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    The Kestrel's Dreams

    Welcome to my Dream Journal! I'm still getting used to the site, so bear with me!

    I'll make this all pretty eventually.

    // Recurring Characters (real people), for your and my own reference (since they're all aliases) //

    Zukin: Bestie and 3/4, went to Germany with me last year. We have almost died together multiple times by now
    Backpacking Group: Zukin, Ivan, Dan, Josh, Kebab, Penny, Cindy, and Suzy; We all drove down to Texas and spent Spring Break ('14) backpacking in the Guadalupe Mountains
    Bob: Older Brother
    Erik: Little Brother
    Germany Group: Zukin plus 7 others who were in the same program to study abroad in Germany for 6 months
    Kristin: Current roommate and close friend of four years
    Jasmine: High school Best Friend, but we don't talk much anymore

    Now that I have something Lucid in my DJ: Orange text = Lucid

    1. Stab stab stab

      by , 12-29-2014 at 08:09 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 28, 2014

      I was running around the roof of some strange, giant building that was reminiscent of the Sky Tower in the new Pokemon games. (I've been playing them pretty much nonstop since Christmas...)

      I was running because I was being chased by a giant monster thang. It was like Rayquaza, but had Benedict Cumberbatch's voice (well, the mind-knowing-not-really-speech equivalent of his voice). If you were completely still, this creature couldn't see you... Unfortunately, I had moved a slight amount, and it locked onto me.

      I ran inside, and saw a friend of mine in a pile of pillows. I hid under a table nearby, hoping the creature wouldn't be able to find me. But it had my scent or something, and easily spotted me. I ran back outside, onto the roof/balcony. I stood very, very still, hoping the wind would wash my scent away or something. It came out soon after, looking for me. But there were now many other people, all standing completely still. The creature went past me, and I dashed inside. There was a magnetic knife rack on the right side of the doorframe, and I grabbed the biggest knife I could, and pressed myself against the wall as flat and still as I could. I waited. I could hear it coming back in, having fought my movement. It was now in the form of a human-like woman, but I knew it was still the monster. It had a smaller knife, and lunged at me with it. I somehow held the knife off with one hand, and then stabbed the creature in the chest. It staggered backward, then fell onto its back. I knew it was dead, but I straddled it and stabbed it at least 15 more times, over and over again even though it was very, very dead.

      I don't usually get all that violent in my dreams (and if I do, it's almost always with good reason) , so this was disconcerting for me...
    2. 12/27: Flying in the Night Sky

      by , 12-29-2014 at 07:57 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 27, 2014

      I was in a sort of scrap yard store. The owner was my guardian, or something. We sold parts to these one- or two-man miniature helicopters. I had been teaching a younger member of my weird, no conventional family how to fly these contraptions.

      It was night time, and the younger member was out on his first solo flight, but something went wrong, so I got into one of the fliers, and went out to find him. It was like the way you can fly Latios and Latias in the new Pokemon games... I found my little sibling, and got my copter directly below theirs so they could do what I do. I guided us back to the shop, which was in a strange tiered building, and was mostly open on one side, all balcony and no actual walls. If that makes sense. Like the rooms had ceilings and all the walls except the one facing the front of the building.

      Anyways, the little sibling was going out of control again, and I phased in and out around some trees growing densely at the top of the building.
      Tags: family, flying, night
    3. 12/26: School Sexy, School Disaster

      by , 12-29-2014 at 07:48 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 26, 2014

      I was walking through what seemed to be a large mall, but turned out to be a school. I met my professor in the hallways, and she told me that we were in the classroom that belonged to one of her colleagues, doing a project the required more space. I found the new room. The other teacher turned out to be the guy who played Four in the Divergent movie, and I was instaswooning. All my classmates had partners already, so I ended up being Four's partner. We were making bacteria cultures or something, but I had missed the instructions, and didn't know what the heck to do. It was something about cutting out squares of a special bacteria paper and put them in Petri dishes. I was so confused and Four wasn't helping, as all I could think about was wanting to screw him... I told him I needed to talk to him privately and we ran off to a staff bathroom for a while ;D

      After that, I was in a course where we had to film a game show or something. My group decided to do ours with a puppet or small animal of some sort as the host...

      As I was leaving the school for lunch, there was a siren and the sky was all dark and ferocious. I told my friends, "ah, it'll be alright. We get warnings all the time but there's never actually a tornado."

