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    1. 2023-07-02 long sleep, vivid dreams, long nightmare

      by , 07-02-2023 at 10:47 AM
      long sleep, vivid dreams, tons of day residue

      + walking through a theme park with JT (company 3) and family. I sort of suddenly find myself here in this location, and I look around and "recognize" it. Outdoors, daylight, there are vague buildings all around, and some walls dividing up the open area. I have to go poop I feel, so I leave the group and I go to the public bathroom. It is a fairly large, open indoor area. There are a lot of people there, men and women. There are no stall walls. The "toilets" are all out in the open in the middle of the room and are of a strange form, a little stand made up of a very small cup-like circular receptacle and very thin "wings" extending out to the sides of the cup that are the place you're supposed to "sit" on. I position my butt over the tiny cup area, not even planning to sit but to hover instead, and try to poop. It seems I'm constipated, it's hard to get anything to come out. After trying for a while I stand up and look down and see that I've managed to crap all over my pants which are down around my ankles. The "poop" is bright red which meat-like chunks like ground beef chili. I'm thinking OMG what am I going to do, take it off and wash it and then it'll be wet all day long?

      + walking on city sidewalk at night, I come to a Chinese restaurant/cafe with an older woman proprietor, selling the remains of the day's food just before closing. It looks good so I go in. I'm closely inspecting the food that is left, a few pieces of various different fried foods like shrimp are what I'm mostly looking at selecting. Another customer comes in and makes a move for some of what I'm looking at and I get offended and tell him to back off since I was here first. The woman sounds a "closing time" gong by banging on a ventilation pipe that makes a beautiful chiming sound that echoes through the neighborhood, and I say how lovely it sounds.

      + moving through fields that turns into a city, something to do with mafia running an illegal prescription drug ring. The fields are made up of tall golden grasses like wheat. In the city I'm approaching a tall building on a concrete path/sidewalk.

      + [super long, vivid, nightmare] I'm playing in a concert (I'm the featured first performer) and a piece of my instrument goes missing, ensues a long, emotional/angry search for the missing piece and who moved/took it, the concert begins without me, I meet with my parents in the audience and explain my problem, continue the search, turns out it was my son S2 who was working backstage and when I discover the missing piece in his pocket, I turn away from him in fury and resolve never to have dealings with him again