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    The Kestrel's Dreams

    Welcome to my Dream Journal! I'm still getting used to the site, so bear with me!

    I'll make this all pretty eventually.

    // Recurring Characters (real people), for your and my own reference (since they're all aliases) //

    Zukin: Bestie and 3/4, went to Germany with me last year. We have almost died together multiple times by now
    Backpacking Group: Zukin, Ivan, Dan, Josh, Kebab, Penny, Cindy, and Suzy; We all drove down to Texas and spent Spring Break ('14) backpacking in the Guadalupe Mountains
    Bob: Older Brother
    Erik: Little Brother
    Germany Group: Zukin plus 7 others who were in the same program to study abroad in Germany for 6 months
    Kristin: Current roommate and close friend of four years
    Jasmine: High school Best Friend, but we don't talk much anymore

    Now that I have something Lucid in my DJ: Orange text = Lucid

    1. Epic Dance Battle

      by , 06-29-2015 at 08:24 PM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      June 25, 2015

      Tonight I took a dream supplement called Dream Leaf. It involves two pills; a blue one before bed, and a red one after about four hours of sleep. Even before the red pill, I was having uh more vivid dreams than unusually do, and I remembered many more of them:

      Spoil Sport
      Zukin really wanted to go do something with me but I had already taken my red pill and was like sooo ready to sleep and I ignored her texts.

      Neat Fridge
      I was at home, My little brother was there, and we had a whole slew of things in the fridge all neatly organized, like egg salad sandwiches. I spent prettying the entire dream exploring this new high-tech fridge and then ate a sandwich.

      False Red Pill
      I took my red pill with a bottle of water Ginger (Zukin's man) brought in and hung on a hook on my wall.

      Crazy Car
      I was In a grocery parking lot and the van suddenly started going in its own and I was trying to stop it, though I have no idea how I would do that. It kept hitting people and cars and I panicked and called my dad, who was in the store, hoping he could help. I somehow realized (or at least had an inkling) I was dreaming but woke up.

      (Took red pill)

      I Got Them Moves Like Jagged
      I was at my old elementary school, at some sort of information night, and saw a lot of my old teachers. My 6th grade math teacher, Mr. M, gave me an envelope with names on it, and I was like "omg interview!!" A and M (two classmates of mine) were now with me and we were leaving.

      I was standing there and suddenly realized I was dreaming (didn't even have to do an RC), and got really sad because that meant I didn't just get an interview at my old school. I told A that I was dreaming and she said, "well I'm not dreaming so how are you dreaming?"

      We got in the car and I decided to drive. The school was definitely my elementary school, but in the spot where my old middle school is so I drove down a couple roads until I got to my house back home. I knew I was dreaming so every time I saw a person or car in the road, I decided to run them over to see what would happen. Fireworks is what happened. Every time i hit something, the car went right through then and sparks and fireworks shot out of the spot. It was so cool.

      I knew that when I got home there would be a mirror to look into (wanted to stare into it for the TOTM). I got out of car and entered my home... There was a mirror on the floor and M (a different classmate) was sitting in front of it. I watched her reflection; I could see her in the corner of my vision as well. She was arguing with herself, and the reflection was getting very angry, her hair was growing out and she was growing fangs. Then M disappeared but her phone was there. I told her reflection to calm down or she would be stuck in the mirror. She did calm down and returned to normal and then she was back to being out here.

      I wanted to find the Pegasus next. All of a sudden Sensei and Ophelia were there. There was almost one of those cartoonish POPs and smoke as they appeared. Sensei pointed to a white board and told me I had to pick a spot to find the Pegasus. I thought I would find him in the clouds and Sensei and Ophelia both said that was a good idea. Sensei also said I would get to pick what happened when I met Zeus, and I was thinking, "of course I do, it's my dream." Then Ophelia talked about Bernie from TBBT winning awards for lucid dreams. I was amazed that Bernie was into LDing. I sat on a bed and let myself drift off into a sleep, I was aware of myself rolling off the bed and landing in someone's leg/foot (I think it was A [a housemate], he was also on the bed beginning to LD).

      I was in the clouds next, just floating. I still knew I was dreaming. I looked around for the Pegasus, expecting him to be there. In the meantime, it was so beautiful. I was in a sort of tunnel of clouds. I heard neigh behind me and turned to see the beautifullest white horse with gleaming golden wings. I told it we needed to find Zeus and take his bolt, and it let me on its back and we zoomed off. After a few minutes, I spotted a cloud that had a part that stuck up, and looked like a castle of sorts. I assumed this was Zeus's home, Mt. Olympus. We landed on a pillar, and suddenly it was stone as the clouds dispersed dramatically. We were on a huge mountain that had stuck up into the clouds. (Way cool!!) Someone saw us, but didn't seem at all surprised or alarmed. So I told him we were here because we had an appointment with Zeus. The man nodded and led me through a door Pegasus couldn't fit through, so it waited for me out there. A lot of people were inside. But there was one person on a throne at the back. He looked very Zeus-y. I walked through the crowd and shouted at Zeus, "Give me your bolt. I don't want to have to take it by force." He refused, but said I could have it if I won a dance-off with him.

      He started. He looked like a floppy fish, though. Like I couldn't tell what he was trying to do. At some point his arms detached and flew a few meters to either side, then swapped and reattached on the opposite sides. I rolled my eyes when he passed the dance to me, and just sorta let myself dance, expecting that it would be fantastic. Funny thing is I danced like I usually dance (which isn't all that great), but when I stopped, the crowd went wild and Zeus fell back in his chair, defeated. He handed me the bolt, yelled that he wanted a rematch next week, as I left and found Pegasus. I wanted to go find The Face next but the dream started to destabilize and I just flew through the clouds until I woke up.

      I'd Like to Have Sex With You Too
      I was at auditions / interviews for jobs at my hometown, and there were also lessons of some sort. This is a week long thing and I got to know one of the guys pretty well, he seemed to also like me (I think this was the subC version of a guy I recently met haha). There were like five performance days as well, where we performed a play in the grass, but under a sort of awning with arches. During the last few days I met A (a really close high school friend), she was working at the concession counter haha. That same day I met a girl with one very blue eye, and one very green eye. She knew me already but I couldn't remember meeting her. She did seem familiar though. She gave me a free rice crispy treat covered in chocolate.

      During the performance on the last day I wasn't a part of it so I was sitting along the wall at the back of the "stage" and writing in my note book and before I realized what I was writing it was something like "have sex again -> want to do it with me?" It was about the guy I had met. I got embarrassed and covered it up but I think he saw it and he came up to me after the performance and basically said "I'd like to have sex with you, too" so we snuck off to a closet.

