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    1. I bought wings

      by , 10-11-2016 at 04:59 PM
      I know now that my sensibilities when it comes to spending money are very poor in dreams. I was on a windy peninsula with a group of other people. We were mostly hanging out when a kiwi guy mentioned that he had two extra pairs of hand wings he'd sell me to help my flying improve. I was extremely hyped and paid the man $300. The first wings were two cloths that I wrapped around my hands and admittedly they helped a lot. The second 'wings' were literally just a pair of gloves.

      The fuck. I took back the deal and flew around a great deal.
    2. Girls, Flying, and the Museum of Death

      by , 10-11-2016 at 12:30 AM
      This has got to be my most stereotypical dream in a while. The beginning of this thing was lost in obscurity, so I'll slip ahead to the first moment that is absolutely concrete. I was with a group of girls, and two of them were these absolutely beautiful blondes. They both looked so unique, so far from the traditional blonde bombshell and it was driving me mad. One of them was so close to Lucy Mink, the other probably a girl I saw in passing, maybe years ago sat next to me on the subway.

      I was across from Lucy on the stairwell of a bohemian building downtown. Cast upon her face was the most beautiful lighting, a stark divide down the leading lines of her nose composed of red and ultramarine, two sides fighting to display a different aspect of her fierce beauty. I was mesmerized, and even in my staring at her, my habitual intense eye contact I now make with beautiful girls in an attempt to trigger the reality check, I did no such thing. She suddenly motioned to leave, so I switched my attention to the other girl. Equally gorgeous, yet not a similarity beyond the color of her hair.

      The girls said they were going to the museum, and I said I would meet them there. I knew that I would be transporting myself. Right in front of them I sprinted, felt the wind on my face, and leapt. I was flying much faster than I usually do in my dreams. Absolutely ripping it about a meter off the ground, swerving corners so hard I would hit trees, but just bounce off and keep going. I made it to the museum in minutes. There I flew through the loading doors and found myself in a massive labyrinth of hallways, flying through them at top speeds. I knew that there would be a destination for me so I continued flying through the unknown, taking lefts and rights and going up and down holes in the floor and ceiling. I found the place I was seeking and the girls were there. The said they were going to the basement to check out something that was going on in the museum. They were going down a stairwell, and I knew that the very basement floor held a secret they were not ready for. I rushed past them to the bottom and found my friend Nico there with another buddy.

      We were at the bottom of a fire escape. In front of me a a brick wall. To the left and right stretch low tunnels, far off and around the corner miles away. They are dimly lit, but there are iron bars blocking access to each. On the left, the bars have been breached. This is no accident. They say there have been reports of things down here, but they don't see any signs. Looking off too the right, far down the tunnel I see a small pale boy walking toward us. He has black rings around his eyes, and I know him to be a mummy. Squeezing his face through the bars, I begin to assault this child demon. His face contorts from the blows. He squeezes his entire body through the bars and we pulverize him. Suddenly a red raptor shoves his head thorugh the bars, too big to fit and gnashing at me. I smash up his face as well and another dies. To my left and look to see what I had feared. Raptors approching from the distant end of the hole, and the bars are gone. I look to my partners for help and they have abandoned me in resentment of some past wrongdoing. I pull out the aluminum bat that leans on my desk and took some slow, dream-molasses swings. They are barely enough to keep myself from death.

      I wake up after this betrayal.