      Right as I say that, a funnel forms, and touches down about half a mile out from the school, heading right for us. We all go back inside and head for the basement. I was standing by one of those windows that's at the ground level, so I could see. Not very smart, really, but I wasn't thinking about safety. I just really wanted to see what it would look like if the tornado went right over our heads. The tornado came right next to the school building, destroying the church next door. I realized there was a small puppy right next to the window (which turned out to be a bar window), and I called for it to come over so I could hold onto it through the bars. I was worried about it flying away and getting hurt. I couldn't get hold of it though. It didn't get blown away, but it looked so scared, it made me so sad.

      As soon as the tornado was over, I went outside and looked for the puppy, but couldn't find it...
      Tags: puppy, school, sex, tornado
    4. 12/25: Train in the Mountains

      by , 12-29-2014 at 07:32 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      Mostly random and not so significant dreams until Christmas morning really. There was one where I had to write an essay for a class and we had to attach stickers to the story. Mine was about the Rugrats. In another dream my field instructor gave me a sort of shoe-lace necklace as a reward for doing something quite mischievous. In another I was involved in a love triangle between my teacher on whom I had a crush and a classmate who loved me for realz and whom I eventually came to love as well (the teacher ended up being a real creep)

      Anywas. Back logging some dreams from the last week or so.

      December 25, 2015

      I was on a train with my family... I had put my necklace (it's got three different platypus on it) in a stocking that was hung in a corner of a restaurant in one of the cars. I can't find it later when I go to look for it, and panic a bit. And then I realize I've missed my stop, so I get off at the next one and end up walking along a mountain ridge. It turned out I hadn't missed my stop, I'd gotten off a few stops too early. So I was trying to beat the train so I could get back on it at the next stop.

      I met some hikers on the mountain ridge; as I was going down, they were going up. The whole mountain scene was pretty surreal. I was hopping down with ease and not seeming to be at all worried about long drops and steep slopes. I found the tracks at the bottom of the slopes, and followed them until I heard the train behind me. I stood aside and let it go by me, but grabbed onto a handle before it was gone, swinging up and into the car.

      Now that I'm back on the train, I frantically try to find my necklace (and apparently my class ring was also in the stocking) again. I remember distinctly hoping that I was dreaming, so that when I woke up I would still have all my things. I went to talk to the owner of the restaurant I had hidden my necklace in, but she won't let me see the stockings they'd hung so that I could check to see if my things were still in any of them. I started crying, but the owner wasn't doing anything, and so I left, very sad and angry at her.

      I found the head honcho of this train world, and talked to her. SHE said I could go to the storage area and see if my necklace and ring are there. She even appointed someone to help me look.

      As I am walking to the storage car, I have an inkling that I am indeed dreaming, and I enter a very calm state, happy in the knowledge that my precious things aren't actually lost. It wasn't quite lucidity, but in a way it was lucid. It's a bit hard to describe. It was like I was lucid, but didn't even try to change the dream at all. I just sorta went with it and accepted what ever happened, not exerting any dream control at all. I guess it could be like watching a movie. I was aware, but I just wanted to watch, and so my awareness took a passive viewer's stance.

      I wander the upper level of one of the cars; it was oriental-ish. Lots of red and dragons and paper lanterns. I realized I still had my ring and necklace, so I was in the past few hours, just before I lost them. I was trying to make sure I didn't lose them this time.

      But then this guy in there, and he ends up blasting my little brother's nipples off with a phaser of some sort. I chase the bitch down and threw him off the train forcefully.
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Math Class

      by , 12-23-2014 at 05:42 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 22, 2014

      eeeeehhhh. Been sick the past few days, so my dreams have been vivid, but easily forgotten somehow. I need to remember to write them as soon as I wake up, at least some notes. They're vivid enough that I only need to see a few key words to remember being in the dream, but I have a lot of trouble with remembering if I don't have something to go on... Hopefully I get healthy soon, and have more lucids!

      Anyways, the dream from last night, which I actually forgot to write down, couldn't remember for most of the day, and suddenly remembered in the car on the way to see The Hobbit pt.3:

      I was in a class, about 4th grade or so. I was one of the students, and my math methods professor was the teacher. I had just transferred to this school, so I didn't have any of the materials yet. It was math time and I was sitting at a picnic table at the back of the room, looking on a new friend's math journal. My prof got pretty upset with me for not havingmy book open to the right page, and every time I said I didn't have a journal, he assumed I meant I had left it at home. There had been some sort of miscommunication from someone who was supposed to give me the journal...