      Cool Outfit
      I was in my game, I think an older Pokemon game. I was in the middle of a mini game with the guy I met at the last dream I think. It was a series of puzzles involving candles that I had to light. But after the first level cleared, I couldn't use the light candle spell anymore (why there were spells in Pokemon I do not know). The huge fire beacon thing in the center was calling to me and I clicked A at it. I was in a selection panel where I could pick a brand new, really cool outfit for my character. The one I really loved was a little like Elsa but all red/orange and flamy. I picked it and my character was pulled into the flame, and I was worried at first that it was a trap, but she got spit back out after a few moments. I picked her up physically and untied her from the smoldering ropes that bound her (dunno WHY they were binding her...) and woke up after noticing my character looked like a young child now, and would have to grow up before the outfit would be epic.
    2. Me-House

      by , 06-18-2015 at 02:21 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      June 15, 2015

      I was with a group of my classmates, except that there were some other people there, too. One of them was a girl who was a year below me in high school, who is doing her undergrad in education at the same university as me. She was telling me how she was going to come back to do the same master's program I'm doing when she finished her undergrad studies. another of the people in the group was a guy from my high school.

      We were sitting, eating our lunch near a large building with lots of big windows. There were apparently a lot of illegal Asian students at the university lately, and the campus police were really cracking down on them. We could see through the huge windows that a young woman was running from a group of like five cops. She was carrying her books and had classes, she looked like a normal college student but much more modest. She eventually ran out of the building and past us. I was a little worried because one of the people in my group was Asian and I was worried about racial profiling. Three of the cops continued chasing the young woman, but two of them stopped and inspected our group. One stood back as the other confronted me first. He asked my name and major, I answered. He moved on to the friend from highschool, and asked him the same questions. But he was nervous and stammered, and the cop got confrontational and hostile, got up in his face, and then forcefully kissed him violently. I punched the cop in the jaw and yelled at him, telling him I was filing charges and that I had been recording the whole thing. The cop skunked off.

      Our group was moving on, to a secret garden type place, where we were going to meet Kali, who was apparently our field instructor or something. He told us we had to go to Germany for a final test, and that the university was paying for our tickets. I was so excited to be going back to Germany! We all packed our things, and somehow managed to get in the same car heading for a place we were going to stay in tonight, before the flight. In the car, I was looking out the window. The scenery couldn't decide what it wanted to be, and I thought this was funny... I had the inkling I was dreaming, so I checked my hands... I WAS dreaming!

      I was so happy to be lucid again after such a long dry spell, that for a while I just let the dream play out. We were still in the car, though, and it was still driving. I remembered the TOTM to find a house that represented yourself, and so I told myself that the car would stop in front of the building that was ME. Sure enough, the car did stop very soon after that. I phased through the door and looked. The building in front of us was a large-ish Greek looking place. It was really pretty, and Kali stopped to take pictures of all of us in different poses in front of the building. I opened the door to see what the inside was like. It was fascinating! It was all Winchester-y, with rooms in odd places. I could see most of the rooms at once, though, because it was all very open. Most of the things in the rooms were deep reds, dark blues/browns, whites and splashes of blinding bright orange. Zukin was sitting on a bench in the entry room, and stood up when she saw me. "Finally!" She said, grabbing my hand and leading me around the house. "I've been waiting for you for ages. Let's explore!" We looked through a lot of the rooms, but I knew there were more. We went up stairs and ladders, down some and through countless doorways. Somehow I still knew exactly where I was in the house! Usually I'm so directionally challenged. We heard the maid calling us down for drinks, and I decided to go talk to her to see what she knew about this building. But Zukin wanted to go find the Chinchilla Room.

      We split up, me going down and she going further up. When I reached the bottom, I was about to ask the maid what she knew about the Me-House, when the DC of the high school friend thanked me for sticking up for him earlier. He game me a drink in a "candied coconut shell" which was really delicious! I lost a lot of my lucidity and got horny, but the dream faded away after I walked onto a long balcony overlooking a cliff on the ocean. It was beautiful.
      Tags: germany, school, zukin
      lucid , task of the month
    3. Store of Lost Things

      by , 05-02-2015 at 04:30 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      April 28, 2015

      I was back home, at my parents' house. Zukin was with me, visiting, or something. She may have lived there with me. It was a strange conglomeration of all the places I've lived, but it felt like home-home. I was in the basement, when I found a trap-door in the floor in the laundry room. I went down here and found a really interesting computer lab with state-of the art computers and private rooms and whatnot... I went upstairs to tell Zukin about it, and she followed me down the hole to the secret rooms. We were both so impressed and excited that we went back upstairs and got a bunch of junk food and pop to take back down with us. We spent hours playing Minecraft down there, in one of the private rooms. I was almost worried about bothering people by being here so long, but then remembered this was a secret room in my basement. There were no other people there!

      We played for a long time, and then went upstairs for some air. Later, I went back to the trap door. I remember very clearly how I lowered myself through the small hole (it was small, just big enough for me to fit through) and hung from the ceiling a bit until I dropped myself to the floor in the first room. It was dank and dusty, but through a door were the computer rooms. I noticed another sort of hole through some rags, and explored this new area... to find a whole fucking store! It was an abandoned store, but all of the merchandise was still on the shelves, there was no dust, the lights were still on. It was rather beautiful. I explored this store and wondered if I could use all of the beautiful things in the store. It was an open, golden space. The lights were warm-colored, and the shelves were all about hip-height, the highest was at chest height, so I could see the whole store clearly. Things glittered and sparkled, it was so beautiful.

      And then I found the old online orders. Or something. There was a binder with the records, and it said they were all online orders. They were packages that were supposed to have been sent out like 40 years ago. I sifted through them, opening some of them. I was worried at first about opening what wasn't mine, but these packages were so old... I thought about trying to find the people they were for.

      I opened one of them, and it had a calendar/planner inside it. But like, it had already been used. It had belonged to a college students, and she had written so many notes and doodled all over all the pages. It was gorgeous and I had this huge sense of "omg HISTORY" rush through me. Each page had a little furry creature printed on it, and this woman had doodled the creatures doing things like catching pokemon and karate.

      Also in this pile of never-sent-out packages was a pile of all the things I've ever lost. It was amazing. I found dresses I thought were long-gone, that I grew out of ages ago, and some many little things I'd lost over the years. I was so happy, and felt disappointed when I woke up because it was such a cool reality in that dream, and I missed it.
    4. New Mommy and Cult-ish Next Level

      by , 04-27-2015 at 04:21 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      April 25, 2015

      My New Mommy
      I was in class with the kids but we were in this weird room. I sat in the corner with my computer, and I greeted the kids as they came in because the door was right in my corner. I remember that the room was made with light wooden floors and walls, and was very open to the outside; there were big windows. We all had on headphones with microphones that were all connected, so all we could hear was each other. I was checking kids' papers (we did research papers) and sources. M and T had the same source for their paper about women's suffrage. I walked around a little more and then sat down and turned on my headphones. K said "if i loose my mom and I'm all tragic will you be my new mommy Ms. Kestrel?" And I pretended I didn't hear it, because I wasn't sure what an appropriate response would be...

      I was with K, T and M later at recess or something and we walked around the back of the school. There were interesting stairs and weird structures so I climbed the stairs and came to a pretty hill overlooking an orchard of sorts with some forested areas surrounding it. It was sunset and very pretty. It reminded me a lot of the space Zukin and I found in Germany while biking one day.

