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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. My Prince

      by , 08-14-2011 at 08:01 PM
      Before I get to the prince part, I was in a drive-by. I know the drive-by dream was long and vivid, but I woke up and went back to sleep and now I don't recall it so well. In fact, I JUST remembered it. There was a long ordeal, me and some other people were running. I don't think I was involved in this "gang" if you call it that, but I was tagging along with them and I can vaguely recall some familiar faces. The only parts I really remember was being in a house, one of our people was injured and they were off in the kitchen. I was standing next to the door. Someone yelled "drive by!" and I got down in time to the floor. They started shooting up the house and then some of the rival gang were coming in. As they reached the door, I pretended I got shot. I started holding my neck and gasping, doing my best to pretend. One of them rushed passed me to the kitchen and another stayed and she put her hand out to see if I was really dying, to check my pulse or something. I pretended it hurt really bad and started gasping again and turned away. Next thing I know I'm running across a parking lot trying to dial 911. The lady I called was talking about how she would have to investigate if it involved gangs. I said fine, that they needed to send an ambulence. I even had the address. I gave it to her and suddenly I'm walking into walmart. That's all I remember.

      So, the prince dream. I go to this mansion to visit my fiance, it was incredibly beautiful.

      It was just like this, middle of the ocean, but more round and more glass. I realize that T's a prince, but I'm visiting him like we're dating again or something. I remember laying on the couch with him in one room, and there was a sun roof. The clouds were incredible, unreal, even. They looked like a painting and I was in awe of them. T even asked me if I could be dreaming. I said nooo way (damnit.) His little brother had come down and had my son's pacifer in his mouth (his brother is 9 years old.) I took it out of his mouth and told him to go get his other one from upstairs, then me and T laughed as he walked away. T got up to do something and I browsed around. I found these shirts in these tubs, and was trying to compose an outfit for myself. I tried on a few shirts. All of the shirts had some funny comments on them. One was like.. a picture of a comic, it was familiar, it might have been an anime, but it had some joke on it that I really didn't get. Some of the shirts made me think that he had bought them for his ex-girlfriend, which kind of made me feel like shit. Anyway, he comes back and says let's take a ride in the ocean. I didn't even know we were on the ocean yet, but when we got outside, we rode these jet ski's out pretty far. That's when I got a view of the house. There was a random bar in the middle of the ocean out there. We stopped to get a drink but I started to get scared, because it was small and the waves were even rushing over it. Then I saw a shark under the water and me and T took off, and this sounds weird, but we started riding these two mexican servants. O.o

      We get back in time and it was like a race. I pull myself up onto a ledge, still freaking out about a shark being in the water. We go inside and we're in the living room with some of T's family. I start to walk into another room but I hear part of the conversation from the mexicans. They were saying that no one took Spanish classes anymore, but that they had gotten good jobs for it. I turned and said, hey, I'm taking a Spanish class this semester! They both smiled at it and I said, when I come back on the weekends you two will have to help me out. They laughed and said of course. Then I walk into this middle room. I asked T what it was supposed to be. There were shelves everywhere, but a couch and what not. He just said it was the back room and I said, "well, you need to do some rearranging." lol

      This is pretty much all I remember now. I can't express how real everything felt. I woke up pretty happy.
    2. Drunken Dreams

      by , 08-14-2011 at 01:27 AM
      Crazy dreams last night. I'm surprised I even remembered them, they were surprisingly vivid for me being incredibly drunk. I can't remember the order of events really, and I do believe it was all the same dream. I'm just going to log them how I think it might have went.

      I remember being at a pool with my son, an indoor pool. Then I was at this house with my sister and she had some friends over. I was standing in a long hallway and her friends were behind me. I thought they were acting kind of stupid, loud and obnoxious. I had walked past them and made a comment about dumb bitches. They started teasing me. I sort of ranted at them for a minute before I realized they were making gestures with their hands on their stomachs. I got the idea that they were saying I was a dumb bitch for like.. having a kid or something. I got pretty pissed off when I thought they were talking about my son. I went up to them, my sister watching with surprise, and I sort of shoved them. "You think I'm a bitch for being a mother?" I said. We started fighting, but for some reason they're movement was slow and predictable. They would swing at me and I just grabbed their hand and misdirected it. Then I took a few swings. Since there were two of them, I got caught up slapping this bitch around that the other one decided to throw a punch. I remember being surprised by it and barely grabbed her hand before it hit my face.

