I think I might be onto something.

If you are one of those that claim to be a Christian, please explain why. I don't want circular reasoning like "BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO GO TO HELL" or any reasoning that requires Christianity in the first place.

Why, with your very capable and intelligent minds, do you believe in, quite simply, just a book?

I think it is stupid to believe in a book that tells you what to do, without any real reason or reward.

Is it simply a fairytale that you choose to believe in, about heaven and hell and all these things?
I wouldn't mind if it was, as long as you acknowledged it for being one, a set of rules and stories dictating one thing or another to avoid a punishment that has never been known to happen, or a reward that has never been known to be given.

I think it is fine to think that there may be an external entity, bigger or smaller, separate from your personal self. Even for people to go so far as to believe in that. But for people to then give that unknown pseudo entity a name, a set of rules, whatever, and then to force them onto themselves and to other people...confusing as fuck. Seems like a method to control the weak-minded.