      The Next Level Cult

      I was in some kind of survival game, or a spiritual/intuition test. A bunch of people were let into a big room with about 7 holes in the ceiling and ladders hanging down from them. We had to pick one of the ladders to go through. N (one of my students) was there but I don think I recognized anyone else. He was trying to reach one of the ladders but couldn't because he was too small. I lifted him up to it and then went to a spot where two ladders were in the far left corner. Almost everyone was choosing the ladder that had a platform to reach it, but something drew me to the other one. It wasn't a lot harder to get to or anything, so I didn't know why everyone was going up the other one. I had to fenangle just a little bit to reach it, and climbed up...

      I came up into another room with a really tall ceiling. There was also some ledges. It was as if the room before had a huge box over it, if that makes sense. There was a very short (maybe a foot tall) fence down the middle of the room, which was made of spaghetti, or something else that wasn't all that strong. There were about 15-20 people on my side and lots of people on the other side. There was a voice through a speaker somewhere. It told us that anyone who tried to cross the fence in the middle would be thrown off the edge, into something deadly... The voice also told everyone on the other side of the room to go back home. Then the guy in charge of this event came up the ladder on our side, and greeted us as people who had good intuition. The ladder test was to weed out the people whose intuition wasn't good enough for the following tests and trials.

      We all sat in a circle and he explained the point of this all to us. He said we would be feasting tonight... he was sitting between me and a guy I had met and been chatting to, and he seemed to be favoring us, like talking mostly to us, or at least looking at us more. Anyway, he said we'd be feasting and then looked right at me, ran his hand down my back to my waist. "Feasting," he repeated and I was just like "No." Very firmly.

      He seemed put off but in a good way, as if I had impressed him, and moved to the girl sitting next to me and said "feasting?" She said hesitantly no. He tried a few more girls and then said something about us "not liking vampires too, I guess." I rolled my eyes and we were all thinking, ugh, Twilight. The Master said, "well, I mean, I read the first books." I had to confess that I had as well in high school. Then he talked about Bella birthing Renesme and this is where it got even weirder... He got on the floor and spread his legs, pretending to be giving birth, scooting around on the floor on his butt and making weird faces. "You'd pay to see that, right?!" We were all a little disconcerted. "Right?!" He was a little crazed here, and then he zeroed in on me again which made me feel super uncomfortable. It was as if he was targeting me more now, and planned to get me pregnant, then keep everyone here for 9 months to watch me have his baby... That or like he knew I was already pregnant or something. I was starting to think this guy was an insane creep... But this test was somehow important to complete.

      We moved on to a new conversation though I can't remember the topic. I know that we broke off to do a series of tests but that whenever the Master stood up and held out his hands we were to create a linked circle. It got more and more cultish. Eventually we ended up at my house; we were competing in my driveway. One of us had a little chocolate-ish blob and the other was supposed to try to squish it. I was partnered with H (one of my students) who had just appeared there. H's blob started going down the driveway hill and I was able to pretty easily squish it, so I won and started up the driveway again. It had been all nice and warm and spring-like, but once I got to the top of the driveway, in front of the garage, there was snow on the ground. I was walking through it barefoot (we were all wearing barely anything by now; short shorts and tank tops with hair pulled up) and then the Master threw snow at me and it got in my left ear. He started throwing snow at all of us, and we weren't quite sure what to do about it. None of us were sure whether this guy was a mad creep or a genius.

      I went into the porch but noticed a circle gathering in the garage, so I dropped my stuff and went to join the circle. We were all standing. The Master was standing opposite me and said, "everyone sit down." But even though i heard him clearly, at the same time there was a crystal clear, loud, strong voice in my left ear that said "Don't. Move." So I stayed standing. 3 or 4 other people stayed standing and the rest were sitting. All the sitting people closed their eyes and seemed to be asleep. The Master looked at each of us (one of them was the guy I met at the beginning and had a slight crush on) and was about to give further instructions (I knew now that I had passed some sort of spiritual or other-worldly test... I had been chosen, but I don't know what for) but I woke up.

      It's strange, because I think I was in and out of waking throughout this whole dream. Like, I knew I was awake in bed even as I was in the dream. Two places at once, almost. It was strange.
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. April Backlog

      by , 04-26-2015 at 05:06 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      April 15, 2014

      I was at my house, and needed to do something... but I couldn't remember how to do it. I knew that Gosling knew how to do it, though. So I called him. He picked up the phone and I said "Hey-" and he just says, "Oh hey, Kestrel. Your number came up in my contacts as "WHO?" on the caller ID!" I was surprised he knew my number and amazed that he recognized my voice.

      Long Beer Run
      I was planning a party for the co-op Zukin lives in, and I had to go get some booze. But the store was really, REALLY far away. AND I got lost on the way there. After coming up along a huge lake, I turned the wrong way and ended up in the wrong town completely.

      April 17, 2014

      Union Troubles
      I was at an airport with Zukin and at least one other person, on the way back home after a trip. The job fair at the Union was the next day, so I was nervous... We were sitting at a restaurant/cafe before our flight, when I recognized my ex's voice. He was talking to someone back home, and said something about a dead body still being in the middle of the Union floor. I was worried that the job fair would be canceled because of this, and so I was frantic to get back home.

      Jammie Party
      I was in this huge building with lots and lots of people. We were all in our PJs. It was like some massive sleepover. I was moving from room to room, flirting with lots of different people (this is so not me IWL. I'm way too awkward to flirt with people). Toward the end of the dream, I had to go back to the main room, and I sat in a different spot from where I'd been before, to see if the guy I had my eyes on noticed... I don't think he did. Then there was an OK Go concert. I was indifferent-ish, which surprised me when I woke up.

      April 18, 2014

      I was in a huge pool. It was big enough to have waves and tides... I was staying at the edge of it because I didn't want to get lost. I had found a shoe at my Oma's house, and two people were testing it to see whose it was... I remember feeling confused and wondering why they needed to even test it. Like, did they honestly not know which one of them owned it? Wasn't one of them missing a shoe and that's all they needed to know? Was this shoe really that important...?
      They had huge boards and water chalk. They needed to dive under water and then use the chalk to sketch the bottom of the shoe... I don't really know what this would accomplish, but hey, dream logic! So we all dove down. I was watching them do the test. But one of them had a detachable nose... It was some medical thing he'd had when he was a kid. Now he pretty much had a fake nose but when it came off, he would bleed a lot. Well every time he dove, his nose came off and he would lose a lot of blood... He also couldn't breathe when the nose was off.
      I had been watching, but then I was him. I was sinking, slowly, and couldn't breathe. Well, I could breathe out, but not in. I reached out for someone to help me, but no one was there now. The surface of the water was getting farther and farther away and even when I tried to swim up, I couldn't. I saw a person near me and grabbed them so they knew I was drowning, but they didn't know what I was trying to do...
      I woke up gasping for breath. It was pretty scary....

      Huge Stores
      I was in a huge hardware store. At the back were some work rooms... they were also huge. It's kinda hard to describe; they weren't only huge, they were multi-leveled and there were lots of windows and ledges and ramps. Ian was in one of them, trying to split a large stone slab to reveal a beautiful opal inside it. I had split slabs before, so I helped him. But I ended up breaking the opal... He said it was fine, but I felt so horrible about it. I left, and wandered the halls of the store. there was a videogame section for some reason. I walked through those aisles, which had glass cabinets as if it were a frozen foods aisle... They had some really old, rare videogames and I felt like I was in heaven.