      After this, I'm back at the pool, but I had left my son at home for some reason. I was checking the place out before I went back to get him and I see this girl that used to work with me and she had two kids with her. She said something about sitting around the house got boring. There were a bunch of computers set up, like library computers, next to the pool. Everyone was playing the sims, like it was some kind of lan party. Tommy Chong was there and some other old hippie lady that I recognized IN the dream, but have no idea who she was now. There was some conspiracy about the sims and they were getting riled up about it, like someone had been messing them up. I had sat down at one of the computers at one time and was playing the sims, but I had to log on. I had asked someone next to me how we save the game and they raised their eyebrows. Then they asked me if I had an EA account. I said yea, and typed it in. I get up to go outside and I realize I'm on the college campus. I started to walk home and after about a block I turned right and there was an empty parking lot and across from it was a tall fence that had a bunch of houses behind it. A car comes from around the corner of the fence. It's these guys that look like they're all in their 30's. They were like, small-time business types. All wearing polos. The driver was yelling at me and they were all laughing making fun of me. They wouldn't leave me and they were moving along slowly beside me and kept yelling things. Finally I decided to pick up a few rocks and throw it at their car. The car was shiny silver, sort of looked like a bmw, Idk. I threw the rocks one at a time and they hit, but not very hard. The driver finally speeded up.

      Don't remember much else, at the moment. Except I think I went back to the pool and those guys in the car had apparently been harrassing people around these parts. Strange crazy dreams. I also seemed to have a false awakening. I had gotten out of bed and went and got a glass of water with a LOT of ice and could've swore I had a conversation with my fiance about the details from last night's drunkeness. I woke up with deja vu and went and got a glass of water and talked to my fiance. lol Crazy night.
    3. Kelso

      by , 08-08-2011 at 11:01 PM
      I was sitting under a bathroom sink with Kelso (Yes, from that 70's show and no not Ashton Kutcher, it was KELSO) and he's on the phone with my grandpa. He has his hand in this hole in the wall under the sink, and my grandpa was apparently telling him where to find an emergency stash of money. He had to reach in and pull out a brick that was blocking another hole on the inside of the hole, it wasn't actually that confusing. Then he pulls out another brick and opens it up and we find three fives and some ones. I remember thinking, why do we need 15 bucks anyway?

      There was more to do with my grandpa and come to think of it, he was kind of acting like Red, also from the show.

      Dreams are still vivid and I wonder why they've changed back into what they used to be all of a sudden. I also realize I watch too much Netflix.
    4. Maynard againn

      by , 08-07-2011 at 06:28 PM
      I was sitting around with some friends, the place was strange, reminded me of a huge boardgame but we were all sitting around and talking. I barely remember the conversation, except that at the time it seemed fairly real. It's not very often I can just carry on a conversation in a dream and some of it make sense. Although, I don't remember what was said, I know I said something about how I feel when I listen to music. Then a couple of dream scenes later, I'm standing next to this radio and a new Puscifer song comes on, I assumed it was new, I had never heard it. It sounded pretty crazy, but I got into it and started to dance. That's when Maynard showed up, he saw me dancing and smiled at me. Then he came up to me and started doing this weird grind move on my leg. I joked about it later with him, something about not expecting him to come up and hump my leg.

      Gahh, I know I have a slight obsession with Maynard, though, I'd prefer to use the word "fascination." I'm not screaming to fuck him or anything, I just would probably have a heart attack if I could just smoke a joint with this man. Anyway, I don't understand why he's been appearing in my dreams lately, not that I'm complaining, it's just I haven't really been listening to much of anything MJK lately. It's strange how our subconscious brings these images up, if only I had done a mantra last night. Oh well. I'm a happy dreamer lately.
    5. Summary

      by , 08-06-2011 at 09:44 PM
      I've been having incredible dreams lately. Too many details. To sum up last night's dream, which I swear lasted forever, even when I'd wake up. Tried MILD, but the dream was just too interesting. I was traveling a lot, I remember an angry juggalo. I was staying at several hotels with a group of people participating in some sort of contest tour. I spoke with Maynard at the beginning of the dream but I barely remember it. Seem to be having more dreams of him lately. There was a crazy looking snake that had hair on it's head, looked like a snake rockstar. Towards the end of the dream my friend A and I were gathering these pictures for something, they were all the same. Then she kept handing me these tops that had layers underneath. I kept taking out the bottom layers and I planned on keeping them. Then I realized I didn't need them and apologized. I don't know how my dreams have been so vivid lately, I don't know what I've been doing different except using mantras. It's pretty cool though. I love having interesting dreams, great escapes from reality.
    6. Ymca

