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    1. ARCHIVE: Monday, May 3, 2010

      by , 06-11-2010 at 02:19 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Quote Originally Posted by LiveInTheDream View Post
      I might have just discovered a great gem of lucid dreaming. I call it: RC-MILD, since you basically just MILD, but replace a mantra with one solid, thorough RC.

      So I thought up this new method, then got in bed and just tried to go to sleep normally. But I was watching myself, that I didn't actually fall asleep. I just wanted to be near sleep so that the RC would be the last thing I remembered doing. When I felt close to being asleep, I sat up, did the full RC, and then laid back down and next thing I know, I'm asleep.

      In the dream I entered, I was watching some video on youtube. Nothing unusual was going on; there was really nothing to indicate that it was a dream. And yet, all of a sudden I had this impulse to to a reality check, and upon pinching my nose, I tested out to be dreaming! I was a bit surprised at the immediate success of RC-MILD, and couldn't think up something original to do now that I was lucid. So I just decided to practice my shapeshifting more.

      I turned around and found myself suddenly outside some mansion, which I ignored and went on to the shape shifting. People passed by me doing that as if nothing were out of the ordinary. Eventually I must have tried to go too far with a stretch or something, because the dream started to fade big time. So I rubbed hands, rubbed hands, rubbed hands...and it came back in full force, the shapeshifts still being part of me!

      I tried to walk around after that and just see what I could see, but eventually my lucidity faded
      , all the shapeshifts just literally fell off of my body, leaving a normal me behind, and the dream continued on, turning into some strange videogame-like experience

      Not a bad start for my first time with a new method...I must go start a thread about this now!
      Tags: interesting
      lucid , memorable
    2. ARCHIVE: Monday, April 26, 2010

      by , 06-11-2010 at 02:15 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Quote Originally Posted by LiveInTheDream View Post
      YES!! Finally a decent lucid dream again!

      I've had several recent lucids before this, yes, but as of late they have been more like playing a video game than being physically present in the dream. This one was like being physically present again, which is awesome!

      First thing I know, I'm flat on the ground in the snow. Only it isn't cold, just pleasantly chilly. After getting up onto my feet, I looked around me, and found I was in the most stunning landscape I have ever seen. Right before me was a cliff that dropped down several hundred feet. Extending beyond that was miles and miles of rocky terrain with various elements at random points throughout. A little bit of green here, a little pool of water there...it really compensated for the rockiness, making the area feel very lush despite its overall gray appearance.

      And then there was the volcano. Out in the distance, a huge mountain stood high above the rest of the place, spewing out its lava high into the deep, deep blue sky. Bluer sky than I've ever seen before. And when the lava collided with the atmosphere, it totally transformed, causing a super-nova-like ball of light to hover in the sky, followed by curvy contrails of dusty steam spreading all over, making the sky seem full of stars even though it was still daytime.

      As I beheld this magnificent display, there was no question in my mind. "This is a dream." I said. "It has to be." I pinched my nose and breathed in, and sure enough, air passed right through.

      I almost wasn't sure if I wanted to leave. This place was so magnificent I gladly would have just studied and memorized it for the duration of the dream, but I figured there were better things to do.

      The first thing that came to mind was to try and summon a friend and see if it would result in a shared dream. I tried the "when I turn around, so-and-so will be there" thing, but it didn't work (in fact, I can't seem to get that to work any place but a WILD) so I tried transforming a rock as I'd done before. That almost worked. As I slowly raised my hands, simultaneously willing the rock to grow and turn into a person, the ground shook beneath me and the terrain deformed a bit, but no person came. Maybe the rock wasn't distinct enough, considering everything else around me was rock, too.

      Eventually I gave up on that idea and so I took off into the air to fly someplace interesting. Before long, I came to a very industrial-looking city; really cool place. In the very middle of that city was an arena, and this caught my attention. It had a big sign over the entrance that read: "Shared Game."

      As I walked inside, I was greeted by a rather tall guy who asked me straight out: "Do you know that you're dreaming?"

