up and saw that my neighbors garage had a second floor balcony. I slightly worried he might react to me taking the bike, but when I looked up I saw more windows with people starring back down at me. I had the feeling I was at the London stock exchange (I don't recall ever seeing it before).

      There were business type people up on the balcony behind windows that were too back light by pale white light to make out much more than silhouettes. I vaguely recall being asked to do some work for them by a short haired gruff woman in a business suit. The clarity and lucidity evaporated and I woke up shortly there after.

      I didn't remember the dream when I woke up, despite my lucid confidence. I sat still for about a minute, tried to remember my dream and the details above rushed right in. I want to stress how clear minded I felt in this dream. The visuals, flying sensations, and audio were very high quality.

      Updated 05-21-2011 at 05:29 PM by 32174

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    11. Red Shirt Dreams = Reality

      by , 02-24-2011 at 12:54 PM
      Note: The past two nights I've had dreams about red shirts. My old job dream two entries ago, I was wearing one particular red shirt I own. Tonight, and after I recorded this entry, my girlfriend came over. She brought with her the very shirt I had dreamed about. I had no idea she had taken in it, or that it wasn't in my laundry basket.

      It's possible, even likely in this instance, that subconsciously I was aware it was missing.

      Updated 03-16-2011 at 07:55 PM by 32174

      side notes
    12. Car vs. House

      by , 02-17-2011 at 02:42 PM
      I was moving up the main cross street to my house. The hill gets very steep at one point, and this is a point I'm very familiar with and had many dreams near in the past. As I reached the stop sign, I noticed a car spinning out of control two houses down on a cross street. It slammed into a house and destroyed the front of it with a crashing noise.

      I (oddly) immediately went looking for people walking nearby to show what happened. I assembled a small group, all within about 50-ft. I insisted they come take a look at what happened. When we passed the steep part of the street, I noticed it was no longer a street. It was painted red and not wide enough to fit cars. I brushed off the weirdness of that - and walked to the location of the accident. There instead, was a showroom with an awesome looking gray sports car. Press agents were around it taking pictures.

      One of the people in my crowd, a blond woman says (in a frustrated tone) "Hey, I thought you said there was an accident!?" To which I replied: "I guess it was a dream."

      Another throw away dream but again displays my newly fragmented dreamscape...
    13. Salamander and the Scorpion

      by , 02-07-2011 at 04:48 AM
      I was starring at my wall from my bed. I noticed a spider web (checking there is a similar web in this corner) with a red Newt trapped in it. (I saw two recently while on a walk.) My girlfriend emerged from the bathroom and I pointed it out.

      We both sat there starring at it a moment and my focus widened to reveal that now we were starring at my paneled ceiling. One of the panels was removed and a larger nasty looking network of spider webs was there. At this point, the two of us fell backwards onto the bed to match the depth and location of the visual.

      A large scorpion emerged from the darkness along the webs to devour the Salamander.

      This seems like another throw away dream, but here again is the new transition element I used to enter a TV scene in my last recorded dream.
    14. Rapid Dream Transformations

      by , 01-28-2011 at 11:41 AM
      Two nights ago, I had a weird unsatisfying set of dream fragments. If I had only recalled one of them, I would have thought they were part of a longer dream, and I would have been wrong.

      I was sitting at table with my Mom in a diner. She looked pale and she was arguing with me about salt and pepper shakers. She was much meaner than in real life but I was blowing it off without the slightest care. She said I was rude to the waiter, but he expressed that he took no offense.

      There was a TV on in the restaurant. I looked up at it and it was a show on 20's dance moves. I was instantly transported to the dance. I could still hear the narrator explaining which dance moves from the 20's could be applied to modern dance styles. I walked around on the dance floor. There were lots of colorful lights and well dressed people. Still it seemed slightly uninteresting...

      Suddenly I was laying down next to my girlfriend in a cool house on a hardwood floor. On her right side is Snooki. Snooki asked me to guess what month her birthday was? I said "September." She said, "It's September 2nd!" I said, "So I was right?" She said "Yes!" I said snidely "No wonder I'm so popular." (I checked, her real birthday is November 23rd.)

      Suddenly, I'm inside of an apartment that is warmly colored and seems familiar. I'm using a PC to check out my girlfriends Facebook. I wanted to upload a photo to it. On her page is only a colorful montage of unknown women. Several dozen in various outfits forming a horizontal diamond shape. All of them are facing away so that I can only see the backs of their heads.

      One of the pictures is of someones heavy set mother on a lounge chair in a bright red Moo Moo. I remember her from an earlier dream and feel surprised to find her on my GF's Facebook.

      I'm 100% certain this was all one dream with no time between the three completely different locations. I also clearly remember being aware of the prior dreams and amused by the thought of dance moves from the 20's making a come back.

      Updated 02-01-2011 at 11:58 AM by 32174

      non-lucid , side notes
    15. BMX Bike Chase

      by , 11-30-2010 at 05:14 AM
      This is the 3rd dream in a month I was riding a BMX bike! There was a beginning and end to this dream that I only vaguely recall. I had this dream last night:

      I was hanging out in my neighborhood and when a white car started to follow me. I remember I rode away on my bike causally at first but he kept coming. So I peddled hard, cut through the park and double backed uphill to my house without getting winded. I completely lost the person who was following me and I clearly remember crossing the street most likely to bump into him while doubling back to my house. He was not there either.

      I never got tired and I easily had my bike up to 25mph+ When I reached my block, there was a lot of activity and cars parked on the street. Lots of neighbors were in front of their houses.

      In May and July 2010 I spent many nights trying to induce dreams about my house and city, and didn't have one that I recalled. Now I am having regular dreams about my city, and strangely, my old bike! I was fortunate enough to have my own car at age 16, the incorporation of my bike to escape from "threats" is an old dream theme.

      In the past I have noticed that dream seeding takes weeks of build up, then often, those planted themes become regular. This happened with the High School dream theme.

      Updated 11-30-2010 at 06:01 AM by 32174

      Tags: bike, chase, house, park
      side notes , non-lucid , dream fragment
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