2022-12-16 rest night, scene with dog on street and young man with large robot hands
, 12-16-2022 at 10:23 AM (136 Views)
Bed time super late, ~01:00
OOB 08:48
2 mag threo caps, 200mg l-theanine, 1 sour cherry cap
fitbit says 1h42m deep, 59m REM
awake at 7 or 8?
+ outside on street, see former dog B [deceased], then walk past him again, I think he may be dead, but then I see that he is trembling and his eyes are darting around at high speed, I think he's in severe distress and needs to be put to sleep. I want to call wife L to have her come and help. I'm concerned though that this will upset her. There is a parallel story about a police agency searching for a criminal gang, and a truck that I'm using that has been used by the criminals. I do not want to be associated with the criminals, so I want to call my wife L and then destroy a business card that I'm carrying, to rip it up so the police can't associate me with the criminals. The phone number involves the digits "1" and "3", I push the buttons on a push-tone phone.
[not sure it different scene or different dream]
Walking outside on street, walk past two young guys talking boisterously. One of them has replaced his hands/arms with robotic arms with huge robotic hands that are like pincers or a bulldozer digging head. They are heavy and dangerous, I do not want to get hit by those. I think he pushes me with them they are very strong. I wonder about how his brain and nervous system was interfaced with these attachments, so that all he needs to do is to think what he wants to do and they respond. (I also think that this is a sort of depressing thing to replace human arms with machine arms?)