Quote Originally Posted by Hyu View Post
It's certainly an interesting theory.
I'm not sure how I feel about talking about a specific planet or group of planets though.
In my experience the dream plane is of such a vast complexity and size that it is not humanly possible to comprehend.

I want to try meditation myself.
Unfortunately I have never done it in my life and I don't know anyone doing it.
Are there any good online resources that get you started?

Yuya said when I met my Dream Guide "Faye":
"I ain't your Dream Guide. I'm a spirit, I am your friend, and even though I will help you and I will guide you, I am not what you call a Dream Guide.
(Faye) on the other hand is. You needed a Dream Guide so you have found one.
She can help you with some things I cannot."

And Faye said:
"Yes, I am your Dream Guide. You've been searching for me, so you found me."

So according to them, I met Faye because I needed to find her.
Why that is I do not know. Maybe because I had goals I was not able to achieve on my own?

Yuya on the other hand, I "remembered" her, and only actively tried to find her afterwards.
I'm pretty sure Yuya actually mentioned you recently, but I could recall only very little of that dream.
I vaguely remember something about you searching for something... it didn't make sense at the time.
I feel like it makes sense now though. o_O

You would attack someone you feel has been a dear friend all your life and you are finally able to meet again? Someone who may hold answers to many of your questions? o_O
Well, I can partially understand what you're saying.
I wanted to fight Yuya after meeting her as well, but in a friendly way.

I have no idea what would happen in an all out fight between Yuya and me, but I do know that if I would make even the slightest mistake she would obliterate me.

Yuya seems very strong.
However Faye, my Dream Guide and Liv, a Succubus that appears in my dreams occasionally, both seem to be much weaker than I am.
I haven't interacted with Faye very much yet, but I feel like I could take her on quite easily.
Selene is very powerful, and we have never fought tooth-and-nail. I never have done that with any of my friends. A succubus appeared in my dreams recently too, named Lila. Oh, and you and Yuya.

Quote Originally Posted by Rawracookie View Post
I asked that very question a bit ago.


I think I've only successfully meditated once. I haven't been very focused on it since, but I'm going to try to learn it some more.

I still don't quite comprehend what meditation is and how to meditate. As in, I've done it that one time but still don't understand how it helps or how it is this "miracle cure" alot of people make it out to be.

I'm still doing more research on it.
Meditating is much more broad, yet more simple than what you apparently perceive. Mediation is awareness and being deliberate in your actions. Anything can be meditation. Walking the dog, doing dishes, driving...

Anyway, for starters, simply breathe. Focus on your breath. Take deep breaths, and sit up straight. Close your eyes. Relax. That's it.

Meditation doesn't necessarily mean you go out of body, have vision, feel an inexplicable calm, or vaporize straight to Nirvana. Just focus on the physical.

You can meditate while lying down. I suggest savassana, (yoga corpse pose) which is flat on your back, eyes closed, feet shoulder width apart, palms facing upward. Let your tongue fall away from the roof of your mouth and relax your body slowly, from your toes up.

You can meditate with your eyes open on an object or a flame. You can visualize something in your mind. Meditation is great for dream incubation. Realize it's a simple thing. For every day moment by moment meditation, focus on being deliberate in your actions. Whatever you do, do it in purpose, and take responsibility for your all your actions. Know what you are doing, and decide to do it.