Well, here's a thought that sent me for a loop: Why bother?
Lucidity may be such an experience (or so I've heard), and it may redeem up to a third of the time I am alive (that is, the time I am asleep)...
is it anything more than me trying to have a more interesting life?
WAIT A SECOND! What if my life is already interesting?
Okay, let me rant about me for a minute while I make a list of reasons my life isn't boring [skip if you don't want to hear me being vain]:
I'm getting a full ride to college, going into music; I've already got something like three full albums of music to be recorded; I have REALLY good and true friends, some of them even want to marry me when I get out of college; I'm healthy, wealthy, and wise (thank you, Ben Franklin); I know how to do loads of great stuff like building design, electronic repair, mechanics, and pyrotechnics; I'm naturally creative, observant, and friendly; and I'm apparently telepathic with one of the aforementioned friends. [Don't bash that, please. I don't want to get in an argument over that.]

So, with all that going for me... WHY would I bother to spend time training to be lucid when I can just sing in a rock concert if I want to have a great time?

Why? Why do I bother? I've been gifted so much (by God or by luck, you can call that either way), so why am I bothering to work toward lucidity?

Why do I bother?