      by , 08-05-2011 at 11:45 PM
      I was with my mom and sisters and my son. We were all going to the pool, but it was an indoor pool, it might've been the YMCA. Me and my mom realize we didn't bring the little swimmers diapers, so she went to go get them. I took my son in the pool anyway and he was laughing and having a good time. I was trying to get to the other side of the pool and there were these strange bars, some kind of toy thing I assumed, but for some reason I thought I could walk across it. There was a little kid watching me like I was an idiot. I had a kid in my arms and was trying to steady myself, but realized it wasn't going to work. My mom came back and asked me if he knew he was just wearing a diaper? I just shrugged.

      I start walking around the pool, trying to figure out where everything is. It was a strange pool. I noticed there was an outdoor pool too, with slides and I went up to the windows to look out. I was in an area that I was apparently not supposed to be. A dc lifeguard came up to me and asked me if I read the sign about "trolling" lol. I laughed and walked back to my mom and told her I got in trouble for trolling around. I started walking around again and walked up into an area where there was this tunnel thing going down, it took me a few times to figure out that it was a slide that ended somewhere below me. I almost went down with my son on accident.

      After the pool scene, I ended up on a street in some busy town. My brain keeps thinking Chicago. It's nighttime and I have my son still and we're laying on a bench like homeless people. I have a blanket wrapped around me and I was wearing underwear, no pants. Across the street I could see three neon lights, I think one was a theatre and another one was decorated in red white and blue and it was some popular store. I just remember it starting with an H. Hilfiger also comes to mind. So I'm laying on this bench and I notice a bunch of mexican gangsters walking down the street. A few eyed me and one big guy started coming towards me. I was a little scared, but more so pissed off. He thought I was asleep and when he got closer I looked up at him and flipped him off. He got mad and started chasing me, still have my kid in my arms. I think I'm heading back to the "ymca" because I'm taking familiar turns, like I knew how I'd gotten there. I went up some stairs and in a door which led to more stairs and another door at the top. I stopped at the top to see how close he was. He was standing at the bottom but he wasn't looking at me, he looked like he decided to stop chasing me.

      (what sucks is, the dream started to fade and I became lucid, but I woke up briefly.)

      I can't remember much after this, except, a hot tub and some lady laughing at me telling me not to wear her panties... >.<
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Mess of Dreams

      by , 08-03-2011 at 08:00 PM
      Dreams have been so chaotic lately and very hard to keep up with.

      I remember T and I were fighting, I don't remember feeling all that upset, but we exchanged our wedding rings. He took mine and I took his for some reason, as if to signify that it was over.

      I was driving on a road that went over a highway and I was "supposed" to let my car go on it's own on the exit, so I got out. It took off down the exit but I decide to hover over traffic to make sure it made it to the highway safely. This is bizzare, but it's really not that rare in my dreams. I didn't become lucid, sadly.

      I remember sitting at a computer somewhere, it was like I was in some kind of summer camp. I don't know what website I was on, but it very well could have been DV, because I remember hitting the friends tab and that layout. There were people on my friends list that were there in the dream with me. Mostly guys, I do remember thinking about one DV member, but just their name, because I found out he had changed it or whatever. This guy was really short but he had a kind of "class" clown attitude. I knew he was my friend. They were asking me to go get cigarettes from the mailbox. I was wearing swim suit bottoms and nothing else. I almost walked to the mailbox like that, then decided to look for a shirt. I woke up briefly. After falling back asleep I seemed to have realized that cigarettes weren't just going to appear in the mailbox.

      I had a sexual experience, semi lucid, with my lover in a dream bathroom. I did type it up for a second and realized it's a little too much info. All I have to say about it now, is, it was huge.

      So then, I'm hovering again. I'm over this bridge, but it's like a distant memory of me and T driving down it once. (I've never seen or driven down a bridge like this.) It looked like the common over-the-sea bridge, it was just different somehow. It was really foggy out and dark. There was one car holding up three other cars and the other cars were actually pushing it along.

      I guess that's all for now. I can't for the life of me remember everyyything.

      oh, I was lucid and flying for a brief instant but it quickly faded.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Fever.

      by , 07-31-2011 at 11:28 PM
      Been feverish and sick the past few days. I'm sure you know how dreams are when you're sick. Mine are full of deja vu.

