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    1. Drive Into the Tornado

      by , 10-28-2012 at 01:49 AM

      Generally hanging out with dad. At least one thing I know of the dream is that we had finally sat down and watched an anime (not sure which one), and I remember noting to him that, yes, even that one (something like "Dual!") had martial arts in it. "It's [part of] their culture." I said. After an interruption, I added "Like the British "Stiff Upper Lip".

      Later, during a nap:

      Sort of hired-on-the-spot by a gas station owner/manager to help him out refitting a new location. He, I, and his young (~8 y.) daughter hop in a van and head off to the location, but on the way the van starts to rock. "Mmm... it's a tornado." I say, and the guy is hesitant, but doesn't think so. Makes sense, because it was a totally clear day.
      Right then, up ahead, we see rotation and I say "Yeah, it's a tornado." Before he (seemingly) had time to stop the vehicle, the tornado formed completely and twirled around until the bottom of it was parallel with the road, and... we... drove into the tornado.
      It immediately picked the van up off the ground. We spun around a fair deal for about ten seconds before slowly dropping and then landing with a bump.
      Not shaken, we all promptly continued to drive to the location, which looked like a blown-out 1800's-style warehouse. Actually, it looked older, like 1700's and with large window-spaces, and it was three stories tall. It was only about a thousand feet from where we landed, so when we got there the tornado was still around. It doubled back and headed for us, and I told everybody to hold on to a beam we were standing next to. For some reason (or lack thereof) we were all on the ground at this point.
      The tornado actually entered the hollow, be-windowed building after hesitating at the large entrance at one end. We all held on as it writhed and moved and shuddered like a dying snake in the smaller area. (This actually made sense, because a tornado would have no effective amount of wind-power backing it up inside a building. Even one as blow-out as the one in my dream would be a massive detriment to it.
      When it finally dissipates, we get up and head back outside to meet the rest of the people who came to help out do... what ever it was we were going to do to this building. And my uncle C_____ is there (and overweight??), and he tells me where to find some tools.

      And I wake up.