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    1. The Tom Robbins dream

      by , 04-02-2013 at 08:09 PM
      I remember trying to sleep in a bed located in my former neighbor's carport. I'm covered and slightly behind something but I have a slight view of someone moving about and trying to steal something about 15 feet in front of me. I'm hidden slightly so I know they can't tell I'm awake as they lurk about.

      The outlined shape of a woman resolves itself and I can tell that the blurry shape is actually the next-door neighbor. She is trying to be stealthy and get behind me so I discretely keep one eye on her movements. She picks up a book from the table behind me and I realize it's my copy of Half-Asleep in Frog Pajamas by Tom Robbins. I can even see the cover clearly.

      **Despite this, I don't think of the author's name until I'm awake.**

      The woman is about to step away from the table and I say, "It's a good book." She stops, looks at me knowing she's caught.

      "Does he have any other good books?" She asks me in a quavery older-woman voice.

      "Of course," I reply. "There's [U]Even Cowgirls Get The Blues[/U] and Skinny Legs And All...I think my favorite is Jitterbug Perfume. Oh, and Still Life With Woodpecker."

      I'm impressed that I can recall all these titles in a dream and I realize I'm dreaming at the same moment.

      After that all I really recall is being near a Laundromat and the walls opening out from the building. I had to get up too early and should have worked on recall instead of waking my daughter for school. ;)