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    1. A series

      by , 10-05-2016 at 06:22 PM
      I was in bed this morning waiting for a text. Because of this I just kept snoozing and had like 20 dreams.

      The only good part I can remember is about this point where suddenly I had a genie. He was hanging at my place with me, when I got a text from my ex. I realized I could ask the genie anything so I asked when the last time was that she thought of me, and he said it was two weeks ago. I thought that was great especially since we haven't spoken for 3 years.

      After hanging with him, I went off to town. In town I found a second genie, this time played by Gene Wilder. He was more of a Loki figure and was just doing general fuckery, mainly trying to give all ducks headlights. This was fucking hilarious and we spent a long time just giving ducks headllights, the ducks thought it was funny too. Then queen latifah showed up. She was the Oracle. As soon as she showed up my old genie arrived too, and suddenly the group of poeple was like 75% magic beings. I asked them if the boys upstairs would come and break up the party becuase of the concentration of power and they said the group was nothing compared to Gene Wilder's parents. I didn't even ask.

      We spent the rest of the night hanging with ducks when my alarm went off again.