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    1. Lucid meditation

      by , 10-20-2016 at 03:39 PM
      Well! After years and years of training, and many nights of tiny lucid moments, I can confidently say that I have now had a pure, 100% conscious lucid moment.

      I was on a golf course with chris, and we were sitting in a golf cart. We were about to start driving into the course when I noticed somethihng off about him. Suddenly, I was hit by lucidity. I got very excited, and was about to start ripping the golf cart, when I remembered how much I should just take a moment. I kept staring and chris and started taking long, deep breathes. I could feel the breath entering my lungs deeply. I could hear the birds and the wind of the golf course. And Chris' face began to morph in to some crazy version of his and mine combined, the veil of the dream no longer able to conceal how fucked he was. I turned forward and began to drive, taking in the moment, and quickyl lost my lucidity.

      Although it was short lived, for a moment there my entire conscioussness was focused on "I am dreaming. This is a lucid dream." Meditating in your dreams is the way to go, and I will try to start every session like that from now on.