      "Yep, I do. So is this place what I think it is?"

      "We're all lucid dreamers, here. We come to play the Game, but only lucid dreamers are allowed inside. Non-lucid people just get pounded in there."

      "How do you play?"

      "There aren't really any rules. The object of the game is just to get the ball from the other team and get it to the other side of the field, which scores you a point. How you get it to the other side and how you keep the other team from doing so is up to you."

      "Sounds cool, can I just join in right now?"

      "Of course! Have fun!"

      So I went into the arena, was welcomed by a huge group of people who all claimed to be lucid dreamers, chose a team to side with, and we played. It was the craziest game I've ever played. The ball was constantly being changed hands. Teleportation, flying, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, whatever--all of it was allowed and frequently used. Points weren't scored very often, but eventually the other team did get to 5 (which I learned was the winning score). I believe my team ended up at 3, though, so we didn't do too bad.

      After that game, I said goodbye and left the arena with a personal dream goal in mind: to skydive without a parachute or a plane. I just took off right there, looking down at the world below, the buildings, the arena and the dreamers who were still playing the game...it was all so real!

      Once I reached a good height, I stopped flying and let myself enter freefall. It was a short trip back down, but a lot of fun! I landed smack on the ground, right on my face, but quickly got back up.

      Problem was, for that moment that I was laying down, the dream started to fade, like I had put myself in the position that I was sleeping in IRL. So I did another nose RC to clear things up a bit longer, but I was losing control fast by now. Before long, I was completely non-lucid, and the dream transformed into a confusing plot about a guy trying to take over the world using cows.

      All in all, for being a ton shorter than it had to be, that was really a great LD. Next time I won't skydive I guess...unless I can land on my feet. The realism was really great, though. All the scenery was very dramatic and the lighting was odd, but it gave a cool effect. And I would really love to learn if those were actually other lucid dreamers playing that game.
      Tags: interesting
      lucid , memorable
    3. ARCHIVE: Saturday, April 9, 2010

      by , 06-11-2010 at 01:57 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Quote Originally Posted by LiveInTheDream View Post
      FINALLY had another lucid last night, short though it was. And actually, it still didn't come from my reality checks, which is really surprising to me. It used to be that if I RC'd for a week, I'd have a lot of LD's, but this time, I've only even come close a couple times!

      This time I actually WILDed after WBTB, but unfortunately it didn't end up being as amazing as my last WBTB WILD.

      Dream 1: There was a time during the WILD when sleep suddenly overtook me, and I momentarily lost consciousness. But then I suddenly snapped back into mental awareness, like my mind said: "Wait! This is what you were supposed to be looking for!"

      Next thing I know, I'm outside in my backyard, lying down in the same position that I had been in my bed...only now I was on top of a fence. Yes, just a fence. I wasn't even laying across it; my body and the fence were going in perpendicular directions, and I wasn't falling down. There was no doubt that I was dreaming with something obvious like that staring me in the face! "I made it!" I thought. So I stood up, but my logical mind got the better of me and I couldn't balance on the fence.

      For several seconds I wobbled back and forth, trying to stabilize or lean so that I could jump off and land nicely. But then I had a better idea. "Fly!" I shouted to no one in particular as I lifted off into the air.

      The wind was strong beneath me; I could feel it rushing up onto my hands, my face, rippling through my clothes, and even in my hair. "So real!" I whispered.

      By this point I had well stabilized my flight, so I was ready to go around and see what I could see. But sadly, excitement at finally being in a lucid dream grew too strong and in an instant, I woke up.

      I tried just to DEILD at this point, and it almost worked.

      Dream 2: I found myself talking to a friend about lucid dreaming. Now this friend knows very little about it IRL, so I was surprised to hear him so knowledgeable about things.

      "I even discovered a way to instantly WILD every single time I try." He told me.

      "Really? Could you show me? That would be so awesome to LD like that!"

      "Yeah, sure, it's really easy."