      Drunk Hiking Trip of Horror
      I was hiking drunk with my dad and two of his friends. But we got separated; my dad and I were in one spot, and the other two had gone a different way... We found out one of them had died, and the other had set up a camp there to wait for morning, but coyotes had attacked and eaten them both... Dad and I managed to make it to the car, and spent the night in it. The next morning we had to hike back down the mountain because the car was out of gas.
      We were going to go back to find the car and the other guys' bodies, so we were packing our hiking bags for the trip. Apparently all we needed was alcohol because we needed to be drunk to find this place. Good old daddy-daughter bonding, there.

      April 22, 2014

      I was at home with my mom and dad, and two turkeys were walking around in the yard... except they seemed to me more like peacocks. We watched them as one of them came up to the window and displayed his big feathers at us. He was green, and the other one was red. I was worried that the window would break because the green one was banging its head on it...
      I notice that the red one has gone to the windows to the bedrooms, and it looks like he is trying to take off the screens, so I go over there to shoo him away. When I get there, both of them are there, but they're human guys now. The red one is called Oro and the green one Shiki. They make me a deal, and take me to a special school because I've been chosen.
      When I get to this school, I am a kid again. Maybe 1st grade or so... I enter this new class with Oro and Shiki, who have also become kids. All of my students are in this class as well. One of them introduces me to the organization of the school; which was zero. Everything was put willy nilly around the classroom, and you had to pretty much guess what was in drawers and containers. It was also okay to chew gum and then threw the gum and people or across the room.
      About half-way through the year, the teacher decides it's time for me to be put in a couple-pair. She puts me with Oro. Apparently couple-pairs are paired through the whole school career; Oro and I were partners forever pretty much, and it was almost definitely decided that we would eventually get married, too.
      Flash forward and we're about to enter college or grad school. I was about my own age again. Oro kissed my neck and then said, "First I kiss you lips... then I kiss your neck. Do you know what happens next?" He also said something about it always being him that kisses me, that I never kiss him. Which was not true... Either way, I kissed him on the cheek and then I lick his neck. He took my hand and we were about to go to our room and have sex for the first time or something.

      April 15, 2014

      Save the Elderly!
      I was living at Zukin's Co-op, and apparently there was a rumor going around that I was into much older people of either sex. Everyone was worried about the elderly people in the area, bwahaha. They though I was going to attack the elderly. But really I was into this muscular, tall black guy who lived at the co-op, who always talked to me and helped me out. Like I was seriously thirsty for him. I was about to ask him to my room when I had to help one of the housemates braid her hair instead.
    6. Slow-Quick-Sand-Bed

      by , 04-15-2015 at 03:04 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      April 14, 2015

      All I really remember was a dream in which I was lying in bed, trying to fall asleep. I've not been sleeping well lately, so I'm not even quite sure whether this was a dream or not. Except that I could feel myself very slowly, almost imperceptibly, falling through my bed. This kind of sensation has happened before while I'm awake but it was so strong here and after a while I noticed that I was indeed at the bottom of a deep hole in my mattress. It was a sudden realization. It was like that saying where you put a crab in cold water and set it to boil; the water heats up slowly so the crab doesn't realize it's to hot until it's too late (and for some reason, my brain keeps trying to insert a pickle in this pot of boiling water. No, brain. A pickle is not going to care if the water's boiling or not...). I was sinking so slowly I didn't really notice the change until a random moment of "HOLY SHIT THERE'S A HUGE HOLE AND I'M AT THE BOTTOM OF IT."
      Tags: bed
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Christian Grey and Waterfalls

      by , 04-13-2015 at 01:36 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      April 12, 2015

      You're Back Already?

      Fragment I remembered randomly: I was at home, and so was my little brother. I saw him sitting on the couch and at firstthought he had just come for the weekend, but he had all of his stuff with him too. I asked if he was done with school now, and he said he was. I said, "ALREADY?!" and that's about all I remember from the dream haha.

      Christian Grey's Mansion

      I was in a large mansion with Christian Grey. We were just talking for a while; he seemed less of a creeper in my dream than he was in the movie (didn't read the books so I can't attest to that). Then he got out duct-tape and a whip, and I was like "WTF are you planning to do with THAT." He looked at me like it was obvious, and I was fine with having a little tussle with him, just not that way. I told him as much (a little bit more vulgarly), and he said that if I could keep away from him for half an hour, he would put them away. But if he caught me within half an hour, he would get to use them. The thrill got me more excited, and he promised to not actually whip me, so I agreed. He smiled and closed his eyes and I started running through the halls of the mansion. All was well until I ran into a booby-trap. I started sinking into the floors of one of the hallways...

      He hadn't mentioned anything about booby-traps. This made me freak out because if he hadn't told me about the booby-traps, he expected to win the game, and he might have lied about not using the whip on me. I heard footsteps and freaked out more, fell all the way through the floor, and landed in a room. I started to run, and ran into more booby-traps and the halls were like a maze. I could have sworn Christian was around every corner. Then I came to a room with a panoramic window from floor to ceiling. The mansion was in a desolate, red, volcanic landscape. I could tell that I would die within minutes if I stepped outside the mansion.

      I didn't know how much time had elapsed since the start of our little game, so I didn't know if it was safe to let him find me now. Somehow through my fear, I was still up for sexytimes. As long as there was no whip. Duct-tape I might tolerate either way, I like the feeling of sticky tapes. But no whip. So I continued to hide from him (didn't think to look at my watch to keep track of time, silly me. Might have gotten lucid if I had, too!)

      Eventually he did find me, but it must have been more than 30 minutes because there was no whip and no duct-tape involved~

      I took a nap around 5:00 and had this dream. I'm not sure if it was a WILD or not, because it was a pretty low level of lucidity. But I don't remember ever actually falling asleep or losing consciousness. Like, the whole time I knew I was awake in bed, but was still having this epic experience. Does that make sense?
      Double-Layered Landscape

      I laid down for a nap and wondered if I could WILD. A few times, I felt the shaking and had a really loud ringing in my ears, but I would slip out of it because of an itch I needed to scratch.

      About the 3rd time this happened, I had been thinking about flying. Gradually my bed disappeared and I felt myself entering a dream with a low-ish level of lucidity... I Was flying and could look over a landscape sweeping below me.

      IT was gorgeous. It was HUG. Everything was on a huge scale. I was flying very high up, and there were vast mountains and canyons and waterfalls all around me. the colors were also vivid and bright. The sky was dawn or dusk-ish; bright oranges and blues and purples.