      I'm in a store in the mall. This store is very simple, white walls, shelves, nothing decorative about it. The products they seem to be selling are all fancy shampoos, conditioners, lotions, colognes. I'm looking at the colognes, wondering what to get T. I pick one out, but I keep looking. I see someone I knew from high school, Z, he acts reluctant towards me, like he's not that happy to see me. I just wave, and continue to look. I realize I'm running out of time and I cannot decide what to buy. I put my items back and decide to leave. I ask Z if he remembers where I parked, he just looks at me. I go outside and notice I'm in an unfamiliar place. I see my car suddenly, a few rows away. I'm crawling on the ground for some reason, I thought it would be faster. I get to my car and try to figure out which way I'm supposed to go. I started driving, and thought I might be driving on the wrong side of the road, but I didn't care. I wake up sometime after.

      When I'm sick, my dreams are more emotional.
    9. Jellyfish

      by , 07-26-2011 at 08:34 PM
      I only remember a fragment now.

      I was in a house on the second story, there was this wrap-around balcony and in the yard below there were was a small pond with little jellyfish. There were a couple hovering in the air, one was really big and it was at my level. I was with someone, I believe it was a man, but I turned around to run back to the door and the jellyfish started chasing me.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Maynard, Milla, Action.

      by , 07-20-2011 at 04:46 PM
      Maynard was directing a movie at my house. Part of the house looked like the elementary school I went to as a kid. I was wandering the halls of the school, trying to stay in character. We didn't know what he wanted, he hadn't given anyone a script. He was getting frustrated with his assistant and I approached. I asked if I could take a look at his drawings. The assistant sighed as if to say, finally. Maynard walked to the couch and sat down. I followed after grabbing a cigarette. He had one too. He handed me the paper and there were little tiny drawings of houses and it had a storyline but everything had to do with the exterior of the house. I asked him to tell me, instead, what his movie was about. That's when he took me aside and told me that he was really scared and this was his first time making a movie. He also mentioned that he hated how he had to censor and only use certain words. Everything gets a little foggy after that. I remember hugging Maynard and coming back drunk and he and his buddies were laughing at me and practically had to carry me inside.

      Somewhere in there, me and Maynard were outside and I was looking at a blood-red moon.

      I believe this was the same dream, it had the same tone. A girl from where I used to work was hooked on heroin and I found her and Milla Jovovich in a bedroom shaking. Milla was still semi-conscious and I asked her how to help the girl. She said something about holding the bible with her arms crisscrossed and when I looked back down at the girl she had her arms wrapped around the bible and I could see the word "HOLY" on it. Then later in the same dream, I pass Milla in the hall and she wants to get fucked up. I try to tell her not to, but she's going anyway and she took my SON with her. I hadn't thought of it much until they returned and I was SO pissed at her. I took him in a room with me and started crying, feeling so bad, like the shittiest mother ever. That's when that girl came in and her eyes were dilated and white grey. I was speechless, I knew exactly what she was doing. Her drug dealer had followed in the room and sat down and started talking to this guy. He was saying that he was losing money cause people were so hooked. He was trying to give the girl a hint, but she wasn't taking it, willingingly, anyway. She was grabbing her clothes and my anger was so swelled. She told me she had to go sell some "pot" but I think she meant clothes. She didn't say aloud what for, but she waved her eyes in the dealer's direction and headed out the door. As she was leaving I felt the urge to say something that might help and stop her in her tracks. So, I yelled after her, "Tell your SON I said HI!" The dealer and his friend looked at me with half smiles, and they were like, "oooooo".

      I can't remember the chronological order here, as usual, but I also remember being at a river that lead from one city to another. I was at this area where there was some sort of industrial contraption and a slow spill of green sludge was trickling down into the water. I was with my friend F and her daughter and my son. I don't know what we were doing there, but I was trying to build a bridge across. There were these weird green shells, I thought they were sea-turtle shells. I was trying to stack them up, but the more I pulled on them the looser the whole wall became. Then it was too late, I had started the spill and at the top was like a bucket of slime. I watched it slowly tip and pour into the river. I also vaguely remember getting stuck in the river.
    11. Just park that anywhere, ma'am.

      by , 07-19-2011 at 06:34 PM
      I was driving down 9th street and I could hardly see because I didn't have my glasses on. There were certain cars I couldn't see at all until I was really close to them. I was trying to be careful and I was going to turn right on college, until I ran my car right in between two parked police cars, lights were flashing already, and there were two cars to my right that had been in a little fender bender. I remember the cop standing next to my window and he told me I was still rolling forward, so I pulled my emergency brake and started apologizing. They didn't really care, I guess I was just annoying them so they helped me back my car out.