      So he got down on his knees, leaned his head down to the ground, left his butt sticking up in the air, and then pulled a blanket over himself.

      "And then," I heard his muffled voice say, "you just close your eyes and WILD."

      In another instant, he was totally still, and didn't respond if I tried to talk to him. After about five minutes, though, he suddenly started shouting and thrashing about!

      "Wake up! Gah! Wake up! Wake up!"

      Of course he did wake himself up that way. Apparently the dream had turned into a nightmare

      "Did it work?" I asked once he had calmed down.

      "Yeah, of course it did."

      I decided to ignore how stupid a position it was to be in; if it got WILDs that well, it was worth it. So I took the blanket and gave it a shot.

      Next thing I know after closing my eyes, I'm in a huge underground auditorium with thousands of people all around. The room was a cave, really, and the stage a huge diamond that was carved into. "No way! It worked! I'm in a lucid dream!"

      But then my friend decided to shake me back awake...in the non-lucid dream.

      "Well, did it work?"

      "You bloody well bet it did! Why'd you wake me up!? Couldn't you have waited until I finished the dream?"

      Then I woke up for real. (and by the way, I'm not counting that second lucid part as another LD in my sig just cuz it was so short)

      Dream 3: There was another dream I remember too, but it came earlier on in the night. I just wanted to get the more interesting dreams written first . Basically, the doctor told me that because my vision isn't 20/20, I should get my eyes replaced with a new camera device that looked like a real eye and could be fit in an empty eye socket. I didn't want to go through with it.

      "My eyes aren't that bad, and what if the surgery fails? Then I'll have no vision at all!" I protested.

      "But if it succeeds, you'll have 20/20 for life!"

      "Through machines, though, and machines are known to mess up once in a while. I don't want to have to go through eye maintenance all the time when my eyes were nearly fine to begin with."

      "But you could have 20/20!" The doctor repeated.

      Eventually I just left, but then I kept running into family and friends and they all told me the same things as the doctor and really wanted me to get the artificial eyes. One of them even mentioned they had artificial lungs and the surgery went without a hitch...all just to get me to replace my eyes that are not that bad. It drove me crazy! When I still refused to everyone who told me to get my eyes replaced, they decided to kidnap me and force me to comply with the doctor.

      Thankfully, I woke up from that one before they could. I don't exactly want to have my eyes removed, even in a dream. I know exactly what made me dream this, though: Immortel ad vitam. It's a movie I recently watched that has most people with artificial parts and one guy mentions his lungs being replaced...don't recommend that movie at all. It was such a waste of time. Pointless and confusing.

      Dream 4: This also happened earlier in the night. Don't remember much about this one. There was a woman who was crazed...trying to take over the world or something. We heard tell of her moving through the country, taking cities over wherever she went. Eventually, she was in my neighborhood, and then, in my house. I grabbed the first weapon I could get to: my sword. (yes, I have a sword IRL, and that's the one I grabbed, only the hilt was longer in the dream than it really is)

      I fearlessly walked up to the woman with the sword in my hand and shouted: "Get! Back!" The gem on the sword's pommel began to glow, and as terror overtook the woman's gaze, she crumpled to the ground onto her knees.

      "You...have...my sword!"

      "What are you talking about, this is my sword! And I will use it unless you give this up!"

      "No, that once was my sword, many hundreds of years ago...it is where I get my power from, but I lost it once, and so I now am searching the earth for it."

      I thought then that she would grab it out of my hand and turn into some monster of unstoppable power, but she didn't.

      "That sword lies in the hands of a brave man, now. I can never reclaim it."

      That said, she stood up slowly, walked out silently, her vast armies scattering, and no one ever heard from her again.

      That one could almost be in a movie or book or something...interesting concept.

      Well, not a bad night for dreaming! Four recalls, a little bit of lucidity...still room for improvement, though!
      Tags: interesting
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    4. ARCHIVE: Friday, April 2, 2010

      by , 06-11-2010 at 01:52 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Quote Originally Posted by LiveInTheDream View Post
      Well, I'm getting pretty tired of not having decent lucids, so I'm going back to the constantly-RC method. I'll keep trying WILDs here and there cuz they're so much better when they work, but I'm not getting them to work consistently enough for me.