      I flew around at high speeds, watching for villages. The world was like a less blocky Minecraft. I wanted to know what was on the other side of this huge waterfall, so I flew over the edge of that. It was just like those videos on Blue Planet or Planet Earth. Right over the edge, close to the water. It was all mist and white beyond, so I flew down through the mist to see what was beyond it. I flew fast; for some reason I wasn't scared of hitting the bottom. Once the mist cleared, there was this amazing world BELOW the landscapes I had just seen. As far as I could see, there was a massive cave-like area. Moss grew all over everything; other than the moss and tons of luminescent flowers and leaves ground on the ground and walls and ceilings, there was no other vegetation. Streams of water fell straight down through holes to the over-world. these streams were scattered all around, and it was just so beautiful. I flew around down here for a while and then sought out one of the waterfalls back up to the overworld.

      It was a much narrower one, with lichen and vines and those beautiful luminescent things surrounding me. When I reached the overworld, I flew up high again. I was in the mountains. I flew a little lower to search for a village; I wanted to interact with people.

      I did find a village, but it was in the middle of an evacuation because of some monster that was going to attack. It, like everything in this world, was massive, I was told by a fleeing DC. I felt the dream slipping and slowly became more aware of my bed than the scenes around me. Then
      I knew it was gone, and so I opened my eyes in bed.
    8. Interstellar ISS

      by , 04-04-2015 at 10:34 PM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      April 04, 2015

      I was standing over a large room. It's was if there was a balcony at the top of the room to oversee everything. It was all bare except for a pool. I decided to have it filled, so I could invite my brothers and friends over to swim. By the time it was filled, the others had arrived and we all started swimming. We were like cows/sheep in Minecraft, though; all of us crowded to one corner/end of the pool. And then two of my classmates set up one of those floating barriers so we were all stuck in this space.

      I decided I was uncomfortably crowded where I was so I called over to the ones making the barrier and told them to open us up to the rest of the pool. It was my pool, so I could do what I wanted with it. People started to disperse, and I felt better. I realized that there were a whole bunch of nerdy celebrities in the pool, not just my family and friends. Actors from so many different Sci-Fi or otherwise nerdy series were there and I couldn't believe my eyes. Then My little brother, who was floating next to me, smiled and said, "You still think you're awake, don't you?"

      I looked at him, confused, and then at my hands. My fingers were all different lengths and there was one too many of them. I was dreaming! I was a little bit disconcerted that a DC had said something like that. Isn't that not usually supposed to happen...? I let it go, and jumped out of the pool to hover above it. I tilted myself so I hung upside down to think of which tasks I wanted to try first. I figured I would do the portable portal task first, so I rummaged in my pocket (I was fully clothes even when I was in the pool) until I felt something paper-like. I pulled out a folded black piece of circular paper. Perfect! I unfolded it and noticed that it was pretty small, somewhere between the size of my hand and the size of my head. It didn't bother me, though, as it would probably get bigger when I placed it on the ground. I was already hanging upside down so I simply slapped the piece of paper down toward the ground below me. It stuck itself to the ground and I shot right into it head-first, hoping the portal would take me to an advanced civilization or the ISS.

      I seemed to be falling down a long black tunnel for a few moments. In the next instant I was sitting in a corner of the living room back home. Not really an advanced civilization, but I'll take it.

      And then there was a siren or something. I heard the beaming sound from Star Trek, and about 20 red-shirts and 10 medical staff in formation appeared in front of me. The living room had no furniture and these Star Trekkers were small. They started dancing and singing a song about their bananas being theirs and no one else's... There was also something about a marmoset in the song, but I don't remember the lyrics all that well. Three of the red-shirts broke off from the formation with huge gun-like things. I watched as they walked toward me, turned back to their companions, and shot colored foamy stuff at them. Funny thing, only the red-shirts got covered it it even though the medical staff was scattered through out the ranks.

      What interesting advanced tech, I thought.

      I decided I still wanted to visit the ISS. I had just watched Interstellar that night so I was pretty excited about this. I walked outside, and noticed a Turkey Tom perched on the basketball hoop in my neighbor's half of the driveway. At first it ignored me but then it turned toward me and just sorta stared at me. I told myself to ignore it and reminded myself this was my dream and I could make it leave. I walked out to the center of the driveway and when I looked back at the hoop, the creepy turkey was gone. My cousin was now there, and she handed me the water softener my dad bought last time I was home. She said I would need soft water where I was going.

      Holding onto this clunky water softener, I looked up from where I stood. It was foggy, or cloudy, or both. I couldn't see the stars... I jumped up to fly fast upwards but for some reason could only go fairly slowly. I was just passing the tops of the tall trees in the yard when I looked up again. It was still foggy and I could see the silhouettes of giagantic trees far above me. It was kinda cool and beautiful, but I wanted to get out to space... I landed, tried again with a fresh start, but was going even slower this time. Exasperated, I threw the water softener, realizing I had been stupid to keep holding it. I did another RC to stabilize my control; my fingers still looked all wonky and I decided to try flying from the field instead of from the driveway. I flew over the trees lining my yard and landed in the field. As I passed over the trees, the world was suddenly snowy, and I brushed icy snow from the top of a tree. By the time I landed in the field, there was no snow again, and there was no fog but there were still clouds.

      I decided to try a different method this time, and instead of looking upwards as I flew, I looked down at the ground. It was closer and I could more easily envision what would happen as I shot upwards, as I'd done this lots of times in Minecraft on creative mode. I used my hands to make a sort of window so I could only see part of the ground, and jumped upwards, thinking of a rocket launching. I shot off from the ground at an incredible speed and watched as it flew further and further away from me. I watched as my house/yard became a circular patch in the middle of a vast plane or wheat/corn fields. I got higher and higher and decided to pause for a moment. I stopped on a dime, and looked around. To the north, there was a huge lake or ocean, and an island on it. I could see a line of houses along the coast of this small island and somehow I just knew that this was the fabled Guinea Pig Island one of my students had told me about last month. I went just a little bit lower to see what kind of advanced Tech they had. I noticed thousands of tiny flying craft. I assumed each of them had a guinea pig in it. There was also some sort of crazy machine at the top of a building. It had moving arms and I wasn't really sure what it was doing. I flew further north and saw various colonies of various advanced-looking civilizations and cities, and then I hit the coast. There was endless water from here on out. I continued flying at high speed over the water, getting higher and higher and higher. Everything got brighter and brighter and the sun, which was to my right and setting, was flaring more and more. Then I hit some sort of threshold and things got gradually bluer and darker. I looked up and could see stars even though I knew it was daytime on the ground directly below me. I got excited and kept pushing, expecting to run across the ISS any time now. I spotted something out of the corner of my eye and there it was! Well, actually it was the Endurance from Interstellar. Close enough, yeah?

      I flew up to it and knocked on a window to get someone to let me in. I was tickled giddy that my subC didn't allow any sounds in space. I didn't hear the knocking and I couldn't hear myself when I called out to the guy who was inside. It was Chris Hadfield haha!

      He let me into the Endurance but I woke up shortly after, before I could talk to Chris ; u ;

      Updated 04-05-2015 at 10:13 PM by 69491

      lucid , task of the month
    9. Backlog (will edit)

      by , 04-04-2015 at 09:32 PM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      This is a place holder for the backlog of dreams since I last updated! I'll edit this later (probably) with the dreams.
    10. Crazy Horses and Mirror Tricks

      by , 03-06-2015 at 02:58 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      March 05, 2015

      I was with my parents, and we were talking about the Doctor. I was longing for him, and later got to meet up with him (he was apparently someone we knew?) after babysitting some kids, and he gave me a simple string necklace with an orb on the end. I thought it was just a silly trinket he would give to a child, so I was a little upset about it all. When my mom saw me wearing the necklace, she looked concerned and immediately tried to call him. They either told me, or I had a strong hunch that this necklace was something special after all, and that maybe he had strong feelings for me. This thought excited me, but my parents seemed to be treating it with caution and concern, like a baby tiger or something.

