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    1. November whole.. I slacked, had a few dreams and a lucid(well a tiny one)

      by , 01-06-2011 at 01:12 AM
      Dream 1 date: unknown along with the others- in a bayou- like area that is apparently an amusement park, the dirt(or land) reminded of wood chips(due to the shade of brown they were) but they looked like wet wood chips. trees such as willows hung over the swampy area as I believe i arrived. I walked in and saw to murky water sections, on shallow one deep, I also saw tables to eat on in one area. I decided to go over to the deep water area and check it out. someone threw a airplane(white and red one) over the water and it came falling down in a deep spot of the water. this section of the amusement park was the creepy critter area, containing bugs of all sizes. I decided to go over to the shallow area. The shallow area contained crocodiles I beleive and my friends in my lunch group were in this area, ryan widdis, tommy and mike. ryan and tommy swam out quick but mike was having trouble and being followed by a swift crocodile, something soon came over me... I was dreaming I ran into the water which i don't remember feeling and mike just got away from the tiny crocodile that was about to attack. the crocodile seemed frustrated and opened its mouth in front of me, but it didnt open wide enough (thats what she said) I thrust my left leg up and came speeding down............. but i never hit the crocodile and kicked my dog that was on my bed instead on mistake. whoops. my dog was okay by the way.

      Dream 2: asked brett to play Today by kota hoshino on our comp. in the living room. it played perfectly.

      Dream 3: Yacht club. I crashed a yacht by resort, not much damage done though. I had a third person perspective on it all though.