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    some vivid dreams.

    by , 11-05-2019 at 03:55 AM (310 Views)
    Jamie dreams

    Feels like she hasn't been as active lately, But I'm still impressed I get at least one dream a week. First one happens while I fall asleep i fall into a few micro dreams of Jamie just being there with me holding my hand. Seems like she is trying to re assure me that she is still around and isn't finished with me. Second dream I am visiting a guitar teacher I use to know named Jake ( who is also a well known banjo player who is known for playing canadian festivals." But in this dream I am seated at a keyboard. He asks me what I want to learn. I have a notebook out, it says Jamie was learning this piece or something. so I try it out. but can't read the notes that well. I think it was supposed to be one of chopin's easier waltzes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN5z1mu6j4M

    The Drone Army

    I dream I somehow get captured by these Sentient drones armed with guns and lasers. they are all self aware like a hive. there is a long sequence of me trying to escape but I can't. I'm in their lair which is like a big bowl in the ground with a complex at the center. My dad tries to get me out but when I climb one of the sides one of the drones buzzes in my way. i am terrified. There is a building in the center where we are being held. Two other captives are there, a woman and a Man. Pretty sure the woman was Asuka. This dream might have been one of their dream games or something. The drones are communicating through a screen to tell us their demands. I have a feeling they will try to kill us all. At some point me and Asuka find a bed to lie down in. We start doing things under the covers. A drone flies in and starts threatening me. Data asks what it's problem is. I say it doesn't want me doing doing anything with the girl.

    I somehow wind up outside a house that's under construction. I see Mike from work and ask him if he knows a way out. He says try through the building. I go into the building and go in the basement to the other end. There is a woman Foreman at the construction building with some worker. I go to inspect a window to make it seem like I am working there. The man approaches me and we start talking. Outside is a staircase that leads to a road apparently in the drone's blind spot. the woman leaves the room and says, "My there are lots of workers here," I think she means me. I tell the man to just let me out of the window and I'll leave. He agrees.

    I wind up leaving by a green grove of trees. i' climb over a hedge and I'm now by a huge overpass. the scenery is like the road from The Canada border to Seattle in Washington. I also see train tracks, and also a train which looks like it's coming at me. It stops on the track which is covered in green vines. I keep walking and wind up on a street. I figure I am safe from the drones now. I see a whole bunch of small black birds which I at first thinks is them. They place down a nice hat on the ground, so I put it on my head. I also see G walking by, he smiles at me and then I wake up.


    A dream of bjork visiting me. She winds up giving me a hug, or cuddling me or something. I find it very relaxing like she is also trying to console me. In any case I am happy to hear from her.

    I had other dreams but completely forget what they were.
    LydiaIsDreaming likes this.

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