      Then, they both told me about a dream people had been having. They said it might be connected with the Doctor somehow, so I decided to try to incubate the dream, whatever it ended up being. Like, they told me a sentence to think about, though I can't remember what it was. I ended up falling asleep in the chair I was sitting in with my parents.

      In this dream within a dream, I was a worker or resident of some sort of working commune of sorts. We lived and worked in a long building of maybe five stories. But it was on a cliff face, so on that side, the ground floor was below the cliff wall. That whole side of the building, on all floors, was lined with a large wooden balcony looking out into the canyon. There was a sloped road into the canyon next to the building so I liked to watch cars go by.... except cars never seemed to actually go by. All of us in this commune were basically paid to live there and basically just do small odd-jobs all the time. Like, we'd get paid to move these large picnic table-type tables out to the balcony for dinner, or for indulging our hobbies. Some of us were trained doctors (I was one of them), and we would care for people when they got hurt or sick, though it didn't happen often.

      On the other side of the building, in the center, there were a set of double-story glass doors leading into a prairie backyard with a terraced garden at the other end, and horse/sheep/cow stables above the garden terraces. It was so beautiful, but kinda utopian (as in impossible and slightly darker than it seemed). Like, on the surface it looked like a perfect little community... but there were whispers.

      On the day this dream took place, we had moved the tables out to the balcony for lunch. It was a special day because it was the day a Canyon Horse spirit did a yearly run down the road into the canyon. But for some reason it started early. It had always been in the evening, when the sun sets, and the windows were always boarded up and fastened, and we fasted for the evening, or something. But this year, it was starting in the middle of our lunch. The sky darkened and men came in to shutter the balcony openings; but I just barely spotted the spirit streaking by through the closing shutters. It was a deeply spiritual moment, and afterwards, I was so excited, so I didn't notice the tension around me. Something was happening.

      We found out why the doors and windows were always boarded up for this event; the horses in the stables out over the terraces were going mad. The stable men who had been tending them were being trampled or turned mad themselves. One horse was on its back, but still somehow galloping, as if it had legs coming out of its back; it was super creepy. They all, men and horses, started charging the building, trampling the gardens and prairie. People in the house panicked and tried to shutter the doors, but it wasn't working. So we started running. I was running along the building in the direction of the end of the canyon, because there was a town in that direction. I stopped at one of the side doors and looked down the country-lane-ish pathway it opened into, to see which way the horses and men would go. I thought they would all just go straight into the house to get people, but they fanned out and changed direction as soon as I could see them. It was now too late to change my mind, and I wished I hadn't waited, and had just run when I got to the door.

      I ran through the streets until I reached a small neighborhood and started turning down streets to try to loose the mad people chasing me. I felt like they were after my flesh, wanting to tear my heart out or wear my brains as headdresses....

      I came to a small house, but it had a divot of sorts in the layout, with a bush in it. I ducked into the divot, thinking I would be safe there and no one would be able to see me. But you could see me from the other direction, so it the men ran past and turned around, they would see me and I would be cornered... It was a risk, and I took it. Right when I settled there, a man, I assumed the owner of the house, came from the other direction and spotted me. I thought he was going to call out in alarm, but he must have seen the pleading in my eyes, because when he looked ahead of him and saw the madman who was still chasing me, and pretended he didn't see me as he walked to his front door. The madman passed, kept going, and then the new man beckoned me quickly to go inside, while he kept watch for the madman coming back.

      I was so grateful I would have cried. but when I got inside, it was MY house. My parents were there, sitting where they had been sitting when I had fallen asleep. I had a moment of lucidity and realized they were themselves, not DCs of themselves. I sat down in the seat in which I had been sitting before, and stared at them, dumbfounded. "Well, that was trippy..." I said. They told me that people who dreamed after thinking that sentence they'd given me all had nearly the exact same dream. They asked me to describe my experience. They were a little surprised, because most people experienced the dream through a man's eyes, even if they were women IWL. I had been a woman, and when I thought about it, most of the people in the building had been women. My parents said this meant something, but I don't remember what that is, or if they even actually told me. I started to feel myself slowly slipping from sleep to wakefullness, but there was no breaking apart of the dream, because I was sitting exactly where my waking body had been. Nothing about my vision or consciousness changed, except that I slowly felt myself waking up.

      (this was the weirdest FA I have ever had)

      "Whoa," I said to my parents. I asked them if I had just been actually talking to them. I had; they had inserted themselves in my dream or something. It was all very weird, so I stood up and walked around, not really taking in the fact that my house was now a hybrid of my actual house and that building from the dream. There were a series of small moments; One in which one of my best high school friends was visiting, and we were standing on the top of a hill outside this new hybrid house, looking down a stairway path to the bottom. She threw her phone out over the hill, toward a beach at the bottom, and then ran after it giggling like an idiot. River Song came through some double doors at the side of the house (opening to a balcony eerily similar to the one from the dream) and I was suddenly a young girl, and ther ewere sort-of two of me. We ran up to River Song and hugged her, yelling, "MOMMY!!" I was me again, looking through a storehouse of sorts which had been lost to humanity for ages. We were looking at all the priceless objects inside it, and picking which ones to take home with us. I chose pieces that reminded me of figures my Oma has, because I wanted to have some like them. I forget what mom picked.

      Then, I was me again, and sitting against a full-body mirror that stood in the middle-ish of a large room. I smiled, because suddenly I knew I was dreaming. I didn't even need to RC, I just knew it was a dream. I was in a very laid back lucid mood, so I took out my phone and looked at it when I touched the on button. There was a 3D-ish sphere on the top right corner, a moving metronome to the left of that, and some lines below them, which waves and wiggled. The DC sitting diagonal to me laughed and commented on my metronome thing, and I said, "Hey, this is MY dream. You're not allowed to see things you can't possibly see. That's MY job." I stood up, and went to find my parents.