      Since an important part of DILD is dream recall, I thought I had better write down what I remember of last night.

      I wasn't actually in the dream; it was like a mental movie. There was a guy (I think his name was Martin) who was staying in a room at his girlfriend's house because he had no job and no money. The gf was some sort of psychiatrist or something like that, and was trying to get Martin a job with her, but he needed specific training before he could. So he got the details, packed what little he had, and headed off to different locations for the training.

      It wasn't but a day after he left that his gf got a phone call from her boss. "You may want to tell Martin to look elsewhere." She said. "We've found someone for the job." Martin's gf was shocked. "And this person has all the necessary training for the position?" She asked. "Well...no." Boss replied. "Actually, she has no training at all. But she's got what it takes; you just have to see her with a patient! I think she'll end up teaching us, not the other way around." Now the gf was really distressed. Not only had the spot for Martin been filled contrary to previous plans, and he was getting training he couldn't afford without getting the job as well, but it was all happening for someone with no training! After a brief silence, the boss added, "You should probably meet her. Could I send her over to your place tomorrow? I think it would be a nicer place for a chat than at the office." "Uh, yeah...sure."

      Next thing I know, the scene 'cut' to a different person. It was yet another girl (pretty sweet way to dream, right?) who lurked in the shadows (ok maybe not) and was watching Martin's girlfriend's boss at her desk. At first there were other people there, talking to her, but as soon as they all left, the lurker woman walked out and started speaking in commands. "You will not hire the new girl. You will tell her there has been a mistake and she cannot work here." As she spoke, the boss's eyes seemed to roll back in her head and black streaks appeared in both of them, swirling around. I could tell the boss was being controlled. But fortunately, the newcomer appeared just then. She was a pretty brunette that wore glasses; nothing at all like the other, rather dumpy people in the dream. "Let her go!" The newcomer shouted. Her words seemed to throw the evil woman back with a force, and she ran off first chance she got. The boss's eyes returned to normal. "What was that?" The boss asked. "I was totally unable to control myself!" "I don't know," the newcomer replied, "but I don't think we've seen the end of this one."

      Again the scene 'cut' to a different location; this time a public phone in a train station. Martin was calling his gf. I can't remember all their dialogue, but she told him about the job no longer being available, and meeting with the newcomer the next day. She said that the whole thing sounded weird, and if possible, she would try to convince the boss not to hire the new girl because of her lack of experience. But still, it wasn't much comfort to Martin. He knew that without a job, he was financially screwed.

      It was the following day, then, and the newcomer was knocking at the door of Martin's gf. She was suddenly in an apartment now instead of a house. "Come in." The reply to the knock came. But it wasn't Martin's gf's voice. The newcomer opened the door, and found Martin's gf standing there, motionless, black swirls in her eyes. Next to her was the evil woman. "Now you listen to me." The evil woman said. Martin's gf robotically spoke the same words at the same time; it was like their brains had been connected, and the evil woman's was the dominant of the two. "Do what I say, or she <Martin's gf> dies." The newcomer was strangely able to resist the mind-controlling power of the evil woman. "You don't have to live this way." She told the evil woman. "I can help you." The evil woman laughed, which also made Martin's motionless girlfriend laugh in an emotionless and robotic tone. The two laughs combined were chilling. "Help me? I'm doing this for you." The newcomer raised a single eyebrow in confusion at the evil woman's saying. "I'm doing this for her!" She continued, pointing at Martin's gf. But then something really weird happened. The evil woman looked not just in my direction as the spectator, but at me, even though I wasn't there. I could feel my real body for a moment, but then it got sucked in, and I was standing in that apartment room, also motionless and unable to move of my own accord. "I'm doing it...for him!" I then felt my eyes rolling back into my head, unstoppably, and black swirls began to cover my vision. But then I heard the newcomer start panicking. "No! Don't!" She cried. "He controls the dream; if you control him, you'll kill us all! We can't exist without him being the one in control!" The evil woman snapped back (the gf still saying all of her words at the same time: "Idiot! We'll stop existing as soon as he wakes up!" Then I felt myself uncontrollably begin to say the same things as the evil woman as well. "If I take control of him, we can continue existing forever! None of us have to die! I'm saving us all!" But at the same time as the evil woman was talking, I was thinking about what the newcomer had said about it being a dream. Pretty soon, I realized...it was a dream! Summoning all my energy into one panicked move, I thrust my head forward, said, "Not today!" (which the gf said at the same time as me, this time) and with one jerk of my head (the only thing I could move), I broke the dream like a pane of glass, and woke myself up.