      I finally did get one, and it had one of those perforated bits to open it, like a bill in the mail. I had to tear along the long edge across from the binding to open the journal. We were using math boxes on pages 43 and 49 (but not those in between for some reason)
      Tags: math, school
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Cabin Dream

      by , 12-22-2014 at 06:03 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 21, 2014

      I didn't sleep well lat night at all. I caught something from my 1st graders, and was awake with a high fever most of the night. When I did sleep, I felt feverish even in my dreams...

      I was in a class taught by one of my old German professors. But he had forgotten my name. He saw my name on the roster and he was asking about how it was pronounced and I said something like "COME ON. IT'S GERMAN. YOU KNOW HOW TO PRONOUNCE THIS." He finally remembered my name, and then got all weird and touchy-feely. I was feeling feverish and got up to get a drink of water from a water fountain around a large pillar to the front right of class. We were in this big open area, not a classroom.

      I got out of that class to meet a guy friend in the woods, outside the building he had his classes in. It reminded me a little of the nature center in my hometown. I had a crush on this guy or something. But he was either uninterested or oblivious to my feelings, so I gave up and called my brother, who was going to drive me to the cabin up north my family has gone to every year for Mother's Day since I was teeny tiny.

      We pulled up to the cabin, and it was as if the cabin itself was in the landscape of a different family house that's actually even further north and on the lake. We were on the roads, which was above the cabin, which was in this big bowl-like ditch in the woods. We had to get to the service road, which linked to the back in the cabin, and then also looped around in a weird way that reminded me of the paths at the nature center, again.

      We parked and were about to get into the cabin, when I had this really weird sense of déjŕ vu inside the dream itself, though I didn't know why. There was something about heating or a refrigerator, but I woke up very shortly after that.

      It was only after I woke up that I realized I had had pretty much the exact same dream before, long ago (excluding the part about classes). It was pretty much the exact same as a dream I'd had when I was a kid. Or at least it felt like I had had the same dream before.
      Tags: cabin, school, woods
    7. Uncontrollable Vomitting

      by , 12-18-2014 at 01:32 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 15, 2014

      I started this dream at a school building, with a small trailer of things. I had the feeling I was moving.

      Part way through the journey, they dream shifted to a different plot...

      I was traveling with someone different from the beginning, and I'm not sure who exactly it was with me, but they had a familiar feel to them. I had this condition... Or something. I had with me a bag of some sort of liquid. It was attached to my body through a tube, though I don't remember where it was attached. Basically, this thing kept me alive, because without it I would uncontrollably vomit chunks of myself, or something.

      We were stopped at this house for the night. It was abandoned, but looked well-kept still. My companion and I were sitting in a corner of the room and being goofy. Somehow it got so goofy that I intentionally cut the bag connected to me. I think I had figured out that the liquid reacted strangely with the air and made beautiful patterns or something. It took me a while to realize what I'd done. There was very little liquid left in the bag now, and I suddenly realized, and ran to a bathroom. It was a VERY uncomfortable feeling next. Not being able to stop vomiting, even when I was empty... Feeling the chunks in my throat and mouth... I even heard the sounds. I don't usually actually hear things in dreams, as it's all more of an innate knowing of what people are saying or what sounds are around me.

      It was terrifying especially because I knew there were no more bags I could replace the ripped one with, so I thought I would die.

      But my companion rushes in and sticks something in my mouth. She sticks it right in my throat, which you would think would choke me, but somehow it doesn't, and stops the uncontrollable vomiting. Whatever it was, it saved my life. The companion had more of whatever it was, so if I accidentally swallowed the one in my throat now, they (I dont even know if this companion was a man or a woman. At times I had the feeling it was a man, but at times I felt like it was a woman) could put another one in.

      After a little while, we found a pair of headphones that would be able to keep me vomit-free until I could get a new bag of liquid. It was a temporary fix only, but better than having stuff shoved in my throat.