      I found where the large room connected to the hallway that was actually in my house, and walked to the end of it, looking at my hands to stabilize the dream and just for shiggles really; they were frozen in this spread out position even when I moved my fingers. Like they were glitching. I turned around and, expecting to find my actual living room when I went back, headed back. I did indeed find my real living room when I returned, and my parents were there. I took hold of the trim on the corner of the wall, and slowly floated myself upward so I was horizontal. I slowly floated up to rest on the ceiling; I was chilling on the ceiling as if I were underwater, and gravity was flipped. My parents just smiled up at me. I thought about attempting another ceiling portal, but remembered the Advanced ToTM about pushing yourself through a mirror as a portal. So I instantly turned off this weird gravity and landed on the ground, and went down the hall again, and turning around with the intention of finding that large room with the mirror again. I did find it when I returned, and sat against the mirror again. Everyone was gone from the room now, so I closed my eyes, imagined that I was going on a mystery journey, and just let myself sink into the mirror. I slowly phased through it as I fell backward, and I let myself tumble out into whatever new place I had discovered. A rainbow passed through me, and then it was crazy; I was in a strange cave-like place that wasn't actually a cave. Where ever I looked, my eyes were like lasers that sprouted flowers and rainbows and stars would shoot out and spread around the area. It was fairly dark but where I looked would illuminate to reveal a dark blue rock-face thing. I liked this so far. I found a small star chart on a podium, and investigated it. The first thing that caught my eye was a rubber chicken. WTF, I thought, and then found a telescope next to the podium. I wanted to get a look at this for myself, so I looked through the telescope, pointing it where the rubber chicken would be. I had been assuming it was a constellation made by weirder people than me, but when I spotted it in the viewfinder... it was ACTUALLY a huge rubber chicken in space. Like, I could tell it was light years away, but it was as big as a huge planet. I felt the dream fading, and let it go because I was happy with the results.

      Updated 03-06-2015 at 03:24 AM by 69491

      lucid , false awakening , task of the month
    11. Creepy School of Death

      by , 03-06-2015 at 01:48 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      March 01, 2015

      I was walking through a dark labyrinth of hallways... It reminded me of the hallways of a church I once went to a youth group sleepover thing I went to with one of my friends in Middle School... The place creeped me out a fair bit. There were a lot of ramps and short stairwells to get to the room I was looking for: The room in which my students were all doing their Language Arts rotations for the day. I got to the room, and had just met my MT or someone else who was going to work with the kids that day... but there was no one i the room. We panicked for a bit, but then realized they were just in the next room over. The room was connected by a door at the back, so we went into the other room. It was bright and cheerful and loud. We found the adult who was with them currently, and found out that the class cat (I WISH we could have class cats, but allergies...) had just had her kittens, but one of the kittens was very, very sick and was about to die. They didn't want the kids in the room when it happened, so they had moved the kids to another room. Then I helped my MT put things on the wall; they were masks, or faces or something. Actually a little creepy. I then had to pass out to each student a contraption of some sort that involved a magnifying glass. One of my students (who is notorious for loosing things left and right) lost most of his contraption.
      Tags: cat, dark, school
    12. Water Fontain / Creepin' / Damn Cieling

      by , 03-01-2015 at 12:42 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      February 28, 2015

      Water Fountain Woes

      I was at the math/science center I went to in High School. I walked past a water fountain that wasn't turning off. It was always on, so I pulled it out of the wall to try to fix it. But I pulled it too hard and disconnected it from the water intake thingy. I hooked it back up and the water kept coming. I eventually gave up trying to fix it, and got a drink from it before leaving.


      I was visiting the admissions adviser for my grad program, but I was being a super creeper and like walking around her back yard. The neighborhood seemed familiar to me, as if I've been there before. I could see inside the house but I never went inside. I noticed that the snow was all melting and it was getting warmer, so I assumed spring was coming very soon. When I got around to the front of the house again, I saw some of my students playing by the street. I went to talk to them and they got really excited and wanted to show me their homes.

      Ceiling Troubles

      I was at home, holding my girl cat and snuggling her. The whole room seemed larger than IWL, and a LOT cleaner looking and brighter. My dad came into the room from the backyard, and said, "Gotta feed mah CATS!!" When the cats went to eat, I realized my old dog was in the room as well. She was flopping as she tried to get up to get to the food. My dad came over and nudged her a little to help her up. She's been gone for almost 5 years now, so I was very confused until I realized it was a dream. oh right. I'm at Zukin's asleep on her floor right now. "I'm dreaming." I said, looking at my hands, which oddly enough looked completely normal. I still knew I was dreaming, though. My dad looked up and said, "What? You're crazy."

      I ignored him and went to my bedroom. I looked up and decided to use the ceiling as a portal. I jumped up and expected to go through the ceiling into another land, but ended up smashing into it, making a hole and getting stuck in it. I looked around the attic and made the hole bigger by smashing pieces away, until I could look down at my dad, who was standing there looking up at me. "WTF are you doing Kestrel...?"

      "Oh, just hanging around."

      Me and my dream humor. Then I woke up.
      Tags: cat, dog, fail, home
      dream fragment , lucid
    13. Backlog

      by , 03-01-2015 at 12:16 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      Will edit this later with all the dreams I've had and haven't gotten around to posting
    14. Nothing.

      by , 02-09-2015 at 02:34 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      February 08, 2015

      Pretty much no dreams remembered from last night... I may have remembered one as I woke up, but it was fuzzy and I have since forgotten it completely!
    15. Hooping, Food, and "dueling"

      by , 02-07-2015 at 06:50 PM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      February 07, 2015


      I was entering a sort of church with my mom and dad. It was in some foreign country, probably Germany or Austria. I knew in my dream that I had visited this church before, with Zukin, but she wasn't here this time. As we enter the first room, we spot Jeremy from Top Gear sitting in a chair at the far end of the room. He talks to us a little, but doesn't say much, and I can't remember what little we did talk about. I had the feeling I was a little scared of him, maybe it was more awe-struck. At the front end of the room, where we had entered, there was a table against the wall with two hoops on it. I had picked them up and was about to start hooping with one of them, when a young boy ran into the room and tackled me with a hug. We had met this boy last time we were here, and he said he had missed me. He asked where Zukin was, and I said she wasn't here this time. He then asked me to do that thing we had done last time. He meant a thing where Zukin holds a hoop in each hand and twirls them around. It's fascinating to watch and I've tried it before, it's pretty tricky to do. I told him, "It was Zukin who did that, I'm not very good at it." But he insisted, and handed me to lighter hoops than the ones I currently held. I gave in and attempted the trick. At first I was doing it all wrong, but I knew what I was doing wrong; my wrists were bending the wrong ways. I fixed it and was about to really get in a groove when I woke up.


      When I fell back asleep, I entered back into the same dream (I was trying to enter it lucid, but it was a normal dream). The boy was gone, and Jeremy was also gone. My mom and dad and I went through the big double doors at the end of the room and entered another large room with tables all over the place. there were people all over, too, and it turned out it was a potluck day. I was excited for food, and realized I was ravenous. The back wall of the room had tables against it, covered with main dishes and sides. I got a plate with the best looking chicken I had ever seen, some pees, corn, and some bread and potatoes with gravy. I put my plate down next to where my mom was, to save a spot while I went to the dessert room. There was apparently a whole other room for desserts.

      In that room, there were two or three tables all pushed together in the center, piled high with plates of cookies and brownies and cakes and whatever kind of dessert you could think of, basically. I walked around it once first, taking it all in and deciding what I would pick... There was a whole section of three or four different kinds of red velvet cookies. One of them was apparently red velvet but without the food coloring, and it had tiny chocolate chips sprinkled on the top of it. But I didn't get that one, I went for a more traditional red velvet cookie. I got two of those, and then I noticed a table at the corner of the room, and there was a bag on the table. The bag had two compartments; in one were smaller red velvet cookies with a weird looking frosting, and in the other were HUGE red velvet cookies with a delicious looking cream-cheese frosting or something. I took one of the big ones and put it on my plate. But now it was full, so I needed another (they were small plates).