      Such a weird, weird concept...a DC being afraid of dying, and thereby attempting to take control of my mind so I wouldn't wake up?? I don't think I want to dwell on that one...
    5. ARCHIVE: Thursday, March 4, 2010

      by , 06-11-2010 at 01:48 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Quote Originally Posted by LiveInTheDream View Post
      I'm surprised I didn't go lucid last night, honestly. I'm not real close to being over my cold yet though, so my brain probably was still just thinking like a brain does when it's on medicine.

      But anyway, here is what I remember of my dreams from last night:

      Dream 1: I was just walking around my house one evening like it was a normal day, when this Evanescence song popped into my head. I started whistling it, and before long attempting to emulate the sound of various instruments, too. Only the funny thing was, it was hardly emulation because I could match the sound of the instruments perfectly! Of course it was only a matter of time before I figured out how to sing in multiple voices while still doing instruments too...it was a weird feeling, yet somehow it felt fully possible.

      I love musical dreams...the only problem is that you can never remember the sound of it when you wake up.

      Dream 2: I wasn't personally there; just spectating. And what I saw was a girl. She was running for her life. Her outfit was white and in the style of an Elf's (like in Lord of the Rings), but I could tell she was human. And apparently she could, too. As I moved in closer, I began to hear her thoughts: "Where...not far enough." She continued running, but I gathered that what she meant by that fragment of a thought was that simply running couldn't save her. "A wall!" As I heard this thought, a great stone wall rose out of the ground directly behind her. "Not high enough." A chasm could be seen just ahead. "An obstacle!" She jumped across the gap and landed on the other side without difficulty. "Not hard enough." As she continued to run I could sense her growing fear and hopelessness. "Nothing I do is enough to escape him!" Next thing I know, I was no longer spectating, and I was that girl! And that made her problem my problem. So I thought about other methods of escape. The idea to fly came to mind. Perhaps that would be the solution! So I ran up a hill (as this girl, remember), jumped off, and turned into an eagle.

      Next thing I know, I'm in a false awakening, but still as this girl. That lasted only a few moments, though.

      Maybe it was just the Nyquil, but that second one seems to have a lot of symbolism to it. Maybe not. I still can't think well enough to tell...
      Tags: interesting
    6. ARCHIVE: Friday, February 25, 2010

      by , 06-11-2010 at 01:44 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Quote Originally Posted by LiveInTheDream View Post
      WOW! Just, wow! I succeeded at WILD again last night, and it was the best one yet!

      So I naturally woke up at 5:00am, like I usually do (for reasons I have yet to understand), and lay in bed for about ten minutes before I woke up enough to realize that I was even awake. When that realization finally hit, it woke me up enough that a long WBTB seemed unnecessary. I didn't even get out of bed; instead I just rolled over to a new and comfortable position and then waited for the HI. They came visibly and audibly within a couple minutes. So I started counting.

      "1...I'm dreaming...2...I'm dreaming..."

