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    1. Ultimate defence of the Ultimate T House

      by , 10-16-2016 at 08:49 PM
      What a great one this was. I remember an extreme level of detail and it's Sunday morning so lets try to get it all in.

      It began in a strange moment, as I found myself having just gotten off of a greyhound. Here we were, a great big group of people, some I knew but most I didn't, all moving into a giant, massive version of the T House together. It had the same basic layout, but each room was the size of the entire actual building and allowed everyone their own giant living space, not just a bedroom.

      I started grabbing my bags from the bus and saw that there were a lot of beautiful girls getting off. If I was a perfect lucid dreamer I would have reality checked here, but instead, I gawked. I realized that they were famous, it was a group of girls and a guy that were a pop band. Suddenly it hit me that everyone here was famous. It was like the hotel in Youth.

      As I was going in, one of the girls started talking to me and we had a really fun conversation, not really about anything just lots of witty banter and gauging what the other was like. I made strong eye contact throughout the conversation but did not reality check. My RCs have failed me so far.

      I get in my room and unpack, then hop on the computer. I'm doing emails and stuff when I hear a noise outside. I look out the window and see a massive war between big piloted ships and mechs outside. The battle seems to be man vs alien, and a buddy of mine is heading the human effort. I run out there and he points me to a downed human craft. It is massive, with huge plasma cannons on the front but the cockpit is just open to the air and dead between the guns. All the ships are like this, they have only a single crew piloting them and that person is not protected by glass or anything. I fight in the ship, taking down some enemies before mine is destroyed. I immediately hop out and go at an alien, jumping past his guns and beating him up to take the cockpit. I fight once again.

      The fight ends and they are driven off, and I return to my room. I am on the computer again when I hear a knock at my door. There's a group of women, some of the pop stars and some older women. They're looking for my friend the battalion commander and they have the wrong place. We make some jokes and then they head down the hall. I walk out and see that on the rooftop is another massive room, and the guy staying there is one of the richest and most important men on earth. I know he knows the commander so I go talk to him, hoping to make some connections. He talks to me for a bit but knows why I'm there and points out how young and inexperienced I am. I tell a joke and he laughs a bunch, then gets a phone call or something. I head out of his room and see the commanders. I go to talk to him but in there I see all the women on his bed with him. They're clothed just talking, and I chill for a short moment, before putting on a Kanye song on my phone for them. I swear to god the song doesn't exist but my mind just knows his voice, and created an amazing track that was somewhere between "real friends" and "heard them say". Such a relaxing tune.

      The ladies started kissing the guy, and I was really weirded out being there so I leaped from the balcony and drifted down toward the dock. This is my favourite part of the dream.

      The pier was gone, now there was just the tiny wood dock at the end of it, now attached to the bottom of the stairs. As I stood on the dock, looking out at the water, I became extremely present. This is a new habit of mine derived from meditation. If I find myself alone with a beautiful view I often take a deep breathe and drink it in. However, before my thoughts turned to reality checking, I became engrossed by the water. I slowly walked toward the edge of the dock, staring down. I leaped high in the air, and though to myself, "I always fuck up dives. Let's do a perfect dive right now." My body spun, head straight down. I plunged into the water. The moment I entered it I was once again horizontal, belly flopping without the pain. I slammed into the bottom of the lake. My eyes were closed, and the dream for a moment was nothing but the feeling of water, weightlessness, and the sandy lake bed.

      I've always been sure that my dreams have to have visuals. This one single moment has undone that belief. It was the exact feeling I've had so many times up at summer camp, that moment right after you jump in, eyes closed and feel how different the universe has become in the split second.

      I tried to swim up. I did my best, but I found myself unable to swim. was I drowning? maybe. who was I to know? I was thrashing calmly, floating up at a snail's pace. I could reach up and feel the surface but ascending the last foot seemed impossible. I just forgot about it and enjoyed the water. I found myself at the surface. Looking down, the water was only 4 feet deep, so I just put my feet down. At the bottom of the lake, in a beam of sun, was my brand new Beachman. It was resting perfectly, as if for a picture. I remembered that it was not waterproof, but this seemed to be a new version, with metal body and wood accents. I grabbed it from the floor and brought it in close, finding it to be damp inside. The word "Beachman" had mostly come off, and the letters were floating around in there. For some reason, I could see that the holes punched in the wood were originally made to put in a swastika and not letters. I was so furious, and began visualizing my conversation with Lucy about why the fuck this had been, and how we would need a new supplier.

      When I looked up, the girl from the bus was there. She did not want to be in the commander's menagerie and had done it to make me jealous. She came to see me here, but suddenly there was a neighboring family in the water. We had to talk to them for a while, and when they left the sun was setting. She lay down on the dock and I was in the water. We talked and talked, and I started falling for this girl. The sunset on the lake was the perfect shades of red, orange. Casting what felt like the light of a warm fire on her face, catching her hair in the wind. Beautiful. The mind is a huge cheater, always knowing what you want. She looked exactly like that girl who kissed me in the bar.

      I went to return to the T house with her, but when we got there everyone was leaving. The aliens were going to win the next battle, so we had to take an elevator to an interdimensional airport like in rick and Morty. There we would be able to escape to a new place with no enemies. There was an entrance to the terminal through an elevator in the house, so we all began going through. Suddenly Stu and Evan Ccole were here, and they said we had to defend the elevator from alien presence as they would try strange tactics to get past us.

      At first, they were sending strange inanimate objects through in absurd quantities. The elevator doors would open, and 200 orange balloons with Shibes on them would roll out and slowly roll toward the security checkpoint and the people waiting in line. I think the aliens had only recently made contact with our homeworld here and had no idea what the meaning and pattern of our objects were, so they made huge sweeping guesses.

      Evan cole and I had to stand in the hallway and smash every balloon. That came through. The next elevator was full of fake companion cubes. We smashed them as they came. Then, the tricks began. The aliens sent in real people they had captured, and mixed in were fake humans, poor imitations that were incapable of self-defence. The first ones were just full of gas and would pop when struck, but they became more solid with each wave. Eventually, they looked almost like us, but they were clearly never going to escape uncanny valley. They aliens had reached their peak of imitation. The fake ones were full of a fleshy pulp, lacking bones or organs and would fall easily as we smashed them with fists. I took a moment to catch my breath, and Kanye West himself was in line. I've had Drake appear before, but now it was the presence of this guy himself. I explained to Kanye what was happening. "come check this out man, it's worth seeing". He comes back down the line with me reluctantly, thinking I'm some crazy fan trying to convince him to something, but then I walk up to an old lady, at least 90 years old, and say "hello Delores!" grabbed her by the scruff of her collar and punched the shit out of her goddamn alien mouth. Her head exploded and the room erupted in laughter. So gruesome but so hilariously strange and righteous in its service to the human race.

      I saw Kanye laughing and then I woke up.
      non-lucid , memorable