      I started walking around the house, and ended up on a balcony with a whole bunch of mannequins wearing costumes... They were posed, even (there was a Spider-Man one, which was posed like Spider-Man on a wall). It was fucking creepy. I'm glad I woke up then b excuse that place had such a horribly feeling... Like something bad definitely would have happened if I hadn't woken up.
      Tags: costumes, dying, vomit
      non-lucid , nightmare
    8. Random but fairly long or vivid bunch of dreams

      by , 12-17-2014 at 04:52 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 14, 2014

      Where's Zukin?!

      I was at Zukin's co-op, but it was actually my house back home. Apparently, everyone who lived there slept in a communal bedroom, which happened to be where my room is in the house IWL. The only guy in my master's program was my bed-mate (apparently everyone shared a king-size bed with someone else), but H and K were visiting, and took up too much space on the bed, so he had to sleep on the floor next to the bed.

      At some point during the day, I was looking for Zukin. I looked everywhere for her, including at her bed and even in a random grocery store (that, now that I think of it, was a pool. Hahaha!). I got back to the co-op, and see some people watching a movie. I asked them if they know where Zukin is, and one of them says they saw her in the kitchen doing dishes. I went to the kitchen, which was located where the family room is IWL, and finally found her as she was coming out of the kitchen.

      She opened a large freezer, and pulled out a tray of sorts. It created a neat little workspace or something. She cracked two eggs onto the tray-thing. At first I am like wtf is she doing, but as I watch, the eggs sort of freeze hard on contact, and then bubble and fizz and start cooking. Apparently if you get eggs cold enough they jump right to cooking :D

      Zukin and I go outside and head for a restaurant or arcade of some sort, and she is ahead of me. I say something, and she turns back toward me, and something behind me catches her eye. She ran past me and told me to follow her because she "suddenly remembered it was today."

      I turn and see her running toward a tractor and find that there is a corn field. We get on the cart behind the tractor, to ride Charlie's Pumpkin Ride through the cornfield, but Zukin rolled off the tractor and fell through the ground. I reached through the ground to help her up, but she rolls off the cart and fell through the ground again. Then I woke up.

      A is Starring in a Musical

      After falling back asleep, I dreamt that I was part of a play in which my old good friend A was starring. Apparently she knew some old guys who were like family friends, and who were famous play writes. They really wanted her to star in this play. So she and one of the old men were front and center on stage, with lots of men in identical black outfits playing instruments behind them. They were singing and dancing, and A eventually pulled up a group of women in red. She would reach out into the "audience" for one of them, pull their hand, and they were all attached to strings and would fly to one of the men with instruments and dance with them. I had a bird's eye perspective on one of the girls going haywire and crashing out stage left.

      Later in the play, A's character tragically dies, and after that I saw her in the bathroom vomiting. I asked if she was alright, and she said she was okay, but she got her clothes all dirty. I told her to stay there, and I ran to backstage and asked people if there were any spare clothes for her to wear. My dad was there, and apparently was in charge of hardware and equipment. He lead me to A's locker and helped me open it, but the dream faded before I had the chance to get the clothes.

      Grassy Mountain Ridge

      A beautiful fragment about riding a bike along a grassy mountain ridge. I went back and forth on a ridge, and then met up with some people near the top. We crawled through some bushes, and came to an elaborate gate blocked off with some weird scheme. We got past the blockade, and entered into a beautiful, grown-over ancient temple courtyard of some sort. There were four aqueducts that converged in this circular courtyard type place, but one of them was being diverted to a different area which we weren't able to reach. The rest of them powered and decorated the temple.


      I was in a large maze-like house with some people. I kept switching POVs in this dream so I'm not really even quite sure what all was going on. Someone had been murdered, I know that. I was either Yukina, or her friend, or Shigure (Yukina and Shigure being the MCs of a manga) throughout the dream.

      Basically, we were all in a house together because we were trying to protect Yukina, who was being suspected as the murderer. When I was her friend, I sometimes suspected her too, but when I was Shigure, I knew she was innocent. Yukina herself didn't know she was a suspect, though. We were trying to keep it from her or something.

      I think the one who was murdered was a girl who had been in love with Yukina's childhood friend, or something, and because people thought Yukina loved him as well, she was a top suspect. But when I was Shigure, I knew something most of them didn't: she was actually in love with Shigure and they were dating secretly. Or something.

      Anyways, there were lots of scenes flashing all over the place, some flashing multiple times at various points in the scene.