      I did it pretty mindlessly, but it was just enough to keep me conscious. Before long I was seeing white everywhere and feeling the energy pulses as I did last time. And I had this urge to do something--anything! But I felt like if I just sat there I'd lose it. So I did the first thing that came to mind; with my eyes still closed, I started doing push-ups in my bed! (Really at this point I was in SP and in my dream body) And then, with a loud wooshing noise, it was like my consciousness was sucked away. I collapsed on the bed and everything went black. So I tried to open my eyes. I was in my bathroom, and I knew the WILD had succeeded. But everything was so real! A quick RC completely affirmed my state, however, and I thought of things to do. "Hmm...I recently said on dreamviews that I wouldn't mind lucid dreaming a level or two of Tomb Raider. When I open this door, I'll be in Croft Manor!" I opened the bathroom door, but I saw my hallway outside. "Dang. Try something else." I thought about teleportation, and the first thing that came to my head was how Hiro Nakamura teleports in the Heroes TV show. Figured it was worth a try. So I thought "Croft Manor", closed my eyes, and worked hard at it until my head shook from concentration. I heard the familiar teleportation sound from Heroes and then opened my eyes again. I was standing right in the doorway to Croft Manor!

      The place was incredible; everything was exactly as it appeared in the game, only far more realistic. Even the patterns on the carpets inside were true to Tomb Raider: Anniversary! "Now to find Lara Croft!" As I said this, I turned around, pointing at the place where I wanted her to appear. At that moment she walked through the door that I was pointing at. "There you are!" I said. "Where shall we go? Vilcabamba? Coastal Thailand?" She wasn't nearly so excited. "What are you doing here?" She replied angrily as she walked by, not even looking me in the face. "Well come on, don't you want to go?" I asked. "Not with you!" She retorted. I tried to talk nice to her then and soften her attitude, but it didn't work. So I followed her as she walked outside and made a picnic lunch appear in the middle of the mansion's huge lawn. She didn't go for that, either. I guess being rich actually made Lara a snob after all

      Giving up on that idea, I tried teleporting away to somewhere else (although I can't remember where, now). Instead of going there I ended up in my bed, in another false awakening. "What, it's over? Better reality check to make sure." I pinched my nose and breathed in. No air went through. But it didn't feel right, somehow, so I did it again, this time only pinching one side and then slowly pinching the other as I breathed in. This time air went through, and I knew I was in a false awakening. A moment of panic hit me, then. It felt like I had already been in a dream for a couple hours. I wondered if I'd ever truly wake up, or if I'd just keep having false awakenings. That fear left as quickly as it came, though. I figured it had only been a few real minutes, and besides, I wouldn't mind living in a lucid dream for a long time anyway, considering I was in full control right now.

      I teleported back to the Croft Manor to figure out where I should go next. Lara was still there, and still unhappy, so I just flew around near the ceiling to stay out of her way. "Flying...flying...wait! I flew that girl around before. I should bring her back and we can fly someplace again!" So that's exactly what I did. I landed on the ground and tried to summon her. A girl appeared, but it was just a silhouette of an old woman. "You're not the right one." So I turned around and pointed, as I had done before, saying: "This is really her!" And sure enough, there she was! Her back was turned to me, though, so I was a bit nervous that her face wouldn't be right. I tapped her shoulder and she turned around. Not a single inch of her face was inaccurate! "Hi!" She smiled, and I could tell she was remembering our last flying adventure. "You ready to go?" I asked as I picked her up just as we had done before.

      It was then that Lara got jealous. "Wait a minute, what do you mean, go? You can't go without me!" I shrugged. "Sorry, actually I can. You're not real." And then I flew off with the girl to the middle of the maze behind Croft Manor and landed there. I knew Lara wouldn't find us there in time. We laughed from the joy of flying and escaping that way. "You want to go get something to eat?" I asked. "Sure! That sounds good." "Where do you want to go?" "Anywhere's fine with me." I couldn't help chuckling, considering she had no idea that I could take her literally anywhere. "No," I said, caressing her cheeks with my hands. "You choose. Please." She nodded slowly, getting the idea that I would do anything for her. "Alright. How about..." and she mentioned the name of a restaurant that I can no longer remember. It started with an 'N', but that's all I can recall. "Ah! That's a good place. Here; just put your hands on my shoulders and we can teleport there." She did, and I successfully teleported us to the restaurant the same way I had teleported before.