      Then my uncle left his baby somewhere and I had to take care of her, realized it was a boy when changing it's diaper.

      I'm trying to finish up an online class but don't know how to save my work so that it's "turned in on-time". I try to get my friend, T, that is also in this class to help me, but he doesn't know either. I ask M and she says that we're going over it with a teacher tomorrow, the teacher's name started with R.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    12. WILD Attempt #2

      by , 07-11-2011 at 09:30 PM
      I was up for about an hour and a half with my son with the intention of trying a WILD whenever he took his nap. I browsed the forums and read a couple WILD tutorials and threads. Also, drank half a spark, which is an energy drink, but I was hoping it would help me maintain consciousness. It has about 500mg of Choline, and significant amounts of other vitamins. Hit the bong too. <3

      So I lay down and I'm pretty relaxed already. I tried holding tension in my arms first and released and to the legs and feet, then my neck (which I find is hard to do.) I felt even more relaxed after doing this. After a few minutes I started to do reverse blinking, trying to keep my eyes relaxed and not force them open, eventually I noticed I had stopped blinking altogether and my mind was clear. I saw a few images and something disturbed me, I felt something crawling on my leg that I absolutely couldn't ignore. I decided to flip over to my side and shortly after I found myself in an unnatural darkness. I had my head between two pillows (really comfortable, imo.) I knew I had to be dreaming, but there was nothing in front of me. I tried to make the room as I remembered it appear and started to see the outlines but it faded and I was awake. I changed positions again and moments later I was on a bicycle headed uphill. There were at least two other people in front to my right and I passed a girl I know and was wondering if she should be riding pregnant, but even when I passed her I had a little lucidity. I wasn't exactly lucid to control what I was doing, but there was definately a difference. As I started to go up a steep hill following the others I passed a dip in the road, which I thought was going to be a little harsh, but I ended up gliding right along with the curve of it. Then as I approach the top of the hill, the others are at the peak, I realize how dangerous this is. I was waiting for a car to pop up, but it didn't. I went over the hill and the others had all gotten to the right because there was a curve going to the right behind a cliff, I couldn't see what was coming. Though I wasn't afraid really, and that's why I think I was semi-lucid. I was going to fast to go to the right side of the road, so I went along the left side and was prepared for an oncoming car, but I didn't see one. I got to the bottom and I was all the way on the shoulder of the road, opposite from the other riders. I woke up.

      I changed positions again back to my left side. I think this is where I truly KNEW I was in paralysis. My right foot had gone completely numb, and I could hardly feel it. Then I felt it lift in the air and I knew what was happening, but that's when it felt like someone was pulling the blanket off of me and trying to pull me with it. My stupid ass thought it was my husband trying to wake me up, for a moment I knew what was going on but then I made myself wake up just to be sure. I even shook awake.

      I think I'm getting closer if I keep trying, and this is the most success I've had, if you call it success. It's definately progress. Any more tips are welcome, tell me if I did anything wrong, or something else to try? Thanks for reading.
      Tags: wild
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    13. Scary Thing, Exes, and Ice Cream

      by , 07-11-2011 at 04:00 PM
      My dream last night was very vivid, but I don't remember a whole lot, at least not the order of the events. I was in a strange house that kind of reminded me of a semi truck because I was laying in a bed that laid across the entrance, like a loft or a camper. And behind me in his crib was my son. Something was going on in the town we were in and my mind kept switching from T to L. I didn't know who I should go to because I was really scared. So I went to L because I thought he was closest, and realized he was actually down stairs. So I went down and then for some reason we were running through the streets, it was dark and he told me to run with precision so the cops wouldn't find us. He told me when to jump and there was a group of people standing on a corner and they all had their shirts off and hoses. Then L yells "water sliddddde!" So we slide into some grass and then he gets up and starts running behind these joggers and then I'm thinking about streakers and how he reminded me of one by the way he was running. I'm not totally sure what happened next, but it was getting stormy out and I went back to L's place and it was kind of awkward between us. I could tell he really wanted to hold me, but knew he couldn't. I also felt the same way, but I knew I only felt this way because T wasn't around and I was scared. Our hands brushed once and I went upstairs to check on my kid. He was right where I had left him apparently.

