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    1. More Copping

      by , 12-09-2012 at 02:36 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      More Copping

      There was more to this dream, but I don't remember it. The salient point was that I was in a pool. A girl was in front of me and she started tickling my balls. I pulled her in close so her back was up against my chest.

      I slowly started feeling the bottom of her breasts until I cupped them both. All of a sudden I was sucking on one of them.

      Soon I was out of the pool and trying to catch up to someone who was going to drive somewhere. I think it was my cousin J. As I tried to catch up to him, my headphone wires got caught in part of a door panel. I tried to undo it but it was caught.

      I kept getting it almost undone, but then it was caught too well to free. Eventually by trying to unwrap the wires, I opened the door. As I entered, I realized I was in a vet.

      The veterinarian didn't want me there and she asked me to take all the animals and go wherever I was going. I wondered how she expected to do her job if I had all the animals...which weren't mine!...so I kind of discounted what she said.

      I saw the back of someone's head. She had blonde hair and she was sitting in the vet's office. I wanted to continue my sexy-time dream with her, so I realized I was dreaming. I said, "Please be pretty!" in my mind. As I turned her around I woke up.


      The End

      I'm going to add a lucid to my count under my Worthless Lucid's heading just to keep count and monitor my lucid's.