      It was all very cinematic and kinda trippy. I'm surprised I am able to make any sense of it at all, but I just knew what was going on in the dream itself.

      It turned out that another guy with us was actually the murderer. Apparently he was like SUPER obsessed with the school's basketball team. Yukina's childhood friend was a member of the team, and apparently this creepy obsessed guy had murdered any girls who had been in love with any of the key players, so that the players wouldn't be distracted by girls and be able to devote all their time to playing.

      But the childhood friend had turned out to be in love with Yukina, and so the obsessed guy was going to kill her next, because she was the biggest threat to the team yet.

      The scene in which I found this out was at the same time terrifying and just awkward, because I was Shigure in this scene (and yet had a POV of watching myself), and I was searching a sewer for some reason. The obsessed guy came up behind me and at first I'm all "oh sheesh you scared me there!" But then I spot the corner of a shirt underneath his sweater. "Wh-what is that shirt...?" I ask, putting the pieces slowly together as the obsessed guy slowly walks toward me with a grin. He takes off his sweater to reveal a team shirt from the basketball team, and I suddenly just knew exactly what had happened. It was just sort of... comical.

      Then I was Yukina's friend and Shigure alternating, both of them running through the house to find Yukina. But she is not in her room, and when we get outside, I think I am ME for once, and I realize we were in my Oma's house all along. I see my family waving an ambulance away, and they're all smiling for some reason. I yell, "WHY ARE YOU SMILING?!" And they said that Yukina-chan would be alright. They were grateful for some guy named Arthur who had sent her to the hospital because she would have died. But it was all part of the obsessed guy's plot and now she was in even more danger than before. I shoved "Arthur" down and shouted something about it not being his dicision to make whether she goes to the hospital or not. Then I woke up.

      Updated 12-18-2014 at 01:41 AM by 69491

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Lots of short dreams

      by , 12-14-2014 at 04:28 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 13, 2014

      More Boring than Homework

      I was in a crafts class or homework session of some sort, working on something. I finished the work early, and left. But it was boring, whatever I decided to do, so I went back to the class.

      What a Nice House

      I was in a foreign place. Or at least a different state. My family was on vacation there. An elderly woman was driving me to the house my family was staying in for the trip, and she said "Was für ein schönes Haus." We pulled up to the house, which was in a large lot. The whole town seemed western-ish, but the house was so out of place.


      I had to call one of my old high school friends, K, to tell him something important. But he never picked up the phone. So I called like five or six times, and finally left a voice mail and as I was leaving it, he answered. I forgot what I told him, but his response was: "YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?!?!" He asked what we would do next, and then the dream faded.

      Wrong Number

      My best friend from high school called my phone, and I was really happy because we haven't talked in a really long time. It turned out she had called the wrong number. I was sad because she sounded really disgusted or something. I asked her to wait a moment and we talked a little, though I'm pretty sure she didn't really want to talk to me at all.

      REALLY Don't Wanna Get Up.

      I had a false awakening in my room. I sat up, got out my iPad and started reading manga. My roommate walks in, sees me, and says, "wow Kestrel you REALLY don't want to get up do you?"

      Turkey and Peacock

      Here I actually woke up, fell back asleep, and had a longer dream. I was in a room with one of my students, who has ASD. I had the feeling of being responsible for him, and was trying to get him to fall asleep, for some reason. The room we were in was really bare, and had a dark blue-green feeling to it. It was a bit murky, or so,etching. He eventually fell asleep, and I stood up to leave. As soon as I opened the door, there were tons of people in the hall, leading into the living space. It was like a version of my apartment, but much bigger and with different flooring and walls. My brothers, cousins, some of my students, and other people ranging from age toddler to about 20, were all there. One of my cousins came up to me and said the adults were all out to a party of some sort. We older ones were all supposed to watch the younger ones for the night. Her hair was all curled and up in a prom-do, and when I commented on how pretty it was, she said it was always like this at school.

      Two of the people there were actually people I went to elementary and middle school with. They were playing some kind of epic battle game with some of the other boys there, and I tried to cross the "battlefield" without getting too much in their way.

