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    1. Dianeva Ends Our Relationship, Hunter Stabbing, Golden Dog Game, 51 Cents, Asian Girl (SDE Day 16)

      by , 08-30-2012 at 02:09 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Dianeva Ends Our Relationship (Non-lucid)


      I can't remember much from this dream, other than the fact that someone who I believe is Dianeva tells me directly that this relationship isn't working out for us.

      I tried to give this some thought, but just couldn't, I can't even remember how I felt........

      *sigh* With the things I've been seeing in my dreams, that could mean anything. I hope it isn't a premonition for the other Alyssa I know of.

      Hunter stabbed someone (Non-lucid)


      Hunter, a person's name in waking life that I knew in middle school, admits to me and two or so people sitting around him criss-cross apple sauce that he stabbed someone with a knife. (He didn't stab them criss-cross apple sauce, and I'm too lazy to change that )

      He has the same curly dirty blonde hair, has a dark colored shirt and khaki pants. He's touching his wrist (I can't remember which side) as he's continuing to talk.
      Golden Dog Game (Non-lucid)


      I'm watching a video game where there's a part that you can play as dog. The dog has a gold-ish kind of fur, but doesn't look like a Golden Retriever at all. There's a "Hard Mode" that you can choose for the dog, but I decided to know do that.

      As if I have any fucking choice, the dream continues to show the dog, and it seems to be one of those third person games where you just hack and slash enemies (sort of).

      The environment in the game was saturated with variants of violet, making night time in it feel a little bit more eerie than it should be. The dog could run pretty fast,
      but I can't remember anything else.
      51 Cents (Non-lucid)


      I'm going to the upper floor of what seems like a mall, and I believe I'm following a group of people as well. The store, or the outlet we're going to resembles a coffee shop in a way. Most of the lighting made the outlet itself have orange and brown hues intertwined, and it seemed this place was pretty active, but not too active with people.

      I remember going up near a jar where one could donate a certain amount of coins that the store would contribute to some organization that helps less fortunate people. I look at the jar, and it's almost full, and this is a BIG jar, it's even wider than my arms if I were to make it into a ring shape. Most of the jar had pennies in it, which explains why it was mostly brown inside the jar.

      I believe I was following an Asian girl and a woman who was probably her grandma. I don't understand why we were following her, but it seemed like a fun idea at the time in the dream I'm presuming. A random employee, who is wearing a green apron and white shirt (can't remember the pants), and has a dark-skinned tone comes near us and I believe is talking with the small Asian girl first.

      He's declaring that the jar is full
      (oh really now?) and starts professing some things I forgot about. Whatever he was saying, after he was done talking, he decides to give everyone 51 cents. I literally see this guy take out two quarters and one penny. I have my hand out, and he gives me mine, and I'm wondering what's the point in giving us 51 cents. I look to my left, and I remember seeing another Asian girl with me as well.

      She's wearing a small pink sweater that had some buttons on it, and she only buttoned the middle portion of it so that the top and bottom section would form an hourglass shape. She's wearing a white shirt as well, along with light khaki long pants. She resembles an Asian girl who was in my Communication Applications (Comm App) class in High School when I was a senior.

      She has some mascara around her eyes, a round, plump, and pale face, but the contrasts with the mascara and the light clothing (even though darker colors would make her more prominent) was enough for you to focus on her visage instead. She also puts on a puzzled visage like most of us are doing, and is wondering why she's getting 51 cents as well. She looks to the left and then to the right.

      The employee goes back to do his job, I think, or just disappears completely. I go back to following this random group of people, and it honestly feels like I'm putting blind faith in following these people, because all I see with my peripheral vision are dull colors and random white light shining around here and there. I have no understanding of where I'm going.

      That's all I remember for that one, I had a crappy night......it's hard trying to sleep early.
      Asian girl in Pink (Non-lucid)


      The doorbell is ringing, and I'm in a different room that has the door closed. My senses spike up a little bit, and I realize I'm half-naked, and I really need to find a shirt. I wanted to wait inside the room with the door closed to hear what's going on other side. One.....two...three....at least three people are coming in, and I feel like it's inevitable that I have to greet myself to them.

      Seems my father is in the other room with the people, and he calls out my name. Then calls it again, and I tell him that I'm coming. I grab a shirt, though I can't remember what color it was. I open the door a little slow, and the first person I see is that same Asian girl I met in the "51 Cents" dream above. She's wearing a pink outfit, though this time, it seems she has buttoned it a little more so that her breasts covered with the same white shirt would be tugged from the gap that section buttoned created.

      Not sure if she's doing that so I look at her breasts more...

      She's resting on a white and comfy sofa that looks very fluffy, but not feathery fluffy
      (sorry, my descriptions are equivalent of a 3rd grader in the morning).

      She looks at me, though not on my eyes, just my chest. She gazes on my chest for a while until I get really close to her. I spread my arms out to try and hug her, but she's still sitting on the sofa, so I have to bend down and hug her while she hugs me as well. I didn't ask her name, and I greeted myself to other people.

      However, the Asian girl was all that I was interested in this dream, so my recall of the other people is horrible. I honestly thought I was shaking hands with random shadow figures or something like that.

      Sometimes I wonder if the Asian girl from the previous dream was her child self, and then the one to the left of me that looked puzzled in the previous dream was her present teenage/young adult self.

      Interesting....but will only be just a counterpart to the waking life version. I can't really grasp anything from this dream, or the previous "51 Cents" dream.

      Updated 08-30-2012 at 05:07 PM by 47756