      When I opened my eyes, we were in a very cool building. The lights were dimmed, people were everywhere, and cool mexican-sounding music was being played on a stage a short ways away. It was all 100% real. "This is so much better than real life!" I shouted. I didn't want anyone to hear, though, so no one did. The girl was in front of me. "Come on!" She said, pulling me by the hand. I was almost in a daze; I just couldn't get over how great everything was, so it was good that she was there to pull me along. For some reason we had to go through a ticket booth to get inside, even though no one was taking or giving tickets. When it came to be my turn to go through, the guy standing at the counter said, "Have a good time!" I shook his hand just to see what it felt like. My fingernail caught on his hand as I did so, making him flinch. It felt real, that's for sure. Skin slightly rough, a bit of sweat...even the creases in his palm. "Sorry about that, dude." I nodded towards the place my fingernail had caught. "That's alright man! Go have a good night with your girlfriend!" Well, that was interesting.

      I ran and caught up to the girl, who was looking for a table. "Is this ok?" She asked, pulling back a chair to sit in. "Looks good to me!" I took the other seat. "Hey, umm..." I began as I reached across the table and held her hand. "What would you say...we are? Not...not in real life, I mean, but...in here." She didn't get it. "What? What do you mean...'in here'?" I didn't want to say outright that it was a dream, since by now I was pretty sure that I was shared dreaming with this girl. Make her go lucid, and she could figure out that were sharing a dream and that I really do care for her. So I skipped the dream thing entirely and asked plainly: "Would you say you're my girlfriend?" She smiled.

      Then I lost the dream and woke up!

      I know! Of all times to wake up! I mean, COME ON! Just ten more seconds and I could have had an answer! I tried desperately to WILD again and get back to that spot, but of course it didn't work. It had been a couple hours, and I wasn't at all tired any more. REM was done. I couldn't relax.

      Oh well. It was still my best WILD yet! And I'm getting better at doing it right, so hopefully before long I'll be able to use it to go lucid very often indeed!
      Tags: epic, interesting
      lucid , memorable
    7. ARCHIVE: Tuesday, February 23, 2010

      by , 06-11-2010 at 01:43 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Quote Originally Posted by LiveInTheDream View Post
      Last night's WILD attempt again did not go so great. I was just reaching the point where I was thinking, "I should start counting to keep myself awake" and next thing I know, I'm waking up. In real life. I was in the same position that I had attempted the WILD in, though, so I must have at least made it to SP.

      After that I fell back asleep and had one really interesting dream (for music people, anyway):

      I found myself sitting on the floor with a bunch of candies. Ferrero Rocher, from the look of them. I picked one up and placed it in a spot in that plastic tray fancy chocolates always come in. A small note played. So I put another one in, one slot higher than the previous one. A slightly higher note played. Then I took those two out of the tray and put two different candies in. Each one of them changed the octave, but played the same note as the ones before. After experimenting with this for a while, I figured out which candies would produce notes in which octave, and which positions in the tray caused which individual notes.

      Next thing I know, the tray that I was working with contained several more spaces. If I filled up the available spaces and still needed more, more would simply be there. So I got to composing a song in this manner. Once I got the main melody down, I started to add in harmonies. This is where things got interesting. As I put more candies into the slots to add harmonies, I began to realize how many different notes were playing all at once and still sounding great. "How is that even possible?" I asked, amazed. So I added in some more. Still the music didn't sound bad, and in fact, it sounded even better than before! "This many notes can't good together..."

      I was jerked out of that dream by a loud bang from outside, so I don't know if I was about to go lucid or not right there. But the interesting fact still remains: I was hearing impossible notes in my head. How? Well, it's simple science. Sound heard by our ears is caused by vibrations in the air. In a dream, you don't hear by your ears, there are no vibrations, and there's no air. Crazy how that works...
      Tags: interesting
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