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    Log 858 - Summer-ish Lucid Dream Competition 2017 - Day 3

    by , 09-05-2017 at 03:05 AM (750 Views)
    Created Monday 04 September 2017

    Got that WILD/DIELD chain to note, and a fragment.

    Scrap Group 1
    Using a chat client for some old multiplayer online text-based game. Noticed several users were participants in this season's contest. At various points, there were some disturbingly hostile comments thrown my way. I woke up thinking I'd lucidity at some point, though I remember nothing of the sort.

    Meditated for 20+ minutes as part of a WBTB, then made a WILD attempt. Yet again, I had to endure two hours of insomnia before I got sleepy enough to transition.

    Dream 1 - Summer-ish Lucid Competition - Day 3

    Scene 1 - Restive Rolling
    WILD transition just after being stuck in REM Atonia for some time. I rolled off the bed, with difficulty due to exhaustion, only to wake up immediately for a brief moment. This repeats for a confirmed total of six times, along with numerous other unverified instances or outright false awakenings.

    Between these were a few non-lucid false awakenings. One of these had me get up for a snack, and another involved my sister requesting that I take her daughter to a doctor.

    Later in this cycle, I float around the room for a few seconds, until I was tugged back on the mattress. After that, just as I rolled off into the Void, I saw vivid gameplay footage of Street Fighter Alpha 2 presented before me, this depicting a simultaneous 2v2 battle between Ken, Charlie, and other unidentified characters. I hijacked the game by pretending to use an arcade stick, but I lacked the dexterity to do much. Regardless, I quickly lost interest, as I did such things just yesterday.

    Once I was less fatigued, I called out to my guide, E, various times. I heard her voice almost instantly, though with bad "reception". Took a minute for her to have more presence, heard clearly but still unseen. I requested her assistance in getting me anywhere else, and also to maybe get some tasks done. In lieu of that, she chortled and babbled loudly, as if to purposefully ignore me. Worse yet, she played mischief, doing things like tossing me around, painfully locking my limbs, and gnawing on my sides in a most uncomfortable manner. How annoying. Still, I called for her after another brief awakening, and again asked for help. This time, she rolls us both off the mattress and to the Void.


    Scene 2 - Descent, Discipline, and Disorder
    The visuals were dim and a bit blurred. I was falling down into a vast chasm along with E. By that point, she'd manifested in her giant naga form. This time, she appeared thinner, had only two arms, and had her hair styled in a pageboy cut. I quickly seated myself on her head and held on. Jagged stalagmites awaited us below, so I slowed our descent at the last second for a safe landing. Exhaustion caused my perspective to wig out a bit for a moment. Anyway, we didn't get too far when my guide alerted me to danger, pointing to the silhouettes of small, monstrous figures creeping ahead. She implied that I not stick around as she dealt with those things. I heeded her words, and jumped far away from the action.

    After scouting around, I found an opening leading above. I climbed up to find a "highschool" classroom, of all things. "Highschool" in quotation, given the "students" seemed as TV actors playing the part. The teacher, a middle aged African descended woman, had trouble getting the class' attention. Such disrespect didn't sit well with me. Once I had enough, I bashed the loudest, rudest guy in the room (some blonde twenty-something year old), and continued assaulting those that were even remotely disruptive. Rioting ensues. Noticed music in the background, some old unknown country tune sounding from a record player. I timed my attacks to its rhythm, including a groin punch to that first victim, followed by a knee-breaking elbow to someone trying to flank me.

    Minutes later, I inexplicably transformed into King Piccolo from Dragon Ball. I conjured a flag and pole in hand, then, acting in character, I claimed the structure, along with the souls of any who died (as improbable as that was). I then unwittingly turned back to myself just as quickly.

    The brawl had all but quieted down by that point. Heard Moonlight Bay was playing. I was about to sing the last verse in celebration, when some random people, my brother Jonathan included, randomly showed up to join me in chorus. My brother was awfully critical of my vocals. So, I tried correcting it, only to receive more vitriol. What's more, he refused to identify what the problem was exactly. Was it tone? Timing? Give me a hint, man! And yet, when I then performed exactly as before, he found no obvious flaws...

    This fickle judgement made me too irritable to focus, and the dream ended.
    DawnEye11 likes this.

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    Updated 09-05-2017 at 03:47 AM by 89930

    lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment


    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      I had to google Naga but after finding out what it meant, it makes it seem even more awesome. Especially the part where you can ride her.
      FireFlyMan likes this.
    2. Seabatt's Avatar
      I wonder. Is it common for your dream guide, E, to act out at you? Or is she just simply like that? I have yet to even think of having a dream guide so I might as well ask you of your experiences.
      FireFlyMan likes this.
    3. RelicWraith's Avatar
      Oh snap, sorry for the late response!

      My guide's a bit... uh, mischievous and downright erratic at times. I can't give an answer as to why, but I feel it's as much to test me as it is just zany antics.