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    The Kestrel's Dreams

    Holy Fucking Shit.

    by , 08-15-2014 at 07:05 AM (467 Views)
    August 14, 2014 (part 2)


    So, around noon, when we were driving to a fossil dig site to find some fishies, I suddenly remembered what may have been a dream:

    I was in the car with my brothers and dad, and we were turning onto a portion of road that has been closed until this day of our vacation here in Utah. We drove up the hilly road, over a mountain. I remember it being fairly steep, and winding and there was a rock wall on our right, and a ledge with a few small trees to our left. I remembered the curvature of the road and the imagery very vividly...

    Which is what made me ask, in the car today, "Did we take N. O. Pass yet or did I dream that...?"
    "You dreamt it, Kestrel."

    Later today, we drove on the road, going the other direction. Even going the opposite way, I could tell... it was basically exactly as it had been in my dream. A few curves were slightly different, but the steepness and the landmarks were exactly the same.

    I have never been on this road. It's been closed the whole time we were here, until today. This was such a surreal experience for me, and I had to RC a few times in the car because it was the same as my dream.

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    Tags: car, mountains
    non-lucid , memorable
