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    Lucid Time!

    Quickie Frags

    by , 11-23-2014 at 02:29 PM (445 Views)
    All of my teeth were falling out dream. I started to become lucid and I woke up.

    I found a crayon that had the name of my old high school crush on it. I 'remembered' that she had a set of crayons with her name printed on them; they were a special present from someone. I was trying to figure out if I should keep it or send it to her.
    DawnEye11 likes this.

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    non-lucid , dream fragment


    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      I hate it when teeth fall out in dreams.But its sort of funny to imagine when your not in the dream. Haha The crayon dream about your old highschool crush seems cute though.^^
      JadeGreen likes this.
      Updated 11-23-2014 at 09:56 PM by DawnEye11
    2. JadeGreen's Avatar
      Haha The crayon dream about your old highschool crush seems cute though.^^
      You wanna know a funny story? In high school my crush (you will see me reference her quite a lot. I actually have a lucid in here somewhere where I tried asking her out for practice.) She was like a straight A, varsity sports kind of girl and was really popular, but was also really nice. I talked to her only two times in all of high school, and one time in like the second grade.
      When we talked in the second grade I didn't make a particularly good impression. I was weird then. (Well even weirder than I am now, if you can even believe that.)
      The weird thing was that even though she was on top of the world and I was nobody I think she liked me back. Now not in a billion and five years would I have the courage to ask her out IWL. I don't know if you noticed, but I am terrible with girls. I have zil confidence and I can't stand drama.
      The only relationship I'm even a little bit interested in being in is the girl-ask-boy relationship.
      DawnEye11 likes this.
    3. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Wow, since second grade. That's a long time. Sounds like a sad love movie where popularity keeps two people apart. But I think I understand what you mean. When someone is surrounded by so many people you feel there might not be any space left for you. Even so I think you could have still tried talking to her and see if she was still interested in being your friend. If I was a boy I don't think I would wait for the girl to ask me . Even being the girl I'am,If I was close friends with the guy I liked I would be nervous at first but tell that person how I feel at some point.Like you said you had a feeling she might have liked you. But maybe you said nothing because you weren't as close to each other like you were back than. Nonetheless, I have faith you will not wait for the girl to ask in the future. If you are uncomfortable with asking a girl out than try being good friends with them first.
      Updated 11-24-2014 at 01:05 AM by DawnEye11