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    a little recall.

    by , 01-21-2020 at 02:58 AM (247 Views)

    Had a dream I was visiting some paranormal youtubers. Jamie was with me and she seemed in good spirits. We were trying to talk to this guy called John from exploration unknown on youtube (personally i find his channel boring). He seemed like he didn't want to talk with us. I suddenly had a hard time speaking to him and couldn't get my words out. Woke up with a really dry mouth, luckily i had a glass of water still on the nightstand.


    Dreamed I lived in some haunted house. Kept having false awakenings there and some ghost girl would get into bed with me. False awakening again and i was in darkness. I heard some fake paranormal youtubers outside trying to get in. I waited in the darkness while they opened the door. i jumped out to scare them, and they looked shocked. They couldn't believe i lived in a haunted place. I said everything was fine.

    FA, I'm in bed, It's daytime and I'm looking out a window. i' see and old fashioned fancy rooftop and it seems to also be a picture of where i live. I notice a top rail on the roof top and a man walking down it. It's night time now and the man shines his light in my face.

    Suddenly, I'm in this room with an open hallway passing by. I'm sitting with two people a girl and a guy. Fake celebrities pass us and shake our hands. Me and the guy comment to eachother how the celebs seem to ignore us mostly but are overly nice to the girl seated with us.

    anyway, I found a little trick for thsi bit of recall so I'm going to keep trying it.
    LydiaIsDreaming likes this.

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    Tags: haunted, jamie