      I got another plate, and looked at the layered goodies. There was a piece the size of my hand of this layered fudge and chocolate and either coffee or peanut butter stuff... It looked delicious, but I assumed it was a tiramisu and I don't like those, so I left it. Next to it, though, was a foot-and-a-half tall layered thing of chocolate and fudge and vanilla and soft cakes and mints and it just looked so good. So I cut a super thin piece (maybe about half an inch thick, because it was so tall and I didn't need a shit ton of the stuff) and had to kind of scoop it out into a messy pile on my plate. I started from the top and scooped out 4-inch parts at a time because I was worried that if I just took it from the bottom, it would all topple and get all over the place.

      I drab one more cookie, and then they announce that the food lines were going to close up pretty soon, so I left and found my spot next to mom. I realized I had forgotten the other plate, though, and tried to get back in. The door to the hallway leading to the dessert room was locked from my side, though. I waited for someone to come out, but no one was, so I knocked on the door. A young man peeked from around the corner (I was looking through the small gap between the double-doors, or there might have been a window in the door...) and tentatively opened the door for me. I thanked him with a hug, and went to find my other plate. It was on the table in the corner that had the bag on it. I grabbed it, went back to my seat

      And then I started to eat. And oh my god, it was amazing. the chicken was the most flavorful and amazingly moist chicken I have ever had. I moved on to that layered thing, and it was so good. It's hard to describe what exactly it tasted like, but it was EXACTLY what I was craving (and am still craving right now). Like, think of your favorite childhood dessert, and it was that taste, pretty much.

      I was sad to wake up from that dessert.

      Romeo vs. Me: "Dueling"

      When I fell back asleep, I dreamed I was in a car on the way to a small town in the mountains of Germany or Austria (there was a theme this night... I was thinking hard about castles and balls all day so I could increase my chances of remembering some tasks when I got lucid). We were almost there, I could tell, but there was still another mountain to get over first. Right now we were driving in a valley, with the mountain to our left and farms and scattered rural houses to our right... But the building were all torn down. It looked like there had been a tornado or some other really destructive storm... and so I was worried about the town we were headed for. I was hoping it was an isolated event and that everyone I knew in this small town was alright.

      When we got to the town, I got out of the car and walked to the main town square. Someone was breathing fire (it was sunset, getting dark) and this was so fascinating but weird that I did a reality check... My left hand's middle and ring finger were kinda webbed-looking...

      I was dreaming!

      I looked around and started rubbing my hands together because my lucids have not lasted long lately... I felt the dream getting stronger, and I also took note of my surroundings. I remembered right away the challenge task for week two, and shot into the air to hover above the town square. I looked around the town for a castle that looked like it was having a party; it would probably be the Capulet's ball.

      On the edge of town, on the hills leading to the mountains beyond, I saw what looked like a fancy villa or something, and there were lots of lights around it, lighting up the grounds and whatnot. I assumed this was the Capulet household, and was about to fly off toward it normally, when I remembered my last three-part task. I thought about how fast would count as "advanced" flying, and pretty much decided jet-speed would do. I'm not really sure that I did anything special, I just kinda expected to be going super fast, and I did. I shot off in a bee-line for the castle and was there in pretty much a second. It actually kinda reminded me of Lord of the Rings, when Sauron zooms in on things happening far away.

      I land at the front door and because I am a Capulet, I just walk right in. I was greeted by a servant at the door, and handed something to drink. It was in a fancy glass and looked bubbly, so I downed it and continued into the main room. It was beautiful, really. There was the main floor, which was large, and then there were stairs on either side leading up to an upper balcony level where people were milling about and talking. I looked around, expecting to see Romeo. He was supposed to crash this party, yes? And then I thought, "My teammates and the other team should be here as well." So I called out the names I could remember: OneUp, Pickman, StaySharp, Spellbee, FryingMan. Five young men walked toward me from the crowds, and I asked who each of them were. "Which one of you is OneUp?" The one in the middle raised his hand. Though he also raised his hand when I asked who was StaySharp, and so it was a little bit confusing about which ones were which people (but my subC pretty humorously inserted clues about who was who). I eventually sorted it out, and grabbed OneUp (he had an arrow on his forehead, a little like Aang, but it pointed up, not down), Pickman (he had a flower sticking out of his head and wore an all red suit) and StaySharp (he was pretty nondescript), pulling them to my side. "You three are Capulets, right?" They nodded. "And you two are Montegues, correct?" I asked Spellbee (he was buzzing the whole time so I'm pretty sure that was him) and FryingMan (he actually had a frying pan on a rope around his neck). They nodded, too, and seemed troubled.

      I was about to try to convert Spellbee and FryingMan, when Spellbee's buzzing got louder and he grabbed FryingMan's frying pan and tried to hit me with it. "Hey now. Be nice." I made the frying pan shrink so it was the size of a normal necklace now. "You two should totally join the Capulets. We have awesome parties." They both looked a little uncertain, so I kept going. "You will join the Capulets." I waved my hand, trying to use Jedi mind powers. They squirmed a little and then both said, "Okay," and stepped over to stand behind me. "Now let's find that Romeo guy." They agreed to help me find him.

      I was walking around, expecting that I would bump into Romeo eventually, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the Face. "Do you know where Romeo is?" I asked him. He just shrugged and took my hand, taking me to the balcony. "Wait, I have to find Romeo," I said. He looked back at me, oddly silent, and just giggled a little, then disappeared. I watched the DCs around me, wondering which one of them was Romeo. Then I heard someone (I think it was Spellbee) say, "Oh, Romeo," behind me, and I turned to see who he was talking to. The young man I assumed to be Romeo had black hair and wore a fancy outfit, but beyond that I don't remember much about his looks. I approached him and said, "You're Romeo, right?"

      He looked at me, nodded, and said, "And who are you?" I told him I was Juliet (Romeo will obviously fall in love with Juliet), and he pretty much just leaves what he was doing, grabs my hand, and stands there holding my hand silently. It was like we were school kids playing date on the playground. I turned to him and said, "Romeo, do you love me?" He looked at me and smiled, nodding. "Don't you want to kiss me?" I asked, and he blushed, then carefully kissed me. Well, this should be enough for that task, right...? But I was also going to do the other option, which was to duel Romeo. "Romeo, I challenge you to a duel!" I said.

      He perked up a bit, grabbed my hand and lead me to a door. The DVers I had found followed us, whooping and yelling encouragement to me. Then it turned into this really weird sex battle. Apparently that's what a duel means here. Romeo pushed me down onto a bed and tore off his own shirt, and one of the DVers yelled "BULLSHIT!" I decided to let this kind of duel continue, and pretty much flipped Romeo on his back so I was on top. I think that was how you won. So yeah. We "dueled" for a while and I'm pretty sure I won because I was on top at the end and my DV following was ecstatic and jumping around and hugging each other as if their team had just won the superbowl. I was barely lucid at this point,
      and then I woke up.
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