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    Log 857 - Summer-ish Lucid Dream Competition 2017 - Day 2

    by , 09-03-2017 at 04:02 PM (878 Views)
    Created Sunday 03 September 2017

    Got a WILD to note, along with a fragment.

    Scrap Group 1
    Repeated instances of my playing Liberal Crime Squad. Most liberal collaborators were named after my team members in this season's LD competition. I'd the impression I was lucid at the time, or it could've been false memories of such.

    20 minute WBTB, where I stretched and meditated. This turned into an hour and a half of insomnia. Still, I barely had enough patience to gain a WILD transition.

    Dream 1 - Summer-ish Lucid Competition - Day 2

    WILD transition through hypnagogia. Soon, gameplay footage of a fighting game appeared. This for the most part was the original Marvel vs Capcom, save for a few notable alterations. For one, this had characters only available from its prequels/sequels such as Iron-Man, Magneto, and Doctor Doom, all of whom were present on screen at one point or another. Likewise, there was some unfamiliar industrial stage background. Remembering the TOTM's, I take control via manipulating an invisible arcade stick, where I used Magneto in a fight against Iron-Man. The inputs were spot on, exacting actually, down to all the flailing and gaps whenever I messed up my Rom Combo attempts. I later hijacked control of Iron-Man, though at best, all I could do were basic diagonal air-dash block/combo strings. Heh, guess I'm kinda rusty.

    Once I had enough, I rubbed my hands to keep stability and shook my head to remove the image. Found I was still in bed. I floated myself upright above the mattress, then tried phasing through the nearest wall. But upon contact, the dream destabilized, and I woke up.

    Another WBTB ad WILD attempt, with no results.

    Spoiler for Media References:
    Jdoggad and DawnEye11 like this.

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    Updated 09-03-2017 at 06:11 PM by 89930

    lucid , non-lucid , task of the month , dream fragment


    1. Seabatt's Avatar
      I have a lot of videogame-y dreams as well. Though they usually end up more like a hodgepodge of different games I've played recently than actually controlling the game with, say, a controller. Maybe I should hit up an arcade in my next LD...
      DawnEye11 likes this.
    2. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Marvel vs capcom is a fun game~ I havent played it in a long time but capcom was my fav side.Its cool how the dream portrayed the game play the same as WL too. This isnt important but the c and p is mixed up. You spelled capcom cacpom.
    3. RelicWraith's Avatar
      Yeah, I could at least remember something video game related about once a night. As yourself, most mix elements with various random media. And, to be honest, this is like one of three times I've ever used a controller for like-themed LDs.

      Whoops, I looks like I was too quick to post this. Lots of spelling errors all around. Thanks for the input. Oh, and I like Capcom side too, it's just that Marvel characters like Magneto, Storm, Sentinel Iron-Man/War-Machine and Doom were often way too strong to ignore, heheh.
      DawnEye11 likes this.
    4. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Whoops, I looks like I was too quick to post this. Lots of spelling errors all around. Thanks for the input. Oh, and I like Capcom side too, it's just that Marvel characters like Magneto, Storm, Sentinel Iron-Man/War-Machine and Doom were often way too strong to ignore, heheh.
      Your welcome. Lolol I see. I'll try to remember that the next time I play. I mostly chose capcom because I use to play their games a lot more than marvel.
      FireFlyMan likes this.
    5. Seabatt's Avatar
      Same here. That and I liked Capcom's characters more than the Marvel's, though that usually lies more into personal preference than anything. Mega Man in a 2D fighting game (With a tweaked version of the Street Fighter gameplay style)? Hell yeah.
      DawnEye11 and FireFlyMan like this.
    6. RelicWraith's Avatar
      Oh, don't get me wrong, I love the classic Capcom stuff myself, and for a very long time, I had more preference for Capcom media over Marvel things. It's just that, when it comes to fighting games, I prioritize anything that would fit my playstyle, even if that means not using someone I'd otherwise like (and vice-versa).
      Jdoggad likes this.