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    1. too bad

      by , 10-18-2016 at 04:18 PM
      It was a great one. Damn memory
    2. Mormons

      by , 10-18-2016 at 04:16 PM
      This was a strange one.

      Lee and I were walking in the woods after checking out an insane fantasy view. We were walking back to the car when we passed a bro looking dude. I can't remember who said what or if we bumped into the guy or something, but suddenly he became very pissed at us. We giggled it off and got in this white pickup and started driving down a road in the woods.

      About a minute later I look back, and the dude is following us. I tell lee and he gets kind of weirded out, but I decide to make it fun. "It's a race then". Lee floors it. I look back at the dude.

      7 white pickup trucks are all ripping after us, full speed in the deep woods. We are fucking dead. Lee hauls ass and we start to panic. We pass a small sports court, next to it is a building with a basement. We both notice it. As we continue down the path we realize that we are heading directly into the den of the beast. There's a Mormon comune up ahead. Lee freaks out and starts to swerve. There is a massive building dead ahead and we skip to a stop.


      I can't get my seatbelt off in time. The trucks close around in a shield wall and I am ripped from the vehicle. Kneeling on the ground, I close my eyes and raise my hands. In the long oment I await the gun barrel to my head. Instead, I feel a hand touch mine. Then another. And another. I am surrounded, my captors all touching me as they begin to recite a prayer. My fear deepens. They want to make me one of them.

      I open my eyes and they hold a piece of scripture in front of me and ask me to read it. I read it at a level so indistinguishly quiet that they had to take my word that I said it at all. Then, the indoctrination began. They raised me to my feet and welcomed me to the commune. Immediately the most 'hip' guy closest to my age was assigned to take me around. He was clearly born here and had no idea about the outside world, which could be seen everywhere. He took me outside the building and we looked at the beautiful view of the surrounding forest and valley. I did not RC. I turned and looked, and two beautiful girls came outside. They were sent to seduce me, already in the last few minutes they had noticed that the guy would have little effect in my conversion. The girls were clever but totally brainwashed and used obvious tactics to get me on their side. I looked them all straight in the eyes but never did an RC.

      After a little while I was given a bit of freedom of movement, and all the while I had not stopped thinking about what Lee had said. I knew he must have moved on from the basement by now, but if he wasn't brought back, there must be a solid method of escape there. There was an emergancy of some sort, and the men running the place were called to an auxilliary bulding. I was about to waltz off to the basement when they all emerged form a door. They were looking for me, when suddenly I realized, I can fly. Why the fuck am I here when I can fly. I ran past them and leapt in the air, flying up in a shitty spiral toward the stained glass roof of this massive commune building. The leader, who was the ballet teacher from Black Swan, saw me. He screamed and I doubled my efforts to fly. This is when I realized i was dreaming. The feeling was amazing, entering a clear first person perspective and knowing that this is the time for me to be conscious. There was no more play time, no more need to be a slave to this place. I started analyzing the rules of how I fly. I went up through the window, but the man began to scream at me. His voice and incantations created a vortex in this hole in the roof, sucking the glass in and pulling me down. I overpowered him and shot into the sky.

      In the epilogue of the dream I lost my lucid state, but I met Lee and he explained to me how he escaped, by stealing a UPS truck