Getting back into the swing of practice. Re-reading Holecek from the beginning. Had a nice lucid walk today. Noticed a number of things that had changed (areas of the park now fenced off, a pier missing from the river). Doing peg mnemonics for remembering certain moments (did 1-gun: guy sitting on a stump, 2-shoe red haired woman with curly hair, 3-tree a pharmacy sign next to a tree, so far today). Trying to have a lot of "just two breaths" heightened awareness moments to get back into the swing of self-awareness and mindfulness. Sleep patterns remain a challenge: I like reading about and working on other hobby stuff late into the night. How'd I get here? By what path? A PM target of "every time I see a taxi" that I did a few days ago is still with me strongly and triggered a few times today already.

Dreams not coming back in intensity/vividness/length that I would desire yet. Probably mostly to do with terrible, highly variable sleep schedule. I've started voice recording in the morning, need to voice record at night and get a mini-WBTB along with it.

Had some pretty vivid moments last night, actually. A longer storyline based on intrigues at work. Some freaky eyes staring at me from another apartment's window across the way earlier in the night. I gave them the finger until they went away! haha. The memory of the experiences is fairly clear, but my presence and "solidity" in the moment in the dreams felt weaker than I'd like.

Going to start incubating some TOTM tasks probably. That always has helped in the past.

I plan LD reading and meditation before bed. Going to make it a regular thing.

Gained some weight back from last year's successful fitness program. It's gotten out of hand. Started the diet portion again today. Calorie tracking, and soon back to the gym. Hungry already .