      Once crossed, I was at the front door. The room had shifted to be like a larger and slightlyx different version of the Quaker meeting house I attended as a child. I was looking out the windows and big glass double doors, and one of the littler children suddenly said, "look, a peacock!" I hadn't seen one, but when I looked back there was a peacock right there. It was pretty, but also a little plain as far as peacocks go. I look a little to the left and see my craziest cousin outside, trying to get closer to the bird. I try to tell her she'll scare it away, but she is just being her usual wacky self, approaching the bird with weird motions. I see a little further off a turkey Tom.

      At first I thought it was all okay but the turkey and the peacock were looking like they were going to fight each other. I called my cousin to come inside, and we watched as the peacock flashed his beautiful feathers to look big and threatening. The turkey also puffed himself out to look bigger. The peacock started pecking amt the turkey, until it ran off. The peacock was alone now, but still looked like it wanted a fight, so I made sure to close the door firmly so it couldn't get inside and hurt any of the children.
    10. STOP and ICECREAM

      by , 12-12-2014 at 02:51 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 11, 2014


      I was in an art class, and many of my students were there with me. I might have been teaching or at least helping out in the class. I was sitting in a beanbag chair at some point. One of my students, B (who is an English Language Learner), came over and sat on my head somehow. He was immensely heavy, and he was bending my neck and back in a way that made it so I couldn't breathe, and it hurt a lot. I yelled "STOP!" But he didn't seem to understand me, because he just sat there. He somehow used my eye-socket as a footrest, and put his heels in them. I yelled "STOP!" a few more times, feeling I was going to die, and somehow shrugged him off. I held him by the shoulders and panted, "STOP MEANS YOU HAVE TO GET OFF!" He must have realized he'd hurt me, because he looked like he was going to sob, so I wrapped him in a big old hug as if it was him that had almost died, not me.

      But the ICECREAM!

      I was going up north with Zukin. We were going to meet at an old cottage in the middle of nowhere to go camping and roughing-it. I was looking at the map and deciding which trains I would have to take to get there, and wondering if the Ice Cream I was going to bring would survive the trip. I might have actually been driving there. I remember seeing a road I dreamed about before on the map, to the east. It wasn't labeled, but I knew, because I had a feeling. I was still fretting over getting the ice cream to that cottage in the woods, when I decided randomly to get on a train to China without a ticket. I just wanted to see what the inside of the train was like, but it started moving while I was on it, so I ran to the back of the train, where there was a little platform. The train was like an old steam engine's car, but with modern touches to it. Anyways, I sat on the little platform and, before the train picked up a lot of speed, slid off onto the track below me. The train had only gotten maybe 50-100 feet from the station, which, now I could see it, was very small and simple. I looked back at the train, which was gaining speed now, curving to the right through the woods, toward a big bridge with another platform on it.

      I sensed a couple running down the tracks next to this track, saying something about how they missed the train, and now had to run all the way up to the bridge platform to catch it.

      I turned back and walked to the station, and ended up in a line of Chinese visitors, who were going through customs. Any one of them could have just walked off because there were no walls at this station (it was more like an outdoor bus transit center than an international train station [disregarding the fact that there was a train to China from the USA]). But they were just waiting in line, and some people were cutting. The rest of them were just kinda "eh, whatever," about it. I tried to get them to stand their ground against the cutters, but they wouldn't, and I woke up.
    11. Buying Christmas Presents

      by , 12-11-2014 at 03:29 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 10, 2015

      I was at home, and it was around Christmas time. I was about to go out with my little brother and my dad to get presents for people. I remember coming out to my dad's car and getting in, but realizing I had forgotten something. I went back inside to get it, where I got side tracked by another member of the family, and then suddenly realized my dad and brother were still waiting for me. I rushed outside and hopped in the car, but that's most of what I remember.
      Tags: christmas, family
    12. Nothing Much

      by , 12-10-2014 at 04:40 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      Barely remembered anything from last night D: Vague impressions of going into a basement at my grandpa's (or at least some old man's) house, or something. I had to get something from down there, but all I really remember is going down the ladder into the basement (which was like a cellar)
      I had a nice streak of lucids and vivid dreams, but it seems the stress of the last two weeks of school are working their evil on my dreams D:
    13. Desert Play Ground

      by , 12-09-2014 at 05:04 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 08, 2014

      I was walking with my dad and brothers into a sort of huge playground on a river bordering a vast desert. There was an island in the river (it widened at this spot) that was tropical looking. My brothers and I went to a very large swing-set, and they both started swinging. Dad was going to snowboard down a sand dune, so I went back to the giant swing set, only to find that the only two available swings were just about to be taken by other people. I sighed, and went to find something else to do. I approached the island, and inspected it.

