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    A Dreamer's Dreams

    January 28, 2014 Lucid #4,"Prolonging Lucid Dream Attempt 1"

    by , 01-29-2014 at 04:31 AM (326 Views)
    Journal Entry Lucid #4 Dream, Lucid Dream , non-dream (Comments)
    Dream fragment 1 from 4:30am-5:372am"": I was walking with this girl down a street. She was saying something about going to the other side faster. Then we hopped on top of a bus station. She got bored of waiting and saw a train coming she jumped and I followed. We realized that it was transporting prisoners and I jumped out knowing that polices don't play. She stayed but their was someone else with her now. The guy that was on it ended up being on a Documentary that I was watching. He was crying about his stupidity. The music started and the screen started to fade as if it was ending. It then popped back up, and they are playing basket ball. I thought to myself let me see if I can participate with them and I reached out for the ball.

    As soon as I did that I became fully lucid. I started moving the basket ball back and forth creating pysical motion and thus the dream didn't end. I realized that I wanted to do something so I let go of ball. The dream started fading again so I started rubbing my hands together. The dream was constantly trying to disintegrate. I kept trying to maintain it. It went pitch black I thought to myself think about the sensation of your hands moving together. I came back into the dream. The dream was highly detailed. I can see the tiles. I tried touching the tiles and I saw this little baby face on one of the tiles. Their was four in one tile. I thought that is strange but I didn't care because I was lucid . I grabbed the basketball from the DC and they were asking me to give it back to them. I screamed at the dream, "THIS IS A DREAM AND i COULD DO WHAT EVER I WANT." I felt my voice come all around me, it felt good and refreshing. I had a thought of insecurity slip that said their is people around you. I responded I don't care this is a dream. I gave the basketball back to DC and they acted like nothing has happened. I thought what could I do. I was still dependent on my hand rubbing together and the dream has not stabilized. I wanted to fly but knew that it would wake me up. I wanted to do something big but I couldn't with out my hands. I thought what is the best way to minimize effort, without losing track of hand rubbing motion. I remember that I can conjure up things just by turning away and turning back. I also remembered when I had a training exercise for LDing in a partial LD that doors can be portals. I turned around and created a doors. These doors I envisioned would take me to places, somewhere exciting. Their was multiple doors next to each other. I went to one of them and it read, "STEWI" I laughed at it, and went in. I was inside of a library. I was amazed by something and I woke up.
    Meiseki likes this.

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    Updated 01-31-2014 at 03:09 AM by 65865

