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    1. Matched guy update / fragment.

      by , 05-01-2011 at 09:51 PM
      So for those who read the DJ before this one regarding me and the guy I found on an online dating site... dinner went AMAZINGLY well so I'm hoping this guy is a keeper. <3 AND when I got home from the date last night I had a dream about him AGAIN! My subconscious is working in mysterious ways lately haha.

      It's only a fragment that I can remember because I didn't get much sleep last night. (Keep your mind out of the gutter, fools, I got home and tried to sleep in my own bed alone, haha.) The fragment was... the best way of describing it was a giant gridded chart of my life? I remember cubes stacked up in a grid form with moving pictures of moments that happened at the date I just had, some generic moments that I made up like seeing both of us smiling on one cube or our hands holding, stuff like that. The cubes were turning every once in while, but all of the sides of the cube had the same moving picture on all sides. I remember seeing the matched guy standing on top of one of the cubes with his hands in his pockets... and... I woke up. I'm all "DAMMIT" haha.

      Those who wanna interpret what that means go right ahead, but I'm stumped... maybe it was about how my subconscious thinks I'm gonna have some awesome moments with him in the future? Or was it just my subconscious arranging memories for me in this cube affect just because I was running on lack of sleep...? This fragment I remember only lasted about an hour, so not much to go on.

      TA DA

      Updated 05-02-2011 at 07:53 AM by 43638

      dream fragment