      I had thought originally that it was just a bunch of tall trees, but as I got closer, I realized it was all one massive tree, and that there were some sort of structures in he branches. It looked like a huge, awesome jungle gym.

      So naturally, I went to find a way onto the island. Before long, I found a large root from the tree that extended to just within jumping distance of the bank. I leapt on over, and made my way through the vines that hung down from the tree until I reached a ladder up to another branch. I looked up, and there was a whole series of rope ladders, bridges, and huts in the tree. I was so excited, and started my climb. At some point I spotted a red wallet with black dots. I picked it up, and someone nearby said it was theirs. I asked them to describe it if it was theirs, and they said it was all red. I narrowed my eyes, but when I looked back down at the wallet, it was indeed all red. (should have gotten lucid! But ah well). I habded them the wallet and continued upwards.

      The further up I got, the more different plots I would encounter. It was like every hut was a story in itself. At some point there was a story about a king and queen who were going to leave to save the realm. They asked me if I would join them, but I woke up.
    14. Minecrafts Meets Attack on Titan

      by , 12-08-2014 at 05:23 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 07, 2014

      Minecraft Meets AoT

      I was in Minecraft, and there were HUGE pigs and whatnot. Like... HUGE. The size of mountains. They took a lot of hits to kill, even with a diamond sword with enchantments. But when I finally did get one of them to fall, I got a shit-ton of porkchops. I also killed a giant chicken, and it dropped one massive chicken, already cooked. I was sitting there, eating it, when I encountered a massive pair of siblings. I was in a hammock over the door in a kitchen, right next to a fridge. I was having trouble getting the meat off the tendons for some reason, when the children came. They were so big. I think they were trying to kill me, becaue the next thing I knew, one of their fists was coming down on me.

      I flew up higher than the Titan children could reach, but they seemed to be getting all the larger. I was flying through a mountainous landscape, looking at the huge chickens and pigs and cos below me.

      Ruins Fee

      I was on a large boat with my brothers, and we were headed for an island in Thailand, or just off the coast, or something. It had ancient ruins on it, and we wanted to go see them. I parked the boat rather sloppily, and then had to redo it a few times because the person who was supposed to catch the rope I threw wasn't there and I kept missing.

      When I finally did get us docked, the dock master asked for the parking payment and entrance fee to the island. It was the Thai equivalent of $35. Or it was 35 bot, which is like one US dollar, I believe. Anyways, I didn't have any money, so I asked my big brother if I could borrow some money from him. But just as I was paying the dock-master, our mom came up on a jet ski and told us we had to leave here at 3:00 because our grandparents had just gotten into town. It was already 2:53, so we basically had to leave right then.
    15. No Pokémon for You!

      by , 12-08-2014 at 05:12 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 05, 2014

      Iwas walking to school on the last day of classes. It was highschool, so my old best friend was there. I noticed that everyone was dressed up, and realized it was the picture day. Her and I were walking on a bridge or something, over a wide canal. There was a tall wall to our right (and she was on my right). There were homeless people along the bridge, asking us if they could keep the boots they got in a give-away. We told them of course they could keep the boots, though I didn't know what giveaway they were talking about.

      There was a point where my friend like... slid between the tall wall and a rail that was only about a couple inches from the wall. She was like a cat trying to push herself through a space in which she wouldn't fit. It was eerie, kinda creepy, thinking back on it...

      When we got to the school, we went down a narrow, slightly downward-slanted hallway (It was like one of the wings in my high school, but slightly different. More narrow, more slanted.) It was when we were in the line to get our pictures taken that I realized I wasn't dressed up, like at all. I actually looked rather sloppier than normal. Oops.

      At the door to the picture room, my 3rd grade teacher was giving out complimentary pokemon holographics. He handed me a card without really even looking at it, and it was the wrong card. I told him, and he was like "Oooh my bad!" and handed me another one without looking, again. He was chatting to me, so he wasn't paying attention to the cards. He asked me which card I'd filled out the form for, and I realized I had never filled out that form. So apparently I had missed the memo that we would all get a free pokemon card and that we had to fill out a form for it.
      Tags: pokemon, school
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