Originally Posted by atkins513
If I can get past my dryspell maybe I will test it too lol... Im going to bed early tonight to see if i can get up early and wild.
Wow. So all this recent reading of these forums and RC methods must have automatically milded for me, because last night I broke a several week dryspell.. infact.. I made another breakthrough also...
It went like this:
I was in a house that I did not recognize with a friend of mine IRL. I realized it was a party of some sort because there were people everywhere, drinking, talking to eachother, laughing, ect... I was walking around attempting to mingle but no one seemed to know who I was, infact, I didn't recognize one single face myself.. I turn around to find my friend and he is nowhere to be seen now.. I'm at a party with people I dont know and now the only person I did know is gone.. I started thinking about how wierd the situation was.. and then I remembered that everytime I find myself in a new situation I need to perform a reality check.. (i have been doing this alot lately) and it dawned on me that I have been wanting to try a new movement free reality check I had thought of.. so I squeezed my lips together and blew hard, AIR FLOWED FREELY!!!
I thought to myself, "is this right, I know my nose is still open, but my lips are pushed hard together, I'll do this again", this time I blew even harder with my lips tightly closed and air blew harder through my closed mouth.. i was amazed that this appeared to be working so I decided to watch the scenario around me and see if I can create an effect on anything.. When I look up from the floor, everyone is staring at me and no one is dancing, talking, or taking a drink. Every single person around me is staring. So now that I Have made myself very apparently known.. I decide I better be sure this is a dream and do a second reality check... So I move on to attempt the nose plug RC, I plug my nose (WITH EVERYONE WATCHING) and take a deep breath out and a deep breath in, and I CAN BREATHE!! Now KNOWING I AM 100 PERCENT LUCID, I just laugh out loud very hard, because of the hysterical situation I was in of not knowing if I had just made an huge fool of myself or not.. and now knowing I had not. I walk outside and the stars are incredibly bright, and I am very cold.. it is very cold outside.. this felt incredible to me... the cold wind blowing against my face.. it amazed me even more that this was all a creation of the mind, yet so incredibly realistic.. I walked out into the yard and turned around to look back at the house behind me, but it was different. It was the same house, yet very very old, abandoned, a couple of boarded up windows, and completely pitch black inside.. not a sound.. completely empty... I woke up laying in my bed.. attempted the first reality check and my cheeks filled with air... I attempted the end reality check and could not breath in or out.. I was awake in real life now.. I jotted down most everything i could quickly into my bedside journal and went back to sleep..
I really want to know if this works for anyone else.. because it was dead on perfect for me. If it works this well during an LD, then it will work the same for attempted wilds, and also for false awakening in which you do not want to move unless you are sure it is LD, so as to not ruin an attempt at deild.
Let me know your results please