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    1. Advice

      by , 10-14-2016 at 04:08 PM
      Swear to god I spent half the dream giving advice to people. The first was an Iranian man. I was at a Delta hotel after coming up into the lobby from underneath. The manager of the place was this guy, who was a failed actor. We walked up to a scenic cliff and talked about what it means to act and how to become great, and I talked about deliberate practice. He then tried to seduce me, but a combat helicopter flew up from below the cliff in time for me to get away. I went back to where the hotel was, and outside I found hundreds of girls, all actors as well. They all wanted my advice. I didn't know what to say as I'm not an actor, but they were all trying to get my shirt off so I just kept making stuff up. Suddenly an attack fell on the city, a kryptonite nuke detonated 300 miles away on a mountaintop and superman had to fly head first directly into the blast. There was a long cinematic cutscene where the camera would just keep following him and cutting to different viewpoints of this epic sacrifice.