      Next part of the same dream I am quitting my job but I'm riding with a few co-workers to a game of some sort. I'm taking my son and we meet up with T somewhere and he gives me money, telling me that I have to buy this and that for W and make sure I got a wavy finger thing. I objected the big finger thing, the number one deal. He told me it was traditional. Then I remember something about making a shake with braums ice cream and I told someone they would have to let me make it for them sometime.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. WILD Attempt

      by , 07-03-2011 at 02:13 AM
      I decided to try a real WILD while the kid was napping. I used reverse blinking to help me relax and focused on my breathing, repeating the mantra, "I am lucid, The world is vivid." I could feel my body twitching but I don't remember transitioning into the dream. I was suddenly aware that I was showing my hubby an online video of some cute little babies. There were three babies and they were playing, then I realized that they were in a house that looked a lot like mine. I thought maybe they just live in a similar trailer (I mean mobile homes mostly have the same layout). Then I noticed the couch in the video was the EXACT same. I was starting to freak out a little, thinking I had been sent a video from the future. I started to awaken and before I opened my eyes realized that I was just tricked by the dream.

      I opened my eyes for just a sec and closed them again, hoping to DEILD, if that's the right term for it. Soon after I was in another dream and I was sitting on the floor by the bookshelf. My son was asleep and my inlaws were at my house. They were acting strange towards me and I realized I had no shirt on, only my shorts and my bra. I felt embarassed and told them sorry over and over that I hadn't realized I had taken my shirt off. They laughed at me and again I started to wake up and realized I was dreaming when it was too late. =/

      Then my son woke up, lol.
      Tags: deild, wild
      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    15. Repo and Robots

      by , 06-28-2011 at 09:56 PM
      I was at T's work with him and I had my son with me. They were getting really busy and he asked me to help out. I handed my son to one of the employees and they looked at me like I was crazy, lol. I went and put a headset on and realized they had changed to hand-head-sets, if that makes sense. I was putting the thing together and asked T why they changed. He said they were cheaper. Then I went to take an order and all of a sudden T's like, Ok, let's go. I take the set off and follow T out the door. He told me to get in the car with RB. The name was familiar, I knew a guy by reputation where I used to go to school, but he didn't look anything like him, so I figured they just had the same name. The guy was in a white pick up truck. It wasn't OLD, but it was probably a mid90's version. I'm bad with cars, by the way. The guy was either bald or just had a really short cut, his head was round and he had a goatee. He looked serious. I turned to T and asked him if he was going back in to get our son. He said we were going to leave him for a minute and go check on something. I asked him why we were leaving our car here and he said it got repossessed, assuming from a bill we haven't paid yet. I looked for where we had parked it and it was gone. I was getting worried. We drove to our house, only it was actually my mother's house. We checked the door to see if they had changed the locks on us, but we were able to get inside. Then we went back to his job to get our son. I don't remember much after that.

      I had went to bed at 2am and had that dream and woke up at 3:55. I'm trying to record how quickly I fall into REM. I'm thinking I'm one of those people that can go right into REM, I was watching a documentary about it. After all this, I had a long dream but I can only remember bits and pieces of what it was about.

      I had failed to do something and T and my sister had been there and some others. They were all sort of shunning me for it, and leaving me, including T. Somewhere in this dream I saw a work schedule with my name on it from a place I worked almost a year ago. I had seen my name on for night shift and was kind of upset because I lived an hour away (and do in WL) and my uncle knew I couldn't work those hours. I noticed that my hours got cut also and I was trying to leave but then these girls started showing up and they wanted to fight me. I was having a hard time trying to fight them and they were laughing at me. I remember crying really hard for a LONG time, I think I was sitting in a closet or in the doorway of a room. I was just crying and crying, and it felt so real, the sadness and just feeling abandoned and rejected. Then I got up and grabbed something and started REALLY trying to hurt these girls who were laughing at me. I remember yelling at them saying I know I may be a shitty fighter but I wasn't afraid to pick something up and go crazy with it. Which is what I did. Then all I can remember is fighting robots, they looked like children toys, plastic and colorful making little beeping noises. I keep getting vague flashbacks just out of reach of my memory and it's annoying. Hopefully I will remember.

      I just feel like I dreamed the whole ten hours I got to sleep. Does anyone ever feel like that sometimes? I don't understand, I'll go a few days without hardly remembering anything and then to so many dreams that I cannot remember details. My head needs to work things out.
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